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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Here's what he said. To answer the question, yes, you could. We probably don't want that though. That would mean that all chunks with a portal would have to be loaded at all times, for all players. And a sole chunk may not even be possible to load on an individual basis, so it may have to load all the chunks that all the other players are. I think the portals manager needs refactored to be more in line with the FireManager, and allow distribution through that way *** ...so I translate that as "he will rewrite it at some point".
  2. Neat. I suspect I know why but I'll test later.
  3. You can set them not to cause fires, yes. Unzip score into your mods folder, done.
  4. That's part of my fire mod, but you're welcome to strip it out. I've purposely made separate unity3d files for the fire mod so people can gank what they want.
  5. Dunno about ul but glisp has been working on an entity groups xml, I'll update the mod when he's finished.
  6. Aren't those already in the game?
  7. Thanks; I'm refactoring that whole bit soon(tm), hopefully it resolves your issue.
  8. I've the build for the lumberjack, but the make up skills only for the OLD lumberjack. So, party girl it is. 😃
  9. Plane tickets from Houston - $500 Hotel stay in San Diego - $500 Daily ticket - $129 ...plus food and whatever. Now, if the pimps wanted to pay my way... 😃
  10. Hm, can you paste a screenshot of your portal, so I can kinda reproduce it here and try it out?
  11. In any scenario or just specific ones? I know there used to be code when the entities were on terrain blocks, but this isn't behavior I've yet seen.
  12. Try giving a little more space *above* the portal.
  13. Yeh they're called "chunk observers" and portals are already set up to be those. I'll forward your post to sphereii to see if he has any commentary. Hm.
  14. The version in that log file isn't the same as the one on his GitHub.
  15. You don't have the latest version of score. Please re read the install instructions. You need to get and maintain the latest version of score and my mod.
  16. Go to this folder and upload the log from it... %AppData%\7DaysToDie\logs
  17. Well I had initially forgotten to set up unity from gamma lighting to linear, so they were super ugly. I've since fixed that and now they're tolerable. Nurse, Alma and Lucy are my favorites.
  18. Can you provide your game log?
  19. Don't know what you mean. What are you seeing or not seeing?
  20. I've been made aware of an issue with the burnt vulture on spikes, looking for a solution now.
  21. That's not supposed to happen anymore. You've updated to the latest sCore?
  22. I apologize, I definitely wasn't trying to minimalize "casuals", my point was to express that they represent the vast majority of players, so all this moaning about making the game harder is NOT in the best interest of tfp.
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