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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Yes. Have a look over here: https://7daystodiemods.com/

    Ew.  Just ew.


    ...you linked a site that simply parses the forum *we are actually on* and does it so slow that it creates support issues because people are not getting updated mod info.


    Ignore him new guy.  


    Check the Mods section here. 


    ...and if you stumble across Nexus then be forewarned that their mod installer (vortex) can break mods, so install all mods manually.


    Or use Sphereii's mod launcher.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I suppose switching to a new modular system for zombie models would entail a complete rework also of the animation system?

    Naw, you bake all of the variants into the animation then just turn the meshes on and off at spawn.


    So I'd take a base zombie, give it a pink jacket.  Then I'd add a blue jacket.  I'd rig it with both on.


    During spawn, I'd decide to show no jacket, the pink one, or the blue one.


    ...this is the method I use.


    There's probably a *much* better method I'm simply not aware of. 


    ...but since I'm using the same mesh for the jackets, it's just the texture that gets added.


    Can probably do some cool shader stuff in code on the jacket to achieve the same effect without the extra textures. 

  3. On 9/28/2022 at 3:53 PM, Code_Ovrld said:


    Dang bro and I was going to play your mods.

    Look, I get and even appreciate that you aren't acting too entitled, and that your request is very politely made, but we as a people have to stop perpetuating this idea that everyone must be catered to and the English language should be butchered to accommodate x group of people that isn't even asking for it.


    Hell we can't even use the word "@%$#" anymore in the *bread* industry.  Where it has a legitimate use!  We can't describe people anymore, we can't refer to biology.  All in the name of what?


    It's just getting ridiculous.  In this fevered attempt to make everyone feel better all we are doing is removing literal history and self actualizing our worst parts of humanity by pretending it doesn't exist through literal censorship.


    Instead, we should be learning and embracing our worst parts so that we can face the reality of it, instead of making it some abstract construct with no real definitions because we aren't allowed to use words anymore. 


    Omg.  Did the forum filter just remove a reference to a word that means "to slow down the growth of"?


    ...this is exactly what I mean. 

  4. ... literally every race on the planet has been enslaved by some other race, so literally no one should be "more" offended than the next.  


    It is ridiculous to hide that fact by removing words that hurt someone's feelings ... correction, that someone SAYS hurts someone's feelings.


    Words have meanings.  Hell "code overlord" might as well say "code master".  The connotation to slavery is much stronger with "overlord" than it is "master". 


    Ponder that.

  5. It's using tfp animations, so may be a controller issue but it isn't something I've personally experienced, however I didn't play with these much; I had several requests to update them so I did.  


    Unfortunately I'm fixing to be busy for a few months and can't dive deeper. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    git is a versioning system that had its main thread called "master" as default. But they recently changed that because the old term was implicated as a reminder of slavery. Now the poster seems to see some uses of the term "master" somewhere in or around TFPs xml, or maybe in the versioning inside the steam data base(?).


    This.  It's some PC bs.


    Seems the English language is getting the same treatment as the game... Dumbing down. 😉



  7. 4 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

    @Guppycur, Bro, tried to find details on Guppy's reapers in mods but not been able to find it anywhere. Can you please tell us something including photograph/Screenshots. Thanks.


    Oh, ha, I guess I didn't really put anything out there.  Um, here's an old test video I did on them, but the final version has better sounds and whatnot.  This is the Boss one, the normal one doesn't have the fire crown.  I don't think this video has all of the particles I used either.





    ...but basically it's something I whipped up, I think Not Medieval Mod is using them.

  8. 6 hours ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    I just literally did say you can use LODs, how do you think GTA IV handles most of its characters? 🤦‍♂️ Even game from 2008 has this as a feature, so why not here?

    And same goes for textures, you can game on 50 different textures with over 2k res with good mipmap streaming bias settings with reasonable memory usage (like ~1 gig ram usage)

    I haven't seen many vanilla models that don't use lod's.

  9. Here's what he said.


    To answer the question, yes, you could. We probably don't want that though. That would mean that all chunks with a portal would have to be loaded at all times, for all players.

    And a sole chunk may not even be possible to load on an individual basis, so it may have to load all the chunks that all the other players are.

    I think the portals manager needs refactored to be more in line with the FireManager, and allow distribution through that way



    ...so I translate that as "he will rewrite it at some point". 

  10. 59 minutes ago, vonerich said:

    Just an fyi Gup, the fire chickens can walk right through electric fences without getting zapped.

    Neat.  I suspect I know why but I'll test later.

  11. 6 hours ago, B2M8NUS said:

    Except them not cause fire Like choice not to make them cause fire

    I meant

    You can set them not to cause fires, yes.

    3 hours ago, KIEdekka said:

    ok, so I did a clean install, verified file integrity, used the mod loader to install some of spherel's mods, and then install your fire mod, and still, nothing works. Am I an idiot? (probably) can someone please tell me how to install sCore

    Unzip score into your mods folder, done.

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