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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. 3 hours ago, Roland said:

    I wonder if they could do it simply by having a percent chance that ingredients combined will result in a regular bowl of meat stew and a percent chance that ingredients combined would result in Special Meat Stew. So no new recipes but some new versions of the dishes. You could even have Awful [Dish], Regular [Dish], and Special [Dish] for all the current dishes that can be cooked and the Master Chef perk could change the percent chance for each. Unperked maybe 45%  50% 5% and then with each rank shrink the the Awful dish chance and increase the regular and special dish chance.  Just spitballing... not sure if a crafting recipe can even be made to lead to three different possible outcomes.


    I like it.  Make it so. 

  2. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Thanks. I infer from this that blocks actually have a variable byte size, didn't know that.


    Concerning the flow through: Whether a block shape has that bit set should be shown by background color in the shape UI !! For water and for shooting through.


    Builders need to know bullet and to a lesser extent water permeability. And now that we have thousands of blocks shapes nobody knows anymore.


    Good idea, but it would be ugly.  How about it uses that different icon atlas only in the prefab editor. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Howlune said:

    You have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear someone higher up admit to tier 6 being way too common is a problem. It absolutely cuts down the potential play time of the game. When you have the best of everything you lose reasons to keep looking. Same goes for things like airdrops giving 500 steel blocks haha. I get some things are for accessibility or simplicity, but drop rates are entirely separate from that. Things need to feel special to trigger that dopamine reponse.

    Woah.  Don't be giving Roland a big head by calling him "Higher Up".  According to a recent video, he's already got an ego.


    (which I find truly hysterical; I've interacted with Roland for years on a few levels and I find him incredibly down to Earth).

  4. 2 hours ago, Roland said:

    Well, it only exists in my brain as an example of the type of things Joel is thinking of for “legendary” items. But when he starts adding such things I’ll be sure to mention 0l’ Sodbuster!

    No, you don't understand.  Gam is autistic and NEEDS to wage a war on grass.  It's that or he cries while awake... something about "you shot me" or something, I don't recall. 😃

  5. 2022-11-02T08:37:33 105.720 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed
    2022-11-02T08:37:33 105.722 EXC Class 'ClockDMT, SCore' not found on block WorkingClockWL!
      at BlocksFromXml.ParseBlock (System.Boolean _bEditMode, System.Xml.XmlElement elementBlock) [0x001c4] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0 
      at BlocksFromXml+<CreateBlocks>d__0.MoveNext () [0x000fc] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0 
      at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0 



    Loaded Mod: 0-SCore (


    current version of sCore is

  6. 17 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

    You have a little strange logic.There are three ways to get items in the game: find, buy, craft.To find an item, you need to loot, to buy an item, you need to loot, sell what you don't need and buy what you need.To craft an item, you need to loot to find the right details.All three ways of obtaining items imply looting.Therefore, the player has the right to buy or craft an item no worse than he can find.The risk is the same in all cases.On the contrary, I am in favor of the fact that the player, with a certain development of perks, could craft all items, including solar panels and elements, as well as items of the 6th shooting gallery.Without this, crafting cannot be considered complete.
    But in order for everything to be in balance, a system of specializations is needed.If a player becomes a nerd, he will be weak in battle.If this is a strong fighter, he will not be able to craft anything better than stone tools.And now players simply increase the characteristics of strength and intelligence and get everything at once.This is not right.There is no sense in other characteristics now at all.

    Try once not to use strength and intelligence in your survival.The game will open up for you from a completely different side.

    I agree with BDub.  It makes no sense that with a @%$#ty workbench I can make something as good as a factory quality item, despite any perks into it.


    My take would be lvl 1-4, craftable.  lvl 5 non existent.  lvl 6 lootable only.  


    The lvl 4's would be "good enough", and the lvl 6's would be rare finds that encourage exploration and looting, without requiring some stupid perk, and they would be from "the old world" which is just inherently better than anything made "today", because it has factory precision and better material quality.


    ...you'd be able to play just fine with lvl 4 gear, but lvl 6 would just excite you and make you work harder not to die, thus encouraging all forms of gameplay.

    3 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

    I agree with BDub.  It makes no sense that with a @%$#ty workbench I can make something as good as a factory quality item, despite any perks into it.


    My take would be lvl 1-4, craftable.  lvl 5 non existent.  lvl 6 lootable only.  


    The lvl 4's would be "good enough", and the lvl 6's would be rare finds that encourage exploration and looting, without requiring some stupid perk, and they would be from "the old world" which is just inherently better than anything made "today", because it has factory precision and better material quality.


    ...you'd be able to play just fine with lvl 4 gear, but lvl 6 would just excite you and make you work harder not to die, thus encouraging all forms of gameplay.




    Oh, and being able to repair lvl 6 items would go away as well.  They'd last a lot longer, but none of this duct tape to repair BS.

  7. That would be intentional.  They do acid, not fire.


    You can edit their item hand to make them cause fires though, but ultimately I plan to have a better acid system for them using the fire manager. 

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