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Posts posted by Robeloto

  1. 12 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    Im glad you like the influx of new ideas however when i talk about the giant stick figures from the long obsolete SE the giants death noises were the coolest with how dramatic i remember them being but giants in movies that usually have extremely low pitched lion sounding roars were pretty cool so hopefully these give you some influence.


    Sound effect - Giant roar

    What do you think about this one?

  2. 9 hours ago, al3xx said:

    Zonbie dont work on server,also get error for zombiecotrolor,heimlot and wen you spawn manualy dont see it is like invisible and all players get redscreen and block the game


    That is weird. I have not gotten any errors. Do you use the newest version?

  3. Upcoming update

    • Reworked Entitygroups to make it smaller size.

    •  Lowered chance for harder zombies to appear. Harder zombies can still appear in early game and that is because they are in groups without gamestages. Without them there, my zombies would probably not be around so much on the outside. I have almost removed fireboss, gunner and RPG from the wanderinghordestages. They are just too strong.


    • FireElf has only 42 arrows in his magazine now instead of 60.
    • Some zombies have now increased HP.

    • Any Giant will have a chance to get you a concussion and knockdown chance is increased.

    • The new mutated Giant has a different new sound now.

    • Anesthesias melee has decreased chance to make you drugged

    • AquaZeds melee has decreased chance to make you drowning.

    • AquaZeds vomit is now slower.
    • Blazingmans vomit ammo reduced. Less burst.

    • Shockers vomit ammo reduced. Less burst.

    • RPGs rockets fires a bit faster and have a higher lifetime. (vomit will not disappear too fast, not sure if this can be CPU-heavy, let me know)

    • RadRobots HP reduced, but vomit fires around him. New robot sounds.


    NerfThemAll - has gone through a heavy rework.


      No surface ores, except in wasteland and snow with extremely low probability.
      Traders can't show you the way to the next trader.

      Loot is reworked.

      Quest rewards are nerfed.


    For example - In Quest.xml


    <!-- Find the Trader without the starter quest -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival8']/reward[@id='quest_whiteRiverCitizen1']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_whiteRiverCitizen1']" />
    <!-- The Trader cannot show you the way to the next trader  -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']" />
    <!--Tier 1 Quest Reward - Removing Bicycle, Wrench, Forge, etc -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestBicycle']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestWrench']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestForge']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestFarmPlotsT1']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestT0HeavyArmor']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestHelmetLightSchematic']" />
    <!-- Tier 1 Quest reward - Adding Bicycle parts   -->
    <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']">
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestBicycleParts" ischosen="true" value="2"/>
    <!-- Tier 2 Quest reward - Removing Workbench and FarmplotsT2 -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier2complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestWorkbench']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier2complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestFarmPlotsT2']" />
    <!-- Tier 2 Quest reward - Adding FarmplotsT1, HeavyArmor and HelmetLightSchematic  -->
    <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier2complete']">
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestFarmPlotsT1" ischosen="true" value="2"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestT0HeavyArmor" ischosen="true" value="2"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestHelmetLightSchematic" ischosen="true" value="2"/>
    <!-- Tier 3 Quest reward - Removing FarmPlotsT3,DartTrap,GeneratorBank,Chemistrystation etc  -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestMotorcycleParts']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestFarmPlotsT3']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestDartTrap']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestGeneratorBank']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestChemistryStation']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestSecuritySystem']" />
    <!-- Tier 3 Quest reward - Adding FarmplotsT2,   -->
    <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier3complete']">
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestFarmPlotsT2" ischosen="true" value="3"/>
    <!-- Tier 4 Quest reward - Removing 4x4Parts, BatteryBank, BladeTrap -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier4complete']/reward[@id='groupQuest4x4Parts']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier4complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestBatteryBank']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier4complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestBladeTrap']" />
    <!-- Tier 4 Quest reward - Adding MCparts, FarmPlotsT3, DartTrap   -->
    <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier4complete']">
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMotorcycleParts" ischosen="true" value="4"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestFarmPlotsT3" ischosen="true" value="3"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestDartTrap" ischosen="true" value="3"/>
    <!-- Tier 5 Quest reward - Removing GyrocopterParts, SolarBank, Turrets, ForgedSteel and LegendaryFirearms  -->
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestGyrocopterParts']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestSolarBank']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestShotgunTurret']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestAutoTurret']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestForgedSteel']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']/reward[@id='groupQuestT3LegendaryFirearms']" />
    <!-- Tier 5 Quest reward - Adding 4x4 Parts, BladeTrap and GeneratorBank  -->
    <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_tier5complete']">
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuest4x4Parts" ischosen="true" value="5"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestBladeTrap" ischosen="true" value="4"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestGeneratorBank" ischosen="true" value="4"/>


  4. 22 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    oh man im excited to try out the new mutated giant excellent job with the new stuff.


    Thank you! I am gonna upload a video of the new Giant when I am done with everything. I actually did not do much today or should I say yesterday lol. I was playing 7 days to die with my sister the whole day/night. It has become one of her favorite games now. In the beginning she did not appreciate my mods, but after she has been playing the vanilla for a while she has changed her opinion a bit. ^^ I noticed many of my zombies are very easy and this is when I hit level 10. I may buff most of them up a tiny bit. Well not everyone, but atleast the bosses.


    7 hours ago, AndrewT said:



    Ahoy again robeloto heres two weapon mods i use cause there a great help at taking down the tougher zombies your mod adds I'd like for you to check these mods out since its adds an M60 chambered in 7.92x57mm MAUSER and since I know how to edit codes I jacked up the 7.92 M60's fire rate to 1200 just like the MG42 has in real life and its a real giant killer but I cant wait to test them out against the mutated giant snufkin's weapons adds a railgun which I just crafted one in my current playthrough and I cant wait to test it against the giants.


    I found a waisteland where the giants are common but im currently building a road with cobblestone so i can drive my truck there rather than flying my slow as hell gyrocopter since theres a large hill in my way. but that aint gonna stop me from killing giants with a railgun.


    Also the fe fy fo fum is a nice sound as its a tribute to the classic stories from the old giants legends particularly the old story of jack the giant killer when he kills a 2 headed giant where the fe fy fo fum originated but i actually know some other games with giants that have some pretty cool sounds mostly loud roars or groans if your interested.

    I am gonna check these out!

    About the fe fy fo fum. Yes, I took it from that story :) I am so glad you liked it.

    Maybe I am gonna do new sounds for the new mutated Giant.

    Thanks for your input!



    On 12/10/2021 at 7:28 PM, JaxTeller718 said:

    Holy SH@#


    Your Nerf Them All Modlet is so freaking amazing. So much work put in, it could be its own overhaul. I can not live without this. Bravo! Not many make modlets to increase difficulty this touches EVERY area. As Ravenhearst dev who gets told his mod is @%$#e because its too hard I 100 percent approve! lol


    Throwing this into my vanilla game now so wifey can curse me out lol

    Hey Jax!

    What do you think about the new trader rewards? Or I dunno if they are new, but atleast for me lol.


    I was surprised I got a bike and wrench so fast.
    In the first trader reward quest you can choose a whole bicycle, wrench, helmet+light etc.

    It kinda needs to be nerfed in nerfthemall, dont you think? Maybe not a whole bicycle. But atleast some parts. Or I will make it so you get them in the later quests.

    Also, this is the mods of yours I love to use.



    These are so awesome! Many of them inspired me to make a mod that makes it harder to reach endgame. Can't give you credit enough, but I will make sure to write your name in the comments and in the mod. Without you, maybe I wouldn't even have made the nerfthemall mod.

  5. 3 hours ago, Robeloto said:

    In nerf them all I tried adding a localization.txt, but seems it won't alter the original, as I still can see the original text when I check inside the game.

    It is the master chef perk info from 1 to 5. These were changed in nerf them all, so you can't for example make tea or grilled meat in masterchefperk stage 1, but in stage 2. As this can be confusing without any text explaining this. I added it inside the localization, but as I said, it seems to not alter the original.






    I fixed this. It was just a typo. :) I don't even needed the use of localization.txt. I only needed the progression.xml. This is new to me. First I used it to point to my custom description that was in the localization.txt, but it didn't work out. Instead of pointing it to 'perkMasterChefRank1LongDescCustom', it changed the info on the description to that name.


    So then I did it like this:


    <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMasterChef']/effect_group/effect_description[@long_desc_key='perkMasterChefRank1LongDesc']/@long_desc_key">Cooking is not your thing but you know some basics. Unlocks basic recipes such as bacon and eggs, baked potatoes and cornbread. Cook 10% faster</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMasterChef']/effect_group/effect_description[@long_desc_key='perkMasterChefRank2LongDesc']/@long_desc_key">Cooking is still not your thing but you know all the basics now. Unlocks Boiled and Grilled meat, Coffee and Teas. Cook 20% faster</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMasterChef']/effect_group/effect_description[@long_desc_key='perkMasterChefRank3LongDesc']/@long_desc_key">Just like grandma used to make, tasty hearty meals that fill you up for days.Craft steak and potatoes, meat stew, vegetable stew, blueberry pie and several pumpkin dishes. Cook 30% faster.</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMasterChef']/effect_group/effect_description[@long_desc_key='perkMasterChefRank4LongDesc']/@long_desc_key">Cook for the whole family by making Sham Chowder, Hobo Stew, FishTacos, Chilidog, smoothies and beer. Cook 40% faster. Use 20% less of a recipe's main ingredients</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkMasterChef']/effect_group/effect_description[@long_desc_key='perkMasterChefRank5LongDesc']/@long_desc_key">Cook for an army by making GumboStew, ShepardsPie, Spaghetti, TunafishGravyToast and Grandpa's ass kicking recipes.Learn grandpa's secret recipes that boost stats and attributes! Cook 50% faster.</set>


  6. I have made some changes to my mods, but I am not gonna update it tonight. It will be tomorrow hopefully!

    Upcoming changes:


    More stackables with StackmoreItems_XL, I noticed boiledwater was edited out in the xml. That is fixed now.

    In nerf them all I tried adding a localization.txt, but seems it won't alter the original, as I still can see the original text when I check inside the game.

    It is the master chef perk info from 1 to 5. These were changed in nerf them all, so you can't for example make tea or grilled meat in masterchefperk stage 1, but in stage 2. As this can be confusing without any text explaining this. I added it inside the localization, but as I said, it seems to not alter the original. I need to do some edits to make it work better with A20, cant promise I will make them all by tomorrow, but I will try.


    in my zombies I added a mutated Giant, he is slow, but very strong. Will not appear before gamestage 3000. This is end game material. I also lowered health points on the robot and I altered his puke so it will spread more. I have made a lot of changes in the entitygroups. Added zombieRPG to more zombiegroups. I used InsertAfter to reduce the size of my entitygroups.xml. For example:


    <!-- *InsertAfter* -->
    <!-- Arch0n-->
    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='zombieGe1st']">
    <entity name="zombieArch0n"/>
    <!-- MoePukerFeral-->
    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='zombieMoeFeral']">
    <entity name="zombieMPF"/>
    <!-- Shocker-->
    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='zombieAquaZed']">
    <entity name="zombieShocker"/>
    <!-- DiamondPhoenix-->
    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='animalBurningPhoenix']">
    <entity name="animalDiamondPhoenix"/>

    For insertAfter to work, you need to have the zombies in the first group called 'ZombiesAll'.

    Some sounds in Loud sounds Lowered need to be slightly higher, for example when you sell stuff at the trader.



  7. On 12/24/2021 at 9:58 PM, AndrewT said:

    glad you like the idea and yeah attack on titan is awesome japan really knows their @%$# on fantasy and science fiction. as i said previously since this mod is not focusing on realism that gives us no restrictions on what new zombie ideas we can come up with. but most of the zombies in this mod are actually possible due to the games slowly developing story involving nuclear radiation which will be fully noticed when radiation poisoning is re-added to the waisteland burnt forrest in A21. another request for when you make the titan zombies is a radiated version as well which should only spawn in the wasteland or during hordes cause that makes the most sense while regular titans can be found anywhere. also more good news is my friend whos actually an old friend of mine from high school has given me approval to reveal another special infected zombie which we also have planned for our zombie TV show. now he said he will allow me to disclose the name of this zombie type which is elemental zombies but their abilities will remain classified but in this mode I would like to see earth, fire, water and air zombies fight players with an explosive twist. and merry Christmas to all yall too.

    I agree with you. I have made the mutated giant now and it appears around gamestage 3000+. It has the same sounds as the usual giant, but with much lower pitch.

    On 12/27/2021 at 2:57 AM, Unwishing Death said:

    @Robeloto can you give me permission to use moepuker and moepukerferal for my immersive zombies mod 

    Yes you are allowed. Just make sure to give me some credit. :)

  8. On 12/18/2021 at 9:46 PM, AndrewT said:

    Glad to hear your recovery. as of right now one zombie idea I have is a zombie I like to call the titan zombie pretty much a much tougher giant like a high ranking officer sort of speak and is a zombie me and a friend have planned for our own zombie TV show he will make in his movie career and the only zombie my friend will allow me to share with the public. the titan zombie is a reference to Attack On Titan but the zombies are not insanely large only ranging from 9 to 15 feet in height but they make up for their size with brute strength and toughness. in my friend planned zombie show my character is the one who informs the rest of the main group about these titan zombies as my character witnessed one literally tear his comrades arms clean off killing him in the process. however titan zombies have weakness in their low speed which is less than half the speed of normal zombies due to the added weight, and shotgun slugs or any bigger bullets can easily take them down with headshots but make sure u have some shotgun slugs or even large revolver bullets as .556 bullets from an M16 or 7.62 from an AK47 will not do anything. so... what do ya think? and on a plus note the new feral weight zombie would be the perfect model for the titan zombie.

    I love attack on titan ^^

    I thank you for your ideas and suggestions. I would love to make an insanely large titan that works good. Maybe could make a tiny bit larger than the normal giant. It sucks that I can't make an large archetype titan, cause they have a limit to the size. I am gonna try making one and that would be end game material. Like only show up on higher gamestages.

    I made an bomber zombie. Haven't tried it out much. But the zombie throws/pukes in slowmotion and when they land it will trigger a large explosion. I have some problem with xpath. I am ashamed I cannot figure it out like I usually do.


    Here is the code that won't apply:


    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='zombieExploder']">
    <entity name="zombieBomber" prob="0.06" />

    In entitygroups.xml, I tried without the ' ', but it still won't apply. I have no clue why, but I'm gonna look more into it when I have time.

    and btw... MERRY XMAS EVERYONE! ❄️🎄🎁

  9. On 12/16/2021 at 12:41 AM, Rukminesh said:

    Hello Robeloto,


    Your mod is one of the reasons I'm still interested to playing this game. Just perfectly bring the extra challenge what experienced players are looking for. Ther is a reason to not be ower confident when we enter a POI. Who know what is lurking there. I still could love some more deadly zeds beyond level 200-300 for end game content. Especially when somebody add weapon mods the chance is likely the game balance is shift towards less challenging.


    Just popped up in my head today you have electric zombies, and it could be interesting to bring them out for "recharging" in the storms. Maybe some aquazeds do not mind to join them either.

    Thank you so much for your feedback. I am glad you like it! Yes, I am thinking of bringing up some deadlier zombies at higher gamestages. Maybe bump up some of the existing ones and move them to endgame content. That's a nice idea with having the weather affecting the zombies. I have to think on how I can manage that, maybe with a buff or something...


    On 12/16/2021 at 4:14 AM, AndrewT said:

    glad to keep you motivated to keep up work on this mod it really adds more challenge to the game and unironically most of these zombies might actually make sense in the apocalypse especially when nuclear radiation is involved. anyway i'd like to know what your current list of custom zombie plans for future updates cause the list along with other things can give me influence for my own zombie ideas that you may want to add to your list. let me know if you would like any new ideas. 

    Thanks! Yes I agree! Radiation can make living things mutate and alter its dna. And some of the things/zombies that survived the mutation got some crazy superpowers and the zeds might not even be aware of what they can do. Some got intelligence which is a bit weird, but hey it's just a game and I am not trying to make a realistic mod after all. :)


    I have very few ideas right now. I have been struggling with eye inflammation for some days. I could not sit in front of the screen more than a minute and it started hurting as hell lol. But now my eyes work as they should again!

    If you wanna share some ideas, I would be more than happy!

  10. Small update on custom zombies mod: Version 2.7.8


    Nerfed speed on exploder zombie and some other zombies

    Nerfed Ironman on physical resist
    Removed getting water from HybridPanther
    Anesthesia buff is only 6 seconds long instead of 7

    Adjusted experience from zombies, more exp now!
    Exploder have increased exploder area/entity damage



        <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="8"/>
        <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="2000"/>
        <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="1500"/>


  11. On 12/11/2021 at 10:57 AM, Saput said:

    Where has the download button gone 

    I don't know if it was intentional to remove all downloads for the compopack until they released the compopack for A20. Let us wait and see what they say...

    But if anyone has the latest compopack for A19, I would be very happy. ^^

  12. 6 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

    Holy SH@#


    Your Nerf Them All Modlet is so freaking amazing. So much work put in, it could be its own overhaul. I can not live without this. Bravo! Not many make modlets to increase difficulty this touches EVERY area. As Ravenhearst dev who gets told his mod is @%$#e because its too hard I 100 percent approve! lol


    Throwing this into my vanilla game now so wifey can curse me out lol


    And thanks Jax! I love your modlets as well. I remember I used over 20 of your modlets in A18.  ^^


    3 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    Khain already updated his behemoth mod so I can say the behemoth is the giants leader or something like that. since TFP are taking forever to make an official finalized story we can make our own stories until TFP makes an official story.


    57 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    downloading mod now. cant wait to test everything in A20.


    Oh, you guys! Thank you so much!  This kinda feedback makes me motivated! The update to A20 was just a dirty fix-update and I have not gotten to test it that much. I noticed that Copter Corpse have the vulture shadow visible. If I can't get that removed I might remove this zombie. The spectre zombie is disabled for now, the glass material seems to have changed name or something and that is why it won't work. The giant is just a big lumberjack for now. Going to look into things now in the weekend. Thanks again!

  13. 9 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    Probably because all zombies now have HD models and UMA is in the process of being phased out with TFP expecting to fully phase out UMA in A21 so hopefully their new zombie system they make it easy for modders to upgrade to.

    Yes, they are using HD models now. But some of the new models you can apply materials to. I also hope the new zombie system will make things easier for us modders. I have fixed every zombie now to work with A20. Now I just need to fix the other mods. Hope to be done tonight. :)

  14. 15 hours ago, Fox said:

    Server fps and client fps have no relation or causation at all. You could have 1 fps and the server could still produce 30fps, and you could have a thousand fps client side and only have 1fps on the server.


    So if you're getting fps dips below what is acceptable, then blame the hardware on the client side, not server. Lower some settings and enable fps limiter to 60 to stabilize the fps and frame times. An unstable frame time will cause stutter issues which could make you think it's server related.

    I see. Thanks for the info. Well, hardware on the client side is a RTX 2080 ti,  i7 7700k and 32 GB DDR4 3200 mhz, so I know the hardware is more than enough to handle this game. Maybe there is something else? Maybe bad drivers or the network. Me and my friends gets fps dip at the same time, so that is why we think it is the server.


    15 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    That's a good server fps. Maybe the problem is network.

    Or, maybe the problem is not the server, but the client.


    Alright. Yeah the problem may be network. The server is using wireless network. Maybe will try it wired and see if that will solve anything. I do not think it is the client, but I would not rule it out completely.


    9 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Server FPS isn't a framerate. It's not even remotely related. It has to do with CPU clock cycles, and though it has the same acronym, the meaning is completely different.  Frags Per Second regards the number of command fragments per second that have been put into the queues in the instance.  Some servers like CS:GO want to have this high around 120-160FPS, however other servers like 7 Days are better with it lower. Ideal is 35-40. Above 40 is wasting CPU cycles for the sake of having them. It has no real benefit.  Anything between 25 and 40 is acceptable, and when it starts dropping below 25 you know that the system is a bit loaded. Either the CPU isn't able to keep up with the demands, or there is other load somewhere else. (In one situation recently, it was the number of mods and how they were being loaded into RAM. Compressing the mods resolved the issue.)

    Good to know. I did not know that. ^^

    We started a new world on 8k now and now there were much less lag. But as soon as the zombies increased it became almost unplayable. We all have good PCs and we do not experience this if I run the server on the same PC as I play on. which is a bit frustrating, but when I have more time I am gonna test the rest of the servers hardware and see if every driver is up to date. Also gonna see if A19 is working better. The server runs without mods atm, until I figured out what the problem is.

  15. On 12/2/2021 at 5:14 PM, AndrewT said:

    glad to see this mod still being updated keep up the good work and hopefully you've managed to fully recover from the fire (forgot to say that earlier) although I hope this mod along with many others will be upgraded for Alpha 20 since we now have a confirmed release date. also any images of the new giant?

    Thank you very much :)

     I have been trying to update it yesterday. Thought it was an easy fix, but seems there was many errors. Might be because A20 was a big update. There is many mesh errors as the stripper body seem to be removed and many others. Almost all of the new body meshes can't be applied to materials anymore. If this keeps up all my custom zombies will just look the same as the original ones. =/
    I hope to update this weekend atleast.



  16. 2 hours ago, Sal said:

    I think  you can safely ignore this "error".  I've been getting this too in yellow for years dating back to 16 I think.  To my knowledge it's a unity issue and not something we can fix on our end.

    Oh ok, good to know! ^^

    Well, tried playing now with a friend. As soon as it became 12 or more zombies the fps started dropping. Server fps dropped from 37 to 29. My own fps dropped from 100 to 50 fps. As long it is around 7 zombies only it is pretty stable. Gonna check the SSD tonight for errors, and maybe the RAM if I have time.

  17. 8 hours ago, Fox said:

    I'm also a bit curious as to whether or not your slow ram could be the issue. If memory serves (pun not intended), DDR3 1066MTs is pretty much the bottom feeder ram you see in pre-built systems, and pre-built systems often only have a single stick of ram, losing out on the dual channel benefits. I don't have the slightest clue how hard on ram hosting a dedicated server is (other than the amount of GB it uses), but I think it could be a possibility worth looking into, unless someone else knows something I don't.


    I know from past experience that dedicated servers (with probably any game) isn't CPU intense until you load up with a lot of players... 3 players is pretty much nothing if playing in co-op as the players usually hang out in the same area which is easier on the server. My retired FX-8320 could handle that (and has in the past) and we all know how bad those CPUs were.


    1 hour ago, Sal said:

    I run a dedi for the wife and 2 kids just fine with a similar setup (2700k, 16gb (668mhz), GTX 1660), even with mods and CP prefabs.


    Might get a little lag here and there but nothing game breaking.


    But this is still on 19.5 tho since I haven't converted over to 20 yet either.

    Thanks for your inputs.

    I am getting this error in the server logs.



    ERROR: Shader Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘PF/Standard’ - Setting to default shader.

    I tried installing the Microsoft visual C Redistributables 2022  x64. I tried running the server on an 8k map and I get much less lag. However I am the only player so haven't tested it out with more players yet.

    I am also still getting the error in the server logs. Maybe a reinstall of the dedicated server might fix it. Gonna try atleast...

  18. 59 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Check your drive speed and SMART statistics. Kingstons are already slow, and get abysmally slow as they age. I just recently had to throw out a full array that was only two years old. 

    Im gonna check it. I bought it just a few days ago. Should be working

    21 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    I'd switch to 8k


    Server fps not game fps. From your server log. Should be roughly 20-35 fps.

    My bad, gonna check that up and see. 

  19. 24 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    What size world? HDD? What were the server fps from the server log?

    I ran test worlds on similar hardware with 5 players without issues.


    13 minutes ago, Fox said:

    Maybe the dedicated server files need updating for the new A20 build... but the 2600k should be more than capable of hosting the game. I do hope you're running it off of an SSD though, as that might cause lag.


    6 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    IMHO, it's on the low-end, but should be just fine for the supported player count.  Recommended to have an SSD for sure though.

    World size: 10240

    Newest dedicated build a20 exp

    On a new Kingston SSD 500gb


    Fps : 120 but stutters and drops to 70.


  20. I wiped the dust off my old PC and wanted to try using it as a dedicated server only.


    16GB DDR3 1066mhz
    GTX 680 2GB

    We were 3 players on this server. We just tried without using any mods and on A20 experimental. I noticed lags immediately, especially when there were more zombies. Only 3 zombies made it lag terribly. Opening and closing containers lagged. I know this game is very heavy on the CPU. But I remember playing Alpha16 without any troubles. Dedicated server + played at the same time.  I guess it is not enough anymore? Anyone else tried similiar setups without lags?

    First I thought it was something else that was wrong. So I tried using my i7 7700k as dedicated server and playing at the same time. No lags what so ever.

    Oh well, seems my old PC is gonna go back to collecting dust again. Or maybe I will just throw it away lol.

    Well time to change the topic as it seems it was my newer PC that was the source of the lag and not the old one.


  21. On 11/3/2021 at 1:58 PM, arramus said:

    I played on a server about 9 months ago which was running both your collection and the Snufkins. In fact, the server owner had gone even further and added some more varieties on top. There were 3 types of Archon in the server and all manner of other beasts. It was the most sophisticated server I have played on for entities, custom Prefabs, and overall setup and the only slowdown was due to the high amount of players and a very high spawn rate.

    Based on this server, I felt quite confident that merging the Snufkins and Elites into one would be fine and it was. Even adding the enZombies which in earlier versions appended onto default individual entities rather than groups worked very well for a Horde Night. ErrorNull, the enZombies creator, used a method which 7 Days could use efficiently without any noticeable issues. It was a pleasant surprise. Just those separate stand alone entity groups seemed to cause the lockups. I hope your tests show some decent results.

    That is interesting. Thanks for the information arramus!

    On 11/3/2021 at 11:35 PM, AndrewT said:

    glad to hear that hope things work well.


    Thanks ^^

    On 11/6/2021 at 5:05 AM, Gouki said:



    Hi Robeloto


    I hope everything goes well in your life, things are only material, the important thing is that you are well and move on.

    Changing the subject, I think zombie # 3 should be the zombie freezer, # 1 would be like a demon or an evil genie and # 2 would be some survivor trapped in a cave or near a lake, I don't know, that's what that I would like, but I leave that to your choice.


    Thank you very much for the feedback! :)

    On 11/11/2021 at 2:51 AM, melvil6300 said:

    Thank you for your nice mod. However, with this mod update, the mod has become very unstable.
    (Custom Zombies XML version 2.7.4)
    I'm confused by the frequent errors that start with "Filename: <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084> Line: 0"

    -----like this-----

    2021-11-11T09:43:52 178.313 INF 144.7332 SleeperVolume -2810, 49, -1982. Restoring at -2793, 49, -1975 'zombieSteveCrawler', count 47
    2021-11-11T09:43:52 178.410 INF 144.8217 SleeperVolume -2810, 49, -1982. Spawning at -2799, 52, -1969, group 'sleeperHordeStageGS198', class zombieNurse, count 47
    2021-11-11T09:43:53 179.616 INF Executing command 'sayplayer "ハチポン" "Welcome ハチポン to our 7D2D RAT Server Manager Enabled Server!  Get it at www.jffgaming.com!"' by Telnet from
    2021-11-11T09:43:53 179.668 INF Executing command 'bc-lp /json /tag=RAT-BC-RATLP /strpos /1l /online /filter=steamid,name,entityid,ip,ping,online,position,rotation,health,isdead,level,score,pkill,zkill,deaths,remote,gamestage' by Telnet from
    IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
      at EntityZombie.GetMoveSpeedAggro () [0x00034] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EAIApproachSpot.updatePath () [0x00053] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EAIApproachSpot.Start () [0x00007] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EAITaskList.OnUpdateTasks () [0x0012f] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EAIManager.Update () [0x00026] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EntityAlive.updateTasks () [0x00063] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EntityAlive.OnUpdateLive () [0x00154] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EntityEnemy.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EntityZombie.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x0001e] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x0015d] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at World.TickEntitiesSlice () [0x00000] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00026] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00291] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 
      at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <d15958ecbbfc46c3933d31eb2910c084>:0 

    That is weird. Try the new update and see if it is the same.


    On 11/22/2021 at 11:54 PM, Black_Taipan said:

    So i get the error when doing horde nights after gs150: Exception: item with the name ,meleeHandZombieAtrocity' not found!                To which it then NullReferenceException spams the log and makes it unplayable for me im just curious if this is a me issue and also i have not seen the screamer i just get this issue during some blood moons so ive been looking for a fix as im enjoying the mod greatly.

    Fixed now :) I renamed the meleehand item wrong.


    On 11/24/2021 at 11:01 AM, arramus said:

    For now, until Robeloto has time to respond fully and share an update, here is the easiest choice.


    Go to your entityclasses.xml file in the Config folder.


    Search for 'meleeHandZombieAtrocity' which is for the Atrocity Zombie and change it to 'meleeHandZombieAtro'. I believe this is the one it should be because it describes the Atro Scream as its feature. The Boss Screamer was removed and replaced with Atrocity which offers another kind of scream so you'll get your scream back and remove that error at the same time. ^^


    Thank you! I seem to make a lot of tiny mistakes. I updated to a new version just now and hope everything is fixed and that there is not any more mistakes in this version. I have only tested this version in a rush. I did not change that much apart from adding new sound and some new looks, so it should be working ok.


    2021-11-30 (v2.75):
    Added rocket launcher loading sound (vomit warning) and custom zombie sound for the RPG zombie.
    New look for the freezer and the giant
    Candygirl now slows you down instead of giving you speed
    XML version updated.
    Atrocity handitem renamed correctly

  22. On 11/2/2021 at 5:09 AM, arramus said:

    The only issues I have found when running 2 custom zombie mods at the same time is with Horde Night spawning. It might just be servers getting overwhelmed when they are separate but spawning seems to lock up and become very sluggish. When merging into one, the issue cleared up quite nicely. This example was based on running the Snufkins with Elites Mod on the Tipsy Squatch Gaming server. There were about 20 players on the server when it locked up and the same player count with the merger which was much smoother. Feel free to integrate the Snufkins PLUS as you like. It has always been released in the spirit of sharing content as with Snufkin’s open invitation for the community to take care of them when the alpha update required some intensive updates. 


    Thank you so much for this info! :)Then I think I am going to do a merge version soon.

    17 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    Awesome stuff. has this mod been tested alongside the snufkin zombies mod yet?

    No, but after what arramus said I will do a merge and then test it. ^^

  23. 8 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    glad you like the idea for a zombie shooting explosive bolts but it wouldn't make sense for the gunner but a brand new zombie like a demonic archer could do although demonic archer as a name is too generic so it would need a better name but im sure you'll have some ideas.

    Yeah :) something like that.

    I have updated my mod now and it seems to work ok. I also updated loudsoundslowered. Added some more lowered sounds for ui_trader.

    Tell me if something is off and I will fix it.

    Edit: I uploaded a picture of the new zombies on the first page. :D

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