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Posts posted by Robeloto

  1. On 2/10/2022 at 9:31 PM, AndrewT said:

    nice the new model looks more freaky and I love it.


    On 2/11/2022 at 3:14 AM, Rukminesh said:

    This zombie definietly a good one. I did love how the petrolstation got bombed on the end :)))


    Thanks! I am having trouble with the sounds. Some sounds won't just work and it is making me a bit unmotivated. I have no clue to why this happens. Same quality and length of the sounds, but some won't work and it is a chore to remake them all the time and hope they will work. So atm I need a break. :(

  2. for example, in my mod. My zombieGunner does not load the sound when he is getting hurt or dies. These sounds worked before, but now he is silent. The sounds are in the exact format as the other zombies I have and the other zombies work perfectly. I have tried various things, like adding the sound in unity again and doublecheck so everything is ok before I save. Used a wav instead of a mp3 file, shortened the sound.


    Everything in entityclasses.xml and sounds.xml are as they should be.




        <property name="SoundRandom" value="gunnerroam"/>
        <property name="SoundAlert" value="gunneralert"/>
        <property name="SoundSense" value="gunnerattack"/>
        <property name="SoundHurt" value="gunnerpain"/>
        <property name="SoundDeath" value="gunnerdeath"/>
        <property name="SoundAttack" value="gunnerattack"/>    




    <SoundDataNode name="gunnerpain"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Sounds/AudioSource_Pain"/>
        <Noise ID="2" noise="11" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.5"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/robelotozombiesounds.unity3d?gunnerpain1"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/robelotozombiesounds.unity3d?gunnerpain2"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="#@modfolder:Resources/robelotozombiesounds.unity3d?gunnerpain3"/>    
        <Channel name="Mouth"/>
        <Priority name="1"/>
        <maxVoicesPerEntity value="1"/>
        <LowestPitch name="0.95"/>
        <HighestPitch name="1.05"/>
        <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="10"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="1.8"/>


    In the console this message will appear every time the game tries to load the sound:


    7 days AudioManager LoadAudio failed to load audio source object for Audiosource/AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Pain

    The other sounds for gunners work and they are of the same quality and even the same length, so what gives? :( It's weird...


    Edit: I tried switching out the pain and death to attack sounds and then they work. But this is not giving me a clue to why the other sounds is not working. Seems I have to make new sounds for the pain and death sounds or something and pray that they will work. This is giving me a headache, cause now when I made a new zombie and made some new sound for it, the pain and death sounds will not work. But just as with the gunner, the other sounds work fine.

  3. 22 hours ago, Henk said:

    Glad you liked it! 

    I started building in A8 or A9 if I remember correctly, it has been about 400 - 500 hours of building.

    btw: I hope the little 'electricity puzzles' worked as intended?  Are those puzzles fun to play? Or is is perhaps tedious / pace-breaking / etc.?

    I can say it probably took about 10 to 15 hours to go through it. We started when we were level 15, but after 2 hours we realized we needed better weapons, so we came back to the prefab at level 40+. I love the electricity puzzles very much. And I think this might be a bug within the game, but a button we pushed did not work. So I took a rollback on a world save (just 30 minutes back) and then the button worked as it was supposed to. Then we found one door we could not get open even though the electricty was connected. Might need spoilers now, cause I do not wanna spoil anyone elses fun.



    It is the same room where the vault hatch is that leads down to a room with plenty of loot. Somewhere in the middle of the prefab. Maybe 3-4 floors up. We got in through the wall to that room, but could not open the vault hatch. We knew there was a button somewhere to open that. So we decided to leave it and find the button later. But we could not find it at that point.



    And yesterday I just found the way to the last secret rooms. I can't understand how we missed it. You know, at the top where one of the helicopters are? Anyway before we was searching in that area and when I jumped, something pushed me away and I fell all the way down, but survived with a broken leg. In reality I should be dead. If I had not fallen down, I would probably had found that secret entrance where you go down and gets inside the staircase and following that way and find another secret way in there that leads in to the bar.


    10/10 prefab. So much work and so much detail. Loved being on top of the prefab looking down and being inside the rocket was just mindblowing.



  4. 10 hours ago, Rukminesh said:

    The next update already look very promising. What If you place the electric glow into the eyes of the zombie or make the missing end of the body electrified. Perhaps could look similar to the husk model at some degree: https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Mass-Effect-Husks.jpg

    Yes, lots of more stuff added. I can try putting the particles in the eyes that way and the missing body part.. Thanks for the idea, and I hope it will work. :)

  5. I wanna tease you all with an upcoming update. I am not entirely done with everything. But atleast 90% done.


    This is what I have done so far. MIght be some upcoming changes or alterations to this depending on how it plays out. I need to test everything to make sure it work. Will add some new sounds too.I also need to update everything to the XML version as well.

    Version 2.92 (Big Update)

    Ghastly Phoenix, a spooky zombie that vomits smoke and might manipulate your sight
    PlagueFlyer. A flying zombie with no legs and 2 shocking steelspears in his hands. He throws shock particles at you.
    Frostyball added. Vomit snowballs. Flying robotic white ball. Common in winterland, but rare elsewhere. Except on bloodmoons and scouthordes at higher gamestages.
    ElectricFly added. Can shock you.
    FireFly is back. Can turn you on fire.
    HellKuma added. A firebear.
    ThunderKuma added. An electric bear.
    • RunningMan can now stop several vehicles at once.
    • CopterCorpse fixed. Zombie did not sit in the gyrocopter seat.
    • Translucent Buff fixed. Did not work before because of a typo.
    • Decreased magazine size on FireElf.
    • Mini apperance changed.
    • Reworked entitygroups again. More likely to see some harder special zombies at lower gamestages. (Before 100).
    • Made buffs more balanced. Lowered some OP buffs and Increased some lighter buffs.
    • Lowered Atrocity's HP again. Also reduced zombie-healing.
    • Removed wingflap from my custom Flies, Frosty Ball and CopterCorpse, while the regular vultures still has their wingflap sound.


    Not entirely done as you can see. I have problem placing the shock particle on the tip of the spear.


  6. Welp! That is alot.


    <lootgroup name="groupMailbox02">
        <item name="resourcePaper" count="1,5" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item group="booksAllScaled" loot_prob_template="low"/>
    <lootgroup name="groupMailbox01">
        <item group="perkBooksT0Day1" loot_prob_template="ProbT0"/>
        <item group="groupMailbox02" loot_prob_template="ProbT1"/>
        <item group="groupMailbox02" loot_prob_template="ProbT2Cap"/>
        <lootprobtemplate name="ProbT0">
            <loot level="0,1" prob="0.03"/>
            <loot level="2" prob="0.07"/>
            <loot level="3" prob="0.10"/>
            <loot level="4" prob="0.13"/>
            <loot level="5" prob="0.17"/>

    This is the loot probability for books and the booksAllScaled from mailbox 2 is set to low. And the early perkbooks that you get on day 1 uses the ProbT0 template. It increases as you level.

    Also this is the early game books you can get on day 1 from mailboxes. So I guess these was the ones you got, right?

    <!-- *** Early_Game_Perk_Books -->
    <lootgroup name="perkBooksT0Day1">
        <item name="bookRangersArrowRecovery"/>
        <item name="bookRangersCripplingShot"/>
        <item name="bookRangersKnockdown"/>
        <item name="bookRangersFlamingArrows"/>
        <item name="bookRangersAPAmmo"/>
        <item name="bookRangersExplodingBolts"/>
        <item name="bookRangersForestGuide"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter1Damage"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter2Maintenance"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter3SteelSpears"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter4StrongArm"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter5RapidStrike"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter6PuncturedLung"/>
        <item name="bookSpearHunter7QuickStrike"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadDesertWear"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadDusters"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadFootwear"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadLegwear"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadPockets"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadPufferCoats"/>
        <item name="bookNeedleAndThreadWinterWear"/>


  7.             <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="10"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="10"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="10"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="10"/>   

    I duplicated this and now the zombie stopped us both. So now he can stop more than one engine. So if it's more than 4 vehicles and players he can't stop anyone. So duplicating this to maybe 20 should work?




    So if anyone is interested. This worked for atleast 4 players and 4 vehicles. I tested before we jumped on the vehicles and while we were on the vehicles I spawned the zombie.


        <buff name="buffRunningMan" hidden="true">
                <update_rate value="8"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="PlaySound" sound="horde_spawn"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="positionAOE" range="30" buff="buffStopVehicle"/>
        <buff name ="buffStopVehicle" tooltip_key="Running Man have the ability to manipulate the engine" icon="ui_game_symbol_muscle" icon_color="255,255,255" icon_blink="true">
            <stack_type value="replace"/>
            <duration value="6"/>
            <update_rate value="1"/>
                <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" tags="player"/>                
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="6"/>            
                <requirement name="EntityHasMovementTag" tags="driving"/>                        


  8. It works perfectly if you are alone, but if you have 2 minibikes and another player joins the server. This buff will not work at all.  But if you pick up one minibike and only have 1 it will work even if there are several players on server.


        <buff name ="buffStopVehicle" tooltip_key="Running Man have the ability to manipulate the engine" icon="ui_game_symbol_muscle" icon_color="255,255,255" icon_blink="true">
            <stack_type value="replace"/>
            <duration value="2"/>
            <update_rate value="1"/>
                <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" tags="player"/>        
                <requirement name="EntityHasMovementTag" tags="driving"/>
                <passive_effect name="VehicleVelocityMaxPer" operation="perc_subtract" value="10"/> 


    Is there another solution to make it work for several players and vehicles? My intention was to make all vehicles be useless when this zombie is near,

  9. 12 hours ago, Andyjoki said:

    i forgot to put colliders in Unity. It is fixed now.


    i´ve renamed my physicsbodies and removed unused XML. There should be no conflict anymore.



    Updated to A20


    - added ~ 9 new Entity

    - revised Loot and Drops

    - added new Weapons

    - optimised File Size of the Mod from ~900MB  to  ~ 250MB

    - reduced Texture sizes and deleted unused stuff

    Awesome job Andyjoki! Can't wait to try this out on A20.

  10. The running man zombie cannot stop the vehicles if there are several players on server. It seems to work if only 1 player is on the server. I'm gonna see if this can be fixed somehow.


    https://streamable.com/1edftt - this is how it should work.


    I made a new zombie or animal. An electric fly. He looks very electric. Does not vomit, but if he bites you it's a high chance u will get shocked. So he will be visiting the next update. Also gonna try makin a firefly that doesnt create errors in console. 


    And what's more is that I'm thinking of making a version where most of, or all of my zeds can show up at the start. A much harder version. 

  11. On 1/29/2022 at 10:41 AM, ErrorNull said:

    hi @mouse2 thanks for your feedback. i figured since this is a zombie 'horde' game, there should be a focus on zombie variety. 🙃 do you remember which zombies those were that got you? the giants are the only big-hitters from enZombies that can appear (though low probability) in the wilderness. they are slow and have high hp and can hit hard. they are my 'bear' level zombies. if you are also using the Robeloto zombie Addon, they introduce many more stronger zombies, but have less prob of spawning compared to normal zombies. if you are using Snufkin zombie Addon too, the add even stronger zombies that are very boss-like. you can adjust the spawn rates of these addon zombies. if you need help let me know.


    hello @bbdust - much appreciate your findings and details. i reviewed all my enZombies and the Robeloto zombies too and none provide XP reward of 7500. the closest is the Anaconda snake from Robeloto which provides 7000 XP. there is also the "Shadow" zombie from Robeloto that is essentially invisible except for its shadow on the ground and uses the feralWight sounds (see below pic). however, its XP gain is just 4500. both of these zombies can spawn naturally in the wild outside of POIs and trader quests. is the game on any custom XP multiplier?


    your invis zombie incident is very interesting because unlike the other reports, this one was 1) not during a trader quest, 2) and you were able to attack/kill it. if you're able to get me a copy of your log file -- i can review that to find any further clues. the server log is located:


    [7 days game install folder] / 7DaysToDie_Data / output_log__[date]__[time].txt

    [7 days game install folder] / 7DaysToDieServer_Data / output_log_dedi__[date]__[time].txt



    Shadow is visible, but is harder to see at daytime. Point a flashlight or any other lightsource and you will see him more clearly. As long as you have shadow distance set to atleast low. Check here and you can see how shadow vill be visible when you point flashlight on him. :)


  12. 7 hours ago, ErrorNull said:

    not sure if happening for anyone else, but i was testing the burning and diamond phoenix and found they had a hard time melee attacking me. when i increased their attack rage to about 2.4, then they were able to hit.


    Thank you. I have fixed that now!

    New version is out: RobelotoCustomZombies_2.91

  13. So after disabling G-sync. I have much much less lag. But then it happened today at a random POI. It was around 6-7 zombies that spawned. The game started stuttering badly, like freezes every second. So I logged out and back in again. Then the lag was gone. It was only lagging for me and not for anyone else.


    I have capped framerate to 60 and it is more smooth than ever. But that lag happened again. Even if it is rare now, I really need to know why it is happening. So this is partially solved, but not completely...


    Edit: So now I have tested some different methods to make G-sync work. Only tested for about 1 hour without any freezes. So cannot say this solved anything...yet. I have tried with both vsync on and off. But I noticed some freezes with vsync on, so I turned it off. In game it is off also.


    This is my setup for graphics:mygraphicsettings.thumb.jpg.10fa7c2c0abdbcc3ba0a576c83f3cf83.jpg


    And by setting my GPU to about 73% max usage , rather than 100 made a difference.




    Tested again, but this time with low latency off. I spawned about 80 zombies and there were almost no freezes and the fps were around 50-100 fps. I was alone on my own dedicated server. Graphic card are working alright.

    Most of the lags are happening when we are more than 2 players. I am becoming a bit sus on the CPU.

  14. I dunno what is up with this game. My friend with a much worse PC than me, can run the server and play without any lag whatsoever.


    Any other games run flawlessy for me. So it is something with 7 days to die and 2080Ti cant handle it. So weird...


    edit: I have no clue on what the problem was. But I formatted my SSD and reinstalled windows 10 and now there is no more lag. I am so very happy. Wish I knew what it was, cause I have the same programs and software installed again. And none of those were the culprit. I really hope the problem is gone for good now.


    edit2: The stuttering is back  again lol. If I spawn 25 zeds, at first there is no lag, but if I go around walls. That is when the stuttering starts and that is also probably when zombie pathing activates. The more walls or things in the way, the more the stutter. It stops stuttering if I go out in the open or killall.


    Edit3: Haha, it sounded smart what I wrote in my edit2, but in reality it's just me being dumb. I disabled G-sync now and most of the severe lag is gone. But not gonna say it is fixed yet.

  15. 1 hour ago, Beelzybub said:

    What does your new port mapping look like?

    I have only opened for 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP.



    The server uses the 26900 port and that port is closed even when the server is running. So something is indeed blocking that port. Maybe I will try a different one.

    Edit: I think I know the answer. It may be the ISP or that the router is beginning to die. It is prob over 10 years old or so lol. I have ordered a new one, but gonna be a while until I am going to my apartment again. This truly sucks....but that's the reality. xD


    32 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    Your first post said you were using it only as a dedi server. It should be fine for that. It's not fine for running the dedi and a client on the same machine.



    Yes, It was only fine if I ran the dedicated on this computer (i7 7700k + 2080ti) and played on the other PC (i7 2600k + GTX 680).

     I first played on the i7 7700k and had the server on the I7 2600k here at same place on the same internet. That is when it lagged and stuttered all the time. I thought first it was the processor that could not keep up or that it was network lag, but now I dunno.


    Before Alpha 20 I could run both server and client on same machine without lag. So it is kinda frustrating when it has become this stutter-fest. =/ I love this game so much, but can't really play with friends anymore. Maybe some of my RAM is defect on this 7700k? I have ran memtest86. 12 hours on each stick, but seems I have to do it again and this time and even longer time.




  17. 26 minutes ago, Star69 said:

    I am no expert on port forwarding for hosting a server but shouldn't you be using your external IP address?? You are forwarding your internal IP address. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also, even though you are showing the ports forwarded it's always good to use a port checker to be sure the ports are actually being forwarded.

    Thanks for your input. No, it is the local IP that should be portforwarded. I have checked with a port checker now and they say open, but I dont really trust those port checkers lol. xD

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