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Posts posted by Robeloto

  1. 1 hour ago, Shnoz said:

    If that is the case, please reread my previous suggestion


    Yes, but still my older PC can run without any lag which is weird. It can run both the server and play at the same time without any stuttering at all. So it definitely something wrong with this new PC. Still haven't found one single error and it is only with 7 days to die it does this.

    I have an LG ultragear 2k @ 144hz. On my older PC I use an old Samsung 120hz from 2008.

  2. I had some days now without lagging. And even on bloodmoon there was no lag. All the bloodmoon zombies were inside the building I was on top off. Then when the morning come and I needed to get the hell out of there. It started stuttering so badly. Like every other second. When I got out from the place and all the zombies. The lag was gone.

    So it definitely is something with many zombies and being close to them that starts the stuttering.

  3. 8 hours ago, DigitalHunter said:

    is this server side only ? or do the players need this mod as well ?

    The full mod only uses custom sounds.


    Then I have an pure XML-version (server side) that is inside the CustomZombies Alternate versions folder. This is what you want.

    Here: https://github.com/Robeloto/7D2D_A20_Modlets/tree/master/CustomZombies Alternate versions

    Download here: https://github.com/Robeloto/7D2D_A20_Modlets/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

    And thank you! Your post reminded me that I need to write this down in the start thread so people know I have different versions. :)

  4. 17 hours ago, Rukminesh said:

    I wish to say few things about the CopterCorpse what I found annoying in A19. I played A20 also but not nearly as much because I missed the compopack and I decided to wait until released. If some of this issues fixed since pleas ignore that part of the comment. Our problem was:
    - Sometimes it spawned inside buildings.
    - Constantly got trough halfway in multiple blocks of flat roofs and managed to attacking us.
    - Sometimes found a way to get in and out of buildings.
    - Make no sense for a Copter with gun to get close and try to make direct contact like a bird do, as long as the "prey" alive.
    - Often at blood moons 6-7 of them got crowded on the roof in one spot. It was not just annoying but very effective to decrease frame rate. The player usually have no time until the end to deal with the situation.

    My suggestion is to make it only circle and shoot the player from a distance and newer bring it close. Make it more effective to hit from a distance, then it will be feared. Or even remove it from blood moon spawn altogether.

    Thank you very much to create the Ultima VIII Z. I'm really looking forward to see it in game. If you need more sound samples similar to the original I can fish some from the Internet.
    The Ice cream man could be another suggestion to create. Maybe not too difficult to stretch out the arms and legs of a spider Z:



    Yeah, I hear you and I have experiencing the same issue. It is so annoying and even if it is a cool zombie, it is just frustrating.


    The first time he annoyed me, that was when I lowered him on all zombiegroups and set him to be more apparent on blood moons or scout hordes. But seems he will get stuck anyway a long the way sometimes. He doesn't fly in mind having a gyrocopter prefab stuck on him, lol.  I might remove him sadly. It is an invisible vulture which hitbox is in the engine. So it will behave like a vulture. Even my bigger vultures sometimes get stuck because they spawn according to their default sizescale.  I can try to make him use a zombietemplate instead of an animaltemplate and then use the class: entityvulture. And instead of using a vulture mesh I can try to use a smaller zombie mesh or something. I will try to fix it and if I can't do it, I might remove him or make entitygroup versions with him removed.

    I don't think I change the AI data (how the zombie behave) much just by xml. But I will try. And I am not sure why it is lagging so bad, when fireelf doesn't lag that much when he shoots arrows. I might change the bullets to smaller ones or ones that doesn't slow down the fps.

    Yes I will try to make the Ultima VII zed soon. But instead of making a big version. I will do update in smaller ones, so can't promise he will make it in next update. When the version hits 3.0, I want to make some bigger change. And I am already in progress of making a video overview of the zombies, but I think it is better to wait it out until version 3, when I probably have even more new zombies added.

    Icecream man sounds cool. I just thought of sweet tooth from twisted metal 2. One of my fav games too. The Spider zombie is a very weird (but cool) one, atleast the new Spider zombie. Which heads seem to rotate in a creepy way sometimes. And in rare cases the head just hang on the back, like someone broke the neck off.


    Thanks for the input and suggestions. :)

  5. I think it is the CPU. On bloodmoon, we were 3 players. About 30 zeds spawned and I had like 40 fps and it dipped frequently down to the 19s back and forward. I use G-sync off now and it is better. But the lag can come any time. On bloodmoons it is horrible ofc.


    I played some Dying Light 2 today and I updated my nvidia drivers and then when I looked around these horrible stutterings came just like in 7 days, but it then went away after some minutes and did not happen again. 7 days to die is mostly a CPU game so that is why I think there is something wrong with the CPU. I know it is very rare with CPU problems, but what else could it be? The motherboard? the completely new PSU? The display? The ram? It cant be the graphic card as it performs very well in other games. Just not in this game. My temps are fine and GPU is never hotter than 70c and CPU reaches around 80C maximum.


    What I am gonna try next is memtest86 again for longer hours. So I can completely rule out any defect ram.

  6. On 1/26/2022 at 11:53 PM, Beelzybub said:

    What a pain. Which ISP is it? (so we can avoid them)

    It is a swedish ISP called Bredbandsbolaget. I have changed now to a different that should work better. Sorry for late answer lol.


    On 1/27/2022 at 7:57 PM, Star69 said:

    As an aside, I have Spectrum Business at my office and use their modem/router. They won’t give you access to router settings. Setting up my security system and cameras on the network, I have to call support to have them forward the ports that I need…such a pain. At home I have Spectrum as well but I have my own modem/router so don’t have the same issue.


    Yea, it is annoying for sure. I wanna have some control atleast.

  7. For next update.


    Gonna try to make a Zombie from Ultima VII by request.

    More new sounds to the zombies.

    Burningmans flame vomit on the ground will now hurt you.

    Blazingman has now the same vomit as Burningman, but more deadly.

    Debuffing Gunner and CopterCorpse to 20 in maximum ammo. Reason: Heavy lag, dunno if it is just me, but I do not wanna chance on that.

    Prob some more debuffs

    Fixing the alternate entitygroup versions.



    If anyone has a request I will maybe implement it into the next version. ^^


  8. 25 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    I got clarification from one of the QA staff. Invisible mode and toggle zombie AI are two separate actions. They just both happen to be tied to num pad *, except the latter is not able to be rebinded in the current settings page.


    Well, that explains a lot why I have been having problems getting to see the items in my hand while I pressed turn off AI. It's a shame it cannot be rebinded. And I always thought invisible mode was the same as turn off AI, like they don't see you, they don't move, but now I know better.  Thank you!

  9. 45 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Hm, did they change how the behavior works in the latest alpha? I tried using "invisible mode" but I noticed the zombies will still wander around even if I'm in invisible mode.

    I'm trying to make them not move at all the moment I press the button, like this guy's video (I'm playing singleplayer/not on a server)



    Weird. Well if you bind the button right and have enabled the debug menu, I have no clue what's wrong. This game tends to get on my nerves when it isn't working as it should. xD


    Hope you will solve it somehow. If I come up with any solution for you I will write here.

  10. On 2/12/2022 at 11:31 AM, LHc_Biu said:

    I'm trying to make an MOD about arrows in the version A20.1. However, I don't know how to modify the parameters of Flaming Arrows to make them have the same effect as the molotov, hitting the ground to trigger the flame effect. Can anyone give me a hand or advice?🤔

    add this into your items.xml


    <!-- add your custom arrows to the bows -->
    <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunBowT0PrimitiveBow']/property[@class='Action0']">
    <property name="Magazine_items" value="ammoArrowFlameExplosion,ammoArrowStone,ammoArrowIron,ammoArrowSteelAP,ammoArrowFlaming,ammoArrowExploding"/>
    <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunBowT1WoodenBow']/property[@class='Action0']">
    <property name="Magazine_items" value="ammoArrowFlameExplosion,ammoArrowStone,ammoArrowIron,ammoArrowSteelAP,ammoArrowFlaming,ammoArrowExploding"/>
    <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunBowT3CompoundBow']/property[@class='Action0']">
    <property name="Magazine_items" value="ammoArrowFlameExplosion,ammoArrowStone,ammoArrowIron,ammoArrowSteelAP,ammoArrowFlaming,ammoArrowExploding"/>
    <append xpath="/items">
    <item name="ammoArrowFlameExplosion">
    	<property name="Extends" value="ammoArrowIron"/>
    	<property name="CustomIcon" value="ammoArrowFlaming"/>
    	<property name="DisplayType" value="ammoArrowFlaming"/>
    	<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/arrow_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    	<property name="HoldType" value="45"/>
    	<property name="HandMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sackPrefab.prefab"/>
    	<property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
    	<property name="IsSticky" value="false"/>
    	<property name="UsableUnderwater" value="false"/>
    	<property name="EconomicValue" value="44"/>
    	<property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>
    	<property name="Damage_type" value="Heat"/>
    	<property name="StickyOffset" value=".7"/>
    	<property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkRangersFlamingArrows"/>
    	<property class="Action1">
    		<property name="Gravity" value="-5"/>
    		<property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="2"/>
    		<property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="10"/>	 <!-- molotov particle explosion -->   
    		<property name="Explosion.Buff" value="buffBurningMolotov"/>	<!-- molotov explosion buff, so the fire will hurt you and zombies walking on the fire -->	
    	<effect_group name="ammoArrowFlameExplosion" tiered="false"> 
    		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="28" tags="perkArchery"/>
    		<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkArchery"/>
    		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_set" value=".2" tags="wood"/>
    		<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_set" value="0" tags="earth,metal,cloth"/>
    		<passive_effect name="ProjectileVelocity" operation="base_set" value="40" tags="perkArchery"/>
    		<passive_effect name="ProjectileStickChance" operation="perc_set" value="0"/>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onProjectileImpact" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="$buffBurningFlamingArrowDuration" operation="set" value="14">
    			<requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkFiremansAlmanacMolotov" operation="Equals" value="0"/></triggered_effect>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onProjectileImpact" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="$buffBurningFlamingArrowDuration" operation="set" value="15">
    			<requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkFiremansAlmanacMolotov" operation="Equals" value="1"/></triggered_effect>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onProjectileImpact" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffBurningFlamingArrow"/>
    		<display_value name="dEntityDamageFire" value="135"/>
    		<display_value name="dDuration" value="14"/>


    Edit: fixed. This should work.

  11. 11 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    I know by default, when you're in debug mode, * on the num pad will toggle zombie AI.

    Is it possible to rebind this to something else? I did not see this in the settings anywhere. If there's an XML that needs to be edited then so be it. I'm on a laptop that doesn't have a dedicated numpad and for whatever reason there is no NumLock option on my keyboard.


    Yes, in Misc menu.


  12. On 2/13/2022 at 9:42 PM, BFT2020 said:


    Wow, who @%$#ed in your cheerios this morning?


    Just trying to help.  Sometimes people know these tips and tricks, sometimes they don't.


    Turning off the AI via the * key makes them stand still.  And then you can point the flashlight at them without having to go invisible.  It's just another way to do what you did without having to modify the XML files to do it.


    But hey, you don't want to hear about other ways to do the same thing, that's up to you.  Some of us like to help others, even if they are going to be jerks about it.


    Sorry, but yea I have had a very @%$#ty day so I apologize if it came off as being rude. The problem is when I press the * key and use the invisible mode, the item in my hand goes away and no flashlight or light will be seen. I even tried setting the light on my dev mining helmet, but it goes away as soon as I press the * invisible mode key.


    edit: So both the invisible mode and turn off AI were on the same key. Invisible can be changed into another key atleast. Still if the zombies is turned off, they will puke at me while standing still. :(


    And again. I am very sorry for what I said earlier.

  13. 16 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    You can also disable NPC AI via the * key on the keypad in Debug Mode


    Then you don't have to modify any xml files.


    Seems you just don't listen. Why even write if you can't properly read threads?



    Every time I press the invisible mode the item I hold in my hand goes invisible. This is resulting I cannot have the flashlight on and point at the zombies. I knew this worked before in previous versions, but I can't get it to work now. Is there any way?


  14. 36 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    why not just show off the zombies with invisibility off and flashlight on?


    Most likely, you would have to modify the c# code to make changes to those types of modes since they are part of the debug tools.


    They need to stand still of course. That is why I want invisibility.


    I solved it btw.


    in entityclasses.xml




        <property name="AITask-1" value="Look"/>
        <property name="AITarget-1" value="SetAsTargetIfHurt" data="class=EntityEnemyAnimal"/>


    Set this to the only Task and Target. Make sure any remaining zombies also use that and now AI is turned off. They stand perfectly still and you can look at them without them moving. So beautiful!!! So happy now!





  15. Every time I press the invisible mode the item I hold in my hand goes invisible. This is resulting I cannot have the flashlight on and point at the zombies. I knew this worked before in previous versions, but I can't get it to work now. Is there any way?


    This is how I want it to be. And I cannot show off my zombies without a flashlight, cause some zombies are only visible with flashlight on


  16. OK, this is f*cking weird. Pardon my language. But what the hell is going on with this game?


    If I use a sound that I know work and paste a little bit of a sound that don't work in the middle of the working sound and save. Saved as same quality and everything. But that did not work at all. It won't even play the part of the sound that worked before. Seems like it is so random on what sounds work or that some frequencies doesn't work well with the game. Anyway, this is weird and there must be someone that know what the hell this is about?


    So furious....so so furious...

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