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Posts posted by Robeloto

  1. In an earlier version I could make the spiders attack on sight, but now it seems it just won't work. They will only attack if they are hurt by the player. My friend with arachnophobia just ignores the spiders because he knows they won't attack. Can this be changed somehow?


    Edit: Ok, I renamed the extending type to zombieTemplateMale and now the spiders attack on sight ^^

  2. Updated all my mods to make it work for Linux users. I saw that Blazing Man and Gunner had too high chance (70%) to spawn in wandering hordes so I fixed that (7%). Also added some slight increasement for the weaker zombies to appear.

  3. Robelotos, is it possible to create a zombie (military skin) which throws grenades (xml only)? :D


    Yes, I do think so. And I have actually been thinking on that a few weeks ago. Using the vomit class and the meshfile

    <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Grenade/GrenadePrefab.prefab"/>
    . But I do not know how to make it so the grenade won't explode right away after the impact. I do not think you can set the class
    <property name="Class" value="ItemClassTimeBomb"/>
    to a zombies handitem. It would probably need some scripting and I have never done that before. I can ask someone with scripting experience how difficult to make this would be.
  4. Ah, but its for the server so defenitly not go there for the server. Is the players need to have it installed too?




    Edit; Got it working.


    Players would need to have the mod installed if you don't use the xml only version. Without the mod installed they won't hear any custom sounds from the zombies.

  5. Oh wow, that really changed. So, if I created something in the past I can no longer add it to Item.xml or whatever xml it was? Is there a link I can read a bit more about that change for mods?

    I didn't have a folder called Mods so I created one at same place where is Data, config, licences... I took all your xml and put it in and the other 2 in the resource folder, so thats it?


    Regarding your zombies boss, I'm gonna try it in a few minutes but what about if I don't want them during red moon or wandering horde.... I'd like to have them spawning in town and wasteland and burn biome.


    That looks very exciting.


    Thanks for answering.



    Edit; I don't see any in game


    The folder 'mods' should be in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\Common\7 Days To Die\


    About the other thing. Yes you can remove specific zombies, but you then have to do it manually in the entitygroups.xml.


    Also, you won't see many custom zombies before gamestage 100.

  6. OK, well some explanation on the install would be awesome because its not clear and don't wanna spend a week to figure out how. It looks very exciting and can't wait to try it. Normally its pretty easy to install mods but there is lines that I'm not sure what the hell is it.

    Like In Blocks.xml



    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=cntVendingMachine]/property[@name=Buff]/@value">buffShocked2</set>

    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=cntVendingMachine2Broken]/property[@name=Buff]/@value">buffShocked2</set>

    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=electricfencepost]/property[@name=Buff]/@value">buffShocked2</set>




    Am I supposed to modify something in my file or I just add that to the end of my Blocks.xml (before </blocks>)? same for entityclass.xml.... Looks like things has changed in the past 2 years I didn't mess with files and mods.


    I could use some help Please.


    No, you do not have to do anything. Just place my mod in your 7daystodie/mods folder. I removed the original shock sound 'electric_arc_lp', cause it kept looping the shock vomit sound (the particle was bound to electric_arc_lp) from the shocker zombie. So I added new buffs that is directed towards a different shock sound.

  7. Hi there, I just installed this mod into my game on Alpha 18.2 and it's fantastic! However, I do need help with an issue I've been having. When I am attacked by any zombie that shoots fire and such, the moment they shoot the fire my console window opens with 2 error lines that read:


    ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

    Parameter name: key


    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as it's difficult to play with the console window popping up constantly like that. Thank you.


    Hmmm weird. Then we need to pinpoint the problem. Have you tried with only my mod installed in the mods folder with a fresh installed 7 days to die 18.2?

  8. I have updated the AquaZed (water zombie) and removed the hair. Looks much better now. I saw the screamerboss had the original sounds in the entityclasses, so I fixed that.


    Ask Sphereii if they can put it on for you as a modlet.


    Yes, I did that today :)


    That would be much appreciated, thanks in advance! :)


    No prob ^^

  9. The latest core should be targetting the underwater biome; if your version had water, then it seems like it was an older version.


    The spawner in the latest core is set to about 0.01, I think. If you had a much higher probability count, it probably laid a lot of spawners. it draws from the entity groups AnimalSwiming. From what you've said, they spawned a lot, so the random number generator probably didn't get a chance to refresh and pick another fish type.


    I tested another thing. I removed the underwater in spawnings completely. I also removed fishstingray in the entitygroups. Even then the stingrays spawned like crazy. Just because I had another water spawner in biomes with the name underwater. Weird....


    Edit: And yes, my version was a bit older, so I have updated now and testing again.


    Edit2: Lol, it is working! Thank you so much! :D


    edit 3: And the spawning.xml does not seem it is needed anymore. Btw, any thoughts of adding a crocodile or something that roam in the water or near the water? So getting fish isn't like a walk in the park. :) I remember Spiders True Survival had Crocs and I really liked them.

  10. It does work for me. I hope it works for everyone.


    Adding them to zombieall would work, but you are probably generating a lot of dead fish in the world, as they try to spawn out of water.


    I tried adding another water spawner under Biomes, but with the name underwater instead of just water, then I added underwater to spawning also. This resulted in lags, then I saw in listents it kept adding only fishstingrays, it was like thousands of stingrays in entities so I just quit. But they did indeed spawn in the water, but just too many. And why just stingrays? xD

  11. As far as i understand SP and MP dont share the same map seed. could be that there´s sth wrong and the prefabs havent spawned?


    i´ve talked to SphereII and the "GOtoPOISDX" should work in MP too now. Is your 0-SphereIIcore up to date?


    Oh, cool! I dunno if I have the newest. I downloaded it some day ago for 18.3. So I can test if this works, maybe tomorrow!


    Edit: Tested yesterday! And now it works on dedicated! That's very nice! :)

  12. Thats cool. maybe ill look into Nitrogen in the future





    Since i dont have a 7dtd Server i could not test things on an mutliplayer environment but i will talk to SphereII. Maybe its something wrong with his scripts.

    I know that custom entity Attacks just got fixed a few days ago. Before they did not attack on servers. This should work now.

    so..ill look into this but for now i cant help with quests not refering to the position on servers.


    I do not own a server either so I just start one on same PC using the 7 days dedicated server tool on steam. :) Maybe something else need to be added in the quest.xml or something. The command

    <objective type="GotoPOISDX, Mods" value="500-10500" phase="1">

    <property name="completion_distance" value="50" />

    <property name="PrefabName" value="EgyptSphinx" />


    works perfect in singleplayer, so maybe something else need to be done to get it to work on dedi. I am noob on this, so I cannot really understand why it even should be a problem when it works so well on SP.
  13. Hammer ,top work ! :eagerness:




    a huge thanks =).


    Question, "Zombie Fly" is invinsible, should be not or?



    Edit: Ok, he is very mall xD


    Yes, the fly is very small. That is why I made it red so it should be more visible.


    Integrating it into Darkness Falls is a PITA, because DF uses different Gamestage numbers. But it works with DF if done properly. Anacondas new texture looks pretty nice, even if it didn't make her more welcome ^^


    I thought of doing a version that could work with Darkness Falls. If I get more time soon I will probably make it especially if it is requested.


    Is this on the mod launcher?


    No, I have not had a thought on that at all and I have no experience with that launcher. Maybe I will add it if it is possible. :)

  14. I had changed the fish spawner to be birds nest. if you see any birds nest under water, I'd wait by one for a few moments to see if they spawn.


    Sorry, I haven't had the time to test this. But does this work for you? I mean, it is probably my PC or something if it works for everyone else. :)

  15. I am using this mod with only animals and mechs and I am loving it this far. I am completely in love with the robots. They are so freaking cool and very well done!


    Sadly I could not get it to work with some of the humans. The HumanBanditEve and Archer just run towards me without trying to attack me from distance. The other rifleman always miss me with their shots. But those that used the ranged class worked well though and were 100% accurate. I tried this on a new world with only these mods active.


    If I add DMT mods there will be some red errors when I spawn in the bandits, so I guess they are not compatible with each other. But if I just remove the humans, it will work!

  16. Nice! If I want this to be generated through NitroGenMap, what should I add in the Nitrogen prefablist? Seeing how many prefabs starts with xcustom, should I name it xcustom_EgyptSphinx and xcustom_EgyptPyramid, and seems every prefab has numbers after them like this:




    No, that is not how you do it. Use the Prefablistgenerator




    Should be right. And add ;unique at the end if you only want to spawn 1 of each I think.


    I am so looking forward to play this Andy btw. Really great work with this mod! Cannot imagine how long you have worked with this. Was going to play yday, but one of my friends could not build any mod with the DMT tool, so next time we are playing I am maybe going to try to just copy/paste my 7 days folder over his and see if that could work instead. ^^


    Edit: I just have to add that I am encountering some strange problems with the listen server vs dedicated. I tried generating a world on nitrogen with the EgyptSphinx and EgyptPyramid, then I start singleplayer on that world and give myself the quests to test them out. The quests for the Sphinx and the Pyramid works fine and they show the distance to the location. But if I load up the exact same world on dedicated server(same pc btw). The game says there is no location and it says 0, 0, 0. The solution was to give myself the quests on singleplayer first. Give quest quest_TheSphinx5 and 9 and exit. Then I start the dedicated server with that player save and it works. I can't understand why the dedicated server cannot find the location of the quests. It works in singleplayer so why not on dedi?

  17. Thats because CoA is only available for 18.1. never updated to 18.2. I fixed Pagflips in A18.3 and also quests and things should work if the right prefabs are loaded





    Yea could be the compopack. I see it has an old "vanilla" version of the Sphinx. Of corse it has no custom entity/blocks or any other things :)

    I´d say delete it and add the sphinx and the pyramid prefab manual to the rwgmixer.




    --> I´ll update in few hours


    Nice! I am waiting then before I start up a new world. I really wanna play this! NOW! Hheheh :D

  18. Shouldn't matter but you may have to visit a new area or new world


    The fish does indeed work. I moved them from the water group to the ZombiesAll group and then they appeared. The problem (atleast for me) seems to be to get them to spawn in the water.

  19. I increased the chance of the fish spawner; let me know if it works better, or if there's too much.



    Also pushed a fix on MecanimSDX for server-attack animations, and made a potential fix for the re-scaling zombies.


    Sorry, but I cannot see a single one. Weird. =/ Does it matter if I use flying mode or not under the water?

  20. The fish are spawned in via a underwater spawner. It's possible that the pool of water you found didn't generate it. I'm not sure if the edge of the world has them either. I'll re-tet them. I was testing them in navezgane.


    Did you find that your snake was smaller after you went swimming searching for fish? I've heard that happens.


    I have tried with Navezgane also. I cannot seem to get the fishes to spawn. Tried a clean install with the mods and built in dmt. No errors, but no fishes either. ☹️


    Cannot remember if I swam before I met the anaconda. I cannot understand why the birds will spawn, but not the fishes. I can add them in manually though.

  21. Its not updated for A18.3. I think thats why there are errors.



    I prolly update the Mod this Weekend.


    I am looking forward to it!


    I dont know if this is only for 18.1. I tried adding this mod to 18.2. But got an error about not finding pageflip unity3d file in resources. The quests seemed to work and the creatures, but when I get the quest to go to the sphinx or pyramid, it doesnt work and it says no location for this quest. I found the prefab sphinx, but dunno if that was added from the compopack 42 and only normal zombies spawned inside. It may be that I need to add it in the rwgmixer manually. Ancient Shield recipe seems to not work either with 18.2.


    Wanna get this to work so bad, but guess I'll have to wait for your 18.3 version. :) This mod looks insanely fun!

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