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Posts posted by Robeloto

  1. A log file may help. I had bad performance on my PC for awhile; then I realized Windows was using my IDE hard drive as a swap device, rather than using my SSD. I don't have a lot of RAM, so I tend to swap a fair amount. If it's lagging out after awhile, then it could be garbage collection.


    If she uses the Mod Launcher, she could try sphereii-mental/Performance Mod and see if that helps her any. That just installs the Distant Terrain Mod, but she wouldn't have to use DMT herself to do the build; the mod launcher will do it for her.


    I really appreciate your help sphereii! I only saw one error in her logfile, but this happened about 10-15 times before she gave up. So I am not sure this is the error.




    It was only for her, several others did not experience any problem. I made a clean install for her and just made a vanilla server without any mods. But the same problem happened again, just when I thought I fixed it.


    I am going to install W10 and install 16gb more ram to her. She currently only have 8gb so I thought that could be a problem. I know her graphic card is out of date also, but she has not complained before 18.3. Still a bit confusing that 18.3 seems to run a bit slower for me too than 18.2.. Not much but, I really cannot understand why as there were not that big of a change.


    Just tested A Better Life. The birds seems to spawn just fine and they look really nice! But sadly the fish never appeared in the water. Dunno what could be wrong? Sometimes when I had generated a new world, I could not use my mouse or reach the menus. Just console worked. This was the 18.2 version and the files just built fine in DMT.


    Edit: I cannot understand why I haven't tested this out earlier. Your modifications is amazing! I have not tested everything yet, but so far I love it. Hope the problems I encountered can be solved.


    <property name="DisableTraderProtection" value="true" />

    <property name="MakeTraderVulnerable" value="true" />

    <property name="EnhancedFeatures" value="true" />

    <property name="DisableXPIconNotification" value="true" />

    <property name="RandomSize" value="true" />

    <property name="RandomWalk" value="true" />

    <property name="FoodSpoilage" value="true" />

    <property name="HeadshotOnly" value="true" />

    <property name="AntiNerdPole" value="true" />

    <property name="SoftHands" value="true" />


    All of this is exactly what I want so it is a dream come true for me. Funny thing that I encountered one of my custom zombies. The huge anaconda but it was so tiny due to random size and it was hilarious! =)

  2. https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/tree/Alpha18.2


    It may not have all the fancy updates, unfortunately.


    What part of the game is lagging for her? Has she tried my Legacy Distant Terrain mod?


    Thank you! Hmm she has not tried it I think.


    When she opens inventory and chests, it lags and then it times out randomly 5-15 minutes :( So she cannot play 18.3 without problems. I thought the problem may be that she is using only windows 7, but I dunno. I asked her to record her playing 18.3 until it times out, so maybe someone could see what it may be. No errors in logs or anything. Sometimes its CTD and sometimes it only gets her to the main menu. When she plays 18.2 she has no problems whatsoever. It is so strange.

  3. The latest version of SphereII.Mods works against 18.3. Seems like you are either targetting 18.2 with the latest, or targetting 18.3 with out of date download.


    Ah thank you! Yes, I use A 18.2 cause my sister cannot run 18.3 without lag. Where is the 18.2 version? =)

  4. Hi! I want to play and test this out so much, but I have this problem.


    7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Scripts\Blocks\BlockMortSpawner.cs(187,116): error CS0103: The name DestroyedResult does not exist in the current context.


    Failed to compile Mods.dll

  5. But patch 18.3 is already out


    You must have misunderstood me. I was waiting for the 18.3 release, and I knew it came on the 24th. My mod is almost finished, just editing and testing out some last parts. =) So before february begins the mod will be here.

  6. woha :D... release it!


    btw. can we have a version with zero block dmg. for projectiles? would be nice.




    I can do that. I have btw reduced the block damage very very much in this upcoming version. But there are other things that make this mod harder than my previous one. For example, one of my newest zombies looks like a shadow, almost invisible in clear daylight, but on the night if you have some light source. He can be seen quite clearly. He emits light around him and can make you go completely blind for a couple seconds. He also can mimic a lot of sounds that has existed before the zombie apocalypse. ^^


    The work on the mod is taking much more time then I anticipated. I now have a total of 21 zombies and many has custom sounds. I also have reduced many explosions sound that was bound to their vomit particles. So now your ears won't hurt. I have tested them out a lot on my own server with friends and it is looking good. I cannot say when it is going to be done, but prob around the end of january.

  7. I added modlet to mods folder and when server rebooted it reset the players back to square one.


    That sounds very odd and should not be happening. I am sorry for the bug you encountered.




    I am announcing now that an upcoming huge update of my mod is gonna be released very soon.


    There is a lot of new things such as:


    New zombies

    Skins for zombies


    Lowered respawn rate for the hardest special zombies

    Bigger zombies have now a chance to break your leg and arm in one hit



    Atm, I am editing the video trailer of all the zombies and animals. It is very time consuming, but I hope to be done before this week ends.

  8. Here, for 18.2:


    https://workupload.com/file/rPXrqehS -> ZERO block DMG., in this version



    <property name="AITask-2" value="RangedAttackTarget" data="itemType=1;cooldown=4;duration=8"/>


    in a17 was it

    <property name="AITask-2" value="RangedAttackTarget" data="1,4,8"/>


    and the animation for the hands (they end now flamingarrowprefab.prefab, as example)





    and please dont stop to work at this mod. add more =)


    Oh, thanks! I hope to get this done soon. And I will add more zombie types in the future!


    Edit: https://github.com/Robeloto/7D2D_18.2_Modlets/raw/master/RobelotoCustomZombiesV21.zip

  9. if i want to remove some of the zombies is setting the prob to 0.0 work? and also do need to do that to all the gamestages also or just in the groups? like below


    any chance of getting the attacks updated?


    Alpha 18 by any chance? Looks like fun to use.


    Love this mod!!! Any chance you could update for Alpha 18?


    I am so sorry guys. I have been very busy, but I plan to update my mod to the newest version of the game. It would help if you could point out what's not working properly with A.18.2, then it will be easier for me to fix.

  10. thank you for updating the blocknerfed variant also!

    this is a good addition to more zembie enemies in my BorderlandZ Mod!

    keep 'em Comin'!


    No problem! I am so looking forward to your completion of your BorderlandZ :)


    20190325 - Update


    Added a new zombie: AquaZed, a type of waterzombie. Was originally meant to only spawn near water, but I cannot seem to get it to work atm. Maybe in future updates. Here is video of the zombie.


  11. Updated 2019.03.21


    - changed the height of the gunner so he won't get stuck when spawned as a sleeper

    - lowered the bullet burst from the Gunner again. From 10 to 9 in burst count.



    Fantastic mod thanks so much!


    Thank you! :)

  12. Oh, lol ok.Thought it was a mistake :D


    Hehe :p If you prefer the original skin, you can just delete the ReplaceMaterial0 line.




    - Gunner zombie made the game lag when he shooted, so I lowered the bullet burst.

    - Also changed the mesh from nails to darts. Now the bullets are more visible.

  13. Is there something wrong with the Anaconda now? I saw the newly added property for ReplaceMaterial0, and the Snake is now white, like a model without texture.


    That is the new look! :)

  14. very nice!

    could you do a version without that major BLOCK damage? That is leave entity damage high as it is, but limit block damage to only max 100 more or less - this will still damage things and leave a small 1 block hole, but when there are 10 of your Zeds are in a Horde, the terrain will look like the Moon or after a second world war 3... ;-)

    btw. I do recommend using your mod in complement to my own BorderlandZ Mod ;-)


    Alright :)



  15. Holy cannoli that was fast!! Very much appreciated Robeloto.


    In your honor, I shall share this awesome anaconda with unsuspecting family members =)




    I missed this post. No probs. Haha, I hope they don't get scarred!


    I use this on my server, and the players love the "surprises" they get. I lowered the block damage of the badass dudes, because they did not only one hit my poor players, but also vaporize prefabs in minutes, what we don't want.

    But it is kinda satisfying to read in chat a player yelling, he is chased by a giant snake, or those wtf moments when players realize, the slow walking Hazmat Dudes spit electric 'nades :D


    Yes, they are prefab destroyers indeed. Going to nerf them more in the easy version. Glad you like it!


    No, but I do not ask you to see his rocket launcher and his machine gun.

    Just as big as the giant zombie biker, who makes a different sound, slow but powerful.


    In fact, nothing but noise you must be afraid without seeing it.


    I do not know how to make a zombie with 2 different attacks. They already have their melee and then the vomit. But it may be possible. I have to try it out atleast.


    Thanks, it's from long time I wanted this kind animals =)


    So let's try =)


    No problem! But the animals are not kind. Pretty evil I would say. xD


    New version is coming soon. I just made a transparent zombie and it was way easier then I thought it would be. He is tiny, fast, low hp, and completely silent. I named him SilentDwight. Also made a zombie that shoots like a madman. He is using an smg type of weapon, but with 500 rounds in the magazine. He will not stop shooting you before he empties the magazine. And some more different ones.

  16. Hello.


    It would take a nemesis like in resident evil.

    Very tall, very slow to move but with a machine gun in the right hands and rocket launcher in the left hands.

    Possible to do this?



    Probably possible with SDX. I am still in the learning how to animate 3D models I made and getting them into the game. Wish I had more time, because I love this game.


    I do not think it is possible to do this with just a modlet. I could make a tall slow zombie spitting 7.62mm rounds though. xD

  17. When trying to export any .Mesh file im getting the error, Unable to read the mesh asset, unknown format ? its the same with any mesh file, Everyone seems to say this is the prog for extracting the files so they can be loaded into Unity but not getting anywhere lol....


    All i wanting to know or rather get is the Wrench object so I can see how I set up the attachments cos at the mo my current model ingame sits below the hand....


    Which versions do you use?


    Works fine for me when using AssetsBundleExtractor_2.2stableb and Unity 2018.2.0f2.

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