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Posts posted by Robeloto

  1. So. If I use this PC as server only and play from another slower PC, there is no lag whatsoever. 7 days to die runs perfectly. But as soon as I run the dedicated server on the same PC as I play on, the lag will be horrible and it seem to happen when zombies spawn. I think they changed a lot in A20 making it lag more. Maybe something with the zombie pathing? Cause I had no problems with different versions.

    I have video on my problem. Can post later.

  2. So I moved the server to a different PC at a different location. I set up all port forwarding and all files correctly. The server can only be seen locally.


    Steam TCP 27014-27050
    Steam UDP 27000-27030

    7 days to die TCP 26900
    7 days to die UDP 26901-26903

    7 days to die TCP 25000-25003
    7 days to die TCP 30000-30003

    7 days to die UDP 25000-25003
    7 days to die UDP 30000-30003

    This are the ports I have been forwarding and are correctly pointing to the servers local ip ( There is no startup errors or anything. I use Teamviewer to access the PC from this one.


    Port forwarding done : CHECK

    Allow 7daystodieserver.exe in firewall: CHECK

    Moved all files from AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/ when I moved the server: CHECK
    Same serverconfig.xml in 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server folder: CHECK



    2022-01-26T00:10:33 80.078 INF Mesh location: C:\Users\Robeloto\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/North Upibafo Mountains/2022_IwannaMiujau/DynamicMeshes/
    2022-01-26T00:10:33 80.088 INF StartGame done
    2022-01-26T00:10:33 80.100 INF Localization language: english
    2022-01-26T00:10:33 80.100 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.Init successful
    2022-01-26T00:10:33 80.109 INF [Steamworks.NET] Making server public
    2022-01-26T00:10:34 80.939 INF Warming dynamic mesh
    2022-01-26T00:10:34 80.939 INF Creating dynamic mesh manager
    2022-01-26T00:10:34 80.948 INF Dynamic mesh manager awake
    2022-01-26T00:10:34 80.949 INF Mesh location: C:\Users\Robeloto\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/North Upibafo Mountains/2022_IwannaMiujau/DynamicMeshes/
    2022-01-26T00:10:34 80.952 INF Loading Items: C:\Users\Robeloto\AppData\Roaming/7DaysToDie/Saves/North Upibafo Mountains/2022_IwannaMiujau/DynamicMeshes/
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.666 INF Loaded Items: 2025
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.667 WRN Loading all items took: 0.7162595 seconds.
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.668 INF Clearing queues.
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.669 INF Cleared queues.
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.670 INF Dynamic thread starting
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.674 INF Dymesh door replacement: imposterBlock
    2022-01-26T00:10:35 81.794 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn successful, SteamID=90155486424566785, public IP=9*.25*.13*.13*
    2022-01-26T00:10:36 82.408 INF [DECO] written 220937, in 76ms
    2022-01-26T00:10:36 82.422 INF [DECO] write thread 12ms


    From here everything seems right, but the server cannot be seen other than locally. I have used this PC before and it worked perfectly. But now it is in another location. So I guess it is either the router or something else blocking the ports. But the ports should be open.



  3. 8 hours ago, Rukminesh said:

    Long time ago I played Ultima VIII, and one of my favorite sounds in the game was the zombies. I managed to dig it up, unfortunately the emulator did not play it back in good quality. They sound like beasts, and I especially did like the "shout" on the middle. Could be lovely to hear at night, when the player hiding silent with a stoneaxe on the attic. 😈

    The link to the sample I mentioned.

    I loved that game. Maybe I can add that to one of the zombies? If you have any idea which one that should use that sound, tell me! :)


    Edit: I tried to remove the static and buzzing sound, but it was hard without removing some of the zombie sound. Maybe can find it in better quality somewhere?

  4. This is info on the upcoming update v.2.91 (hope to be done this week)


    Lower the  health and physicalresist on some zombies. Some were a bit too much after testing them.
    Blazingmans flame-vomit is changed and I think this one fits him better than the previous flame I used.
    zombieSpark - a smaller version of Shocker and has a different vomit. Much easier to handle than his big brother.
    zombieFatigue - Drains your stamina like crazy. His attacks does not hurt you that much though. He also pukes small white splashes that will drain your stamina. He is not that hard, but can be very dangerous with combo of other zombies around him.
    These 2 zombies will be added to all entitygroups and at the beginning of all gamestages.


    And after this I plan to make an video overview of all the zombies.

  5. 9 hours ago, TeddyLaFripouille said:




    tks for answer.

    yes, folder is on the right way. But, I'm surprised to only find this files in the folder. \Ressources : explosions.unity3d & robelotozombiesounds.unity3d

    and not any XzombieX.unity3d


    Is that the right way ?


    We have a bloodMoon and we don't see any customs zombies or giant.


    I think I miss something






    4 hours ago, TeddyLaFripouille said:

    is there probably because I have another mods installed ?

    Buddy vehicle & more weapon ?




    Then you are not missing something. The Giant will only be seen at higher gamestages. Same with the rest of the zombies, except the easy ones, such as

    Fly, BurningMan, Freezer, Mini, Moepuker, Minimummy, Spectre and RadRobot1 which is shown in the picture below. The medium ones will appear at gamestage 100, the harder ones at 200, and the insane ones at 3-400+ gamestage.


  6. Big update now for the custom zombie mod. Version 2.90. Read more here.


    Edit: Let me know if I buffed the zombies too much.


    11 hours ago, TeddyLaFripouille said:



    How do you see that it s fonctionning. zombie look like always. is there any package to install about 7D2D_A20_Modlets-master ?


    tks for your answer




    Not exactly sure of what you mean. That there is no change in the zombies?

    Make sure you have the RobelotoCustomZombies in your 7daystodie/Mods folder. The appearances on zombies is same both on the original version and the xml only version. The only thing you miss out with the xml only version is the custom sounds.

  7. 21 hours ago, ErrorNull said:

    hi robelotto. love your mod - this zombie mod has the most creative zombies that really use smart ideas with texture swaps and very unique buff and screen effects. i'm just about ready to post the add-on version of your zombies for use with my enZombies, and your zombies give me many new zombie ideas. 😉


    at this time, while working with your zombies (XML VERSION), i noticed several things just relating to your custom quests:


    the Veteran part 1 quest causes a red console error to appear when clicking on the quest item in the inventory. this quest has a goal to kill 9 different zombies. it seems the 7 days engine has a max limit of 8 zombies as a kill goal. so i removed one of the zombies from the quest goal, and that error no longer appeared.



    after turning in either the mummy or the veteran quest to the trader, the trader's "completion" message does not appear to be referencing correctly to the Localization.txt. as a result, the trader simply shows the text label, and not the actual custom text itself.  prob an easy fix.




    i noticed in your KillSomeGhosts quest is detailed in your items.xml and loot.xml, but but it's not present in quests.xml. maybe you had overlooked that and it had something to do with your spectre zombie that was removed, but now is back? just wanted to point that out for you.


    keep up the nice work 😎


    I completely forgot about removing the killsomeghost quest when Spectre was removed.

    I did not know about the other stuff, so I am very happy for this information. I will fix this in the next update!

  8. On 1/19/2022 at 2:32 AM, AndrewT said:

    while i understand the high difficulty with this method non vulture flying enemies from other mods often have their own enemy/animal groups made by their respective modders. I know the phoenixes use reskinned vulture models but since they bare the name of a different bird they could have their own spawn group but only if u decide to do that. but maybe compare all your mods birds by danger level and restricting the birds with higher danger to higher gamestages much like what the game does with all other enemies. Although the highest dangerous bird being the diamond pheonix I suggest have spawn only in the waistland to add more challange to that biome since the fun pimps are making the same approach so it makes sense. but its up to you which of my ideas along with ideas from others that you want to carry out. but the more ideas the better.

    Yes, I might have to make my own groups. But not sure if I could add my own groups with gamestages. Yes wasteland have those birds spawn with a 0.02 chance. :)

    Updated Nerfthemall.

    It gave errors around trader area because I had removed the quest id's, but didn't remove them from the quest list. Now that is fixed.

  9. 4 hours ago, Cranberry Monster said:

    Okay, I'm looking at some old configs, so this might be wrong, but rather than removing the actual quests, have you tried removing those quests from the quest_list? I think the error might spring from traders looking at their quest_list when you get near and finding references to the quests you removed.


    Oh, just wanted to say that's a handsome lad in your icon, too.

    Thank you! He was a very cute budgie that learned to talk. He passed away in summer 2013.

    3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Probably because somewhere in the game, you are directed to do those quests.  If you remove those quests in the quests.xml file, you also have to remove them from the code that pulls it up.  When you get close to the trader, it starts loading up the information for when you interact with them.  So it will see how many quests you have completed for the current tier and prep that quest.  Since you removed the next trader quests, there is nothing for it when it looks for that quest and you get the Null Reference error you are seeing.


    I don't know where it points to those quests yet, but an easier solution would just be to remove the rewards themselves, but keep the quests.


    1 hour ago, Telric said:

    Did you remove the reference to them in the quest list as well?

    Thank you! Guess I was not thinking of removing them from the questlist also. So now it seems to work well.


    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']" />


  10. In my Nerf them all mod I wanted to remove some of the quest rewards that were just too good.



    Edit: I was wrong. It was not the groupquest rewards but this : Tier *_nexttrader quests.


    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']" />
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']" />


    And this will create a red Nullreference error when near the trader. I cannot really understand why. Maybe I am missing something here. The code is right and there is no errors when starting up, but the error will spawn as soon I enter the trader area.


  11. On 1/7/2022 at 12:52 AM, Fox said:

    Many things can cause that sort of behavior. What kind of router do you have or are you using the crappy one provided by the ISP as the router? How old is the modem provided by the ISP? Wifi definitely causes network stability issues no matter how new and fancy it is, although they are getting a bit better every year. But signal interferences will always be an issue which is why wifi will never be perfect, even in a 100 years from now. If using copper cable internet, is it still properly grounded or is it caked in rust and falling apart as they often are? Are you using the ISP's DNS or are you using a custom one, like to bypass the ISP's secretive nonsense?

    I am about to give up. I really cannot enjoy playing this game anymore. It stutters and stutters and stutters and I cannot seem to come up with any solution. I use a custom DNS to bypass. I have tried with the ISP dns, but it is the same. Turns out it cannot be the network as 1 other player does not experience any lag on my server whatsoever.


    This is what my PC scored in benchmark.




    On 1/7/2022 at 1:15 AM, Shnoz said:

    I'd like to recommend turning water and shadows off or down. Note in the game files there is an object limit. This is related to view distance in a sense because the object limit in part is related to what is loaded within your field of view. I imagine you are experiencing lag and choppiness for a wholly different reason than you might imagine. The previous server I played on had an object limit of around 420, 370. I unfortunately know this because I killed it. I killed the server again. If anyone has a related form thread to object limit thresholds I would like to hear it please. I found that my highest contributing factors to crashing were "windows, items, buffs, terrain" which you can see in precise detail in the logs as to how many of each are contributing to the overall server load threshold. Some of the objects that are deemed unimportant are defragmented essentially so as not to contribute to the overall load. I believe that each server has a maximum object limit threshold, and a minimum threshold that will begin to cause choppiness and lag.


    Zombies animals trees grasses anything in motion that is animated is going to cause massive strain. Water, shadows, and any combination of those things in motion is all having to be calculated within your field of vision and compoundingly within every additional players field of vision as well. One of my favorite ways to see where you specifically are being taxed is task Manager performance monitors. You will consistently see a spike when it is loading those objects in motion. In theory, if you were to bring a massive hoard of zombies to additional players, once the group of zombies gets in range to force those players to load them, there will be a massive Spike of strain suddenly on the server. Any Spike that exceeds the object limit threshold will crash the server. I think there have been thousands of people experiencing this not knowing where the issue resides. One of the first ways I experienced the threshold was through items. Not objects in motion but blocks. Because the blocks were not defragmented as zombies are, the permanence of it simultaneously permanently broke the server, whereas a massive amount of zombies will be purged after you are disconnected so as not to still have the limit threshold exceeded. This means if you were at say 400,000 when the object limit is 420,000, you can only withstand an amount of zombies that are considered to be under 20,000 total objects, or the server will crash guaranteed.


    There seem to be many booleans that nuke a server like this. If threshold condition is met, destroy the server permanently, as opposed to automatically reverting to backup, or if a player carries a corrupted file or pathway, the server goes down. This seems to be a strange way to handle errors foundationally. I personally have built many massive megaliths that have been ridiculous monstrosities that crash servers often. I think that this should at the very least be publicly available knowledge so that players don't accidentally destroy hundreds of hours of work or worse, more collectively. Surely none of the five people I was playing with told me about it, and that information didn't get from me at any point between downloading the game and crashing the servers that I have. I wonder should that responsibility be placed on the player, or the developer, or if who is at fault is even the right question. I think the solution is to prevent the crash to happen by warning of the object limit if it is guaranteed to crash at that particular threshold. If the warning to a player is not substantial, then perhaps preventing additional blocks outside of the threshold at all would be sufficient. There has to be a way to solve it other than letting the servers die. It sounds like your internet service provider is throttling you most likely during peak hours so as to distribute the bandwidth. I agree with Fox get direct connection and w better router, it will help a ton. I can't recall if this was posted before, what kind of monitor do you have op? 

    My monitor is an 2560x1440p 144hz g-sync. I use direct connection now, but it is the same unfortunately. And atm I just do not have any motivation, nor time to find out what really is the problem. Thanks for your input.

  12. 1 hour ago, AndrewT said:

    I never saw thunderbirds and i never had burningphoenixs harrass me like that so im not too sure to be honest

    Thanks for the reply. Problem is if I add them to the vulturegroup, they will always have a chance too spawn. Tried setting it really really low, but seems they will appear by some chance anyway. I want the gameplay for my mod to be fair at the start, but it really is hard to make it fair. xD Maybe I have to remove them from the vulturegroup also. And then they will prob only appear at scout and bloodmoon horde.

  13. 4 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Yes can confirm.  Sleeper respawn is now tied to the loot respawn timer. Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

    That is great. One thing I hated was the sleepers respawning after some time. But now I wont have to worry anymore. 


    But if you do not fully clear a poi of zeds, they will respawn, right? I have played some in a20 and I was happy to see cleared POIs stayed clear. Except for one or two houses we thought we cleared had respawned. So maybe we had some zombie left and they all came back?

  14. 4 hours ago, FloppyDingo said:

    Hey Robeloto, love the modlets. Just curious: Whatever happened to sirenhead/pyramidhead mentioned last year?

    Hey, thank you so much. Yea I am very sorry for that. I was going to make a SirenHead zombie. Odetta was asking for one, or something similiar. Snufkin loved the idea and made his own one. I actually made one too, but it looked a lot (if not exactly) like the one Snufkin made, so it kinda felt I was just making a copy. I also wanted the Sirenhead to be really tall like the original was, but with archetypes I cannot make tall enough ones and to make just the head invisible I had to use archetypes. Maybe that was an addition to the loss of my motivation. And, I was going to make a pyramid head also. And I tried and tried to make it look like pyramid head, but I failed. It looked absolutely nothing like pyramidhead. Maybe I can try now and see if there is any new objects or anything I could use in A20.

    If you or anyone has any ideas for me you are more than welcome with them. Thanks :) My next projects atm is, more custom sounds, some new zombies and custom prefabs and I really hope to finish them. I have so many ideas, but sometimes there isn't enough time or motivation sadly.


    On 4/6/2020 at 8:35 PM, Robeloto said:

    I just cannot make Siren Head any taller when I use the archetypes. If I set sizescale in entityclasses, the zombie will spawn in the air. So I guess 3-4 meters is max when using archetypes. If anyone know any solution to this. Please help! :)


    I am also trying to make Pyramid Head from Silent Hill. Does not look nice, trying different things, but it will never look identical to the original. ^^




  15. 3 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    thats snufkin's zombie mod not his. his mod does have some of snufkin's zombies but i never saw the sirenhead one.

    is there a way to make zombies like the giant and RPG drop more than one loot bag? cause i feel like it would be cool if they could as it would truly feel like a boss level reward normally received from killing bosses as seen in countless other games.

    I don't know about dropping more than one. But it is easy to make a custom lootbag. The giant already drops loot from the boss lootcontainer. I could make my own custom lootcontainer to drop from the hardest zombies in my mod.


    Edit: Btw. Do you also feel like my fire and thunder birds needs to be nerfed or to be removed from the animals, and to be set to higher gamestages only?

    Was playing now with a couple friends. And a couple minutes before the first bloodmoon, 2 burningphoenix and 2 thunderbirds spawned. I felt like they destroyed our fun a bit. No one so far has complained on them, but I would understand if someone want them to only appear at higher gamestages and not at the start when you only have bow and melee weapons.

  16. 7 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    Can't give a date as yet sorry. When I know for certain you all will know.  Giving dates and failing those dates isn't something I like to do. 


    I do thank you tho for being patient.  This pack won't dissapoint lots of great prefabs new and old. 


    You are doin a great job. Can't imagine how much work it is. I am so looking forward to the release. Take your time and don't rush! :)

  17. On 1/16/2022 at 2:57 PM, AndrewT said:

    well heres something else interesting. when alpha 19 first came out with some of the new HD zombie models the feral variants had glowing WHITE eyes similar to disguised demons in ghost folklore before all of them had their eyes changed back to orange

    I remember that hehe :) I have become interested in making prefabs now. I made a prefab that you start inside when you spawn the first time in the world. And at the start it is like a glass cube with bulletproof glass with several hidden doors and hidden codes. For example, one code you have to climb outside the prefab, it is bulletproof glass and steel around, so you cannot get out that way, but when you have climbed up, you can see the code through the glass from afar. And then you can type that code in to a door that makes you progress. And some zombies, bosses, snakes are around in the dungeon that will make your escape harder. It is like a labyrinth with puzzles. However, when I made the prefab, I was in a live world, so I cannot save it lol. Before you could just press K when you were in debug mode and save the base. Maybe someone will make a mod for A20 that allows you to do just that. I know there is a mod for A19 atleast.

    Anyway, it was fun building. Played it with some friends and they seemed to really enjoy it. So when I get some more time I will start making real prefabs using the editor, and not in a live game lol.


  18. 27 minutes ago, stueck0514 said:

    The best I can tell you is the game itself sucks for GPU usage. I have a 2080ti and I seem to hover between 40-65% usage. If you go into the 7 days to die folder, then into 7daystodie_data folder, there is a file called boot (a config file). If you open it up in wordpad, put these two lines at the top:




    In total you will have:





    The good news is this runs my graphics card fully like any other game, the bad news is when I first boot into the server it is only the background image that shows up, but if I leave and go back in, everything is perfect.  I went from slugging away at 30-60 fps to the full 120 I need without changing any game graphics settings. Hope this helps, and you can always delete the code if you don't like it.

    Damn, when I check my gpu usage it is at 90% sometimes. Same GPU. Gets laggy everytime zombies are spawning. Never had this trouble in A19. Maybe my GPU is dying lol.

  19. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    I never heard of any method to repair a chunk. IF that chunk is corrupted the only recourse seems to be restoring from a backup (if available) or delete.


    Since you only posted logs of the crash: I would assume relevant chunk errors to appear only in later logs, for example in logs where you try to enter the chunk and your game crashes. Either post one of those logs or check them for errors yourself.


    Since @SylenThunder asked for the savegame he may have meant to test it and just didn't have the time yet. If you want to wait for his results then just avoid that chunk like the plague.


    And start doing backups of your savegame, such a situation is always just a crash away.



        So this command won't work?



    repairchunkdensity [x z] ['fix']

    This command will check for mismatches within a chunk (specified by coordinates). If you specify 'fix' (without quotes) at the end of this command, the game will attempt to repair any mismatches found within the specified chunk.

  20. 18 hours ago, ShiftRed said:

    I just Played Nerf Them All permadeath. Died on day 11. Got a forge with a schematic and basically nothing else.  Never got a wrench or vehicle. Really liked how it prolonged early game! Thanks

    I am glad you like! And Permadeath is so harsh. I would never reach day 11.

    My Custom Zombie Mod and Nerf them all has been updated.


    Check here


  21. On 1/9/2022 at 11:50 PM, Laz Man said:


    Yep, I am not surprised about the reactions so far to the changes to the crack a book HQ.  If my memory is correct, the old one was so OP you could loot one and get bags full of books and schematics and be set.

    Yeah my first reaction for looting the old one was: 'This needs to be nerfed'. For me it is far more exciting to loot stuff when it's not easy to get good stuff right away. And vertical dungeons aka skyscrapers is the funniest  and the most interesting to explore imo. 


    I do agree that all the dungeons/pois needs to be balanced. More loot containers on higher tier dungeons is a nobrainer. ^^ 

  22. Update again.

    * Was a typo so IronMan got a too high spawnchance. Fixed.

    * Also lowered RadRobots HP. He has a chance to knock you down with his hard robotic arms. Might make 2 different robots. 1 that is easy and one that is a bit harder than the first one.


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