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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Spider

    True Survival

    Yes it means some Professions will start with improved stats. By how much has not been decided. Each will have one or two exclusive crafting items but most are just recipes that they will start with.
  2. Spider

    True Survival

    Been redoing the Professions. Here is what I got so far. Let me know what you think. Profession / Stats Increase / Recipes / Starting Points Farmer / / All Seeds, Seed Books, Seed Nursery, Stone Hoe /Hunting5 Fisherman / / Fishing Pole, Fish Recipes / Hunting5 Chef / / All Food Recipes, Sharpening Stone / Bladed Weapons 5 Cop /Dismemberment ChanceBonus, Reload Speed/ pistol, Gun Oil, Knight Stick, Weapon Repair Kit/GunSmith5 Soldier/Dismemberment ChanceBonus, Reload Speed/AK47,Grubs,GunOil,Pipe Bomb,Blunderbuss,Weapon Repair Kit, Plate Mine /GunSmith5 Chemist//Stim, Red Bull, Gunpowder, Biofuel, Oil Shale, Mixed Chemicals, Oil, Fire Shells and Book /Engineering5 Doctor//Antibiotics, Painkillers, Super Pill, Doctor Shots, First Aid Kits, Aloe Cream, Bandages/Medician5 Fitness Instructor/Max Stamina, Stamina Degradation, Max Speed, Hold Breath Duration /Red Bull, Teas, Wellness Juice/Athletic5 Fireman/Block Damage, Max Stamina/Iron Axe, Aloe Cream /Medicine5 Construction Worker /Block Damage /Scrap Iron Block, Wrench, /Engineering5 Carpenter /crafting time, Harvest Count/Wood Blocks, Hammer /Engineering5 Electrician /Harvest Count, crafting time, Repair Quality Loss /Powered Lights, Screwdriver, electronic parts, electric parts, Shocks Stick /Engineering5 Metal Worker /Block Damage /Rebar Block, Welder, Mechanical Parts /Engineering5 Burglar /loot time, noise, crouch speed, treasure radius /lock pick, Steak knife /Scavaging5 Park Ranger / /Bear Trap, Hunting Rifle, Herbal Antibiotic /Primitive Crafting5
  3. Spider

    True Survival

    Im not sure how I can be more clear, the Power Swing is a mod mechanic, the ability to do both buttons at one time and use tools with no stamina is a TFP game mechanic. Stating how something works does not tell me what you think is wrong with it. I also don't get the confusion about two hits being greater than one hit. Isn't two always going to do more than one? Your hitting something twice, its going to do more damage than hitting it once. Right? "but for all I know you expect players to run around in the mod holding down both left and right buttons and being constantly out of stamina while harvesting and killing everything very quickly." No one is forcing you to use both buttons, no one is forcing you to use up all your stamina. Anyways you can only do both buttons at one time once then the delay of the Power Swing takes effect and the swings will be at different times. If you don't want to use the Power Swing then stop smashing your mouse and just click one button.
  4. Spider

    True Survival

    Hay peps I’m going to get smart here and listen to the people(to an extent lol)Below are a few questions I would like ask any True Survival player to answer to help make the Mod better. Please post your response on the Mod Forums here- http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HardcoreSurvivalServer/discussions/1/154644928866452417/ To help with confusion please use the numbers for your answers. General How long have you been playing True Survival? What settings do you use?Day Length/Loot%/BlockHP%/Difficulty/EnemySpawning Do you play SP or MP? PVE or PVP? What Profession do you prefer and why? What mod feature do you like best in TS? What mod feature would you like to remove from TS? Do you like to use the Mini Bike? What would you like to see changed in TS? Do you like and use the followers? If you played TS in A14, do you like the old Zombie Head Shot system or do you prefer the PVP friendly version we have now? Current Game How many hours do you have into your current game? What Profession are you? What is you player level? Can you make Forged Iron or Forged Steel? Have you built a base or do you live in POI? Do you live above or below ground? What kills you the most? What Skill if any do you think level too quickly? What Skills if any do you think level too slowly? What do you eat and drink mostly? What melee and ranged weapon do you use? How many Zombies have you killed? Thanks for everyone’s time in helping.
  5. Spider

    True Survival

    Hhmmm That's very strange. I wonder why that's happening. I assumed the safe zone worked off the same system as the option to remove zombie spawns, by not allowing enemy entity's to spawn. Whats even stranger is that on server where you have the safe-zone setting it works as it should even with the followers in. Now I'm not sure how its working. Maybe it stops specific entity groups from spawning I'm not sure I'll have to do some testing but it might not matter because they will not be spawning like that anyway. Also when you started up your game and saw the three followers , that's how big a biome spawn chunk is from one follower to the other. The reason the zombies where in that list was to decrease the chance of a follower to spawn because the lowest amount the biome spawner will do is one spawn per chunk. So with out the zombies in that list you will have a follower spawn in every chunk of the biome so about every 30-40 blocks.
  6. Spider

    True Survival

    In next build Zombies will walk slower in the day time but will run in the shadows/dark. Maybe I can make them hit less hard in the day and harder in the shadows/dark also
  7. Spider

    True Survival

    @jprasch- No problem man glad you are enjoying it. No the Mod is the code so you can still set the game up with what ever settings you want. I have suggested game settings in the Install File. If I could ask a question. Why do you do 200% block strength? Is it to make gathering resources take longer or do you do it to slow the zombies down breaking things?
  8. Spider

    True Survival

    Your looking for a game setting its not in the xml's. Like I have said before I have only seen the option on server config files. It looks like this <property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel"value="10" /><!-- If a player is less or equal this level he will create a safe zone (no enemies) when spawned --> <property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours"value="12" /><!-- Hours in world time this safe zone exists --> I dont think its in the game options in SP, why I dont know it was at one time. @magnus333- Maybe it be better if you told me what you think the problem is with the Power Swing instead of making me guess. Your description on the swings looks about right. Of course doing two attacks does more damage than one attack, why wouldn't it? The power swing does slightly more damage so its going to be less hits but take more time because of the delay between swings. Also the Power Swing is mainly for fighting, it does much more Zombie head damage but only very slightly increases damage to materials. You can use this system for better melee. With this you can make melee combos, one quick hit then power swing then quick hit. There is nothing I can do about the fact that you can swing with no stamina, that's the basic game mechanics. Swinging a Tool/Weapon with no stam reduces the damage it does but it still does damage. I don't know I'm getting into the guts of the code I'll try and look into the the melee code maybe with SDX I can make it so you cant swing with no stamina.Thanks for reporting the other bugs I'll getm
  9. Spider

    True Survival

    @Jolly- All the perks that unlock recipes tell you what workbench the item is made on if any. Its in the description in the Skill Screen. @magnus333- Thanks for the feed back Yes the Power Swing a feature in the mod. As in vanilla when you swing a weapon/tool with 0 stam the damage you do is greatly reduced but it does do damage. Nothing I can do about that. Power Swing does more damage, better chance to apply buffs, cost more Stamina and has a longer delay between swings. I don't know why your horde didn't show up. I know on the Official Server they are always there on horde nights. It always seems like a lot of zombies when you first start up a game. The reason is every biome and poi zombie that can spawn are there because no one has killed any. Once you start killing some they have a delay before another will spawn so it feels less full when a map gets played on more lived in. As I said above. All the perks that unlock recipes tell you what workbench the item is made on if any. Its in the description in the Skill Screen. Also I wanted to talk about this idea that because you learn something you should know everything to make it. Just because you learn to bake a cake doesn't mean you know how to make the sugar and flour. I can build a house but I couldn't build the nail gun I use to do it. Heck I can put new batteries in my TV remote but i cant make the remote or the batteries. Just because you learn how to make something doesn't mean you magically learn how to make all its parts. For Perks like the Crossbow you can buy that very early but you will have to loot, trade or purchase the Forged Iron you need to craft it but if you find a Crossbow in loot and want to repair it or take it apart to combine it with better parts then you need the recipe. The Spikes need a tool to build like many many other blocks in game. You also have a quest that explains how to use them. Also if you read the description on the Spike it tells you how to use them. So you know I have them like that so players cant instantly place spikes like walking backwards and placing spikes down to kite zombies. Just about everything your asking for is already done. If your new to the Mod I can give you a one word suggestion "read". When you loot a new item and zombies aren't nibbling on your toes open your crafting menu and click on it then click recipes. Read the description of the item and look at the items that make it or that its used to craft. Every item is searchable from any crafting window. If you find a something that's missing a description or you think it can have a better one please let me know the item and post the new description and ill get it fixed.
  10. Spider

    True Survival

    @jprasch- Yes its a A15 Mod. What do you mean your personal preferences? The mod edits most of the xml's so if you changed stuff in there then installing my mod will over write it. Other mods can be used with it but combining them requires going into the xml's and merging the 2 codes. If you have downloaded the mod there is a Install Instruction file that comes with it. Sounds like you do not have the Mod Folder in the correct location. It goes in the same location as the Data Folder that contains the Config/Prefab Folders(the main 7d2d directory) . Thanks for trying the Mod
  11. Spider

    True Survival

    Ok going to toss out some ideas here and see what yall think. This is pertaining to the True Survival w/SDX build I am starting to iron out. 1- Change Wood, Stone, Iron, Steel Working to Primitive Crafting, Journeyman Crafting, Adept Crafting and Master Craftsman. Crafting Items will be divided by what section of the game you should be crafting it.(Primitive being the start of the game and Master Craftsman being end game) 2- Make Cobblestone unlock before Wood Building. 3-Simplify crafting XP. Each crafting stage (Primitive,Journeyman,Adept,Master Craftsman) will have 3 levels of crafting XP 5xp/10xp/20xp. Item XP will be determined by the complexity of the crafting ingredients or the quantity. 4-Simplify crafting times. All crafting times will be determined by the amount of items in the recipe. With each ingredient item increasing craft time by 3-5(??) seconds. 5-Currently our Material Crafting Skills(Wood,Stone,Iron,Steel) start at 120XP per level with a 2.2% increases with each level making level 100 cost 1,121XP. I want to change that to start at 150XP per level with a 1.94% increases per level and level 100 cost 1,005XP. I want to expand this XP curve to other other Crafting Skills like Medicine, Engineering, Miscellaneous and Gun Smithing. 6-Remove Building Block Skill Books from loot and make an item drop in their place that will allow the player to inspect a world block and learn how to make it. Thats what I got so far. I will add more as I think it through
  12. Spider

    True Survival

    @unlike them- -Unlike the gun skill books the player can not collect and make the block books. So this does leave it up to luck to find any certain Block Book. What if we dropped the Block Skill Books completely and instead you had a chance to find a XXX(to be named later for immersion) in loot. You could use the XXX one time to examine and study a world block and learn how to make it. That way you could pick what block you wanted to learn(if you could find a POI with it). -No I'm not saying I expect a player to play an hour a day for weeks I'm just using that as an example of the amount of hours it should take before you reach Steel Building. I don't know maybe 20-30 hours at lest for a experienced True Survival player. You are right about early and mid game being much more polished because I get more feed back on that part. I have some ideas on the XP system. The test we did with the material skills feels much better than before so i might expand that XP format to more skills. I think its a better XP curve. -I got some engineering by crafting but most from just using a wrench to disassemble, repair and upgrade blocks. I was actually thinking of slowing it down because it leveled so fast. If you build a base where you use a tool to upgrade blocks your Engineering Skill will shoot up. -Using Picks, Axes and Shovels raises Athletics and walking. Ya I would think if your ridding a bike everywhere it would be taking away from your Athletics XP you could be getting. Also every level increases how much XP you need for the next level. So it does take more and more XP to level Skills. -Please don't let SDX ruin you current play time. I will not have every much time this week to even get into it. Its going to be a few weeks before I even have a test build to try and longer before its ready to go on the server. Enjoy your game. -Why are you not using guns at your level?
  13. Spider

    True Survival

    @Tin- You could do it that way but then most players will build their bases in the easy biome. And the Wondering Hordes are not very reliable especialy on server where they could be walking anywhere.
  14. Spider

    True Survival

    Apparently I can make material classes now in A15. Something that couldn't be done in earlier alphas. So a lot of little tricks like the Hand Dolly can be done now. Another example is I could make a lock pick item that could unlock doors instantly using it.
  15. Spider

    True Survival

    @xyth- I could make it so the wood blocks the player builds from scratch do not give the zombies as much a damage bonus as normal "wood" items. So a player would have more incentive to build a wood base than stay in a wood poi
  16. Spider

    True Survival

    @xyth- Thats a cool idea. They only way it would work I know of would be to make copy's of the Zombies and give them lower wood damage and only spawn them for the starting hordes. There is no way to change the biome spawning by the day so they couldnt be changed without making the zombies spawn there always weaker for all of game play. There could be starting biomes where zombies that spawn are always weaker and the hordes could get gradually harder still. Or going another direction we could have a Hard Wood Tree and the wood from it could make the same wood blocks but much stronger. So like two levels of Wood Blocks.
  17. Spider

    True Survival

    @ Extinktion- 1-I don't need SDX to add those but they are UMA zombies and UMA entity s cause a lot of lag when spawned and just when there are more than few on screen. If you've noticed when walking in the wilderness you might get a second or two lag and then hear a Follower fighting in the distance. The Follower spawning is what causes the little stutter. You would get that stutter every time one spawned in a horde. I have added a few the Brute,the Baby and the charred Zombie. If you see a really cool one you want in just post the link and name to the thread with the code and ill add it. 2-Yes I'll be adding Morts Farming SDX mod and it has a bunch of new plants and foods 3-Farming, Fishing, Traps, Electricity, Melee Weapons, Guns, Zombies run in the shadows, New vehicle loot containers on the roads. Stuff like that 4-how the Followers are used will change. I just put them in like they are because it was the easiest way to get them tested and involved in game play. The plan is to have them locked in Bandit bases where you will need to break in and rescue them. Then you could take them back to your base to help defend the walls or what ever. Sounds like the campfire got bugged. Just make another one. Or are you saying even new campfires did not work?
  18. Your UI looks really unique and cool. Where is the download link? Not to be a stickler but another modder just got in trouble for posting information in the Mod forums and it not being a Mod people can download and use. If people can not download it then its not a Mod its just pictures of your game and doesn't belong in the Modding Forums. Don't get me wrong your stuff looks awesome but until its able to be downloaded by others it shouldn't be posted in the Mod Forums because it leads to confusion and frustration when players have to read through pages of a thread in the Mod Forums only to find out its not a Mod.
  19. Spider

    True Survival

    @ Oragepoilu- First what’s TL;DR mean? Nurses Beaker drop seems about right (can’t have too much free loot walking to your base for you) Medicine drop seems about right (there are a ton of loot containers that have a chance to drop this) T1 Books seem about right (they are just laying around. You’re not getting cool ♥♥♥♥ for opening a trash bag) Safes are not that rare at all. Almost every POI has at least one if not several. T3 seems like maybe too good of a chance to drop. Also Ferals spawn in the Destroyed City’s anytime. If you want to hunt them they are there. Why would a metal working Skill book (Air Duct Blocks) be in T1 loot when you couldn’t build it? By your words 27.12% in Munition Crates and 66% chance on Ferals. How is that low that sounds way way to high? What do you want a new skill book every munition crate you open? Why not just make Trades use drones and deliver loot to your base?*sarcasm* Yes my intention is to force the player to exploit the XP system you found me out lol. I can’t stop lazy people from sitting in a whole crafting nails all day. If your one of those cheesy gamers then there’s nothing anyone can do that’s going to stop you. I personally never ever grind anything. I play the game like it’s a real event. Only worrying about my most immediate concern first when playing, like finding food, water, shelter and maybe a weapon to defend myself. If you’re playing the game and your mind is thinking about what item has the highest XP and lowest resource cost that you could grind the ♥♥♥♥ out of then nothing I can do short of completely removing all XP from the game will stop you. You are viewing the game as a math problem to be solved and I have no interest in even looking at the game in that way, it removes any enjoyment from the game and I play to have fun. If you find a mathematical problem in the Mod then by all means let me know but I don’t need to see your homework just tell me the answer and save us all some time. Engineering is the second fastest leveling Skill next to Athletics. It can be leveled by crafting, repairing and upgrading. I was level 20 and my Engineering was level 48. What? “because of a lot of the mechanic here (hp per block, hp per zombie, buff killing zombie, lower overall level and less quick craft perk and speed bonus from skill).” How does a block having more XP slow your leveling? You do realize the tools that are supposed to be used on them have the exact same increase in damage so there is not much difference in the number of hits to break it. I don’t see how a zombie with more HP slows your leveling either. Lower Level of what? Player level to 200 just like vanilla I don’t know what you’re talking about in any of this. Less quicker Crafting Perk? Do you mean instant crafting when you spend points on the Perk HAHAHAHA Never! What speed bonus? Moving Speed? Steel is not supposed to be easy to get, it should take at least 3-4 weeks of playing an hour a day before you even think about getting it. Armor XP is vanilla. It levels super-fast. Make one set of clothes and you can see how fast the quality increases. And you do get XP for leveling armor crafting skills. Removing the Weapon skill does not remove XP. All I did was change where the XP goes you still get the XP. There are plans for Farming. Also not everyone agrees with you Zombie loot experience. Here’s a player’s comment on the Mod forums from a few days ago “Zombies- Killing and looting zombies has never been as rewarding as it is now. They have a great loot pool and are a great renewable source for bones and items. There is a decent variety and I think their loot is something that shouldn't be ignored as it has been in the past.” *http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HardcoreSurvivalServer/discussions/1/154644349169909265/ In closing. I don’t think you truly understand the purpose of this Mod. It is not Valmod. As a matter of fact I would call Valmod the near opposite of True Survival (I love Val, nothing against him but we just have two completely different ideas about what our mods should be) this is a Hardcore Mod not made for Carebares (nothing wrong with Carebare settings just not in my Mod). Nearly every comment you make seems to be pushing to make the game easier, faster and less challenging. Which is the exact opposite of where I want to go with it? But you seem to have some understanding about the modding process and apparently are playing my Mod even though I don’t see much you like about it. How about in all these long post about how bad my modding skills are you offer up a detailed suggestion about how to make it better seeing as you understand modding this game. And while this might be a ok suggestion from a regular Joe “Increase the chance to get tier 2 by a good amount, and same for tier 3 ammo box (only ammo box, they are rare, make them worth it)" I think a player with your knowledge that makes such detailed post about how things are done wrong in the Mod could give much more detail in your suggestions. How much should it be increased by? 10%? 50%? Should I spend an hour or two tinkering and testing to figure it out? Or seeing as you have obviously taken the time to do the math couldn’t you just tell me your suggestion in as much detail as you pick my Mod apart. You obviously have taken the time to play the mod and think about how it could be better how about sharing that and not forcing me to guess or pull it out of you bit by bit.
  20. Spider

    True Survival

    No I don't hate your for posting all the bugs I thank you. I don't get as much time to play anymore so without Testers like you that will post good feed back and suggestions I probably wouldn't even be updating it anymore. Good point too, if anyone has any suggestions or bugs now would be the time to post them so I can get as much changed/fixed as possible before we start new games/maps with SDX and don't get to antsy and ruin you current games this might take a while to even get a build working good enough to load up on the server(like a week or 2 or more) *True Survival will be completely finished, Gold Status 6 months after 7D2D leaves beta. So every build until then is experimental
  21. Spider

    True Survival

    Merry Christmas everyone. Good news SDX is out. So this build of True Survival is complete. The next update will break all save games so if you want to continue your game do not update anymore. It might take me sometime to figure this stuff out, not much instructions with it so it looks like I have to figure it out by myself. So please be patient and be repaired to be amazed! lol Thanks to Dom and the SDX team for all their hard work *cough* *instruction* *cough*
  22. Spider

    True Survival

    No just checked Hoof is spelled right. Make sure you are deleting your Mod file before you install the new one.
  23. Spider

    True Survival

    @xyth- You need to delete your Mod Folder and reinstall, some of those icons have been fixed for a few updates now.
  24. Spider

    True Survival

    @xyth- it doesn't need that code for the icon to show
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