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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Spider

    True Survival

    Theres your problem. Current build is staying at 15.1. If you want to play it revert to 15.1 through steam.
  2. Wow I looked at this Mod when you first made it long ago and never really looked at it again. It has come a long way from where you started. I also had no idea you had a SDX version. Your added workstation meshes, traps and weapons are awesome man. You really have an extreme amount of boom boom in this mod. I just wanted to jump in and get this mod some more attention and let you know what a great job you did. One thing I might suggest is making another thread in the SDX section and linking it to here, people looking for SDX mods might never find this little SDX diamond in the Mod Section.
  3. Spider

    True Survival

    @jprasch- Yes if your game updated to 15.2 just go back to 15.1. If you did not load up your old save game then it should still be ok to start back up. I would need more info to try and figure out what happen with the parts. Did you get an error? Are you on a server or SP? How long had the game been running? What gun wouldn't come apart? Update- Well as you can see I didn't get the test server up this week . Work was busier than normal earlier this week and by Friday I was about to set up the server then someone turned me on to some more cool crap to add in. So I spent 2 days adding more stuff and literally the moment before I went to set up the server 15.2 dropped and messed everything up. I got it running on 15.1 again but spent most the day trying to figure out how to load a SDX mod on a server(which apparently no one seems to know how to do). And that's where I'm stuck at the moment. I'm continuing to flush out the mod in SP but could use some help on the steps to set a SDX server up if anyone has any knowledge on the subject I would be great full for the help. On a positive note there's so much sh*& stuffed in this mod you should never get bored again. All workbenches have their own unique mesh. My own version of raising chickens for eggs,meat and feathers. Morts Fishing. Soooooooo many new traps. Morts Power System for workstations, traps and lights. New animals. New Biomes. Like 20 different guns and there's just a ton more of them available if we want to add them later. Spears, Bats, Saws, Axes, Swords, Knifes, Crossbows. HardStone. Zombies that run in the Shadows. Crops use water to grow and can be trampled. Just so much stuff its going to take me hours to write the new mod description.
  4. Spider

    True Survival

    Might want to put it at the end of the list or change the prob
  5. Spider

    True Survival

    Here if you want to fix it your self add this in loot.xml before the loot container id# are listed <lootgroup name="CompoundBow+ammo" count="all"> <item name="CompoundBow" count="1" quality="300,600" /> <item name="CarbonArrow" count="20" /> </lootgroup> And add this to loot container id 50,56 and 102 <item group="CompoundBow+ammo" count="1" prob="0.3" />
  6. Spider

    True Survival

    @wolverine576- That should be in the Indian Chest, Gun Store and Gun Crates.
  7. Spider

    True Survival

    @obsidianmcbovril- Sorry about that didnt even know that picture was down there. I removed it. Work got a little busy this week and i didn't get the time i thought i would to work on it. I'm working on it now though. FYI you will only be able to play on the official server at first till its ironed out more. So the first download will be a client pack, you will not be able to play SP or create a server with it.
  8. Spider

    True Survival

    That information is incorrect there is no SMX Folder. All graphic for the SMX mod are in the Icon Folder
  9. Spider

    True Survival

    @unlike them- No I put oil to be both above and below the HardStone line in the Desert. Nitrate and coal are easily available above HardStone line too.
  10. Spider

    True Survival

    With SDX supposedly you can add textures but I'm not doing stuff like that right now. I'm trying to get a build out and I would have to learn a lot of new stuff to get a new texture in I'm guessing. I will start looking into adding completely new blocks, 3dmeshes and textures after I have all the other stuff done and a stable build. I consider stuff like that just cosmetic stuff so its usually last on my list to do. But for now we have to use whats in game. That could be the texture on any terrain block so dirt, burnt forest dirt, sandstone stuff like that. For now unless someone has a better idea for a texture I think the Bedrock texture will have to do. As for the ore distribution how about all biomes have Stone, HardStone, and Gravel. All Biomes have Silver in the top half, Gold in the bottom half and Diamonds small chance everywhere.And do the layers like this- Snow Coal Lead Desert Coal Oil Plains Coal Nitrate Forest Coal Iron Pine Forest Lead Iron Burnt Forest Coal Iron Snowy Pine Forest Lead Iron Plains Wasteland Iron Nitrate Center Biome Coal Iron/Diamonds
  11. Spider

    True Survival

    Ok how about by Biome and then by height. So we could have maybe two ores per biome and have one near surface and one lower Here's our ores - Iron, Lead, Coal, Nitrate, Gold, Silver, Diamonds Here's our Biomes (GNA MOD) - Snow, Desert, Plains, Forest, Pine Forest, Burnt Forest, Snowy Pine Forest, Plains Wasteland, Wasteland Hub(only at center) Any suggestions?
  12. Spider

    True Survival

    I don't do that. Too much work to keep updated. I make one Mod that I find challenging to play and enjoy. I make this Mod available for others to play and use as they wish.
  13. Spider

    True Survival

    @wolverine576- What other Texture do you suggest for HardStone? Or i could switch it and make normal stone Bedrock texture and HardStone normal stone texture.
  14. Spider

    True Survival

    Normal stone will go down 10 layers, that is 10 layers whenever stone starts in that biome so dirt, clay, sand and whatever will still be on top like normal. After that 10 layers of stone and whatever other ores we want to spawn there HardStone will replace all normal stone all the way to Bedrock. HardStone will have Bedrock appearance but no Chime when hit, it will have the same health as normal stone but will only be able to be damaged by Steel and Nitroglycerin Explosives. Yes gravel will still surround ore like now so if a player finds a vain they can mine it out even below the HardStone line . The point of HardStone is not to restrict resource gathering but to stop players from building bases below ground in early and mid game. You can still mine out a vain and make a base or find a cave and make a base but that to me feels more natural than just being able to make a stone axe on day one and start digging down to bedrock and then be practically safe the rest of the game. I think this small change will have a HUGE game play effect of forcing players to live and play above ground in poi's or player made bases instead of 90% of players being moles.
  15. Spider

    True Survival

    Hay guys working on ore distribution. How do we want it? By depth? Biome? SubBiome?
  16. Spider

    True Survival

    Totally off topic but i cried laughing
  17. Spider

    True Survival

    Added a donation button on the main page. (I think I got it working right)
  18. Spider

    True Survival

    Just seen this. Good to know thanks. Just an FYI I'm my opinion, if I found a player doing this on my server you would be banned no questions asked and if I was running a GBL program I would add you to it. There is no excuse for cheating in my book and using a exploit is cheating. Thats just an FYI. Many other server owners would do the same, don't be THAT GUY!
  19. Spider

    True Survival

    @Loxodrome- Followers do not spawn the same way in the next build but if you want to remove them just go into the spawning.xml and delete all these lines from the biome spawners <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="15" time="Day" entitygroup="Followers" /> @jprasch- No i don't add any controller support. This game does not play well on a controller from my experience on the PS4. The FPS part is ok with the controller but as soon as you open a ui window the need for a mouse and keyboard is obvious. I would imagine you could bind the LMB to a controller button just like any other button. If that's not possible then I have no idea. Update- After seeing the latest video for A16 I have decided not to put to much more work into anymore blocks, rwg or POI stuff because it looks like it will all need to be redone in A16 anyways. So what I'm planing on doing is just adding a modified version of GNAMOD biome/terrrian mod. I loaded it up and I like the terrain layout better than vanilla and it looks better than what i have been working on. I will have to go through his code and put in all the True Survival biome stuff in it but it will still save me a few days of work. Barring any unforeseen problems I hope to rent a server next week and open it up for testing to finish the polish and balancing off. If all goes well I hope to have the new build out next weekend.(fingers crossed)
  20. Spider

    True Survival

    The Mod used to come with all that but its unplayable for 98% of players so it was removed. I personaly loved them but when most peoples frame rate is 3 in a city with those POI's then its just not playable.
  21. Spider

    True Survival

    @Jiles111- -Got it thanks. -UI does not show the quantity of a crafting recipe. On most foods one item makes 2 seeds. -Thats just how the game operates. Its because you were to close to it when its loot respawn timer was up. A work around is leave a item in a container and when its loot respawn time has past you can remove the left over item close it and it will instant respawn loot.
  22. Spider

    True Survival

    @obsidianmcbovril- Funny you should ask I was just starting to get into the biome/terrain stuff for the new version. In the current build I have food crops that grow wild, remove above ground ore pile except coal, and increase the stuff in caves like tires, bones,stalagmites and mushrooms. I was looking at the GNA RWG Mod. Have you played it? What makes it different? Its hard to tell just from those screen shots. I was going to try and load it up when i get some time and take a look.
  23. Spider

    True Survival

    @Loxodrome- I posted this on the steam forums for another player- Type 1) Increase all weapons damagebonus.head by x10 and then increase all zombies health points by x10. This will get you the experience you’re looking for but it messes up PVP kinda. Type2) Add a buff to all weapons that does a lot of damage only to zombies when they are hit in the head. This keeps PVP intact but has the draw back of a slight delay in the Zombies death (they will complete their death animation, some players like this some do not) and does not give the player that killed the zombie the bonus XP for the finishing shot because the buff actually killed it.
  24. Spider

    True Survival

    @wolverine576- You can already make animal guts and rub them on a follower and he will smell and attacked zombies. I can see those gore blocks being used as a huge exploit. Make 10 place on south end of city run to north end and loot free and clear. Or. Place 10 around a players base and laugh as it gets destroyed. Or. Make 50 of them and place them down and crash a server. I could go on. Some things are really good ideas but make terrible game play like Morts Water Collector Blocks, really cool idea but a nuclear bomb to a server in the wrong hands.
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