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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Spider

    True Survival

    @MajorPayne74- Please post True Survival SDX stuff in the True Survival SDX thread. If you post there Sphereii will see it and should help you out. He is the Mod Launcher creator.
  2. Spider

    True Survival

    @naterz- Yes the SDX version of the mod edits the .dll files. So they would not be compatible. @JC LEON- -The True Survival SDX version is the most updated complete bug free balanced build available. -You do not need to have or know anything about SDX to run my SDX mod. I package it so everything is done for you. All you do is install the mod and start the game. -TS already has a bed rest system FYI @ScottWhite9- Its a balance problem with the loot. You can find them in Working stiff crates and Cardboard Boxes and trash Cans. Loot balance is fixed in the current SDX version.
  3. Spider

    True Survival

    @gpcstargate- From the front page of the True Survival SDX Forums- For the easiest installation please use Sphereii's 7 Days to Die Mod Launcher to load the Full Mod and play SP, MP, Coop, Lan or on Servers (All players must have installed the full mod to play. EAC Off) - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die Short Mod Launcher Guide: 1) Click on Advanced 2) Click on Spider 3) For the Destination Folder, you can click on the folder to pick where the mod will be installed at. By default, it's C:\7D2D\ 4) Click on True Survival SDX 5) Click on Copy to make a copy of your Steam folder 6) Click on Play mod NOTE: The first time you press Play, it will take awhile to download. True Survival SDX is about 500 megs, so depending on how fast your internet connection is, it could take 5 minutes up to an hour. Every other time after that will be much faster. Installation Instruction Video -
  4. Spider

    True Survival

    @CZFRAIN97- Thanks. Have you tried the new mod i make? True Survival SDX? It's the newest build and has a lot of things improved, fixed and added. It is a SDX mod but I package it so you don't need any other program to run it. It is installed just like a normal mod just with a few more files to copy and paste. Also you can skip all that forever by installing Spereii's 7D2D Mod Launcher. Then you can switch between this mod, my SDX mod, Vals Mods and a ton of other 7D2D mods with a button click. @ShadowzLust- These are Zombies, shooting them in the body, legs or arms will not stop them. Aim for the head, kill the brain. (weapons do a ton more damage on head shots in this mod)
  5. Spider

    True Survival

    um......The Lorax...? That's like not very respectful, to advertise in my mod thread that you are going to be putting out my mod as yours. I'm not missing or non active. I'm right here. I have had players private message me(unnecessarily) about using 2 lines of code from my mod, but here you don't even ask to use my complete mod and republish it as yours. I mean.... just WOW! I'm not updating A14 True Survival either will you be updating that and re publishing it as yours also? I am not adding to this mod because the new version is out. True Survival SDX is the same as True Survival but with all the fixes, player suggestions and a ton of new added stuff. You are free to play my mod in any form you want. You are free to chop it up and use what every code or information in it you want. You are free to edit, change or remove things you don't like. But to jump on a modders thread with out permission and an announce you are taking over his mod is....... well i don't even know what to call that really. You know I am constantly asking for help with publishing and updating the mod and I don't remember you ever offering to help so what you are doing is not required, unwanted or needed and quit honestly kinda rude and disrespectful. You don't hop in on another Molders Mod Thread and announce you are taking it over.
  6. Spider

    True Survival

    Just a FYI to anyone that was waiting on it. The full True Survival SDX version is out. @AlienZ- Anything I put out in a download is free to use as you want. Enjoy!
  7. Spider

    True Survival

    Yup. You will need more RAM than vanilla to run a SDX mod. But as for a xml mod it should not really matter to much. Just a bit more time to load in and a little lag on typing in search words in crafting (not recommended in unsecured locations) but other than that as long as you don't try a mod with a lot of huge poi's in citys you should be good. @The-Walking-Dad- You can do that but the rotations are still off. Hopefully in A16 that will all be fixed
  8. Spider

    True Survival

    SDX VERSION END GAME TEST ---- 3X FASTER LEVELING Fresh Map Use Sphereii's 7 Days to Die Mod Launcher to load the Mod - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die Then join - The Official True Survival SDX Server ip- port- 23104 pw = spider
  9. Spider

    True Survival

    Hi Holo thanks for the bug report. I am not actively updating this mod right now but I am taking all the bugs found here and fixing them in the new SDX version of the mod. Some of these are already fixed in the SDX version but the ones that are not I will get fixed. Thanks again.
  10. Spider

    True Survival

    True most make it difficult to up load .dll files. Some do not. Bluefang is who I host the SDX server on and they give full access to all game files if any one is looking for a SDX sever provider. But you are right that's the reason I don't put it out as a SDX mod is because that would pretty much ensure I would only have like 10 people try the Mod maybe. But like I said the way I package it makes sure the players and server owners never ever have to touch the SDX program just copy and paste files just like a xml mod
  11. Spider

    True Survival

    @Budzilla- I make my SDX mod so that players do not need to download, install or know anything about SDX. Its a complicated cumbersome program thats not very user friendly, but its what we got and its better than nothing. All you need to play my SDX mod is the Sphereii's 7S2D Mod Launcher. It only takes a few clicks and then it's done and you can jump back and forth between mods and vanilla game with just one mouse click. After you have it installed you can start the game through steam like normal(just make sure to update the mod once in a while)And A16 is going to be a lot of new code. A lot.
  12. Spider

    True Survival

    All that stuff is fixed in the SDX version if you are interested. Maybe when the SDX one gets a little more finished ill go through and bring all the bug fixes i have done in it over to this one. I don't know though, we will see when A16 comes out might not be worth my time.
  13. Spider

    True Survival

    hmm nothing is jumping out at me. If you cant find it work the problem backwards. Start near the top and insert a known bug. Like call a buff that does not exist. Then start it up check the log and make sure you are getting the new known bug you added. Then slowly move the known bug down the file starting it each time and making sure you are still getting you know bug. At some point you will pass the real bug you are looking for and when you check the log you will see the bug you have now. Use all this information to narrow in on where the problem is in the file. You should be able to narrow it down to what line of buff code has the error.
  14. Spider

    True Survival

    No my buffs dont need any custom .dll edits. But I have found that the buff file is the most complex .xml file and can be the most game changing. If you could post your buff file i could take a look for you. Ya and I have poked around to see what I changed to make the open container bug but I cant seem to figure it out. If any one does let me know and I'll fix it in the download
  15. Spider

    True Survival

    New True Survival SDX Mod is out info here - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?59466-WIP-True-Survival-SDX
  16. Spider

    True Survival

    I will be separating the threads for the SDX version of True Survival so it doesn't get confusing. It can be found in the SDX section of the forums here- https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?59466-WIP-True-Survival-SDX Its a work in progress. I will be releasing the files tomorrow but with many warnings. The first being that its far from a finished product but I'm hoping by putting the files out there a smarter person might be able to figure out how to get it to load on a server. It needs to be tested more than I can do by myself at this point. The second is that you may find it easier to remove your own kidney then to get this to start up lol. I will post step by step instructions on how I get it to load for SP/Coop but be warned it can be frustrating.
  17. Spider

    True Survival

    Now I havent done a "cosmetic pass" on it. So its missing most of the new custom icons and descriptions(I do that stuff last) but its playable for sure.
  18. Spider

    True Survival

    Well if I cant get it to load on the server by tomorrow night maybe I'll just release the files. It can be played SP and Coop and maybe if the files are out there someone might be able to get it to load on a server and tell the rest of us how. I don't like doing it this way because it makes bug fixing harder and it will take longer to balance and polish when we are not all testing with the same files with the same game settings. But it needs to get tested more than I can do by myself.
  19. Spider

    True Survival

    I dont think the Starvation people like me anymore:distress:. The SDX creator never really responds to questions. So Im kinda on my own. I have a few smart people said they might be able to try and help me today so fingers-crossed.
  20. Spider

    True Survival

    The mod is ready for server testing but no one seems to know how to load a SDX mod on a server. Until I can get it to load on a server I cant package the files up for distribution. All help is welcome.
  21. Spider

    True Survival

    Hay peps the broken arm thing might be doable. What do yall think about that? Only way to get your arm broken would be a chance on hit in your arms. When you arm was broken and healing you would not be able to use any 2 handed weapons, melee, guns or tools. What do you think?
  22. Spider

    True Survival

    Loxodrome- Most good server providers will install the .dll files for you and then you can install the .xml's yourself. I know Ping-perfect Blue-fang and Low Latency will. If needed when its ready I can make a separate download for providers so they can just grab it scan it for viruses and install it. @xyth- When I'm ready to give it a try again I might try and have a chat with you if that's ok. See if we can get this bad boy to load up because its about ready for some good testing. I think I might try and play a test game tonight see what happens. I started to write out some of the new mod description and there are hundreds of new items, block and things. I hope its not to big for Github lol
  23. Spider

    True Survival

    @Vedamir- Hi. I must of missed your post earlier. Ya I'm a team of one(the loneliest number:neglected:). Your idea sounds great but how to make it work? Were you thinking some kind of buff system to simulate it? Or were you thinking of some C# editing of the core game code to accomplish this? I'd be more than happy to work with others to do something. @others- I'm trying to get it to load on a dedicated server on my machine first then after its functioning move it to a rented one. How you describe it sounds just like SDX 6.0 but when I try and do it like that it does not work. How do you start the server after you build the SDX mod onto it? Another question, can you start a SP SDX game with out using the Start button in the SDX Launcher after you have the SDX mod installed? With SDX 6.0 you didnt need SDX after you built the mod the first time but with 7.0 I have to use the SDX Launcher or it will error out.
  24. Spider

    True Survival

    @SmooreMC85- If you were not aware - Wood does not hurt stone, stone does not hurt iron, iron does not hurt steel Early game you don't mine for metal you break, scrap and disassemble things. Chairs, Tables, Cars, T.V's, Trash Cans, anything metal. Chairs and TV's break very easy so you can break them for materials with a stone axe. Breaking something will give some simple materials, Using a wrench will give you more and more advanced parts, scraping will just give you the scrap of the main material.
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