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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. play=1

    Extracting / harvesting Ice Essence and "The Ice Transmutation Ritual".


    One of the most challenging, and funnest (I hope), aspects of playing as a Sorcerer will be attaining and obtaining Essence to craft your Spells and perform Sorceries.


    I would love your feedback on how YOU would like to attain and obtain Essence, beyond what's demonstrated in this demo vid.


    Currently, you obtain Essence the following ways:


    [TABLE=width: 100%]










    [TD]Burnt, Oak[/TD]


    [TD]Coal, Oil Shale[/TD]

    [TD]Fire Ritual[/TD]






    [TD]Potassium Nitrate[/TD]

    [TD]Ice Ritual[/TD]




    [TD]Forest, Oak[/TD]



    [TD]Lightning Ritual[/TD]



    ** All natural sources have a chance for Core Essence

    ** Planted trees must be fully grown, much rarer to drop essence and they currently cannot drop Core Essence.

    ** May implement ability to plant and grow essence directly (yay nay?)


    Well growing your own is quite fitting. the sages etc have their gardens they collect their special stuff from. and besides who dont love farming lol...

  2. Just a little preview. I've overhauled the advanced block replacing feature. It's basically a programmable converter now. You can add a rule set and apply it to a all prefabs at once. Should provide a much more convenient way of converting prefabs than the xml-based converter once it is finished. Could become interesting when A18 spawns. ;)




    This and other (unfinished) experimental versions of the editor can be downloaded from here (64 bit only). I am too lazy to link them here or to make a 32 bit version of each experimental.


    oh very nice work Pille. So we just download like normal yeh or with this one we have to do it manually.....

  3. Whitelist rconcrete (id 2112) and they will spawn on rconcrete blocks only and if you use the blacklist option they may spawn on all blocks except rconcrete (or whatever you've entered in the block list).


    Argh I pressed auto gen zs and no zs showed. I changed the tick from whitelist to black list and pressed auto gen and the zs and volumes worked. Pretty cool just got to learn it and do it properly lol

  4. @n2n1

    I am sure that will be helpful to others. Thank you for sharing.



    Update Time (Changelog later)


    The update contains a couple of bug fixes as well as an (slightly) overhauled sleeper generator. The overhaul is not finished yet but if you don't want to have a sleeper zombie zoo, you may find it helpful. There will be more update (probably this week).



    The new sleeper symbols:




    yes very awesome Pille great work so far with the sleeper generator and love the diff icons your using for different things. Love the layout and selection abilities to of the sleeper gen section.


    PS: white list ticked no zs spawn. blacklist zs spawn is this correct or

  5. Ahh sorry I know you've already mentioned that you're working with a16. I am getting old. lol




    Yes the circel selector is deactivated since ... forever. Some other features are semi-broken or have some minor bugs. I'll try to fix everything as soon as possible. The z export should work though. I assume you've added sleeper zombies and they didn't spawn ingame?




    Glad to read that you've managed to export your prefab!




    No, that's almost impossible. That would be extremely difficult/time-consuming.




    That's strange. There are no known bugs regarding tree spawning. Maybe you have to add more air layers above the tree blocks. If you send me the prefab file, I should be able to identify the issue.





    If you want to spawn prefabs in Navezgane edit the following file:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds\Navezgane\prefabs.xml


    And if you work with RWG worlds, edit the file

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\rwgmixer.xml


    I am not really good at editing the rwgmixer and I am not aware of tutorials explaining the mixer, sorry.





    Please send me your casino. :)


    My casino and hotel both loaded on 0.53 lol but will send to you ty

  6. Works on Stable just as stallionsden stated. It only needs to be installed on the client end. There is no need for a server version. You can use it on dedicated servers you join (FYI freaks other players out if they see you turning on/off lights of POIs in the game servers lol be warned!)


    Will only work on servers with eac off tho

  7. Will this work on the b240 stable version? (Is there even a difference between the b240 stable and b240 experimental?)


    One way to test if it works is put it in your game lol. I am fairly certain I read somewhere from a dev or moderator that exp b240 is the same as stable b240

  8. My loot is set at 100%, must be just RNG. I did look at the loot.xml but not sure what to change, I saw the entries "mod_chance=.50" but take that as the chance for a mod to be spawned with the bat, did not see anything specific to the bat spawns themselves.


    If I change something like this

    <item name="meleeWoodBat" mods="head,sweetspot,effects,grip,pommel" mod_chance=".50"/>


    To this, would it work?

    <item name="meleeWoodBat" prob=".50" mods="head,sweetspot,effects,grip,pommel" mod_chance=".50"/>




    Having 2 probs in the one comment I dont think would work (could be wrong) may be try changing the prob ".50" to "1"


    See if that helps.

  9. Whats the drop rate on the bats. I've gone thru a 5 hour session and only found 1 wooden bat.


    Thanks for all the hard work!!


    i get a fair decent amount of drops of the bats different kinds myself. might depend what yo have your loot set at 100% 200% etc or just plain ole unlucky. but ofc they all can be increased if not dropping as much as you would like. Simply look in loot.xml and change the prob values

  10. haha, not yet.


    Most likely nothing until stable. ID's are jumping around to much during experi.


    why. we wants it now we wants the precious......


    Just release it already you been working on it forever loll. whats taking you so damn long haha :-P


    all jokes ofc lol totes understand haha and just stirring ya.

  11. Dang dust this looks nice. When is it to be released. Why dont we have this yet. What is taking you so long to release it. Maybe do shorter more faster updates blah blah blah lol :-P jokes Haha cant wait mate good work.


    Question this still need sdx or when it is finally released

  12. Hi,im trying to install Salvaged Bats Modlet to 7 days to die / data folder.All 3 files,but getting lots of errors and cant play.What im doing wrong?


    This is a modlet it isn't a mod.


    This you need to make a mod folder in your 7 days to die game directory then place this modlet inside the newly created mod folder

  13. This is great. one question though, maybe im missing the latest fad .. what is a modlet and the difference from a mod? im getting very confused lol


    A mod requires editing of the game xmls and files.


    A modlet simply inputs the edits to the game and no physical editing of the vanilla files are required. Swap and change em as you wish.

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