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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. Ravenhearst overhaul compatability


    dont know if this is god or bad since I have not loaded and played it yet but did gt this while the server was loading

    2019-03-01T04:21:02 116.638 WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "Sorcery" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name=attIntellect]"

    2019-03-01T04:21:02 116.638 WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "Sorcery" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/skills"


    and started saved game fine but when I hit tab and hit the skills menu get an NRE will see if I get the same when I start a new game on my comp

    nope even on single player get the NRE when I open the skills menu


    i dare say it is a compatability issue between the 2 mods. I dont have ravenhearst and I dont have that issue. You.


    maybe go thru sorcery and RH progression file and see what is clashing.

  2. have you played with the in-game editor??




    Yes I have lol but I still use and always will use pille editor to they go well together.


    Build prefab in in game editor.


    Then use pille editor to fix water blocks the editor stuffed up and add zombies in using pilles automatic zombie placer and volume maker

  3. Hey, thanks. And for those others, despite saying "[Modlet name] did not apply," they still work.


    Yeh they be yellow colour just weird you get those errors as I don't with the weapon mags one and backpack hope it works for you now



    In your entitygroups xml you have a error -



    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombieBadassGroup'">


    It is missing the end tag ] inbetween the ' and " at the end. so should look like this -


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=ZombieBadassGroup]">

  5. 2019-02-28T01:22:52 14.286 WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "FastGrowFarmingMod" did not apply: <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=fruitTreeGrowingMaster]/property[@name=PlantGrowing.GrowthRate]/@value"

    2019-02-28T01:22:52 14.289 WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "FastGrowFarmingMod" did not apply: <set xpath="/blocks/block[contains(@modTag,'growingPen')]/property[@name=UpgradeRated.Rate]/@value"


    (I dont know the mod here but seems there is a issue here maybe talking to the creator of the mod)


    then there is this -


    2019-02-28T01:22:55 17.409 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "Weapon Magazine Size Modlet" did not apply: <set xpath="/item_modifiers/item_modifier[@name=modGunMagazineExtender]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name=MagazineSize]/@value"


    (Is this my modlet - as it works fine for me try redownloading it as i had stuff in there from another modlet i used that maybe you didnt)


    then this -


    2019-02-28T01:22:58 20.398 ERR XML loader: Patching 'entitygroups.xml' from mod 'RobelotoCustomZombies' failed

    2019-02-28T01:22:58 20.398 EXC Error during parse of /entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombieBadassGroup'


    at Mono.Xml.XPath.XPathParser.yyparse (yyInput yyLex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Mono.Xml.XPath.XPathParser.Compile (System.String xpath) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    Rethrow as XPathException: Error during parse of /entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombieBadassGroup'

    at Mono.Xml.XPath.XPathParser.Compile (System.String xpath) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile (System.String xpath, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsmgr, IStaticXsltContext ctx) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile (System.String xpath) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Compile (System.String xpath) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Xml.XmlNode.SelectNodes (System.String xpath, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Xml.XmlNode.SelectNodes (System.String xpath) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XmlFile.AppendByXPath (System.String _xpath, System.Xml.XmlElement _xml, System.String _patchName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XmlPatcher.singlePatch (.XmlFile _targetFile, System.Xml.XmlElement _patchElement, System.String _patchName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XmlPatcher.PatchXml (.XmlFile _xmlFile, .XmlFile _patchXml, System.String _patchName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at XmlPatcher.LoadAndPatchConfig (System.String _configName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)







    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


    (The error lies here -

    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombieBadassGroup'">

    <entity name="zombieFireBoss" prob="0.08"/>

    <entity name="zombieMaleHazmatShocker" prob="0.2"/>

    <entity name="zombieBikerGiant" prob="0.05"/>



    It is missing the end tag ] inbetween the ' and " at the end.


    then this -


    2019-02-28T01:22:58 20.803 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "S420_SimpleUI-BiggerBackpack120" did not apply: <set xpath="/xui/ruleset[@name=default]/window_group[@name=looting]/window[@name=windowLooting]/@name"


    this is the one i have and it works fine -

    <set xpath="/xui/ruleset[@name=default]/window_group[@name=looting]/window[@name=windowLooting]/@name">S420windowLooting</set> as you can see it is the same so maybe fix the above errors and it will flow thru. happy to take a look after you fix the above ones with a new output.log

    also if you tell me which mod the first 2 lines are from i can look at that to for you

  6. I'm getting an error...


    Patching 'entitygroups.xml' from mod 'RobelotoCustomZombies_Hard' failed



    Also occurs with the 'RobelotoCustomZombies' version. Haven't tried it with the Easy, but I'm sure the result would be the same...


    Does EAC have to be on? Would it conflict with other modlets?


    Be more helpful to pin point the error if you uploaded the output.log

  7. Argh that be my theme park lol. I tried the trader stuff but the whole theme park became indestructible I only wanted the trader minion to be indestructible. I got rid of it in the end and now the whole park should be destructible again.


    As for the loot 'meh' it's untouched you be the first 1 in there. I used alot of random containers to reduce the loot as much as possible. But the bigger the poi the bigger the loot.


    The second minion is a base minion where 1 sets up their base.

  8. The bad thing is that the nose as it is put to run at night


    My nose runs day and night if it has a cold lol. But sorry I didn't understand what you were trying to say not meaning any rudeness

  9. I do not have to do my mod, I just asked why the zombies did not run at night and he has answered me because it is called war of the walker and for me it is a stupid answer


    - - - Updated - - -


    I like the mod but I don't like the zombies don't run because is so easy


    Was a bit funny the answer I think lol. But you can change them to run at night yourself. I personally don't like the running zs i am a twd type thought of zs dumb stupid and slow and non deadly if by only a single but in herds they be dangerous no matter how slow. You have your thoughts and likes to

  10. We won't be releasing on 17.2, but 17.1. There are a number of reasons for this chief amongst them is so much is broken right now in 17.2 and the RWG is a useless pile of junk.


    We are in late stage testing right now, trying to track down one nasty bug. Release is coming, if we had our way it would already be released but we want to ensure that the release you get is near perfect and up to standards as possible. Notes will be releasing soon and we think you will LOVE what we have in store for you. And that the wait will definitely be worth it. I feels like a mix of 16 and 17 and that's exactly what I was hoping for. :)


    Near everyone but mm thinks rwg 2mm wide island is junk lol

  11. error on server for the vehicles Failed to decompress data for the AssetBundle 'HDHQMonsterCar.unity3d'.


    (Filename: Line: 438)


    2019-02-12T05:06:58 30.897 ERR Loading AssetBundle "/7DaysToDieserver_Data/../Mods\HDHQVehicles/Resources/HDHQMonsterCar.unity3d" failed!

    2019-02-12T05:06:58 30.897 ERR Could not load file '#@modfolder(HDHQVehicles):Resources/HDHQMonsterCar.unity3d?HDHQMonsterCar' for entity_class 'HDHQ_MonsterCar'

    Failed to decompress data for the AssetBundle 'HDHQAPC.unity3d'.


    Have no issues here altho I on sp. Is it in sp game and server side

  12. Hi ragsy 2145


    Just letting you know your pickup hdhq plants causes plants to all take on the coffee plant look. This one and Khaines pickup plants does to. I removed both these mods and it returned all plants to Normal look.



    I don't mean the plants you find in the wild they are fine. I am talking bout the versions you plant on your farm. The first stage is fine. The second stage is fine but when it gets to the havesting stage it goes to a coffee plant model.

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