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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. Well, the mod was created out of boredom and testing :) And 10000 sounds really much, but even with that, you can't box everything down with your fists ;-). But try it with giving the enemy 10k blockdamage. I was just like: Holy... a cop takes down anything in a matter of seconds :o


    I am off the thought as can't damage blocks lol unless in a herd or horde and they push a fence over or knock a old decayed wall over type thing. So love the 0 option on those 1 lol

  2. For sale... 1 stupid computer lol. Or the owner I not sure which be sold first..... i am now playing a 16k map no worries no fps issues...


    - - - Updated - - -


    Thank You Damocles


    For that bit of info about what I was doing wrong .. downloaded the COMPOPACK 40 from the forums and it works great .. OMG, I have forgotten ALL the neat buildings out there that isn't in the Vanilla game and loaded with Z's and even got the undead traders along with the good ones.

    Having a blast with it so far .. the trader also have xcustom quest working also .. Made a 8k and a 10k .. both are good.


    Have One question thou .. if Steam 7D2D _ does an Update .. will I have to redo the Data folder for COMPOPACK to work or should it be OK??


    Thank you again for the help .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


    Yes lol. Unless ofc you have copied the 7dtd folder and renamed it then the original gets updated and you can continue on the copied 1.


    I myself have every version of the game since alpha like 11 or 12 since the great Hal informed me of this...


    And atm I have -

    a18.1 my modlets for testing my modlets.


    A18.1 playable to play actual games with many diff mods


    A18.1 prefabs for prefabbing


    A18.1 Vals modlets for testing Vals modlets.

  3. Hi. I too can't figure how to get the compopack to work. If you understand the install instructions would u mind explaining it to me in simple terms. lol. Thanks.


    I just did like 2 posts prior to this post

  4. I have a ummmmm friend who isn’t so smart. Can someone give me, I mean my friend, instructions on how to get the compopack to work with nitrogen?


    Go to actual compo pack thread dl mod then copy compo pack prefabs into games prefabs folder.


    Then simply dl nitrogen then dl prefablist for compo pack 40.


    Then open up resources and either replace the nitrogen prefablist.txt with the dl cp40 and rename the cp40 one to prefablist.txt. or name the dl cp40 what ever you like and when you run nitrogen.exe on the right hand side select that renamed one in the drop down.


    Then simply go thru the fields and select what type a world you want etc and generate.

  5. I used your link to get Java but when I start Nitro it says it can't detect it? I re-downloaded java a few times and I still get the same thing. Any help?


    dont click the download button in java look for a all java download link on left side of screen then download the windows offline 64 bit one. i did the first time and it auto downloads the 32 bit one so yeh go to the all java download section

  6. 10k map is where i ended on the 12k i would load into the game and all but take 2 steps game would freeze and kick me out lol.


    Hopefully one day i be able to play my loved 16 k maps.


    Mate mentioned there could be a memory leak would that be a possible thing with 18.1

  7. There are more water nodes in the level now. You could try cutting them out of the XML or gen a map without lakes.


    Apart from that, there was no change in the world files in terms of data.


    Ok why are they adding more water when water is so borked and bugged I got no idea lol. But thank you will try that

  8. Damocles


    I am wondering if the prefabslist.txt that was made by the person whose link is in the front page where it has darkness Vals compo pack 40 etc I am using the compopack 40 one it is different to how you did it. In terms of setup . Could that be causing the out of memory.


    Also maybe cause I had all my prefabs then separately I had my hub with the same prefabs above but with the custom hub 25 bit on end rather then houses etc could that be the reason.


    Altho I tried purely vanilla from the guy in your opand still got out of memory.

  9. That seemed to work, Java seemed to use up to 9GB of RAM and generated a 16k map, with many (slow) roads and lots of other goodies in 20 mins.


    Thanks to Blunt.Jdogg for the memory suggestion.


    No sheep were harmed in the process, altho 573 were counted :D


    The map seemed to play fine in the game, only short test tho.


    Memory allocated to the game whilst playing around 27GB of RAM....




    you can see the memory allocation from the above link better.


    Amazing the amount of memory that it now needs, then again there is a lot of data there...!




    Did you manually add memory to the game or


    - - - Updated - - -


    Hmmmm sheep lol.....


    This 0.462 seems different completely with the generating bit lol


    - - - Updated - - -


    I got 553 sheep lol and Imma eat em all lol

  10. Not sure how it could be related but prior to that latest small update I had made a couple of 16k maps without issue.


    I have just tried to compile one now and it failed with this error....


    Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

    at java.awt.image.DataBufferInt.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.image.DirectColorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.terraingen.ToolImageProcessor.a(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.a.i.a(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.a.c.g(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.a.c.a(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.gui.NitroGenUI.run(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


    Java version...


    java version "1.8.0_231"

    Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11)

    Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)


    I have 32GB of memory available and noticed when Java was compiling it used less than 4GB as a process.


    I'll try again soon.


    Blunt.jdog fixed this you edit the .bat for the 8g and change it to 12


    - - - Updated - - -


    like here

  11. Well I just tested my 16k world, it loads fine but is not that friendly on my PC.


    I dont think we are ready for 16k maps until the game gets optimized or we get super computers


    I am unsure how to help your situation tho sorry


    i was playing 16k maps only last week lol but yeh been unable to since tho

  12. Try changing the entire bat text to this


    @echo off

    set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231\bin\;%path%

    java -Xmx12G -jar nitrogen.jar


    make sure your path to java is at the location above


    my 16k map took 23 minutes

    Good luck


    that bit worked lol nitrogen generated but it was in game while loading i got the out of memory now still lol

  13. I just ran it and had same issue, issue started after exporting (2/3)


    Edit sorry did not see your post, will try that :)


    Edit Edit: I found that allocating more ram to the program was the fix. I gave it 12gb but it only used 8.5gb at peak. found i was using the right version of java all along. program was just running out of memory.


    Hope this helps


    BTW awesome program thanks heaps


    how did you allocate more ram


    - - - Updated - - -


    because i have the right java as well

  14. ok so ran nitrogen thru 8gb 16k batch and this error showed -


    Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

    at java.awt.image.DataBufferInt.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.image.DirectColorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.terraingen.ToolImageProcessor.a(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.a.i.a(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.a.c.g(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.a.c.a(Unknown Source)

    at nitrogen.gui.NitroGenUI.run(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


    however I do have 64 bit java any ideas

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