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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. Interesting Factoid:


    For A16, the corners of large prefabs don't get cutoff/cropped anymore when spawned in RWG. Thus, no longer needing to split large prefabs into separate .tts files. See pictures below of the prison spawned as part of the "industrial" prefab group.


    The Walking Dead Prison Distant POI Mesh:




    Close Up:




    Yeh thats been like that since a16 came out lol...... tfp unlocked the large prefab spawning allowance lol

  2. @all


    I am pretty sure that we have two different bugs. One in Hal's import command and another one in my the editor caused by the remove rows and columns functions. Please use the export function in the editor to remove unwanted rows and columns.


    I should have enough time to fix this bug this weekend anyway....


    Soooooo which bug do i get up you for and stomp my feet til you fix it and which is Hal's :-D haha lol joking ofc. .....


    Brilliant if this bug/s can get squashed thabk you also for looking into it

  3. s

    Hi stallionsden,


    A few things for you to try:


    1) Does the issue happen with an un-edit export? i.e. export the prefab, don't touch it in the editor and try importing it again.


    test 1 -


    step 1:

    made a small prefab exported using your commands and re imported thru rwgmixer prefab was fine


    step 2: used same prefab went thru the editor spawned thru rwgmixer and texture issues came back.

  4. yo - that looks nasty

    nice pics btw - looking very nice and detailed - great work mate


    lol thanks. Just gonna try to fix the issues in the pics if i can by redoing the missing stuff and then just got to get the sleepers sorted and it be ready :-)

  5. I also noticed when i imported the prefab the trash compacter changes to

    A block but still acts like a trash compacter lol with it being able to be looted and the writing coming up saying e to open. Also the block becomes coloured lol


    - - - Updated - - -


    Will post pics of before inporting and after importing. But will also post in hals editor to


    - - - Updated - - -


    Set 'Meta' to 14. Then the doors will be locked.


    My point is i set the door to be locked prior to exporting. When importing it changes to unlocked. Also the issue you can not interact with the door bar open and close functions. The drop down menu does not appear

  6. I just finished my retirement horror village and exported it using Hals commands . Went into pille editor cut the columns and rows and placed it into the prefab folder and rwgmixer. It spawned correctly however some of the paint has gone missing.


    Anyone else get this. Also the doors can not be locked or unlocked or anything only open and closed.

  7. Actually, no. Must be a very big prefab, right? Deleting half of the columns or rows from the biggest vanilla prefab takes 4 seconds on notebook.


    Yeh kinda lol. Alot smaller but my claim area was 400 with hals bbb commands lol so my mistake as usual lolz.....

  8. I do them just a few at a time as I was having trouble doing 10-15 at once, seems to work ok for me.


    It worke tho in the end just took a while of not responding and yeh large areas removed. But yeh also noticed the less rows/columns removed the faster.

  9. Ok Pille iam gonna attempt to use your editor......... watches pille block incoming pms from me :-/ lol. So far super duper awesome...i may have missed it but how do i remove layers for example prefab starts at layer 35. How do I delete layers 0 to 34

  10. After speaking to some of our local players and a couple of friends who've been watching the vids, there's a few things I feel I should explain as the end result will not be super concentrated zombies over every inch of the city.


    It's a city. That means it has to at least look like 10,000+ people lived there. This also means that there should be around 10,000+ corpses or zombies too. Stop complaining, in alpha 15 we had none.


    Game stage modifiers are set to hard and will slowly decline to easy the closer to the edges of the city you get. The stucco housing that makes up the edges in the south as an example, can still potentially have a decent amount of sleepers, but those low value loot areas will be a lot less troublesome than what you've seen so far.


    Once you get so far into the city, I am actively trying to kill you to death with every step you take. Every single area is being assessed and I will shamelessly drop ferals in that area with lots of loot or whatever else I feel should stand in your way without hesitation. People soaked up starvation, valmod and other packs simply because it was hard, well welcome to the concrete jungle ladies...


    A testing version will be out sooner rather than later, leave your hand bags at home tho, slaanhatten is now about the challenge of simply being there and I will upscale looting and access to the point people feel it's worth it rather than tone down the difficulty.


    Ofc when Gertle heights and a party of a few players drop the server to it's knees I may have to address the spawning, but so far with some thought, most sleepers are not active until they need to be so performance is not too bad surprisingly.


    DUDE Slaanhatten was awesome A15 and prior. A16 Slanhatten has become awesome :-) I totally 100% agree a city should be near death type experience to get thru. the 10000+ should be a actual thing at minimum.


    I def wouldn't tone it down because people forgot their nappies or a spare pair of undies. increase the sleepers and zs as much as you like to your liking. def tho think you should add a hell of a lot of zs and sleepers to the sewers tho. however you kill them they are gone unless you get a stray here or there. Because I am one of those that do use them to move about the city a lot lol. But would like what you have proposed as reality you would get stray zs coming down to the sewers even an occasional horde/herd. where you either fight or flight.


    Keep up the great work Mate and here is to a near impossible city full of zs to get to.

  11. hmmm maybe i missed it lol..... a few questions:


    - When in game and i built a prefab. how do i export said prefab.


    - where does prefab get saved to once exported.


    - how to re import prefab into a new game.


    - can i place sleeper blocks (Using creative - dev mode) and the editor will extract orefab with those sleepers.


    - - - Updated - - -


    I made a how-to-for-stallion video already homie. Search for me on you tube.


    is the one the ONLY one you have done so far or is there a new one as I already seen the first one lol....

  12. I made a how-to-for-stallion video already homie. Search for me on you tube.


    Haha i will do lol. Haha really cant wait to do prefabs again the possibilities will be endless with the new paint system.

  13. Maybe ... but let me cite myself :D




    So how can I make it sdx friendly or asked differently, what makes Hal's editor sdx friendly?


    Pretty much what Stompy stated. Hal was as far as i knew working on a sdx version of his editor pre a16. Maybe can ask Hal but yeh i not very cluey myself tho.

  14. PILLE


    I havent tried this out yet. took me ages to learn Hals editor lol haha. so I will wait for a few vids (**Cough**Cough** Guppy) to get into it.


    My only request since everyone else has the ideas and requests covered is you maybe if possible make this sdx friendly for those whom use sdx as well :-)

  15. I have to admit I am saddened Hal hasnt continued his. However I do totally understand the reasons behind it. I finally after like 2 yrs became semi pro at that one lol haha :-(. I am pretty much asking if by chance you may if time has it do some short vids on each part of the editor if time befits you etc and not to much to ask as I am a visual learner more so then theory based.


    I also expect you to be busy sorting this out so maybe some one whom gets the understandings of this to do some vids.. GUPPY I am looking at you lol haha....


    I also like to thank you for continuing Hals editor into A16 and look forward to following this :-)

  16. I'm taking a break for a week or so while I enjoy a survival play through on BigC's server, I have a few loose ends to chase when I start building again. I did add mondsucht on steam and intend to speak to him about the mental hospital, even tho we already have the asylum up by the hospital I can think of a couple of possible uses/spots to drop it in.


    It's working quite well so far, tho like most times I play through surivial I end up with an ever increasing list of ideas/edits that are needed so It won't be too long before I get the itch to continue.


    Enjoy your week man. Everyone needs a break every now and then. Enjoy your great work you have done :-)

  17. Hi Slaan,


    does this mean your just about to release in relation to b104 alpha ;) 0.5 ?


    "We think this build could be good enough to go stable. Please let us know if you find and can reproduce any show stopping gameplay bugs or crashes. Known issues and crashes are listed at the bottom of this post."


    Thats for a15 b104 has nothing to do with slaanhatten or any mod :-/

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