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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. Damocles


    Is this how you do the custom hubs -


    //Stallions Custom Hub:


























  2. The custom town is just another zone like "farm" or "oldwest".


    Its ment for custom POIs to create their own small town, as the vanilla POIs are not using those zones.

    The difference is, that the generator does not expect any POIs to be in those zones. Its just generated the towns if there is at least one assigned. (you could make a town full off strip bars)


    Of course, there are some really huge custom POIs, that could be gamebreaking too.


    Oh so my 1.9 mill block hoteldestallion won't fit haha

  3. Its not generating more data than before.

    Unpacked (internally in Unity) the data for the terrain, roads and biomes are the same size.


    The POIs have an impact of course, the more and the closer they are togeather.


    Apart from that, you would have to blame the new game version.


    When creating a custom hub is it the same as normal poi adding but instead of the houses, alone etc at the end you put custom_town_25 or

  4. You might have really reached the limit of what your system can handle (memory)


    -close NitroGen (the JavaVM hogs reserved memory, until its closed)

    -create a map with flat landscape and few POIs as test if the terrain (higher detail LOD) or loaded POIs (textures) cause the out of memory.

    -lower the texture resolution (maps use up texture memory to store their data in the game)


    Or generate a 12k or 14k map. They are plenty big. 12k is 2.25 times bigger in area than 8k


    The only thing that changed was my nitrogen versions and me making a custom hub lol. But use to be able to gen a 16 k map

  5. Hey Damocles


    so trying to load 16k map the last few days and no matter what And which version I now get this -


    2019-11-13T06:21:36 317.121 ERR Loading prefabs xml file for level 'Delta Force': Out of memory

    2019-11-13T06:21:36 317.129 EXC Out of memory

    OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.MemberwiseClone(object)

    at System.Array.Clone () [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0

    at Prefab..ctor (Prefab _other) [0x000a8] in <242df21e063444d18cf17717626ca012>:0

    at Prefab.Clone () [0x00000] in <242df21e063444d18cf17717626ca012>:0

    at DynamicPrefabDecorator+<Load>d__19.MoveNext () [0x0018d] in <242df21e063444d18cf17717626ca012>:0

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)






    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


    I was on 0.450 then tried the exp as well both give this error.

  6. For this custom POI to load, it would need to be more like that: (custom zones in the newest version of NitroGen)





    To increase its amount, you can do something like this: (duplicate the lines, to increase the chance to show up)












    The last entry is a zone, you could also add this to another zone like:




    to show up inside of cities


    Hmmm this worked for me lol. In previous versions of nitrogen. But ok thanks for the correction. I found zinc veins and all. But I have to say last play thru on latest nitrogen I haven't seen any

  7. Thanks Mags. , not sure how the rwgmixer works with larger prefabs in A18. If no good, it will have to be in people's custom worlds for now (like sam's)


    Nitrogen handles it well. The rwgmixer of vanilla doesnt lol.


    So far all my prefabs have loaded in nitrogen but not Vanilla.

  8. I know 16k maps are experimental. But the last 3 games I have played the buildings disappear as I near them or enter them and then I fall thru the map lol. That is gonna give me a heart attack lol my heart jumps every time lol. Like when you feel you fall off the bed when asleep lol

  9. Ok, added that list. There is a certain limit on the text-length for one post, so I have to cut out parts from time to time.


    If you report your OP and message the Moderator you would require more posts under your OP you will get more you can ask for as many as you think you will need

  10. Im still improving on the inner city road blocks. But its not the same aproach RWG takes.

    The most similar layout would be the setting "city grid: wide", to have regular city blocks. I also want to have the roads appear to have a decayed and overgrown look.


    On the plus side: there will be way less sudden bumps and drops in the "long distance" roads than RWG in terrain with lots of elevation changes.

    Basically: RWG has currently the nicer inner-city roads (if you like a regular block layout), but NitroGen has less issues on the long distance roads.


    Also check if you have the newest version (0.442), as the long distance roads take more smooth curves now.


    - - - Updated - - -




    Since I can now store the UI settings in a config, I can add a batch support. So this type of task could be realized via a simple batch script.


    Could you leave the smooth nice roads in as an option please for those whom like the smooth roads

  11. Sad info for the ambitious: The game cannot handle maps larger than 16k. (Nitrogen can, but well).


    The game cannot load textures larger than 16k, a limit by Unity. (biomes.png is one of those)


    I keep a larger custom size just for fun. You can still enjoy the preview map, print it out and play tabletop games on it.


    Haha lol beat me to trying it lol. 16k is plenty tho in all honesty and in love large maps.. went straight for the juggler the BIG 16K.... ever since starting using this tool and havent looked back

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