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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. That's already implemented in the ingame editor, no reason to reimplement the exactly identical feature. ;)




    I am not getting younger. :D What about you? How are you?


    Argh me to mate lol me to. This eternal youth has evaded me lol..... yeh I am good thanks and lol but I want a pille editor with an in game lights on and off function :-P haha nah if the in game editor does that no worries I havent touched it as yet myself

  2. Adorable avatar.^^


    I like the idea, shouldn't be hard to implement. ;-)





    Yes, you can control the lights:


    1. Select the light

    2. Click on the meta textfield and change the meta value to 0 (off) or 2 (on)


    That's counterintuitive, I know.




    Any chance that could be done in game while standing in front of the light you want on or.


    And hey ya pille how ya been

  3. lol, = _)


    - - - Updated - - -




    You still need testers? If its EAC compliant Ill do it on a live MP server if not, I'll pass to one of my admins to bugger one of his SP games hah = ) nice work either way.


    Lol it works with neither lol.....


    Use either Hals bbb commands (sp & mp) or stompynzs api mod (mp only) in game. export then use pilles editor externally to do the rest.

  4. Pretty sure that this bug wasn't new.



    Changelog v0.3z(e)

    -fixed: remove rows/columns function reloads original (or previously used) prefab xmls



    Time to use a more reasonable versioning system lol.


    Fair enough lol

  5. That issue was fixed. Now there is a bug where you remove the rows you want removed and sleeper volume boxes appear lol. Even on pois that I have made and haven't done the sleepers or sleeper volumes on yet :-/

  6. Good news. I just updated the link in the opening post and repaired the auto-update process.



    Please load the test update (via auto-updater) and let me know if it works.



    The (sleeper) bugfix is already included.


    Awesome :-) again great work man....

  7. Hey Guys,


    that's not really a tutorial but a quite detailed explanation of functions and settings of the sleeper generator (not done yet).

    (To-Do: check grammar, check content, improve layout, add pics and links)



    What's the purpose of the Sleeper Generator?


    * It's a fast and simple way to create working sleeper spawns (sleepers + sleeper volumes).

    * In terms of quality, the sleeper generator cannot match up to manually placed sleepers but it's much faster.



    How to use this thing?


    1. Load a prefab
    2. Click on the tab 'Sleeper Generator' (see pic.)
    3. Adjust the sleeper density (see explanation below) and click on 'Auto-generate sleepers'
    4. Adjust all other settings and click on 'Auto-generate Sleeper volumes' (may take a while)
    5. If the result is not satisfying click on 'Remove all sleepers' and 'remove all volumes', change the settings and start over



    Functions (Buttons)



    Auto-generate Sleepers


    • The function replaces a certain amount of all air blocks that meet certain criteria (see list bellow) with sleeper blocks.
    • The sleeper blocks are randomly chosen (there're 6 different species of sleeper zombies).
    • The likelihood that an air block will be replaced is called 'Sleeper Density'. So if you set the text field 'Sleeper Density' to 100 (100 %) all air blocks fulfilling the conditions stated bellow will become sleepers. The default value 5 may be a bit too high.


    Criteria for air blocks (air blocks that meet these conditions may be replaced with sleepers):

    • There is a non-air block beneath the block (because we want to spawn the sleepers on the ground. Without this condition they would appear in mid-air).
    • There's no sleeper block directly below the air block (since we don't want to spawn sleepers on the heads of earlier placed zombies).
    • There's a non-air block somewhere above the block (the zombies are supposed to occur inside buildings or at least in roofed areas. This criterion prevents spawn under the open sky).
    • There's is an air block directly above the block (since some sleepers are two blocks high).





    Sleeper Density:

    • (see Auto-generate Sleepers)



    Auto-generate Sleeper volumes

    • Generates sleeper volumes using the methods and settings listed below.




    GameStageAdjust (simple method only):

    • This setting assigns random 'SleeperVolumeGameStageAdjust' values to the automatically generated sleeper volumes using a normal distribution (link). I think sigma is GameStageAdjust/5.
    • The GameStageAdjust is the avarage 'SleeperVolumeGameStageAdjust' value of your sleeper volumes.
    • Using the default value of 300 you will see number between 150 and 450 for the most of your volumes.
    • For some reason this function is only avaiable in simple mode (you have to select the 'Volume placing method simple'). That's not intended. :)


    SleeperIsLootVolume prob. (or SleeperIsLootVolume probability in percent.):

    • Should be self-explaining: randomly checks the checkboxes 'SleeperIsLootVolume' of your auto. generated volumes.


    Volumes size (horizontal) ('Volume placing method simple' only)

    • (see 'Volume placing method simple')


    Volumes size (vertical) ('Volume placing method simple' only)

    • (see 'Volume placing method simple')


    Volume placing method 'simple':

    • The underlying algorithm of this method is quite simple.^^
    • The algorithm places a sleeper volume around certain zombies.
    • The size of those volumes is defined in the text fields 'Volume size (horizontal)' and 'Volume size (vertical)'.
    • Not everyone gets its own volume but a certain amount of all sleepers.
    • The likelihood that a volume will spawn around a zombie is called 'Volume probability'. So a probability of 100 means that each zed will get a volume (only true in simple method).


    Volume placing method 'smart':

    • This method tries to place the volumes room-wise (the simple placing method is a 'zombie-wise' approach) using a random-walk-based algorithm.
    • It works quite well for rooms with a simple geometry and should be superior to the other method in most cases. However, complex areas and large openings to other rooms or to the outside may lead to strange looking results.
    • The size of the rooms roughly determines the size of the volumes. The volume size is equal to the room size for simple rectangular rooms.
    • The results in smart mode are non-deterministic
    • The likelihood that a volume will spawn in the room around a zombie is called 'Volume probability'. Zeds already assigned to a volume will not generate new vol. (prevents clone volumes)


    Room size parameter (smart method only):

    • Affects the size of the sleeper volumes (higher values result in bigger volumes).
    • Don't touch it unless your rooms are very big and you want volumes completely covering these rooms.


    Random SleeperVolumeGroups (Inactive and active list):

    • You can randomize the 'SleeperVolumeGroup' of your automatically generated volumes by moving elements from the inactive list to the active list.
    • So the 'SleeperVolumeGroup' are randomly selected from the active list.
    • If the active list is empty the SleeperVolumeGroups will be set to S_LootRoom_XS.
    • Make sure you're using Zombie v0.3z(b). Otherwise this feature won't work with the smart method.


    Remove all sleepers

    • Deletes all sleepers (no matter if automatically or manually placed)


    Remove all Sleeper volumes

    • Deletes all sleeper volumes (no matter if automatically or manually placed)


    Remove sleepers outside volumes

    • Deletes sleepers without volumes (since these guys will never spawn)


    Very nice explanation and guide Pille

  8. I think manually doing sleeper volumes will always yield much better results, especially so if you're trying to setup a particular story or theme.


    However, I have literally 100's of prefabs that could do with some kind of sleeper love but I can't spare the time to invest in decent setups for things that will most likely be replaced in the future so this generator is a dream come true in those circumstances. I'll take zombie spawns in whatever shape possible when the choice is between that and nothing.


    I am with you slaan on the taking whatever zombie spawn over none to. I can def understand with your slaanhatten lol. I gave the same challenge with my airport lol

  9. Ohhhhh.... it wasnt a dream it wasn't a dream lol..... there really is a sleeper generator. Sweeeeet.


    Few questions now lol -


    1. The inactive list and the active list. If I move some groups over to the active side and leave others in the inactive. Do the inactive generate woth the active but don't get used or.... how does that work.


    2. I generated sleepers and sleeper volumes lol and there is literally thousands of zs generated lol...... yet when I generate sleeper volumes it doesn't do the whole prefab only like 5 levels.. there is still 15 levels that didn't get generated even tho when I generated sleepers they generated on all levels.

  10. Skimmed thru the topics here. Did I read right there was a sleeper generator in the editor lol or do we have to place them manually still lol and do the volumes.


    I could a been dreaming I read that lol idk. Haha

  11. Unfortunately dude I don't have time to Debate with you all day over a topic which you haven't even explored as a player. Notice we are in the PVP section now... How you choose to build and design in PVE I have no interest :-) If you want to discuss further I'll be more than happy to once you've done some PVP. With that said, you are right I'll explain the points I've raised and why they are a problem.



    Hatch Elevator Exploit


    I've copied my text from the A17 thread for you Stallionsden because you keep coming back with crap that I've already addressed. Raiding times are massively increased because of this exploit. There is currently no counter measure and in PVP every defence or offense needs a countermeasure or it becomes imbalanced.


    Teleporting instantly through solid steel from one location to another causes major problems when it comes to balancing raiding. It's a big problem in multiplayer because players create 'safe spaces' that are inaccessible. It's a raid breaker. I expect it is also an issue in PVE because players can teleport themselves instantly to safety rather than fight hordes.


    It's a cheap tactic to get from one place to another instantly. No exploit in the game is a good idea or smart. Players should be encouraged to design their bases well using the traps, tools and turrets available because right now they don't need to use any of those things with the hatch elevator making all of their loot inaccessible.


    Let me lay out a stereotypical scenario for how this goes in a PVP environment just in case there are people who are inexperienced.


    A player builds a tower base, surrounds it with a 5 block wide pit to bedrock. They've got multiple LCBs hidden in their tower at different locations providing only 16x protection. The LCB covers 40x40 which is standard now since electricity was brought in.


    Lets say they build their entrance level with the ground that's at around +1 and you manage to find a way in (For the sake of this conversation this part can be easy when usually it's not). Bare in mind this tower goes to the maximum height of the map. I can't remember what this is... maybe +160 blocks. This means there is no jumping across.


    When you get in all you find is a hollow space except for a hatch elevator in the centre that goes up 60+ blocks to the room in the sky. The only way up is to knock out the wall blocks and make stairs out of them. If every block takes you 10-15 minutes to knock out because they are solid steel you will be there all night and day doing it. @Stallionsden do you get from this alone why this is a huge problem? If raiding goes on for an entire day then you are basically telling the vast majority of the community that they can't do it and putting them at a huge disadvantage... and anyone who even has an entire day to do it, are they going to want to stare at steel / concrete for hours and hours listening to an auger for a bit of loot? Do you still think its fun? smart?


    This is a fairly common approach to base design in PVP because it is enabled by exploits. As ever player starts to do this all that happens is players stop playing for two reasons;


    - Raiding is not practical, worthwhile or fun

    - Players get bored because they create an inaccessible safe space where there are no threats for them


    Raiding in PVP is a fundamental part of the game. If you take that out then there is only PVE and the PVE on large pop servers is broken to hell. Naturally players will go for the easy safety option because that's the survival part of the game kicking in. Just like players in PVE hide underground at bedrock to avoid any threats. If that was me I'd just go play creative mode. This isn't 7 Days to hide....


    I'm not saying I want raiding to be easy, I'm saying players should be rewarded for base designs that are actual good and NOT using exploits.


    I appreciate that PVP isn't on the Fun Pimps priority list, but some small changes like eliminating the hatch elevator glitch would certainly help in both PVE and PVP environments.


    One solution would be to make the hatch block take up 2 blocks (one block higher than it currently is). This would stop players building them directly on top of one another. The other solution would be to add a lock pick to get access to the bottom hatch. I could live with it if that was a viable option.


    I'm all for an actual elevator but the devs should keep locks off it unless they intend on adding a lock picking tool because it will just lead to the same issues in PVP. It could still lead to the same issues in PVE though where players flee horde night to their sky space as well.


    Nerf Polling / Ladders


    A little bit trickier to deal with but if you take away the hatch elevator system we are left with nerf polling and destroying ladders instead creating the same issue. Somebody suggested on a different topic about player threats that when a player knocks out a ladder all of the other ladders break. This could be one solution. Nerf polling could also be an option that can be switched on or off in the game menu. True Survival did it and it played just fine :-)


    Hopefully that clears everything up for you Stallionsden and go play some PVP then come back to the PVP thread to discuss :-)


    Actually this is the pumps dream and "the PvP update" lol. No rules stating I can't have a say in any thread. Whether I play PvP. Pve upside down twister or what. I can visit any thread and add my thoughts just like you are.

  12. Hatch elevators / Nerf polling / breaking out the bottom ladders would have to go too. Instead of using glitches players need to be rewarded for designing their bases well with traps and turrets and fake rooms.


    LMAO now you want to take out the ability to not place the bottom rung of a ladder lol. how do you think that will be implemented in a game that allows freedom of build lol....


    Hatch disagreement i wont repeat here lol as your well aware it isnt and just lazyness or being outsmarted.....


    nerf polling do explain this... so i can better understand where you are coming from with nerf polling.


    the player is being well rewarded for their base design because you cant think of a way in or up lol...

  13. For Newcomers Regarding

    Big Bag Mod Support:


    "+" (In favor) "-" (Against)



    xyth +


    He is a nice guy who is very forthcoming to changes here and there- very helpful to people. This is the guy you will meet here first.


    rentechd -


    More of a Tech guy. He gave a detailed overview how big inventory ruins game experience and he thinks people will not have fun with it. He fears bigger inventory takes away decision making. He is not planning for a support as FunPimps will come up with bigger inventory size eventually. However he did not say no to perk inventory- a possible feature for the future.


    Mortelentus - -


    He is worried bigger inventory destroys the need for donkey and survivor helpers. He is a strong supporter against the very basic idea for bigger inventory due to this. The game idea is scavenging not hit & run!


    = = = = = = =




    Put a Note in first post BBM is not supported and not planned in near future. It will help notify new people coming here from youtube, Steam and many Forums about this topic.



    Thank you everyone for all the feedback and

    Big thanks to Starvation team for their patience and opinions.


    Hmmm this was not called for mate. The starvation team is awesome have no issue with any of them. Morte I have known for a long time and respect for him is high. He has no issue with the bigger backpack mod or someone putting it into their personal game.


    The starvation team just wants the backpack done differently thru gating it behind quests or skills and it gets bigger the more you gain.


    I don't like this way myself as I can go to a store and grab any large backpack and be able to fill it without needing to learn it but that is my views. But the starvation team have a path and vision and that is that they want it done.


    Now let's get the thread back on topic and move forward.

  14. All:. We are actively working on a new UI that uses custom C# code to enable new features. We are not spending time changing or supporting any changes to the existing temporary UI. People who continue to ask for us to change this policy or support their efforts to change the UI are only causing us to back away from working on this model any longer. The current discussion has already slowed work on the mod, as some of the team are becoming annoyed at some of the forum posts. This happened before, and resulted in the team withdraw ing from development for months to take a stress break. It getting close again. Please don't continue to use the official Starvation forums to ask for something the team already said we are not ready to support. Thank you for your understanding.


    After speaking with The great Morte I understand your reasons. However I think the likes of kingrizla is just asking sirrillion if he be happy to share his or assist as he did with games4. He wasn't asking if you would add this to your mod

  15. Last i was involved in chat with morte etc. They asked me for the code to make a bigger backpack.


    So unless either morte has changed his mind or the new people on the team have made it so idk . But i don't see an issue with people wanting a bigger backpack and i have given permission so.


    Now I have the utmost respect and regard for Morte and Pacco and the starvation team and so I say the next part with no offense to them


    If you did it for games4kicks why not release it for others.

  16. I've hit a point with my bridge build where I think I should have made it facing north/south instead of east/west, it's current dimensions are 340 x 27 (length x width) and 126 high.


    Made a new prefab in the editor with the dimensions 27 x 340 x 126 with the intention of inserting the bridge with a 90 degree rotation so I could save it facing the other way but I'm hit with a pop-up telling me my prefab is too small. Any way around this you can think of without me having to spawn it into a game somewhere with the desired rotation and re-extracting it?


    I know I could make a giant empty prefab bigger than necessary but I've not had much luck in the past removing such a large amount of rows/columns without crashing the editor, even trying to add a bunch of rows/columns to the prefab once it hits this kinda size is a bit hit or miss with crashing (I've been adding blocks via the empty world to push out the size as required then saving/removing them in the editor).


    I had this issue. I found I was in the wrong window. I was spose to be in the top view but was actually in The side view. Not sure if this is the issue for you. But its 99% mine lol most the time

  17. An airport the size of a city... is that a single giant prefab? I still think an airport would be a great addition but I want to try hold of extending the hub beyond it's current size and just don't think I have space once the highway loop is set in properly. Ofc things can and probabl;y will change as the base terrain gets completed so I may end up reworking some parts to try and squeeze in a runway or two, we'll see how things work out.


    Haha yeh it's massive. But still a long way off finished lol. Yeh I know it be to big to add to slaanhatten lol. But hoping to finish it before a17 comes out haha.....

  18. Sorry for the delay. :( I could maybe do a Alpha 16 pre-release with a bunch of unfinished sections if people really want to check it out that bad. Much like the fun pimps, I rather finish all of the planned updates so you get one HUGE awesome experience vs. many good experiences. The following is my current status.




    Rebuild and Paint iconic Cell Block C (Rick and the gang's main living quarters in the TV show) - Complete

    Redesign and Paint iconic exterior guard towers - Complete


    Update and Paint building exterior lof prison - 90%

    ---------Update iconic exterior jail yard (The area that Rick and the gang cleared of walkers when they first arrived to the prison)

    ---------Basketball court

    ---------Prison Security Fencing & Barbwire


    Replace Incorrectly A16 Converted blocks - 90%

    Update Prison Command Room - 75%

    Update Prison Cell Corridoors (The narrow hallways that rick and the gang stumbled around in the dark clearing zombies) - 75%

    Update Prison Library and connecting rooms. - 0%

    Update Prison Laundry Room - 0%

    Update Prison Kitchen - 10%

    Update Prison Infirmary - 10%

    Update Prison Boiler Room - 0%

    Update Prison Armory - 0%

    Update Prison Guard's Quarters - 0%

    Re-add exterior trees, bushes, boulders, etc. - 0%

    Add Sleepers & Traps - 0%

    General Block Density Pass (blending of organic and flat block transitions) - 25%


    Add new areas to explore - 0%

    --------Prison Sewers

    --------Prison Isolation Cells


    Yeh we can wait for the final product.

  19. So it's looking like a17 could be the time for custom hubs to make their return, outside of the test version I've already put up I don't intend to release another 'playable' version till the code is working properly.


    Gotta admit I'm a little disappointed about the wait but I'm fairly confident we'll get them back now at least so it's time to start taking things a bit more seriously again and get some videos/blogs pumped out as I've got a ton of new 'content' that only a handful of people have been privy too.


    The hub area itself has almost been completely fleshed out with it's base terrain/hills/road layouts, this is gonna make people who want to get involved have a much clearer indication of what's 'empty' space waiting for some love and what's to be left alone. My main objective atm is to finish these prefab sections off and not necessarily set the hub area in stone, but get it to a point where it just needs some buildings and wilderness love.




    I've not counted them but you can see the 1521 x 1521 area is almost complete. The other major change to the hub as a whole is the Y offset has been removed so the bottom layer of the hub sits at ground level. This is basically to keep the distant terrain meshes looking sexy and although it has meant a reasonable amount of work to facelift the outside of the hub it's well worth it when you can see from one end of a tunnel to the other, or see the river/ships/docks and other things that would have been below ground level and hidden by the 'natural' distant terrain.







    The Slaanfrancisco bridge should be open for business soon, standing at 120m tall at it's highest point and expecting to be around 500m long, it will close the highway loop within the city and have it's own fair share of sleepers/loots/explorable hidden bits. The last picture shows roughly where it will cross and engineers from around the world are scratching their heads at how to stop it from collapsing the second someone farts in that direction.


    All you prefabbers with a16+ builds, now is the time to start thinking about where they would fit in the city, Slaanhattens retirement plan is second to none with views and vistas just waiting to overlook your prefabs.


    Get ya thinking caps on, I'd like to add/build something special when I hit 3000 hours played, a commemorative milestone to celebrate still being at it almost two years after I started the project.


    THAT BRIDGE (SLAANFRANCISCO BRIDGE) I AM IN LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE. welcome to take a look at any of my city combos lol if you wish :-) nice downtown business. Really thinking a link from slaanhatten to my airport would be cool hehe (if you liked the international airport I am building currently that is haha :-P it will be 1023 x 1023 approx in size.


    AGain SLaan your work is totally awesome and look forward to seeing what other goodies you come up with :-)

  20. Unfortunately the new update is not ready yet (want to add more stuff before releasing it) but here is a little preview of one of the new functions:




    As you can see I've added a 3d brush (actually it's an option for the edit brush). So you can draw spheres and 3d 'snakes'...


    Hmmmm what is the purpose of being able to draw spheres and 3d snakes lol haha

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