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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Important note. I just finished burying my cat. I'm a mess. Any responses here are not intended to sound annoyed/angry/sarcastic/etc. I just didn't want to leave folks without answers. But I'm likely going to take a day or two away to just... try and deal. That's a warning. If you press F1, warnings are in yellow (and can be ignored), errors ar ein red. Hold r, select advanced rotation. 1) There is in the discord. One of the testers is working on turning it into a site as well. 2) There is if you edit XML, but it's an intended part of progression. So leave it alone. I recommend updating to 18.3 because I changed how it works (it basically smacks you for about 40 health damage when you leave the biome, and that's it). I wouldn't go more than 90. I'll adjust their ai later to not target demons.
  2. Because sometimes it just bugs out for no reason. Not always though. Other bunker has the same problem.
  3. I might have messed up the tags. Will have a look later since I also need to apparently look into a random NRE. That error isn't actually an error. It's just an "information" thing. It's saying you have day length set to 120 mins (when the default is 60) and loot abundance set to 200 (instead of 100), therefore it's considered a "modded" server. So it's definitely set and applied the settings you wanted. As mentioned in the patch notes, medium maps use a LOT MORE RAM due to the fact they're nitrogen maps. If you can't get them to run when fiddling with your virtual memory settings, don't use medium maps. Stick to small.
  4. Not sure what you mean by "farm crickets"? You've got EAC on. When booting from steam, select "show launcher" and disable EAC from there. It was a change. Left click to throw (works like rocks/grenades, so hold for more power to throw further), right-click to place as block on a wall.
  5. Oh! Then yes. The torch can be placed or thrown. Throwing it emits light where it lands.
  6. They don't do anything else atm. I may look into potential uses. I remember the mega-city map from A16. That used to kill PC's even then. It'd be cool though. Not sure on the flashlight. I'll have to look into it later. Never seen that with the UI, but I didn't mess with the skill list controller so I wonder if it's the same in vanilla... O.o I like Small 2 and Small 3 personally. Less RAM usage, good layouts. ^ this. I dev the mod on a laptop, with an i7-4710MQ CPU and 32GB RAM, so worse CPU than yours but more RAM. Virtual memory is often the issue for crashing. Using one of the small maps can help with this, but when you hit 8GB RAM, it'll start tapping the page file. Increasing that to 8 or 16GB can help a lot.
  7. That's just gitlab. Not a lot I can do about that. You could download it from Nexus and manually install. Using a VPN sometimes helps too (had the same problem installing RH on a 300mb connection, turned on my VPN and it somehow fixed it). Depends entirely on the map you play. Though you can install Sphereii's Legacy Distant Terrain mod to DF 18.3 for extra FPS.
  8. Stable has the edited nav. Exp right now is basically stable but it works on A18.4E.
  9. Did this last night, but haven't tested yet. Basically did it quick before I went to bed. This is the prefablist I was using for nitrogen to test. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/671913804535300115/prefablist.txt The DF specific option is no longer needed. Yes, it could still give you the error. DF and a medium map uses about 13-14GB of my 32GB, and 7DTD will crash with an "out of memory" error once it hits 8GB if you don't have enough virtual memory. It even does that on vanilla though you are MUCH less likely to see it. I like small 2 and 3. I also edited nav to have DF POI's so i'm thinking of playing that for a solo run soon.
  10. If you're getting an "Out of Room" error, then you don't have enough space on your HDD. "Out of Memory" error is from not having a large enough page file for windows to use as virtual memory, which might be related to your out of room error as well.
  11. Pretty sure that perk is already in the mod. I just got rid of the 3-level perks and combined them into the 5 level perks. Also, if you read the patch notes, ALL players get a knockdown on power attacks with ALL weapons. Your action skill just makes it better (sledgehammer has the best chance) And yes, that was removed on purpose because it was causing players to LOSE XP.
  12. Huh. So apparently the game spawns zombies outside of the chunk you're in. Interesting.
  13. Compo pack is already included in DF, and edited so the POI's are more balanced than they are in the base pack (and also tried to fix some of the bugs with quest markers appearing underground) RWG works on 8k. I've heard some folks say it works on 6k. Anything else causes a crash. Sounds like you have EAC on. You need to turn it off. This is an overhaul mod. You can't just put it on a server. EVERYONE needs it installed locally. Yep. No zombies on the trader isn't a nitrogen issue. It sounds like you've somehow got the vanilla prefab. Guards are blocks that are saved to the prefab file. Traders full of zombies are actually their own POI's called DFalls_DestroyedTrader
  14. No. It was the EntityAttention patch. That sounds like the launcher is trying to add something to the mod, which it doesn't need to do. Everything is pre-compiled.
  15. Pushed a temp fix for the experimental/A18.4 version to fix the NRE with servers. Because I was messing with SphereII's code to fix it, there might be unintended side effects. Please bear that in mind. It DOES fix the issue though.
  16. Yes it should be. Stable version is just EXP B3 with like... 2 bug fixes extra. Just minor ones, but they annoyed me. Actually not sure what mods go in the junk turret. I never tried to use them tbh. Much appreciated I'm chugging coffee like a maniac right now. 3:20am here... F6 menu, make sure "From static spawner" is checked. Also, just letting folks know, apparently there's an issue with the experimental version and servers. Going to look into that today.
  17. First page links have been updated. Gitlab has been updated. Launcher SHOULD be updated but might be showing the wrong version number. Oh, and here's a small, added bonus for you all. 2.51 DEV B1 - Updated 0-SphereIICore (player should no longer be immune to their own explosives) - Updated the mod to work with A18.4b3 Experimental. Pushed to the experimental branch. First post updated and should also be on the launcher.
  18. And on that note, Darkness Falls V2.5 is now STABLE. Here's your patch notes. - Updated for A18.3b4 - Updated SphereII's GotoPOISDX which fixes Eve's quest 3 on servers. - Fixed Turret perk not adding to magazine size. - Can no longer just chug/food drink to spam wellness increases. You must wait for the average/good buff to expire. - Traders now greet the player when within 3 blocks. This currently has a buff to prevent the greeting being repeated for 10 minutes. - A couple of traders now have "idle" sounds. - Fixed "UnlockedBy" for Mega Crush. - M4A1/M60 guns and parts now have the correct 'UnlockedBy' - Fusion Forge and Laser Workbench now have the correct 'UnlockedBy' - Moved the acid recipe from Master Scientist to Yeah, Science 1. - Updated localization for Yeah, Science 1. - Added 'UnlockedBy' to Acid. - Steel bullet casing can now be made in the Big Forge. - Door lockpicking re-enabled. - Doors are now randomized on Locked/Unlocked status. - Tweaked a couple of trader prefabs to prevent issues with doors due to new lockpicking. - Removed tier's from batteries to see if it fixes issues with battery banks. - Fixed up some minor UI alignment issues. - Added a legendary cow (RIP JD). - Added Desert Eagle. - Added Master Scavenger perk (which unlocks the Desert Eagle recipe) - Fixed missing Pure Mineral Water recipe for the oven. - Fixed Forged Steel occasionally not unlocking for the Advanced Forge. - Added an attack speed modifier to blunt/bladed weapons skill, so levelling those means you now attack faster. - Added a reload speed modifier to all gun action skills, so levelling those means you reload faster (55% with max skill + bandolier). - Lowered the amount of meat on rabbits and chickens. - Increased Stag/Doe movement speed. - Adjusted Coilgun damage so it should scale a little better. - Books/schematics should now be refunded, with a tooltip, if the player is at max skill (some may be missing this code) - Added Irrigation. - Re-organised display for some perks. - Moved Mortar and Pestle off Workbenches 1 perk and into Basic Farming 1. - Reworked the basic farming perk unlocks a little bit. - Reading the laborer class book later on during your game will now reset and refund skill points for perks that you would be locked out of. - Slightly increased XP required to level. - Reworked gamestage so it's more forgiving on solo players/very small groups. - Slightly increased gamestage multipliers for Adventurer, Nomad and Warrior difficulties. - Added cooked versions of most canned food. Uses more cans, but removes food poisoning chance. - Added 25% XP penalty for harvesting to both augers to stop people power levelling. - Removed the iron club schematic and the need to learn it in order to make an Iron Reinforced Club. - Slightly decreased the damage of spears. - Slightly increased the damage of iron knuckles. - Slightly increased the attack speed of all knuckle weapons. - Removed the schematic requirement for the Iron Reinforced club. - Changed Laborer 6 to "Craft Iron Reinforced Club." - Porkins shotgun should now display it's stats correctly. - Combat shotgun and Porkins shotgun should now take the same mods as other shotguns. - Added Demolitions Expert to the Scientist class. - Moved Self Medicated from the Scientist class to the Survivalist class. - Moved Stealth Assassin from the Survivalist class to the Hunter class. - Removed the 3-level perks that some action skills have. Added their effects to the 5-level perks instead. - Reduced the cost of making action skill books and generic skill point books. - Added working hydroponics system. - Cooked food now has localization. - Action skill tooltips now have localization. - Re-done Yeah, Science localization to account for changed recipe unlocks. - Living off the Land localization edited to reflect new unlocks. - Sous Chef localization edited to reflect new unlocks. - Master Farmer localization edited to reflect new unlocks. - Big Forge description changed to say it's only made in the Workbench. - Wasteland Treasures benefits should now work correctly. - Rebalanced food/drink so only Sous Chef 4 or higher food/drink gives 5 wellness. - Medical items should now work with Physician. - Antibiotics (both types), painkillers and codeine should now work with self medicated. - Added slower regen buff for the weak rad zombies. - Most ammo can now be disassembled for some of it's parts. - Added a SpawnEntity patch by Myth that should HOPEFULLY stop duplicate traders. - Removed the rad biome. - Wasteland is now radiated. - Uranium and Plutonium moved to the wasteland. - Wasteland spawns changed (ferals/rads during the day, rads/demons at night). - Demon portals now spawn in the wasteland. - Added new RWG by myth that mostly works (may need further tweaks) - Added a player crafted lockable pill case. (same storage as other blocks) - Added a player crafted lockable toolbox. (same storage as other blocks) - Chainsaw, Auger, Aloe Cream and Large Backpack now all have the correct unlockedby. - Advanced Engineering 4 now states it unlocks the chainsaw and auger. - Added scrap polymer recipe to the chem station. - Fixed the mortar and pestle recipe for aloe cream (was supposed to be cheaper and it wasn't) - Edited Navezgane to be DF compatible. - Added AP and HP versions of coilrounds. - Added Entity Penetration to laser guns (requires levelling the future crafting perk). - Added recipes for uncraftable items/blocks, so they can be searched in the recipe list and inform the player they are loot only items. - Fixed Aloe cream not being locked. - Fixed missing empty jar name. - Paint brush now works like A16, so no more spam-clicks. - Added an EXCEPTIONALLY rare chance for Trader Caitlin to stock the Fusion Forge and Laser Workbench crating stations (secret stash needed, hopefully only a temp fix). - Fixed missing Shotgun Tube Extender recipe. - Re-added the smokestorm effect to the wasteland from previous alphas. - Fixed the attachments on the Deagle. - Zombies are now much more resistant to pain and harder to stun-lock. - Players have a 25% chance of causing knockdown on POWER ATTACK with ANY melee weapon. - Blunt Specialists have a 25% chance of causing knockdown on a NORMAL attack once they reach Blunt Weapons 60. - Fixed one of the inside wedge blocks not upgrading properly. - Tweaked Air Drop loot. Greater variance of items, less likely to get the decent food. - Added Titanium Knuckles. - Added Titanium Knuckles unlock to Master Scavenger. - Added craft tier increase for knuckles to the scavenger class. - Edited the Power Attack journal entry to inform players of the knockdown chance. - Fixed unlockedby on the Shotgun Tube Extender mod. - Added a customized version of Mecanim that removes pain animations. - Swapped all behemoths, succubus, incubus and night stalkers to the new mecanim. - Increased sight range of the Succubus so she's more likely to fly over and punch you in the balls. - Added AutoReload=True to a lot of the guns added by the mod. This forces the gun to reload if the clip is empty and the player attempts to fire. - Lockpick bundle recipe was locked when it shouldn't have been. It's now not. - Edited Jax's zombie hand adjustment modlet to include my new zombies, and included it in the server build. - Slightly adjusted player XP gain for lower than level 100. - Added a sleeping check to NORMAL zombies that buff other zombies (not the mutated ones). This means the buff should only apply if the nearby zombies are awake. - Fixed a random NRE with the trader on severs only. - Fixed some missing localization for animals. - Fixed the splinted arm buff missing an icon. - Trader guards no longer cause damage to blocks. - Removed the fergettin' elixir from creative since people keep breaking their characters. This is why you can't have nice things. - Fixed some books not properly levelling perks. - Demon zombies now have a slow regen. - Demon bosses (Succubus, Incubus, Demonic Behemoth) now regenerate faster... a lot faster. - Laser weapons can now disable demon regeneration. - Added a melee and archery weapon mod unlocked by future crafting that stops demon regeneration. - Made the laser rifle more accurate. Because it's a laser. - Slightly increased the reload speed of the laser rifle to be similar to other rifles. - FINALLY FIXED THE COMBAT SHOTGUN FIRE SOUND WHEN IN FULL AUTO MODE AFTER NEARLY 2 YEARS!!!! - Tuna Sandwich is now Fish Sandwich. - Fish sandwich can now be made with canned tuna or canned salmon. - Fish tacos can now be made with canned tuna or canned salmon. - Mods no longer give extra block damage on the auger due to an XP issue that TFP said they fixed. (they didn't) - Replaced the medium maps with new ones (created in nitrogen) due to terrain issues. Please be aware these have BIG cities and thus use more RAM. - Added bundles for sand and clay. - Radiation buff is now removed on leaving the wasteland if you don't have hazmat/power armor. - Shorter duration (10 second) buff is now added on leaving the wasteland, so it still hurts but shouldn't kill you. - Players with the Elemental Coat buff (so lower than level 5) are now immune to wasteland radiation (buff should not take effect). - Re-added missing flaming arrow/bolt recipes that somehow got deleted. - Lowered wellness cap to 200. - Health nut now increases wellness cap by 20 per level. - Character Stats (trophy icon) now displays current and max wellness. - Fixed the superman punch. - Compound bow leveling now properly levels off hunter. - Slightly tweaked trader quest rewards so you shouldn't always get tools and armor. It still happens a lot, but it's not as bad now. - Added T3-T5 buried supplies quests. - Admin books to give classes and levels should now work. - Added a small Rate of Fire increase to pistol and shotgun action skills, so levelling those means you can level faster.
  19. That can be lack of RAM, specifically lack of VIRTUAL RAM. 7DTD starts hitting virtual memory when it hits 8GB, regardless of how much you have in your system. So the person crashing may want to make sure they have a sufficiently large pagefile. Guards don't respawn. It's possible it might be land claim related, but never tested it to confirm since I don't use the trader for more than 2-3 days. Don't worry, I didn't take it as a complaint. More like.... valid criticism. I added an ROF increase to the pistol and shotgun action skills.
  20. Pretty sure that's a bug I fixed in the experimental version. So what happened is you spent points, and then your quest line GAVE you free points, which unlocked the perk early. All the class perks are level-based. IIRC, level 5 unlocks by player level 25, so just continue to level and the red levels will "unlock" and go white.
  21. You can kill it with a fully modded M60, because I did... but it was a 70-something quality. Advanced mag extender + blessed metal are REQUIRED. But you want laser weapons. They disable the regen. What version are you playing? I ask because I did add some extra benefits to the various weapon action skills. I'm not sure if I added an ROF to it. Don't forget the combat shotgun is also a fully-auto weapon, so if you're in a zombies face, just hold down fire and melt it.
  22. I need to look into why their HP is plummeting like a stone, because I don't get it. Everything is setup fine. When you tried to spawn them, you said you're in a base. Is that in the claim block area? Is this using the latest version? I changed the backpacks to no longer equip (you eat them, don't ask), so that shouldn't be a problem.
  23. No. Because I increased the amount of zombies, the exact issue you're having now would occur more frequently if you lowered the max zombies to 50.
  24. ^ that. If we removed the quality levels, then they could stack but higher tier wouldn't mean they get better.
  25. Food/Drink/Vitamins will get you to 200. Buying health nut increases the cap, and also allows food/drink to take you to that new cap.
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