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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. You installed the mod on the wrong version of the game. No text means you're installing DF Stable V2.4 on A18.3. You want the experimental branch (V2.5) or you want A18.2.
  2. And here's an updated prefabslist.txt for nitrogen for folks who want to use it. I'm regenerating the medium maps with it (because they have a bug in 18.3, all 4 small maps + large are fine), and it seems to work well. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/671913804535300115/prefablist.txt
  3. Mmmmm, sacred brown life-giving fluid of the gods! Thank you very much. ^ this is correct. Wasteland was changed to the new radiated biome. If you're using nitrogen, go into your nitrogen\tools\BiomeFixer folder. Copy runBiomeFixerCustom and paste it back into that folder so you have runBiomeFixerCustom - Copy. Rename that to runBiomeFixerWasteland. Then open the file with notepad and replace the code within with this. java -jar BiomeFixer.jar -biome W pause Once you've done that, copy the biomes.png from your nitrogen world and run the new bat file you made. That will convert all of the old radiated biome into wasteland, and save the file as biomes_fixed.png. Copy that new file BACK to your nitrogen world, delete biomes.png, rename biomes_fixed.png to biomes.png. Done You keep your world and the radiated (wasteland_hub) was replaced with wasteland.
  4. ^ This is correct, and the later picture Kesdja posted is the right boulders to look for I think wood is 50 seconds. Only know that cos I use it a lot when i'm testing stuff out. I think coal is like... just over a minute? Would have to check. So using existing models and turning them into workstations is SUPER easy. The only reason I haven't done it is because I kinda didn't see the point. But if you have some ideas on how they could be used, i'm all ears. Changing smelt time based on used fuel I don't THINK is possible. Would have to check that. Limiting stuff based on fuel is almost impossible, but would require me to go do some C# digging. I could possibly look into patching the fuel window so it checks for item tags... so campfire would use wood, forges use coal. Then tie that into your previous idea so the BBQ grill works like a campfire, but takes wood OR coal (so it's like a minor upgrade). That's the A18.2 "you have 30k resources" bug. I believe that is fixed in 18.3
  5. I do not. I know why it happens in POI's, but never seen that happen in the world. And i'm not remaking the worlds in the A18 style. The A17 style works fine and that's just extra work... and we only JUST got the RWG to sort-of work. It's definitely worth looking into. Modded uses more RAM than vanilla... by a lot. It's why it's the first thing I thought of. No. Stable is for 18.2. Experimental is for 18.3. I thought I had posted that a new save is REQUIRED because I changed a lot, but apparently I didn't. General rule. If I post a mod update and it's a X.X version (so 2.4 to 2.5), you need a new save. If it's a X.XX version (so say 2.4 to 2.41) then you don't need a new save. It takes a while to boot up. I fixed up the Jax patch last night before bed, so I can include that, and i'll be working on localization today so i'll go through that later. I could, but I was told they were removed because it really screws with the AI. If I did put them back, you likely wouldn't be able to shoot through them either. So I just decided not to. I think someone is looking at bringing them back as a modlet.
  6. Did she update it for A18? Cos I think the car block names changed. It's in Data/Config and called buffs.xml.
  7. Yep, but you'll have to edit the buffs file. Search for buffTraderJenGreet. Replace the whole thing with this. <buff name="buffTraderJenGreet" hidden="true" icon="ui_game_symbol_medical"> <stack_type value="ignore"/> <duration value="10"/> <update_rate value="1"/> <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="PlaySound" target="self" sound="trader_jenlikegreetmorn" play_in_head="true"> <requirement name="IsDay"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffStopTraderTalk"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="PlaySound" target="self" sound="trader_jenlikegreetnightfall" play_in_head="true"> <requirement name="IsNight"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffStopTraderTalk"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffStopTraderTalk" /> </effect_group> </buff> That'll fix it. Only seems to happen on servers though, and if that's the case for you, ONLY the server file needs editing. The edited file will be pushed to clients.
  8. I have more plans too. Weither or not i'll have time to do them... that's a different matter. 1) Yep, traders can respawn. I thought disabling that was a little too harsh (considered it though) 2) Gyro parts can be found (only drop off demons) and then you can craft it. Ok, so I have a theory, and it's not a good theory. Since it froze and crash, and now does it all the time, i'm wondering if there's a hardwre problem somewhere. Hosting takes more RAM and CPU than just playing does, and i'm wondering if one of those things is... not working right. What you could try doing, is back up the save from his machine, put it on yours, you try hosting and see if he can join. Not an elegant solution, but it's a solution. Otherwise, I would suggest your hubby looks into running memtest on his PC when you guys go to sleep or something. Basically test the RAM for any errors.
  9. Ok, so i'm gonna reply to both of these at the same time. Regarding the first point.... WARNING... incoming boring math stuff and C#. So the problem is, in the games DLL file, Health is told to report to the player as an INT. Stamina is told to report to the player as a FLOAT. Int is usually a whole number, so like... 1, 21, 31, 111, etc. A float can have decimals... like stamina does. So 21.7, 33.9, etc. Now I did sort out a C# patch last night to change stamina from Float to Int, but it's a little buggy. I'm currently trying to see if I can resolve that. I also decreased the stamina font size to see if that helps. Ideally, TFP need to fix it. There's no reason for stamina to display as a float. Regarding the second point and the laborer quest. I've had 2 other folks (aside from yourself) report it. I can't reproduce it locally at all, it's working fine for me. Other users have also said it's working fine for them. However, it looks like gitlab MIGHT occasionally be serving files badly, so i'd try either reinstalling, or see if you can download just the quest.xml on it's own and replace that. ^ that, i'm afraid. Moving to DF Experimental will let the mod and game work, but it WILL require a restart because I changed a lot of stuff. If you're on experimental, you should be able to fix that by increasing the terrain detail option in video.
  10. New game is REQUIRED cos I changed a lot of stuff. I found a few issues i'm fixing up for a small experimental Build 2, but thankfully nothing too bad.
  11. So I know what this is. It's the quick continue mod included in SphereII-Core. Make sure your caps lock, num lock or scroll lock are OFF, otherwise it assumes you clicked "continue game" on the main menu. This will be removed for the next build. Not sure about TV's. I know starvation had it but I have no idea how hard it'd be to include. I know sphereii is looking at updating his music boxes mod for 18.3. I'm thinking of including that for the radio I already have in the mod.
  12. Will double check that too. Cheers. I'll go dig out the old laptop tomorrow and do some testing. Runs 7DTD at like... 7fps... but it's good enough to see if it even works. That means either the 18.2 (stable) version of the mod is being installed on 18.3, or the 18.3 version of the mod (experimental) is being installed on 18.2 Should be able to replace it, but that's a distant terrain issue. Not entirely sure why that happens... it happens to me on my server, but NOT on SP and I haven't been able to track down why.
  13. I'll have to see if I can find my hackintosh and try to install it later. I actually don't own a mac, at all, so everything related to that is gonna be best guess. Linux I can test easily. MacOS, less so.
  14. That definitely sounds unintended on the minibike. Wonder why. May have to investigate that but... I kinda also want to leave it since PROPER vehicle mods will apparently be a thing in A19. So i'm wondering if it's worth spending the time on, basically. Recipes sounds like potentially just bad RNG, but i'll have a look at the loot lists. Ok, so there's 2 reasons for removing the radiation zone. 1) Some folks didn't like the Legacy Distant Terrain mod due to the fact it sometimes causes graphical glitches. But the mod NEEDED it for the radiation zone to actually have.... y'know... textures. 2) People keep usng RWG/Nitrogen and then wondering why they can't find bunkers/caitlin. Removing it will allow RWG to work (for a given value of "work"... it is A18's RWG after all!). Caitlins POI is still a radiated hell hole, but the NPC's are safe. Yes. TFP always recommend that players restart when going between 16.x/17.x/18.x updates. Because of that, I decided to do some changes that I wanted to do which I knew WOULD require a restart. Yes, but you might need to generate a few worlds to find one with all the POI's in it. IIRC, out of 9 tests I did, only 2 were missing one of the POI's, and it was the small bunker.
  15. You dont NEED to finish The Test to get to the bunker. You can just go looking for it. That quest line is just to help find them. And the vanilla machete should get a craft bonus increase from scientist and master scientist. If not, I need to fix that (will check my 2.5 files in a min)
  16. Sometimes she either disappears (Rare) or gets killed (tried to put a failsafe in for that, but... yeah) - - - Updated - - - Ok, woke up, didn't even have my morning coffee, pushed a Darkness Falls V2.5 Experimental Build. This should be under Darkness Falls Experimental on the launcher. I will update the first post in a moment to add direct git links for folks who prefer that. (EDIT: Done) Changelog. - Updated for A18.3b4 - Fixed Turret perk not adding to magazine size. - Can no longer just chug/food drink to spam wellness increases. You must wait for the average/good buff to expire. - Traders now greet the player when within 3 blocks. This currently has a buff to prevent the greeting being repeated for 10 minutes. - A couple of traders now have "idle" sounds. - Fixed "UnlockedBy" for Mega Crush. - M4A1/M60 guns and parts now have the correct 'UnlockedBy' - Fusion Forge and Laser Workbench now have the correct 'UnlockedBy' - Moved the acid recipe from Master Scientist to Yeah, Science 1. - Updated localization for Yeah, Science 1. - Added 'UnlockedBy' to Acid. - Steel bullet casing can now be made in the Big Forge. - Doors are now randomized on Locked/Unlocked status. - Door lockpicking re-enabled. - Tweaked a couple of trader prefabs to prevent issues with doors due to new lockpicking. - Removed tier's from batteries to see if it fixes issues with battery banks. - Fixed up some minor UI alignment issues. - Added a legendary cow (RIP JD). - Added Desert Eagle. - Added Master Scavenger perk (which unlocks the Desert Eagle recipe) - Fixed missing Pure Mineral Water recipe for the oven. - Fixed Forged Steel occasionally not unlocking for the Advanced Forge. - Added an attack speed modifier to blunt/bladed weapons skill, so levelling those means you now attack faster. - Added a reload speed modifier to all gun action skills, so levelling those means you reload faster (55% with max skill + bandolier). - Lowered the amount of meat on rabbits and chickens. - Increased Stag/Doe movement speed. - Adjusted Coilgun damage so it should scale a little better. - Books/schematics should now be refunded, with a tooltip, if the player is at max skill (some may be missing this code, let me know) - Added Irrigation. - Re-organised display for some perks. - Moved Mortar and Pestle off Workbenches 1 perk and into Basic Farming 1. - Reworked the basic farming perk unlocks a little bit. - Reading the laborer class book later on during your game will now reset and refund skill points for perks that you would be locked out of. - Slightly increased XP required to level. - Reworked gamestage so it's more forgiving on solo players/very small groups. - Slightly increased gamestage multipliers for Adventurer, Nomad and Warrior difficulties. - Added cooked versions of most canned food. Uses more cans, but removes food poisoning chance. - Added 25% XP penalty for harvesting to both augers to stop people power levelling. - Removed the iron club schematic and the need to learn it in order to make an Iron Reinforced Club. - Slightly decreased the damage of spears. - Slightly increased the damage of iron knuckles. - Slightly increased the attack speed of all knuckle weapons. - Removed the schematic requirement for the Iron Reinforced club. - Changed Laborer 6 to "Craft Iron Reinforced Club." - Porkins shotgun should now display it's stats correctly. - Combat shotgun and Porkins shotgun should now take the same mods as other shotguns. - Added Demolitions Expert to the Scientist class. - Moved Self Medicated from the Scientist class to the Survivalist class. - Moved Stealth Assassin from the Survivalist class to the Hunter class. - Removed the 3-level perks that some action skills have. Added their effects to the 5-level perks instead. - Reduced the cost of making action skill books and generic skill point books. - Added working hydroponics system. - Cooked food now has localization. - Action skill tooltips now have localization. - Re-done Yeah, Science localization to account for changed recipe unlocks. - Living off the Land localization edited to reflect new unlocks. - Sous Chef localization edited to reflect new unlocks. - Master Farmer localization edited to reflect new unlocks. - Big Forge description changed to say it's only made in the Workbench. - Wasteland Treasures benefits should now work correctly. - Rebalanced food/drink so only Sous Chef 4 or higher food/drink gives 5 wellness. - Medical items should now work with Physician. - Antibiotics (both types), painkillers and codeine should now work with self medicated. - Added slower regen buff for the weak rad zombies. - Most ammo can now be disassembled for some of it's parts. - Added a SpawnEntity patch by Myth that should HOPEFULLY stop duplicate traders. - Removed the rad biome. - Wasteland is now radiated. - Uranium and Plutonium moved to the wasteland. - Wasteland spawns changed (ferals/rads during the day, rads/demons at night). - Demon portals now spawn in the wasteland. - Added new RWG by myth that mostly works (may need further tweaks) - Added a player crafted lockable pill case. (same storage as other blocks) - Added a player crafted lockable toolbox. (same storage as other blocks) - Chainsaw, Auger, Aloe Cream and Large Backpack now all have the correct unlockedby. - Advanced Engineering 4 now states it unlocks the chainsaw and auger. - Added scrap polymer recipe to the chem station. - Fixed the mortar and pestle recipe for aloe cream (was supposed to be cheaper and it wasn't) - Edited Navezgane to be DF compatible. - Added AP and HP versions of coilrounds. - Added Entity Penetration to laser guns (requires levelling the future crafting perk). - Added recipes for uncraftable items/blocks, so they can be searched in the recipe list and inform the player they are loot only items. - Fixed Aloe cream not being locked. - Fixed missing empty jar name. - Paint brush now works like A16, so no more spam-clicks. - Added an EXCEPTIONALLY rare chance for Trader Caitlin to stock the Fusion Forge and Laser Workbench crating stations (secret stash needed, hopefully only a temp fix). - Fixed missing Shotgun Tube Extender recipe. - Re-added the smokestorm effect to the wasteland from previous alphas. - Fixed the attachments on the Deagle. - Zombies are now much more resistant to pain and harder to stun-lock. - Players have a 25% chance of causing knockdown on POWER ATTACK with ANY melee weapon. - Blunt Specialists have a 25% chance of causing knockdown on a NORMAL attack once they reach Blunt Weapons 60. - Fixed one of the inside wedge blocks not upgrading properly. - Tweaked Air Drop loot. Greater variance of items, less likely to get the decent food. - Added Titanium Knuckles. - Added Titanium Knuckles unlock to Master Scavenger. - Added craft tier increase for knuckles to the scavenger class. - Edited the Power Attack journal entry to inform players of the knockdown chance. - Fixed unlockedby on the Shotgun Tube Extender mod. - Added a customized version of Mecanim that removes pain animations. - Swapped all behemoths, succubus, incubus and night stalkers to the new mecanim. - Increased sight range of the Succubus so she's more likely to fly over and punch you in the balls. - Added AutoReload=True to a lot of the guns added by the mod. This forces the gun to reload if the clip is empty and the player attempts to fire. - Lockpick bundle recipe was locked when it shouldn't have been. It's now not. - Edited Jax's zombie hand adjustment modlet to include my new zombies, and included it in the server build. - Slightly adjusted player XP gain for lower than level 100. - Added a sleeping check to NORMAL zombies that buff other zombies (not the mutated ones). This means the buff should only apply if the nearby zombies are awake. - Fixed a random NRE with the trader on severs only. - Fixed some missing localization for animals. - Fixed the splinted arm buff missing an icon. - Trader guards no longer cause damage to blocks.
  17. I'm pretty sure you need titanium and MAYBE iron for some of the future tech stuff. I don't remember why I left brass/clay there. Yes it does. It'll probably be done after i've been to bed.
  18. Heads up, just woke up, haven't had coffee yet. If things are worded... odd... or sound annoyed, not intentional. 1) Stun baton is sort-of improved by blunt weapons. Stun chance isn't altered but base damage is. 2) Turret master perk still affects DPS. That's a mechanic perk. 3) No, but one of the testers is working on one. 4) I think i've seen that in vanilla. Was it trader quests or quests started by items? Just trying to find out so me and the wife can test it later. And the fergettin' elixir was removed from being made/found/looted because it breaks characters. So... no. So... that's actually NOT a bug. That's how the base game works for the "gather" objective. I had to set it as gather instead of craft because craft would occasionally cause a quest to throw an NRE... completely randomly... for no reason. What you need to do is make the 4 and do not place them. Once you've made all 4, the number turns green and "Locks", so then you can place them. I wish their death animation worked. It's all hooked up right, but doesn't seen to do anything. As of V2.5, scavenger has a mastery perk. It grants the titanium knuckles and desert eagle recipies. It also improves the bonuses gained from the Wasteland Treasures perk by approx 10%. I see you fixed it, but i've also had that from the game running out of system RAM. You know if you boot the game, load your world, click exit to go back to menu, click continue to re-load the world, etc? Yeah, keep doing that and it'll max out your RAM and crash. Found that out from fixing up gun attachments.
  19. 1) You're missing the point. Darkness Falls has all the vanilla books AND MORE. The difference is the books unlock PERKS, not recipes. They do that so PLAYERS have the choice of spending a point in a perk (or more if necessary), or find the book. Why? Because it's annoying to go looking for books when you don't want to level... for example... advanced engineering 3 times just to get a cement mixer. 2) Based on the above, no. It's not at odds with vanilla. You can still go find books to learn things, they just unlock PERKS, not RECIPES. If you read the PERKS, you would know this. As for the "books not showing if learnt or not" thing, that's on TFP. I'm already working on a system to refund a book to the player if they read it and the perk is unlocked. And firearm damage is the same as vanilla, by base stats. If you bother to learn the action skills and their sub-perks, it's actually HIGHER than vanilla. Some of the guns are actually BUFFED vs vanilla (Primitive Bow and the basic Pistol immediately come to mind) Please actually do some research, either by playing or looking in the files, before complaining.
  20. The experiemental version of the mod is currently the OLD version of 2.4 before it went stable, so unfortunately it won't work. I'm hoping to have an experimental version of DF 2.5 out this week that WILL work on A18.3b4 (Just updated it yesterday for testers)
  21. If you don't like it, don't play it. It's an overhaul. It's not going to be like vanilla. The mod is basically the same in A18 as it was in A17, but with some of A18's new features being used. Even then, it plays more like A16 with A17 and A18 features in it, because A16 was actually good. I suggest you use modlets to customise your vanilla game instead of using overhauls like Darkness Falls, because you will be very disappointed. Fact of the matter is, i've got a discord full of people who are very happy with the product (aside from some bugs), so you're in the minority. But let me addres ssome of your issues. 1) You have to find a shotgun book in vanilla to make a shotgun too. The difference in Darkness Falls is you can't make the shotgun PARTS. You need a lathe. 2) The home made gun and rifle are because you can't just make a gun like you can in vanilla. 3) The pumping of classes is not outdated. Unless you never played an RPG in your life. 4) The cap for crafting items is purple (quality 60) UNLESS you take a class. Then it's red. (quality 71). Most of the books from the main game work, so you're talking nonsense. The few that don't have been fixed so they now do. If you think you can do better, please go ahead and try. I'll be along to absolutely trash-talk your product when I find something I don't like because it doesn't cater to my very narrow-minded playstyle. EDIT: And this is important for anyone reading the thread. I welcome criticism. When it's... y'know... helpful. This wasn't. It was just a rage.
  22. That is intended. There is ALWAYS a working laser workbench and working Fusion Forge in the big bunker.
  23. They're not common otherwise it would be a lag fest when you went into the radiated biome
  24. It's because the stalker uses a class I made that extends from EntityNPC, and EntityNPC counts as player kills. Pretty much just kill demons and hope it drops in the loot. Portals have a good chance of demonic essence in them when destroyed.
  25. That quest is bugged on servers. Large bunkers are in the wasteland in the corners of the map. I don't like to give out exact co-ordinates, but if other folks do, that's up to them. Gyrocopter parts are not craftable. Go kill demons. Will look into the lockpick bundle. It shouldn't be locked at all. (Confirmed, is locked with no unlock. That's not intended. Fixed) If you see blue, that's radiated. You need a hazmat suit.
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