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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Oh it's gonna get updated to A19 for sure. The experimental branch (with the trader stuff) is going to be used as the code base for A19. So those features will be new for folks to play with + all the A19 goodness.
  2. From personal experience, hand in your quest and wait about an in-game day and that seems to sort it. 1. Hardly any because I changed too much stuff. 2. It kinda doesn't. I was working on fixing it before I got distracted. You don't. I removed it because people kept using it, AFTER BEING TOLD NOT TO, because it was breaking characters.
  3. Yep, exact same error. Which is odd because I don't include an edited biomes.png for nav. If you copy the one from your steam folder (steam/steamapps/common/7 days to die/data/worlds/navezgane) to the mod folder (7D2D/Alpha18/Darkness_Falls/Darkness_Falls/data/worlds/navezgane in your case going by the log file) and overwrite, that SHOULD fix it. Honestly, I think a lot of these issues can be fixed by a new gitlab repo, but I don't see the point in making a new one now when madmole says we'll have A19 in summer.
  4. Going to reply to this quickly while my internet works for 5 minutes. This error means the biomes.png of whatever world your using is corrupt and has a colour the game doesn't recognise, hence why it's crashing.
  5. That one can actually be ignored. I have no idea WHY it happens, but it only happens if you install the mod with the mod launcher (tested and confirmed myself). Manually installing the mod stops it... somehow. But even when I had the error, it still worked. First problem is missing localization. Second problem is because your friend doesn't have enough RAM. Either use one of the DFalls-Small maps, or Navezgane for 8GB RAM. I also advise your friend increase their virtual memory. ...how did you get a divide by zero error??? I'd need a log file to even begin to work out how that's happening.
  6. Yes but I don't know if I can easily upload the image because the forum likes to destroy it. It's got a white river flag though. You can hoe the ground for planting in DF.
  7. Actually, for hazmat/power armor, I really want to see if I can do something like "as the item takes damage, the protection decreases." So making sure they're repaired would be absolutely essential. More-so for the hazmat than power armor, but yeah. It's something I want to investigate. Zombie rage was disabled because... 1) I think it's dumb. 2) It applies to all zombies. I don't want it to apply to all of my zombies.
  8. 16GB RAM strongly recommended. Other than that, as vanilla. Sounds like the game despawned her. Which means you won't be able to turn the quest in (have a potential working fix for that)
  9. No, that's intended. I haven't replaced the models yet.
  10. Try reinstalling it. If you're using the mod launcher, check the mirror link. I meant the number pad on your KEYBOARD. Because it used to be murky water and folks complained since, by the time they were making polymers, they mostly had bottled water. So I changed it.
  11. My guess, because it makes the most sense, is it might be occlusion settings. That causes strange block/texture pop-in. I believe it can also be related to either tree or object quality settings.
  12. Yes. Mod must be installed locally (client version) and on the server (server version)
  13. Possibly not. May look into that and see why it's being a pain. He's a conman. Known issue I fixed locally. For anyone else who has this issue. Look up animalSpider in entitygroups.xml. Swap it for zombieSpider and that should sort it out. Are you using the number keys on the number pad? That's how it's setup to travel between floors. You might not be allowed to upload edited DLL files, which would be why you're having issues. I'd check with your host and see if they do allow it. If not, they may need to install it for you.
  14. Re-enabling the time after you find a watch would need some custom C# code, which is surprisingly difficult. I think dukes are an object because, before traders, we used to melt them for brass. I don't THINK we can make blocks dismember... right now. I'm hoping TFP will allow us to have effect_group's on blocks (like items and recipes do) for stuff like that.
  15. Are you on the experimental build? The feature is only on that version of the mod.
  16. Yep. Each trader has different skills to teach you, and each trader also has their own books.
  17. I don't THINK it matters where you read them from. I was doing it from the hotbar for testing.
  18. 18.4, but the launcher should grab that for you
  19. So what me and the wife do, is alt-tab out of the game, open the friends list, right-click the persons name and click "Join game" And that's it.
  20. All the trader faction books are missing localization on experiemental, cos i'm lazy. Yes due to a bug. You can combine them in the laser workbench to get up to 80
  21. Honestly? Nope. No clue. I'll have a poke.
  22. Yep, that'll do it. When you eat/drink, you'll get either an average/good food or average/good drink buff. They actually give you a small health regen (like healing factor in vanilla). While the buff is active, you CANNOT gain wellness. So you could eat an average food, and a good food, and an average drink, and a good drink AND take vitamins and those would all stack. But then you need to wait for the buffs to expire before you can do it again.
  23. Press F1 to open the console. Type this. givequest quest_classtrainingmechanic2 You can't just chain-chug water/food to raise your wellness, and thus max health/stamina. You have to wait for the buff to expire.
  24. You don't need to update anything in the launcher. Doing so cold break something. It sounds like you either don't have enough RAM (unity crash box popping up) or it's a bad download. Try playing navezgane (I edited it to work on DF). If that works, try one of the small maps. If those work, then it's a RAM issue. If none of those work, try re-downloading the mod from the mirror. There's a checkbox on the launcher.
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