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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Increase your virtual memory and/or disable dyanmic music.
  2. They SHOULD generate on RWG, but it's not guaranteed. And by that, I mean out of 10 maps, I had 1 where they didn't generate. But it also depends on map size. 6k or lower you have a good chance of missing them.
  3. Added a modlet so players can keep track of how many different things they've killed, and with which weapon. It's very basic and I make no guarantees of how "good" it is, but apparently folks wanted that. Download link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/khaines-modlets-a19/-/archive/master/khaines-modlets-a19-master.zip?path=KHA19-KillTracking
  4. Sadly not. That's been broken since A18
  5. Easy. It's just localization. Turn off Dynamic Music and try running it again. It memory leaks badly.
  6. You 100% know people would complain if I did that
  7. Not planning to add anything like that.
  8. I'm pretty sure that's the one block crouch feature. You can turn it off. Go to Mods\2-SphereIICore\Config and edit blocks.xml. Find this. <property name="OneBlockCrouch" value="true" /> Set to false.
  9. It doesn't have the required prefab file list and doesn't place POI's in the correct biomes. Until nitrogen properly obeys biome restrictions, it should NOT be used for DF.
  10. What i'd do is make it a quest reward, as that allows you to specify tiers. So add this to loot.xml... <lootgroup name="StarterPistol" count="all" loot_quality_template="qualQuestFixed15NRE"> <item name="gunHandgunT1Pistol" mods="dye" mod_chance="0"/> </lootgroup> And then add this to quest_BasicSurvival1 <reward type="LootItem" id="StarterPistol" ischosen="false" isfixed="true" value="16" /> And you can just put the bullets on the starter item. That'd give the player a 15 quality pistol after completing the first quest. Haven't seen anyone else with the issue and it's working ok for me.
  11. That's the edge of the world. You're SUPPOSED to get hit with radiation before you get there (that the hazmat suit doesn't stop), but TFP broke something. So if you have PvP off, it doesn't work. Congrats on finding the void.
  12. I actually dont use the launcher. BUT, I think what you would need to do, when 19.4 comes out, is backup your directory for the 19.3 version, download 19.4, download the 19.4 version of the mod and then I THINK you can copy your save file back over. Failing that, there's books in creative that give 2 skill points to the LBD skills per read. (you can actually find these in loot in-game too) Flamethrower has been adjusted for the 19.4 version. - Slightly increased flamethrower base damage. - Flamethrower base damage and reload speed should now be properly affected by the demolitions expert perk.
  13. Guard captain is currently slated for removal. Caitlin is going to get worked on later.
  14. 1) It SHOULD. In testing 10 maps, I only had 1 that didn't have everything. Larger map = better chance. 2) Because their weapons put the fire debuff on you at point of impact. "Normal" demons havea block range of 10 from point of impact. Succubus/Incubus is 30. Yes it's intentional. They're not supposed to be easy to deal with. So, on my system, I set a MINIMUM of 10GB and a MAXIMUM of 30GB... with 32GB of RAM. That fixed the unity crash issue.
  15. Um... You linked a screenshot that's on your hard drive...
  16. That... is a good shout. It might be. I can change that so it has to pick a specific tag. Go into item_modifiers.xml (in mods/0-darknessfallscore/config) and find modArmorSpikes. Replace it with this. <item_modifier name="modArmorSpikes" installable_tags="armorChest" modifier_tags="ammo" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment"> <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceNail" /> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="modArmorSpikesDesc"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkCraftScience"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/> <property name="Group" value="Mods"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffInjuryBleedingArmorSpikes"> <requirement name="!EntityTagCompare" tags="player"/> </triggered_effect> </effect_group> <property name="PickupJournalEntry" value="augmentGunsTip"/> </item_modifier> See if that helps.
  17. I would need the log, but make sure you're patching 19.3, not 19.2 or 19.4 experimental. Other users have told me that Bluefang and Logic both seem very good.
  18. Sounds like it's not installed properly on your server. I'd check the Mods folder. HOWEVER, I know for a fact that Nitrado don't allow DLL uploads, so I guarantee DF won't work.
  19. I mean, I don't feel bloodmoons are really in keeping with that type of setting tbh. It's why I setup large wandering hordes every 6 hours instead of every 24 hours (and you can increase that too... you can make it every HOUR if you want!)
  20. AI was broken so they are temporarily disabled. I plan for them to return in A20. Yes. The radiation is normal. The bleeding is not. I'll have to have a look at that and see what's going on.
  21. Yep, need to edit the ones in 0-DarknessFallsCore. Awesome! Glad that sorted it
  22. I -think- and I want to say I don't know if this was changed, you have to tick "From Static Spawner" in the F6 menu before you spawn them.
  23. Pretty sure it's in buffs.xml. Search for GameStage. Yep. Someone in the discord got it as a fetch quest.
  24. That's because I cant say to the quest "Place and upgrade this block variant" because selecting the shape selects a different block by name. So yes, it's intended. If by some chance TFP give me an "OR" switch, then maybe i'll look into it. Until then, no that's intended. Don't play insane? 😛 One lower is about 2x gamestage. If you want? I know the large lab is currently hooked up as a T5 fetch quest. Increase your virtual memory/windows paging file.
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