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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. That's definitely not related to the mod. That's windows denying access to the file for some reason.
  2. Not really, no. But leave it with me. I can probably compile everything into a single DLL that can then just be loaded from another mod. It DOES need sphereii-core though (for headshots) EDIT: Ignore me! I just checked. ALL Romero Mod core code is in Harmony-1-RomeroModCore. Only Sphereii-core uses Mods.dll, so you should just be able to drop it into any existing DMT project.
  3. The google drives do have the maps. They're in Mods/0-DarknessFallsCore/Worlds now. Not Data/Worlds.
  4. Fixed it. 1-DarknessFallsConfig.zip The XML was referencing ,Mods when it should have been referencing ,Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore.
  5. Someone on the discord had that yesterday. No idea how/why, but a reinstall fixed it. Is that single player or on a server? I might have forgotten to re-enable the code when I was updating everything. I'll look into it later.
  6. It's just made in the backpack. 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 clay bowl.
  7. It can happen. It's been a vanilla bug for god knows how long.
  8. Just pushed a hotfix for this as there was an NRE with the zombie cop. That's now resolved.
  9. That's because they were moved to Mods/0-DarknessFallsCore/Worlds You definitely don't have something installed right. It was tested by the testers yesterday on a clean install and working fine.
  10. Romero Mod has now been updated to V1.3. No changelog for this other than "Works on 19.3". Should be save-file compatible, but no promises. Client (Gitlab/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/romero-mod-a19-client/-/archive/master/romero-mod-a19-client-master.zip Server (Gitlab/Launcher): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/romero-mod-a19-server/-/archive/master/romero-mod-a19-server-master.zip
  11. Alright, it's up! Here's your notes. Darkness Falls V3.3 Patch Notes. - Updated mod to A19.3b6. - Updated to CompoPack 46. - Updated Myth's bloodmoon vehicle buster mod so it works now. - Converted all XML into XPath format. - Compiled all DF code into a single DLL so Mods.dll is no longer required (still used for SphereII-Core) - Moved all unity3d files into the Mods folder. - Added Redbeard's ActiveIngredients harmony mod. - Lowered craft time bonus from Advanced Engieering as it was causing 0 craft time. - Added a Lockable Clothing Rack for player housing. - Added Scrap Iron Bolts. - Fixed The Completionist not levelling Plasma Axe crafting quality. - Steel ammo now reduces range and accuracy by 25%, instead of increasing how fast the gun wears out. - Added AP and HP variants of Steel Ammo. - Brass Catcher now appropriately returns brass or steel casings depending on ammo type loaded into the gun. - Fixed incorrect rotation on titanium knuckles. - Added missing localization for animal coops/snares journal entry. - Added Scavenger Mastery book. - Added Scavenger Mastery book to appropriate trader/loot lists. - Added recipes for the player to make their own mastery books (it is VERY expensive). - Scrapping a mastery book now gives enough skill notes to make a class book. - Coilshotgun ammo now uses iron instead of polymers. - P225, Winchester Rifle, M4A1 and Coilshotgun replaced with high quality models for better "mod" positioning and later animation. - Lowered craft time reduction on nerdy glasses to see if it helps with the instacraft bug (from 10% to 5%) - Made the normal paint brush slightly faster. - Increased range of the normal paint brush. - Added steel ammo bundles (for all bullet types). - Added a reduction in stamina use of 2% per mod installed to all scrap+ tools (pickaxe, fireaxe, shovel, wrench and other disassembly items. No bonus for power tools) - Fixed the crucible not scrapping. - Added bundles for all coilrounds. - Removed "learnable" tag from all bundles because you should just be able to make them. - Fixed UI display for AK-47/M60 damage. - Moved electric parts from DIY perk level 3 to level 1. - Lowered DIY perk from 3 levels to 2. - Fixed the "unlocked by" on the Advanced Brass Catcher. - Lowered the duration on the buff to make the brass catchers work from 0.1 seconds to 0.01 seconds to see if that helps with auto-fire weapons (M60 was particularly bad) - Slightly increased the spawn chance of the wandering trader. - Added T5 fetch quest to the large bunker. - Very slightly lowered the AOE range on NORMAL demons (Incubus and Succubus still have stupid AOE range). - Increased quests per tier from 10 to 15 so it takes longer to get to T2, T3, etc when grinding trader faction. - Fixed the wooden bow not being scrappable. - Added Cryogrenade (same damage as molotov, unlocked at Demo Expert perk level 5). - Slightly increase the amount of brass found in loot to compensate for no scrapping. - Lowered nail craft time. - Bandages may now work properly on other players/NPC's. - Lowered duration of buff from Awesome Sauce and Spaghetti. - Awesome Sauce, Spaghetti and Pumpkin Cheesecake bartering buffs no longer stack. - Added a new shader for MOST of the reflex sights (coilshotgun not done). - Removed the items that spawn animals since people kept finding them in creative and breaking their saves. - Workbench schematic should now unlock level 2. - Reduced craft time on rebar frames. - Lowered cost to make action skill books. - Increased how much iron Steel armor scraps into. - Edited Crack-a-Book tower to add in more bookcases and more GOOD quality bookcases... because it's a skyscraper... called CRACK-A-BOOK. - Rebalanced all zombie, demon and boss AI. - Removed particle effects from the wasteland and desert for better FPS. - Added an extra drop chance for the Winchester Receiver and completed rifle. - Hoe should now benefit from Living off the Land. - Added "Tobi's Balancing Act" super rare rifle mod. - Tweaked the Liquid Nitrogen mod to see if that helps with zombie movement penalty. - Fixed the run speed on Auto Weapons 40+ action skill. - Lowered the cost of the basic armor plating. - Slightly tweaked the shamway crate loot so there should be more canned food. - Added a potential fix for Junk Sledge causing NRE's on non-vanilla entities, like animals (you sick @%$#s.) - All 8 maps remade. Maps ending in 1 are compo pack and Myth's rwg. They have at least 2 of each bunker and at least 1 caitlin. Maps ending in 2 are vanilla RWG, no compo pack and also have at least 2 of each bunker, 1 caitlin and 2 of each skyscraper. (Except the construction site. At least 1 of these) - Fusion Forge now works as a direct upgrade to the Advanced Forge. - Laser Workbench now works as a direct upgrade to the Workbench. - Added an Armor Spikes mod. - Added Crowbar item. - Changed Flaming Arrows/Bolts to use Iron Arrowheads rather than steel so there's better progression. - 15 slot toolbelt now works correctly with shift+number. So slot 11 would be shift+1 and slot 15 would be shift+5. - Fixed a vanilla bug with hot/cold screen effects not persisting when going from hot to sweltering, or cold to freezing. - Warrior or higher difficulties are now more... well... difficult. - Added Christmas Items. Due to the new maps and all of the back-end changes, THIS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES A WIPE! Also, for the secondary download, you may get a warning about an invalid certificate. This is because it's hosted on my server in germany, and apparently you can't apply SSL certificates to IP addresses, so feel free to ignore it. Launcher users should now have an "Alternate Download" checkbox if the primary one doesn't work for any reason. This will pull the mod from my server in germany. Client (Gitlab/Launcher Primary Download): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19client/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19client-master.zip Server (Gitlab/Launcher Primary Download): https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa19server-master.zip Client (Gitlab/Launcher Alternate Download): Server (Gitlab/Launcher Alternate Download): Client (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14p9z9ptpROsdFF2z0Dww5Xft-z1-GYkc/view?usp=sharing Server (GDrive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/11jcAWc7P-u4IcI4aIClcUsMbLfj3LGwd/view?usp=sharing Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=9
  12. It came out while I was asleep, so it's slowly uploading now. FYI. THIS WILL REQUIRE A COMPLETELY NEW SAVE!!!
  13. More traps. Seriously. More spikes, barbed wire, etc. That all helps do damage to zombies. Bows, crossbows, molotovs, nail bombs. They all help with damage. Build your base to do as much damage as possible without your interaction. Then you don't need to go nuts with guns. You can take it a little slower to pick off stuff on low HP. EDIT: Oh, and silencers. Get silencers. Silenced rifles and pistols are WAY quieter than silenced fully auto weapons.
  14. Sounds like you got hit with a wandering horde, decided to go nuts with guns, which called screamers, which are calling more zombies, and you kept going nuts with guns. Go less nuts with guns to lower your heat.
  15. Nope. Can't be disabled. Those were added because people wanted to be able to lockpick doors. So get lockpicking or smashing. Personally, I prefer it because it makes the POI's more random. Nope. Ok, this is going to be difficult to explain, but i'll try without the tech babble. Placed guns (not junkies) are blocks. Blocks can't have the same effects as the guns that you carry, hence why gun mods won't work. It's also why laser versions won't work because they won't be able to apply the laser buff to demons. As for the reactor. I tried. I broke the electric system BADLY. I'll revisit it in the future. Pretty sure that's a Visual Studio Redsitributable issue... 1) You want blocks called DFspawnGuard and you have to add them to the prefab/POI. 2) No. 3) No. I had issues with the AI so that functionality is disabled and will likely remain so until A20. 4) Nope. Not yet anyways. That's because you need to make the appropriate item for those perks, which is unlocked via tech crafting.
  16. I am pretty sure those labels are hard-coded depending on if it's Class=PlantGrowing or Class=PlantGrown. And yes, the perks don't work if you press E to pick up plants. I have a potential workaround for that (going to turn all plants into loot containers you open with E and get bonuses based off the perk that way). Also that workaround means you wont need to punch your planted crops so you don't accidentally punch a seedling into next week, so win/win. Run bunkers. Do buried supplies quests. T5 buried supplies can have energy cells in them. Oh yeah. I forgot I increased the mass on the object in unity to fix some issues with getting up hills and such. May need to mess with the speed later, but that'll probably be for A20.
  17. No idea then. They work for me and extend from cropsGrowingMaster like other plants
  18. They've been working fine for me and other folks because I know people have been using them to make ink
  19. If you've been looking in the XML, you might have noticed the min/max speeds are higher than most of the other vehicles. I SUSPECT that there might be a hard-coded limit on vehicle speed now. What i'll probably do in the future is look at maybe rebalancing vehicle speeds a little and their accompanying storage to compensate. I was unsure if the vehicle spike mod would work, but tbh, vehicle mods aren't supposed to work at all, so eh. I'll worry about it in A20. Fixed for DF 3.3.
  20. I have absolutely no idea. I'd try their discord. Pretty sure there's a link around somewhere.
  21. Best way to do it is to find zombieScreamer and copy her code, then replace the contents of zombieScreamerRadiated with it. That saves having to edit all of the entitygroups. Or make less noise. Yes they lose slots. Mods are returned to the inventory, assuming you have room. Nope. Not gonna lie, i've never been able to get that to work. I need to go back to looking into that now I have more experience. Actually, me and the testers were talking about that yesterday. We're looking at potentially re-doing all their inventories, secret stashes, quests AND quest rewards to keep with each traders "theme."
  22. Huh. I have no idea then, i'm afraid. That's a general trader bug. Log out and back in. That should sort you.
  23. Not gonna lie, I thought they already did have collision...
  24. The wasteland rocks are bugged. No, I don't know why. I have double and triple checked the code and it is correct. It worked in A18, I don't understand why it doesn't in A19. So what you need to do is find a wasteland rock, dig down under the gravel layer and then dig around and look for veins. There's usually one around.
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