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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. 1) Probably an oversight on my part, will look into it. 2) Read it. It gives +1 tool crafting skill. However, if you cannot gain a level in that skill because you aren't a high enough player level, then the book isn't a work around. You'll need to wait. 3) Not that I know of.
  2. I think my voice is a bit too deep for the female bandits. Shame my friend closed her twitter account though. She did a FANTASTIC job on those bandits.
  3. Please. Warm milk is gross. It's apple juice.
  4. Glad you like it. I'm SO looking forward to A17 and the quest system. I'm going to keep the guard trader NPC in so it's obvious where to get quests from, but I'm hoping I can get some of the finicky things working properly.
  5. General rule. What I've done with the quests so far is pretty much the best I can do. The problem is, if you give the player an item after finishing a quest, it automatically goes into the inventory which means the NEXT quest would then also be completed. The best option would be to give the player 1 item (say a suitcase) that they "read", which gives them a quest to grant the items. That way players have more control over when they recieve their stuff, I can control what they get so quality and such isn't random and everyone should be happy.... hopefully. But the A17 quest system might let me do a LOT more.
  6. Oh trust me, I understand your bitching and I -really- wish I had more than 50 gamestages to play with.
  7. The purpose is that I'm limited by the game stage system. Basically, in a wandering horde, the gamestage caps at 50, then it wraps back around to 1. So either I go easy on the game stages for wandering hordes, which then makes them an absolute JOKE at higher levels, or I work with what I've got and accept some folks are going to be super unlucky at low level. If I could have up to 1000 gamestage like I can on the 7 day horde, then it wouldn't be a problem.
  8. Nope. I can make a quest to go fetch the items, but I can't make a quest NOT complete if you don't have inventory space, which sucks. >_< What I may do for A17 is look at creating bags full of items. That way I only give the player 1 item, they place it and loot it. It's a little bit more work but means items won't be lost as easily.
  9. Quest 5. <quest id="quest_classtraininghunter5" group_name_key="quest_classtraininghunter" name_key="quest_classtraininghunter5" subtitle="Craft a Forge" subtitle_key="quest_classtraininghunter5_subtitle" description_key="quest_classtraininghunter5_description" icon="ui_game_symbol_rifle" category_key=".quest" offer_key="quest_classtraininghunter_offer" > <objective type="FetchKeep" id="leatherHood" value="1" /> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="leatherJacket" value="1" /> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="leatherGloves" value="1" /> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="leatherPants" value="1" /> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="leatherBoots" value="1" /> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_classtraininghunter6" /> <reward type="Item" id="gunHuntingRifle" value="50" /> <reward type="Item" id="762mmBullet" value="75" /> <reward type="Skill" id="Hunting Knife" value="1" stage="aftercomplete"/> <reward type="Skill" id="Better Lead Than Dead" value="1" stage="aftercomplete"/> </quest> Quest 6. <quest id="quest_classtraininghunter6" group_name_key="quest_classtraininghunter" name_key="quest_classtraininghunter6" subtitle="Craft a Barbed Club" subtitle_key="quest_classtraininghunter6_subtitle" description_key="quest_classtraininghunter6_description" icon="ui_game_symbol_rifle" category_key="quest" offer_key="quest_classtraininghunter_offer" > <objective type="ZombieKill" value="10" /> <requirement type="Holding" id="gunHuntingRifle" /> <objective type="AnimalKill" value="5" /> <requirement type="Holding" id="gunHuntingRifle" /> <reward type="Skill" id="Hunting Rifle" value="1" stage="aftercomplete"/> <reward type="Skill" id="ClassHunter" value="1" stage="aftercomplete"/> </quest> So no. Quest 5 isn't kill stuff with the hunting rifle. It's make armour. Quest 6 is kill stuff with the rifle, but you get the rifle when you finish quest 5. Just an FYI... and this is for anyone... if you finish a quest and do NOT gain items you are supposed to get (list is earlier in the thread), then your inventory was probably full.
  10. That would be one of the localization things I forgot about. Will make sure that's done. I suspect Lady Killer has the same issue.
  11. You get the items from finishing the quest, not starting it. <reward type="Quest" id="quest_classtraininghunter6" /> <reward type="Item" id="gunHuntingRifle" value="50" /> <reward type="Item" id="762mmBullet" value="75" /> <reward type="Skill" id="Hunting Knife" value="1" stage="aftercomplete"/> <reward type="Skill" id="Better Lead Than Dead" value="1" stage="aftercomplete"/>
  12. Still invisible. On the "to do" list for A17 as it apparently has to do with particle effects while firing, and I'm probably going to have to re-do all of my assets for A17 anyway
  13. From the compo pack? No, cos it's a big pack. Basically I just updated the mod with the more recent version on the forums. The 2 new POI's I want to be a surprise, but you can find them in the Burnt Forest and the Wasteland. I strongly recommend going to the one in the Burnt Forest first as it should give you items you need for the one in the Wasteland. EDIT: Oh! You'll get some of the new zombies spawning in the Military camps too. They will also give you items you need for BOTH POI's, so I strongly recommend scavenging those.
  14. Ah, yes I should've stated that a restart is recommended due to the 2 new POI's I included and all the compo pack stuff, so that was my bad. Kage also had the mod randomly delete his class quest when swapping from 1.7.5 to 1.8, which is a very odd bug.
  15. Should be. Basically if I say "It's on github" then it should be on the launcher because it points to the github file.
  16. Yeah. Just something I did in 5 mins cos I was bored.
  17. V1.8 is out, live and on GitHub! Patch notes. New menu music and background! New UI added and tweaked so it should work on 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions. Pine Forest and Plains biomes removed. Pine forest merged into Maple Forest, Plains merged into Desert. Blueberries removed from Maple Forest. Now only found in snow biomes, but higher spawn chance (in theory). Wasteland increased in size. Starts at 4000, then wasteland_hub starts at 3000. Wasteland decoration changed. It's now snow ground (does not give snowballs) for more of a "nuclear wasteland" feel. Zombie spawns increased due to survivors killing them all. Military NPC spawn decreased because the wasteland sounded like a warzone. Loot.xml edited so containers SHOULD always contain something (in most cases, destroyed workstations are the exception). Trader.xml edited to remove nailgun from normal traders. Caitlin still has it. Caitlin edited to ONLY spawn in wasteland_hub so it's more dangerous to get to her. Dead area's increased on cities to help with lag. Future Tech perk added! Good luck getting it. Uranium ore added! Underground in desert and burnt forest. Above ground in Wasteland. Plutonium added! Only found when digging up radiated ground. New workbench added! Good luck getting it. Fusion forge added! Good luck getting it. All-in-one-Tool added! Tough to get but basically a super-wrench that can upgrade to titanium! Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle and Laser Sword added! Extra Compo Pack POI's added! 2 new POI's added. You can find them in the Burnt Forest and Wasteland. Classes reworked for balance reasons. Female bandit voice updated with voice lines from my friend. Some zombies are unaffected by slow down from spikes and shotguns, so have fun! New(ish) zombies! The Frostbitten Hunter has made a return, and two zombie scientists have been added. Original Behemoth added! The other male behemoth is now the radiated version. Double Drawbridge added. Extra titanium blocks added (rounded, wedge and wedge tip). Builder quests added to the trader captain. Vanilla quests heavily edited so they're more fun. 2 new perks added, which can only be learned via books! Books are rare but can be purchased from the trader. Auger sounds reduced so you don't go deaf anymore. Crafting perks have altered level requirements. 1-4 have no level requirement, 5+ now goes 30/60/90/120/150. This means players can now get Iron Tools at level 30 (was 50) and Steel at 90 (was 100). Titanium is still 150. Lockable storage cabinet space increased to 120 slots. Insecure versions of cabinets added for single-player (doesn't use a padlock). Lockable and Insecure craftable fridges added (also 120 Lockable (and insecure) versions of the Gun Safe and Munitions box added for player crafting! 120 slot storage. Metal walkways added! Same model as metal catwalks, except craftable AND you can pick them back up. Good for building/painting huge structures. Advanced Forge changed. Cannot be unlocked until level 90. Big Forge added! You must buy the Forge perk a second time to get the recipe. Works like a normal forge, but has 3 slots. UMA Textures reduced in size! No major difference graphically, but has increased load times and decreased RAM usage. Known issues. Builder quests on the trader do not show the block you need to gather. The subtitle tells you. Trader gather quests have you gathering the same items twice. This is a workaround to stop folks turning in the quest and not losing items. Vanilla quests may only tell you to kill one kind of zombie. Localization SHOULD tell you what zombies work. This is just a display issue.
  18. Well there's also an upgraded sword and wrench.
  19. Join the discord. I literally throw up the link for anyone daft enough/brave enough to do it The only reason I do it there and not here is because I don't want to spam the forum.
  20. If this is on 1.8, you may have taken a second class that has given you a +level to your tool crafting skill when you're level is too low to take the next level. Construction currently gives +2 levels to tool crafting in 1.8. Friday or Saturday. Testers have the release build for testing as-of today.
  21. This is entirely your fault. Though I did make the Big Forge 4 slot. Just forgot to take an updated screenshot.
  22. I did consider making the normal one a 3 slot, but I slightly prefer this way. That way, aside from the "no fuel" thing the advanced forge has, it makes it a very attractive upgrade. Though you have just given me an idea... hmmmmm.
  23. Advanced Forge is 3 slot. That's why I left the normal as a 2.
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