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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Maybe try hitting pre-sync a few times? I hear that helps to push updates. What version of the mod? Because I fixed that in either 2.01B or 2.02. But it IS fixed.
  2. Already fixed those in.... 2.01 I think? So you need to update. Downside is it will cause a character reset but I put tools in the admin menu to help fix this.
  3. It's because modlets are designed to work with vanilla. Not with crazy idiots like me who rip the files apart. Press ESC and it'll tell you on the in-game menu what version you are on. Steel tools can be unlocked by anyone. Forged steel cant, cos I derped... I just fixed it last night. If you can't unlock something, mouse over the LOCK icon of the skill and it'll tell you what you need. Ignore the tooltip that pops up because I can't customize that for some reason, and it's annoying. There's client and server versions because the DLL is patched and the two versions use different DLL's. Like you can't run a dedicated server using the client files you download from steam... but you can multiplayer with that version via steam. In testing, I just dug a trench, filled it up before I went looting in the morning and then filled it up again at night. Seemed to work well enough. Thanks. I may change both of those to Gather just because it seems less buggy. I included a custom rwgmixer with the mod, so replacing that isn't a good idea. It'll work with nav, but you'll miss out on the compo pack and trader caitlin. Nothing major, but thought I'd let you know. Hopefully some folks in this thread will share some of their seeds they've been using with the mod. - - - Updated - - - And missed these cos I just woke up. Stealth assassin partially stacks. I'm considering replacing the one in Hunter with From The Shadows, but I don't want to do that until 17.2 comes out because I think a wipe will be needed then. The armor thing actually happened in vanilla too with the tooltip. I didn't notice until a few days ago. I think wipe and reinstall is what I'd suggest too. Spawning you at 0,0,0 seems REALLY wrong.
  4. It's not because it tries to add skills to perks that don't exist in Darkness Falls since I pretty much re-wrote the entire progression file. So the crops and stuff will be there, but you'd never be able to unlock them.
  5. No. Anything above 3 slots bugs out because all those materials you smelt are actually in invisible slots 4 and above. My current idea is to remove the ability to make steel in the normal forge so you have to use the big forge for it.
  6. 4 blocks in any direction, including below. So you could technically find a way to just fill under the farm with water and that'd work.
  7. That's because water is now used. You need to dig trenches and fill them with water AND keep your farms smaller. That will help. Tree's still do not need water so you can plant them away from your farms. The headshot perk was removed and the effects are part of Perception.
  8. Check with them and see what you can and cannot upload. Some don't like DLL mods, some don't like unity files, etc.
  9. Ok, so that's correct... is it a dedi you have or do you rent from a server provider? Also, heads up for everyone. Trying to complete multiple quests at once, say civilian and another class quest.... or class quest + basic survival... seems to occasionally throw an NRE when it tries to set up the quest rewards and next quest requirements. Workaround: Do your quests 1 at a time where possible. Alternating between quest lines seems fine, but triggering quest complete at the same time isn't.
  10. Gonna go with the obvious question... Have you made sure EAC is off? Especially on the server?
  11. Usually, yes. Most folks use the mod launcher, which does that for you. I've got something stupid like.... 6 or 7 copies of 7DTD on my PC.
  12. Players need it installed due to the changed DLL files.
  13. That's intentional. You can get wheels by wrenching tyres.
  14. Yeah. It was horrible. What I had set was survivable with full steel armor. Probably need less than that in A17 thanks to the various perks.
  15. Go look up handZombieBehemoth in the vanilla files. It's toned down from THAT. I may adjust the speed, but they are SUPPOSED to be something to be feared and they're not getting nerfed because of bad spawns since RWG sucks or because the game code sucks and I'm limited on gamestages for wandering horde.
  16. That's actually a bug with the voice files. Specifically, there are no female voice files in the assets file. I actually fixed it locally just to see if I could.
  17. Happens on vanilla too. It's a known issue with spawn blocks, which is what traders use.
  18. Short answer: Yes it is. Long answer. So there's a problem with wandering horde gamestage. It CAPS at 50. When you hit 51, the game see's that as gamestage 1 for wandering hordes. Therefore I had to throw powerful stuff into the gamestages above 30 so there's a challenge for higher level players. However I did put a low chance on the behemoths so it wouldn't hopefully screw low level players. In your case, you got SUPER unlucky. The doors are.... a bit of a pain. Let me get the explanation from the XML for that mod. * Controlled by a powered block placed 2 blocks directly above or bellow the door, this must be one of the 2 included door control relays. * If both are powered, both will act as power inputs so you can use 2 triggers. * Automaticly opens the door when powered and closes when not powered. With the current XML flags, that means Garage Door, Iron Door and Vault door are 2 blocks ABOVE, drawbridge is 1 block below.
  19. The only requirements are to compelete the survivalist class quests. Make sure your Class: Survivalist says 2/2. If it does, then that means I may have buggered something up in the progression. If it DOESN'T, then I buggered up something in the quests. EDIT: NEVER MIND. I'm dumb. I just saw the issue. Going to sort out a hotfix right now. EDIT 2 - Hotfix pushed to github, so resync your mods. - Survivalist mastery wasn't unlocking correctly because it relied on the player completing the SECURITY class. It now does. - Military armour recipes added to the Security mastery, because I forgot. Server owners ONLY need to upload progression XML to their servers.
  20. Holy crap. I thought I'd set them to not sell... WELL THEN.
  21. Those are absolutely the wrong ones then and I need to fix that, so thank you. I think they should be more around 300.
  22. Load the game and press esc. You'll see the mod icon and V2.02 under it. No, it's not strictly a bug. I need to double check which rads they are because if it's the full HP, super strong ones... yes that's a problem. If it's the half HP weaker ones, no it's not. Ferals and Rads come out at night. That means some biomes, like SNOW where only lumberjacks spawn even in vanilla, will be more dangerous than others. Also they do despawn, but it can take up to 6 or 7am to do so. That's simply the game spawning system which I don't think I can fix.
  23. That sounds like they don't support DLL uploads... Tell them they MUST install the 3 folders from the github server zip file or the mod will not work. If they refuse, you need a new host.
  24. You might find more food/drink than vanilla, but guns are MUCH rarer. Gun parts are back, too. There's a pipe pistol and pipe rifle you can make, but they don't do as much damage as a proper pistol or hunting rifle.
  25. Links in the first post never change for the client and server manual downloads... because github links auto-update whenever I upload to it. And yes, just copy over and overwrite.
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