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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Ok, first up, I'm not removing the gore blocks. They exist for zombies to climb on during horde nights and for the player to have a way to get more bones. However, you should just be able to edit the XML. It's entity classes, and you're looking for this. <property name="CorpseBlock" value="terrGore"/> <property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="1"/> You can either remove it or just change the chance to 0. - - - Updated - - - I'd actually say just do this. I'll have to check and make sure the modlet doesn't edit something that doesn't exist. If people tell me what modlets they want, I can check for compatibility and build a list. However, as stated in the discord, I won't be providing support for versions of Darkness Falls modfieid by modlet because it changes too many variables.
  2. Give me a reason beyond just wanting more vehicles and I'll consider it. Join the discord.
  3. Potential fix for servers is out to testers. Keep your fingers crossed.
  4. Yeah, unfortunately it does make them start over. Still working on what I HOPE will be the fix. It's being a little bit of a bugger to get working, but I'm getting there.
  5. Only fix is to delete the player profile from what i'm seeing server admins saying.
  6. Yes I did. The benefits of that perk are now part of the PERCEPTION attribute.
  7. They're just breeding. It's fine. Actually it might be an issue with spawn blocks because I've seen that happen in vanilla with traders.
  8. Sphereii confirmed it was a bug and he has pushed an update to fix it.
  9. THe launcher just doesn't seem to be working for whatever reason. IT appears to be unzipping mods into incorrect folders.
  10. I may.... big may... have a fix for the creating player issue. That weapon levelled up with this bit of code turned OFF. <effect_group name="Action Skills"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="AS_Automatics_XP" operation="add" value="8"> <requirement name="StatCompareCurrent" target="other" stat="health" operation="GT" value="0"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfKilledOther" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="AS_Automatics_XP" operation="add" value="32"/> </effect_group> And thanks to a server log provided by TormentedEmu, it's that bit of code on an EQUIPPED weapon that's stopping people from logging in to servers. So, for now, empty your toolbelts before you log off. It's not a guaranteed fix, but preliminary testing shows it does help minimize the Creating Player issues. In the mean time, I now have a template that works so I can strip out all of that code from items, hopefully still have working action skills and hopefully fix the problem.
  11. May have a workaround for the server issue. It seems to be related to items tracking cvars that are EQUIPPED when the player logs out. Emptying the toolbar before logout appears to help with this issue, but I'm going to look into a proper fix. Have a couple of ideas already but I need to recharge the mental batteries a bit. Need to know what the output_log says for the NRE or I can't fix it. I've only seen one be reported and that was for crafting a shiv for a quest... for some reason. No idea why, but it only happened as the shiv was completed. May change that to a gather requirement instead of a craft requirement. Being completely honest? I don't really support changes to the mod and I don't use the mod launcher myself, so I have no idea.
  12. Hopefully it'll work on A17.1 for you 8GB should be ok... I think I had about 6GB max RAM usage in playing.
  13. Hell no. I've still got stuff to fix but my brain is totally fried right now.
  14. Don't tell people that! I was gonna set up a PO Box so people can ship me coffee.
  15. Mod is out! Be aware there are a few issues listed. Here's the changes. - Progression HEAVILY edited. A lot of "normal" perks are now class perks. - Action skills added! You can now level most things by doing! (thanks to Deceptive Pastry and his Action Skills modlet for the code to base this off!) - Archery Perk removed. Benefits added to the Archery Action Skill. - Run and Gun Perk removed. Benefits added to all firearms Action Skills. - Deep Cuts Perk removed. Benefits added to the Bladed Weapons Action Skill. - Stay Down Perk removed. Benefits added to the Blunt Weapons Action Skill. - Lucky Looter Perk removed. Benefits added to the Scavenging Action Skill. - Mother Lode perk removed. Benefits added to the Mining Action Skill. - Rule 1: Cardio and Charging Bull removed. Benefits dded to the Athletics Action Skill. - Pack Mule perk removed. You gain inventory slots from levelling STRENGTH. - BOOM! Headshot perk removed. You gain headshot damage from levelling PERCEPTION. - Daring Adventurer perk removed. Benefits added to the INTELLECT Attribute. - Sexual Tyrannasaurs perk removed. Benefits added to the FORTITUDE Attribute. - Parkour Perk removed. Benefits added to the AGILITY Attribute. - Breath Hold duration is tied to the FORTITUDE Attribute. - Schematics are back! - Magazines that grant temp bonuses have been removed. - Hornets replaced with the original model from A15, which I always intended to do. - Boiled eggs, grilled meat, boiled meat, baked potatos and corn on the cob are no longer perk locked. - Gun spawn probability lowered. - Gun parts make their return! - Pipe Pistol and Pipe Rifle added! Semi-easy to craft, easy to repair, cannot take mods but use standard ammo (with reduced damage/range vs normal pistols and rifles) - Scrap tools rebalanced so they're better than stone but worse than iron. - Clothes now grant backpack space. You need to max strength, wear the right clothes AND install an armor mod in order to unlock all 30 slots. - Storage pocket armor mods now only work on chest and leg armor pieces. - Class quests now grant "level up's" in your class attribute and any skill you need in order to progress. - Watch added, survivalist class specific item. - Basic Survival quest now 3 quests long (1st quest auto-completes to set the new perk attributes to level 1, then make a stone hammer and make a bedroll) - "Decaying" zombies added. They never run, have feral eyes where possible and have half HP and XP of normal zombies. - "Decaying" zombies added, in large numbers, to forest and desert spawn. The zombie apocalypse now has a LOT of zombies. (burnt and snow need new zombies still) - "Decaying" version of rad zombies added (they work like the ones from A16) - Included Mumpfy's alternate zombie textures for the weak zombies. - Tires you find on the roads have a low chance of dropping Wheels for vehicles. - Less "open/empty" containers in POI's. - Wandering horde code from A16 added. - 7 Day horde code from A16 added. - Per zombie loot lists from A16 added. - Zombie loot probabilities adjusted. See below for full details. - Party size increased from 6 to 10. - RWGmixer tweaks, wasteland now at the edges of the map, but you will still find some dotted around the map. (thanks to mjrice and The Wild Land mod for the code to base this off!) - Plants Needing Water code updated. Now less buggy and checks for water up to 3 blocks away. However, water is now CONSUMED. Keep your farms topped up! - Bucket of Water can be crafted at the campfire from an empty bucket and snowballs. - 2 Legendary weapons added. They're suitably OP, cannot be sold and cannot be crafted. - Compo pack added. - 308's elevator mod has been added. - 308's powered doors mod has been added - Xyth's flag's mod added so you can make flags to mark buildings as looted. Server-Version Only Changes. - Players start with 1 class book, not two. - Traders do not have guards. Known issues. - "Read" function doesn't work on some books. Put it in your toolbar and left click. Then it'll work. - Food/Water don't display correctly. Anything over 100 doesn't seem to work, so bear that in mind. - Coilsniper currently has the wrong icon, cos I'm lazy and haven't made a new one yet. - SDX entities, like behemoths and the hornet, don't like being shot with arrows.
  16. Found the server issue. Now, it is going to be a MASSIVE pain to fix. So my plan is to still release today, but warn folks to stay on SP for now. However, here's a workaround folks can try. When logging out, make sure the player has an empty hotbar and is not holding any weapons/tools/etc. The reason is the server seems to be throwing an error on trying to initilize the cvars of a held weapon.
  17. Right... Fixed the drowing thing. The hold breath timer was linked to a perk that doesn't exist anymore, so I tied it to fortitude and now it's fine. Fixed the trader thing, which was a pain and means I have to delete the guards for servers... but it fixed it.
  18. Known issue with ANY custon SDX entity. Sphereii was going to look into it. I may just turn off sticky arrows tbh. No you don't need to spend points. Ignore the layer thing. I'm working on fixing it locally. Which basically means removing the trader guards for servers. The other thing is related to cvars, which means the action skills. Pretty sure it's fixed in the A17.1 version as cvars are stored differently now. Scavenging is a little iffy atm. I need to track it down more, but right now you can go for a while without getting any levels, then get a TON of them at once... and then it goes back to normal. No idea why so I'm tempted to ignore it for the moment until I can do more tweaking. Athletics is levelling a little quickly as well, so I may just need to tweak XP numbers.
  19. Jesus christ folks. I went to watch a movie with the wife Also it's bloody typical you all start posting issues when I was hoping to release it tomorrow. And there is a discord. First page of the thread. If you aren't in there, you might be using the A17 version of the mod instead of A17.1, which means bugs being reported might not actually be bugs.
  20. Nope. It's not. I need to look into that
  21. Headshot damage is part of the perception attribute now, but you start getting it at level 6. But you'd add it like this. <effect_group> <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="perkArchery"/> <passive_effect name="DismemberChance" operation="base_add" value="0.01,0.20" level="1,100" tags="head"/> </effect_group> 4k texture pack SHOULD work as long as you get the version that only modifies the resources.assets folder. If you get the one that modifies the biomes file with new trees, that might cause a problem.
  22. Probably not cos I rewrote the bloodmoon code. But I took the crawlers out because they're SUPER annoying. - - - Updated - - - I'm hoping 17.2 is a while away Mod should be ready for 17.1 soon though... like... monday-ish.
  23. It's in the current A17.1 test build... ...against my better judgement since people come and complain to me when there's POI issues.
  24. That's right. I didn't update the main post since the mod is technically still in testing.
  25. I had like... 4 or 5 modlets running at once, but those were all ones I made. I've seen some folks run like... 10 or so.
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