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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Sometimes, and I'm not sure why, zombies just get randomly stuck somewhere... Not sure what's going on there tbh.
  2. Absolutely don't spend points in action skills. Wasn't worth it in A16, not worth it here. Let them level naturally or via any books that you find.
  3. That's the mod launcher resetting the files. I know there's stuff you need to turn off to stop that. Just don't remember what off the top of my head. Something isn't installed properly. Some folks in the discord had the same problem and just had to keep trying until it finally decided to work. Could be an incomplete download but I honestly don't know. It definitely is because that's the probabilities I set in loot.xml... and it's not normally this hard. I set it the same as A16 and people were finding them with no issues. I will look at adjusting trader probabilities though so there's a better chance of having them stocked. You should be able to use steam to join each other's games. Both of you will need the client versions installed. - - - Updated - - - Mining was broken in one of the mod versions... 2.01B I think. So make sure you're using 2.02 and you should be fine. That's a vanilla bug. Yes it's annoying. Only way to fix it that folks have reported is to go get infected from a zombie and then cure it. You know why it does that? Because it's a gun that uses gas cans for ammo with a range of melee. No, I'm not kidding. -_-
  4. One of the testers did a video on the doors/drawbridges as he managed to work out how to do it based on the XML. Hopefully this will help.
  5. That would be Data/Config/entityclasses.xml. Find this line... <property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="1"/> And change the 1 to a 0. It needs to be done in 2 places. And that's it.
  6. That's definitely vanilla. I didn't change that. I PLANNED to... but I didn't.
  7. Working stiff boxes have a 35% chance of dropping them. Construction supplies boxes have 15% chance, car parts boxes have 15% chance, then cars are about 10% give or take. And there's a chance of them being on the trader.
  8. https://drive.google.com/open?id=14A8UWLlkZyJoZMn6iduj3mU7HPN0Oz7A That's a test one I made. Seems to work. Has 2 player spawn points that put you on the road, in a forest biome, not far from a trader. Not sure how you'd use it with the mod launcher, but some folks have tested it out and liked it
  9. It sounds like something isn't installed right if you're getting NRE's. It is ABSOLUTELY underground in all biomes, above ground in the wasteland. It is NOT easy to find. This is intentional.
  10. Not gonna lie, that would be a seriously cool feature to impliment. I'm also looking at shipping some custom 8k and 12k worlds with DF in the future because it allows me to place prefabs wherever I want, so I can make a few custom cities and such for folks to explore. Also means less being at the mercy of RWG.
  11. Ooooh, that one. I remember Game Edged finding that and thinking "Holy crap, that's a bit good." Wouldn't be so bad if there were less boxes and the workbenches weren't guaranteed to work. Red book is the mastery book. It's the purple book that's the admin book.
  12. I think it's called Hornet or DFHornet, but you need to remove it from the entitygroups file. I have FINALLY fixed it in 2.03, at the expense of sticky arrows... but it's fixed on that and the behemoths now. Gore blocks are also gone because of lag. Which POI do you mean? because I'm looking at removing the huge casino (too much loot, too many NRE reports) and the theme park (WAY too much loot).
  13. Think of it this way. If every modder shared their custom C# code, then no overhaul would be complete. Good example, if the starvation patch scripts were just in the wild for anyone to use, then we'd see a lot of starvation clones. That sounds like a bug. Absolutely not intentional. Have you tried the basic, crap bandages to see if that will increase your max HP?
  14. I think sphereii has the mod launcher compiling SDX scripts at runtime so they actually COULD be distributed as modlets. Still wouldn't work in this instance, nor for at least 1 other overhaul that I know of because I have custom scripts I wouldn't want to just put out there for anyone to use... and the same for that other overhaul.
  15. Sort-of intended. So I removed the protection in A16 to fix a bug... and people loved it, so now it's intended. The duplicate guard thing is an issue with spawn blocks. I'm going to see if I can use a different method. If it works, I'll be using it for traders too.
  16. Overhauls were not meant to be made with modlets. Certainly not ones like mine that have a long list of SDX custom patches, like the plant water code, animation compatibility for new entities, etc. Those are examples of things I outright CANT do as a modlet. I wouldn't even want to try and do my progression as a modlet because I re-wrote and reorganised the entire file from the attributes section down. I'm always happy to help a modlet author if they want to create a patch. But to expect overhaul creators to ensure their stuff is compatible with modlets out of the box is a bit daft. They eventually turn into a pile of bones, but they have been removed in 2.03 to see if it helps with lag issues.
  17. You're gonna have to get used to it. At least 2 mod authors I've spoken to have re-written their progression files as well because we were all comparing notes to get things working in the way we wanted. It is up to modlet creators to provide compatibility patches for overhaul mods. NOT us. I don't want a lot of the modlets used with this mod because it screws up the balance... like those gun packs. There's no point to adding that many extra guns when a lot of them are the same, like 4 variations of the AK-47, and then they won't use my gun parts system... they won't need schematics to be found, they won't need the lathe for crafting, etc. Which then totally screws up the character progression I have in mind AND means folks will likely just ignore the guns I DID put into the mod. But I'm perfectly happy to work WITH modlet creators to develop compatibility patches. I did with Dust2Death to make sure his HDHQ overhaul works.
  18. Are you on the latest version? Gonna be blunt here. That's rude. It's is not MY responsibility to make my OVERHAUL mod compatible with a modlet. It is the modlet author's responsibility to make THEIR project compatible with mine. I'm not going to re-write the one file that took me a day to organise how I wanted it, with the progression I wanted for my overhaul. If you don't like that? Not my problem. Go play realism overhaul then because this obviously isn't for you. Or.... and here's a wild idea... don't be gun obsessed. Darkness Falls is not about being OP with guns as soon as possible. It's SUPPOSED to be work and luck to get even the most basic pistol.
  19. Actually working on a block that spawns water. Also I managed to get plants to have a random chance of consuming water rather than completely guaranteed. Currently set to 30% chance instead of 100%. Needs some testing but it doesn't seem too bad.
  20. Titanium sledgehammer I apparently forgot to add in 2.02. It's been added to 2.03 under titanium crafting. It doesn't advance the quests. It just sets the character as if the quests had been completed, which means he can delete the one in his quest log and ignore it.
  21. And then we go back to the old code where folks complain because plants randomly disappear and/or die. I'm sticking with this but I'm adding in some extra stuff to help. EDIT: Just had an idea, playing with it now... if I coded it right. But it didn't crash.... soooooooo... EDIT 2: GOT IT! Ok, so I got plants to have a random chance to consume water now instead of guaranteed. Example. 4 buckets of water, 9 blocks of water in total, 3 used for 36 plants all updating at the same time. May need to tweak the numbers a little, but that's a lot better.
  22. Sorry for the delay. Was out seeing friends today for the first time in a couple of weeks. Yeah, that'd be me. I think I went crosseyed looking at the code. Nice catch, so thank you. They may not work with this mod. Darkness Falls is an overhaul and thus not designed to work with modlets in any way. I wouldn't even want to try and use it on a save already in progress due to all the quest, progression and world changes. It's BOUND to break something. I don't use the launcher, but I think someone said you need to turn off the keep up to date function, and you have to edit the files the launcher downloaded... and there's something else you have to do, but I don't remember what off the top of my head. And don't worry, even at level 200 I have plans for folks to have other things to do.
  23. If you know what quest she was on, you can use the console. She needs to be an admin, and then use this. givequest quest_classtrainingsurvivalistX X is the number of the quest she SHOULD be on, not the one just completed.
  24. That'll be due to 17.2 completely changing RWG. DF is NOT compatible with 17.2 experimental right now. I've literally got the XML open to start doing it. So you probably just broke your world.
  25. Snowberries were technically never player plantable, but will look into it. Thanks for the heads up. No it's not, and it's now likely to be delayed since 17.2 experimental is out. So I might wait for that to be released and bring out 2.03 with it at the same time.
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