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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. A) It's intentional that multiplayer versions only have 1 class book. The mod actually used to only give 1 and folks who enjoy single player said they felt it was too limiting, so I changed single player only to 2. B) You want a rain catcher. Dig a trench 2 blocks deep and put the rain catcher somewhere around the middle. It spawns water on top that SHOULD then fill the trench. It does this approx once per day.
  2. I'm gonna guess it's this bit. 2019-03-26T19:05:54 6.382 INF Parsing server configfile: C:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\SaveConfig.xml 2019-03-26T19:05:54 6.392 ERR Error parsing configfile: 2019-03-26T19:05:54 6.393 EXC Document element did not appear. Line 1, position 1. XmlException: Document element did not appear. Line 1, position 1. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNodeCore (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNode (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at GameStartupHelper.LoadConfigFile (System.String _filename) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Logger:masterLogException(Exception) Logger:Exception(Exception) Log:Exception(Exception) GameStartupHelper:LoadConfigFile(String) GameStartupHelper:ParseCommandLine(String[]) GameManager:Awake() Soooo... absolutely nothing to do with the mod. I'd make sure you're running 17.2 though.
  3. Just updated the mod earlier to hotfix that. So she will sell them now You may need to go into admin mode and force-refresh her inventory.
  4. Try the corners of the maps... Also I found out caitlin has the wrong trader ID and currently does not sell solar banks.
  5. All biomes One of my players seems to like being a mole man in the desert and says he often finds titanium there. In fact he was complaining he was finding more titanium than iron.
  6. I've had folks report luck finding titanium around 5-10 blocks above bedrock. It also spawns on the surface in the wasteland.
  7. Yep. Stone hammer doesn't upgrade to iron. Mastery books are found, sometimes bought from the trader. Bloodmoons should be semi-random. I need to tweak that a little as it's not working entirely as intended. That sounds like something isn't installed correctly.
  8. There's a mastery book for all classes so you don't have to spend the points. Which door and what tool?
  9. ^ that Arrows + non-vanilla entities = tomahawk missile.
  10. The quest starter is the class book you have to make. If you didn't make and read a civilian class book, you won't get the attribute. I can -try- but since RWG doesn't always obey what I tell it to do, I make no guarantee's...
  11. The trader thing/NRE will absolutely be due to no traders on the map. What is REALLY annoying is I set every single trader prefab to min_count=1 and at least 1 trader type per BIOME, so you should have at least 5 on the map. But apparently RWG hates me.
  12. Clients NEED the mod installed due to modified DLL. Won't work without it. And yes, make sure client and server both have EAC disabled.
  13. I'll see about adding sphereii's localization patch to DF so you should just be able to add it via xpath in the future.
  14. Nope. That all seems fine... hmmmm.
  15. Check the output_log of the server for any errors. Yeah. You installed the experimental version that isn't even SLIGHTLY finished. It's for folks to test out the mod, report bugs, suggest balance changes, etc. The backpack is intentional. It uses the same slot as the players shirt. Players will need to use that + mods + clothes + strength to unlock backpack slots. The skills thing is because I haven't finished localization yet. What you're looking at is the raw code used in the game. It's also A16 skill progression with A17 stuff tacked onto it.
  16. Nope. It's an overhaul mod, which means all the XML is hard-edited and there's a lot of DLL patches. So you have the lot, or nothing.
  17. The 2.04 version of DF, which is the NON-EXPERIMENTAL one uses A17.2. The experimental version of DF is 2.1.
  18. The AI is kinda janky on th guards. But basically, it's this. <property name="AITarget-3" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" param1="EntityZombie,0,EntityZombieCop,0,EntityVulture,0"/> I do need to go through and add some extras in there, like EntityZombieNew, which is what the behemoth uses.
  19. It means it's likely fixed. So make sure you have 2.04. Yes.
  20. I'm gonna be adding in a vehicle that sits between the minibike and bicycle that DOESNT need the torch. Just the workbench and wrench. Little faster the bicycle, slower than the minibike but with minibike storage.
  21. Oh yeah, I removed that casino and the amusement park from the RWG for those reasons. I left the retirement center thing in but I moved it to the wasteland for spawning.
  22. The farming of books thing is exactly why I've changed it in the test build. We didn't have all those bloody annoying schematics that you NEED in order to craft mods. Right now I'm trying to reorganise progression, and loot to some extent, to be more like A16 because the balance of the mod was WAY better there. Plus I've realised I mostly hate A17 vanilla. Quests and zombies not running in circles anymore were basically all I really wanted, though the extra modding support is nice.
  23. For anyone else reading the thread, I actually have some changes in the 2.1 test build right now. - All mod schematics were removed. They now use a generic schematic. - Generic schematics can be scrapped into skill notes. - Trader quests now have a chance of giving skill notes as a reward. Why did I make these changes? Ok, it's a bit long-winded but bear with me. The skill notes as trader quest rewards was always intended as it was a thing in A16. I just didn't know how to do it at the time. Now I do, so it's a thing again. Schematics. I HATE the fact that in A17 you have to buy the perk to make X mod, then you have to find the schematic for it. It also fills bookcases with unnecessary junk, which is very annoying when part of the mod has always been looking for recipes, class mastery books, etc. I figured getting rid of them should HOPEFULLY mean less crap in bookcases, but I still liked the idea of a schematic being used in the crafting, which is why I added a generic one that you can scrap for skill notes. It also stacks to 500, so hopefully less storage usage. Initial feedback seems positive.
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