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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Would you like to know WHY that happens? When you click "scrap" the game looks to see if window named Workbench is open. If it is, scrap there. If not, scrap in players backpack. I've been trying to patch it so it'll do it with other workstations, but no luck. Also, apologies for not being around much. RL has been BAD (many reasons, dont want to bore you all with them) and I'm currently moving everything over from my laptop to my new mini desktop.
  2. Nope. I think the code is still there though. There's also a BlockCatapult (I think that's right), which is fun
  3. It does not have all of the pathing issues fixed, but it's WAY better in A20 than it was in previous alphas. And yes, I ripped it, re-rigged it and stuffed it back in the game. You can even dismember it if you want
  4. It was something planned but we had SERIOUS issues with the math, so for the moment, it is disabled. Planning to revisit it when I have more spare time. I am planning to play with the AI a bit and see if I can have some that dont do that
  5. It's not in the latest version because it's not compatible with the latest version. Being blunt? MP bug, don't care. I'm tired of tracking down MP bugs because of TFP coding. That's just the display then. I need to check if I wanted it to be 7 or 5 and adjust.
  6. No, I'm not planning to un-class-lock them.
  7. And like I said, in MOST CASES, it's in the perk description. That people never check. Mastery is the exception because it's the same for all classes. Level 40, finish class quest.. I'm not faffing with the traders more. I've heeard they're being re-done in A21. And the turrets aren't as useful as you think. They HELP, but they're not OP. Having said that I put all perks back to level 20 for max level for the dev version.
  8. Most perks already tell you if you click them and read the description. ALL masteries are level 40 + finish class.
  9. Yes, unless you can find someone to walk you through how to properly do a region reset. Which is definitely not me. But I'm saying restart required for my own sanity
  10. You have to punch them Dev version explicitly states you MUST restart in order to fix the lab issue
  11. I'm not taking requests for additional 7DTD series right now since we could get A21 at basically any point, therefore I want the two I've got to get to a point where I can easily go "Right, we're done, moving on to A21"
  12. I posted this on the discord yesterday, and forgot to cross-post here. My bad. V4.1.2-DEV-B3 is up! No new save needed if updating from DEV-B2. You do if updating from 4.1.1 stable. Have not tested going from DEV-B1. Back up your save before updating. V4.1.2-DEV-B3 - Fixed Master Mechanic not unlocking the SMG recipe. - Added a 25% magazine increase to the bandolier for any gun, but not bows/crossbows. - Added a failsafe for Scrap Tool Crafting/Scrap Weapon Crafting not being added when it should be. - Added Broadcast Upgrade item. Unlocked by Yeah Science 5. - Writeable storage can now be upgraded into "broadcast" versions with the above item that allows them to broadcast their inventory to workstations (but not the basic forge and campfire) for remote crafting. ONLY these storage containers for the moment for testing purposes. Function must be turned on by the new "switch" icon in the looting window at the top left. - Removed stone and scrap arrows/bolts from compound bow and titanium crossbow as they shouldn't be using ammo that low tier anyway and it improves compatibility with sorcery spell arrows/bolts. - Increased amount of ammo radial entries in windows.xml. - Made nail bombs a little easier to craft. - Doubled the cost of meds purchased from the White River Scout. Normal trader prices unaffected. - Renamed Zombie Skateboarder and Zombie Gangsters into Zombie Thugs, since they share the same loot list and it gives some variety to that specific "type" rather than Gangster/Skateboarder. - Traders now show POI names on their quest lists before you accept them. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PAZmm2jD9k6L-8DT1QS5fj-0FpvvNWDe/view?usp=share_link
  13. Don't mess with the cows. They're evil
  14. I tend to avoid audio used in tv/movies/games. Too much potential for copyright issues. They're in the shapes menu, just like they are in vanilla
  15. controller="WorkstationMaterialInputWindow" materials_accepted="iron,brass,lead,glass,stone,clay" You forgot to add them there. You also need them in materials and smelting recipes in recipes.xml.
  16. Yep, you are. I left the quest repeatable for folks who wanna farm research notes
  17. Already fixed in the 4.1.2 dev version
  18. Sure. Rice flour and boiled rice sound reasonable (I'd just have rice turn into flour that's currently in the mod though to save on recipe bloat)
  19. That's pretty normal. I'm an idiot. Go to where the lab is, press F1, type cr, press enter. Make sure you dont have any chests, vehicles or anything down. That should reset the chunk and sort it. GS600+ I dont remember if they are sleepers.
  20. V4.1.2-DEV-B2 is up! No new save needed if updating from DEV-B1. You do if updating from 4.1.1 stable. Oh, and happy new year. V4.1.2-DEV-B2 - Fixed Radiated Hazmat Zombie using the wrong mesh. - Fixed Shotgun Slugs giving back buckshot instead of Bullet Tips. - Fixed Junction Box being in the wrong place (thanks grumpybeard!). - Fixed Erik's Hammer playing the power attack noise twice, which is why it was waking up zombies. - Fixed the Overcharged Power Source making 10 when it shouldn't. - Added recipe for Pulse Mine so people can at least mess around with it even though it's not done yet. - Added a recipe for irrigation pipes so you just make that and then select the shape (which I thought I had done, but apparently not). - Adjusted loot on the tree stumps again to see if using the loot template rather than a loot prob helps. - Ran all assets through ocbMaurice's Optimizer. This means download size (4.9GB instead of 4.2GB) and size on disk (7.5GB instead of 5.8GB) will be larger, but allow the game to boot a lot faster. In my own testing, this has also reduced CPU usage by quite a bit (5% to 10%), and RAM usage by a small amount (approx 500mb on a 6k map). - Swapped over levels 2 and 3 of Grease Monkey so players get the motorcycle slightly earlier but vehicle mods later. - Moved Cruiser and Junker to Grease Monkey 3 - Laser multi-tool now disables demon regen if you hit a demon with it, because it's funny. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BuBNhp8TjnNKHF0TcLAWAMq8FvVw0y80/view?usp=share_link
  21. Not at the moment, no. People wanted something different. 1) Don't use the mod launcher. 2) Make sure the game runs 4.1.1 in single player. 3) That config file SOMETIMES breaks. It's included as example defaults. You should edit the one that comes with the game.
  22. That's a creative mode only mod from vanilla. It does not drop in DF without editing the files. Just went and checked loot.xml and it's not there.
  23. New dev build before christmas and new year and all that stuff hits. I'm not planning to do another dev build before christmas, or probably even new year, so enjoy it. Yes, this is basically a "restart required" version of the mod due to all the map fixes and stuff. Just FYI. V4.1.2-DEV-B1 - Added Pulse Mine. (currently does not use a new model, have icon or localization) - Added Overcharged Energy Cell. - Added Overcharged Power Source melee mod. - Added Molecular Reconstructor Repair Kit's (2 different types that repair different things, see item descriptions) - Fixed Zombie Janitor Radiated using the wrong mesh. - Fixed Flaming/Exploding arrows and bolts giving the wrong arrowheads when opened. - Fixed junk turret ammo bundles not using ammo to be made like everything else. - Fixed underground cannabis and rice not being placeable/not growing properly. - Fixed the JaWoodle Purple bundle not having an icon. - Fixed PEP_Hotel_Construction_Site_01_Zyncosa being 2 blocks too low on all maps (POI was already fixed). - Fixed Anna and Bunker on all maps. - Fixed Fail-not not being able to take pulse arrows. - Removed the restriction on honey that meant it only worked on level 1 infection. It should now work on any infection (assuming the 70% roll passes). - Adjusted stats of Fail-not so it should be at least equal to a Titanium Crossbow. - Frame shapes for cobblestone+ now have new textures so it's easier to see what isn't upgraded from distance. - Lowered the degradation per use of both augers so they'll last longer. - Lowered the harvest penalty of using the auger, and REMOVED the harvest penalty on the titanium auger (however it does not get a bonus like other tools, so a titanium pick will still give more). - Tweaked bee hive and chicken coop loot lists. - Tweaked when turrets unlock in advanced engineering, so the auto turret unlocks at level 4 now (not 5) with the shotgun turret, and the mk2 versions unlock at level 5. - Repulsor Mod no longer ragdolls zombies 100% of the time with the plasma baton. - Padded armor now works like it did in 4.04 (no mobility/stamina penalty) but has HALF the mod slots of all other armor. - All other armor has been rebalanced on physical resistance and mobility penalties. So leather and military should now be the same on penalties, while scrap/iron/steel should be the same on penalties. - Titanium is now steel armor with military armor penalties. - Power armor now has slightly lower protection (12 instead of 13) but NO mobility or stamina penalties. - More localization fixes. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XLwpp9ifZ0YG403FL154voN8MrVaPk9h/view?usp=share_link
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