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Everything posted by ElCabong

  1. Every buzzard post I make is 100% real based on what happened to me in game. I'm not good enough to make up that s***.
  2. Take everything you see on YouTube with a grain of salt. It may not make it to the final release. If everybody is walking around thirsty all the time with the penalties you get for being thirsty, that's no fun at all. As it stands now I just make a few empty jars on day one then forget about it. It would be an improvement if you need to spend more time getting your survival needs in order before you start doing trader missions.
  3. Right now, if I find one early on, I leave it alone. A full stack of paper is worthless. On day one. And you know where it's at so when you need paper you can go get it. Looks like with this new learn by reading idea, you're going to want to clean that place out soon as you can. You may not find what you want and change your development path based on what you find too. Edit: just occurred to me that most of the bookshelves may not have anything but paper. Still still might be a waste of time on day one.
  4. I write science fiction, I think a lot about titles.
  5. All the YouTube videos I've seen are done by an idiot that doesn't know what the @%$# he's doing. Including one by MadMole. He forgot boars are aggressive. Lol
  6. I agree with you and almost all your points. You can get rid of blood moon if you don't like it. I've been playing since alpha 7 and I got tired of it after they quit dropping loot so I got rid of it. Play the game you want to play just like you say.
  7. If you had put one skill point into executive chef, you would have been able to make bacon and eggs and those 10 deer meat portions would have fed you all night. Assuming you found the eggs which isn't hard. It can get boring. If you really don't want to do that, you need to spend more time hunting. Rabbits and chickens abound. Hope you get lucky and run into a snake. There are various pois that are full of pigs.
  8. Yes it was. I never did that but I certainly leveled up crafting skill by making iron bars.
  9. That's the main reason I keep a club around. I switch to the bat and keep it even when I can get a better club. Takes me back to when I was a kid playing baseball.
  10. I'm using an old GTX 970. Sooner or later it's going to quit working and I'll get an excuse to buy a new one. Been waiting for 2 years Somebody else is seeing this too, it is creepy.
  11. It happened again this morning when I looked behind me and saw the exhaust. I think that's what I saw yesterday. it is a little odd in that it was in front of me and not behind me but perhaps I turned my minibike sideways to get around an obstacle and the game decided to put the smoke in front of me for some reason.
  12. This is like 15, 20 yards in front of me. it looks like something is on fire and sending off smoke. When I get there it's gone
  13. It's sort of looks like something's on fire but when I drive to it there's nothing there. It's in the periphery vision never directly in front of me. Perhaps it's some sort of weird graphics thing?
  14. I fail to see anything wrong with overkill. I disagree with that anyway. An Abrams would be overkill One thing we don't have there we wish we could have is cheap hairspray and a box of matches
  15. Well, okay. I would prefer a Sherman tank. That would do great against zombies. A 50 cal, the 75 mm canon. Yeah, that would do the trick.
  16. So I hit it with my stone hammer. Didn't hurt very much. The other one was hitting me from behind. Don't panic switch back to the baseball bat and bash heads in. OMG! Not my SMG. Wasted 10 rounds, all misses. DAMMIT! Both buzzerds took a bite out of my back. Don’t panic, switch to the baseball bat. Again. Don’t Panic would be a great name for a book. Got the baseball bat this time and bashed a buzzard's head in, turned around and swung at the other buzzard. Missed. Whoever added that move did a good job. Moved back a few feet bashed its head in. I was feeling good when something else hit me from behind. The stripper Z. I swung. Out of stamina!!! She hit me again. No worries, I have an SMG. Got it the first try this time. Where all these Z’s come from? I was fighting buzzards. Oh great, I'm at half my health. Time to spray.
  17. 1) What Movie (including all sequels)? Star Trek 2) TV Show (complete series)? Star Trek the next generation 3) CD discography of certain band? Moody Blues 4) Video Game, including all mods and all patches and releases (computer and console 7 Days to die
  18. I thought this game in alpha 7 and that was so long ago I forget what I paid for it. So when it goes gold do I need to buy it again?
  19. I've never been close enough to smell one. I used to work at a place where hundreds of them congregated for the winter. saw 10 of them in a big circle around something once. Didn't feel like going to see what it was, lol I agree with you wholeheartedly about trader Jen.
  20. Every now and then there's going to be a buzzard in the forest biome that just flies around and doesn't do anything, unless I take damage then it attacks me. Lol. Sometimes the buzzer will swoop along the ground just like the brothers do here. Always reminds me of them. I like the buzzards here they're kind of cool. I despise the buzzerds in this game. Having said that, I'd like to have a pet buzzard. Wouldn't be hard to feed.
  21. Depends on what your definition of a troll is. That depends on what your definition of is is
  22. I am not trolling this time. This is from the automatic weapon handbook volume 1. Automatic weapons do 10% more damage. I would think that the SMG would be an automatic weapon. Perhaps it is not a fully automatic weapon and I need to put the full Auto mod in it to get that 10% damage bonus. I am not trolling. This is from the automatic weapon handbook volume 1. Automatic weapons do 10% more damage. I would think that the SMG would be an automatic weapon. I do apologize for being vague but I really couldn't remember what it was and had to do some digging. Perhaps it is not and I need to put the full auto mod in it to get that 10% damage bonus. Whem I make these vulture posts I'm not trolling. It's my diary on how I live my life in the game. I guess you could call that a troll post but I don't think it is.
  23. I guess perk is the wrong word. It's in one of those books that has Dirty Harry on the front. I forget what it's called. But it is book number one
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