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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. I like idea 2. Not to replace the reset (I don't care how realistic it is or not) but it would definitely make you discover the whole map even if you just swat beside one trader.


    Now with RWG and quest system getting overhauled for A20 and probably some bugs fixed we have to wait how the new systems work. That idea may still be relevant or obsolete in A20.


  2. Nice ideam, but why not propose to convert the 4x4 to make it nomad-worthy? Proposing to scrap a perfectly working element in the game for it might not get you much support. 😉 I like the gyro very much for example.


    It isn't any safer than driving with a motorbike. If you disagree, just tell me when was the last time you got into a serious fight while driving with the motorbike? The most I ever had was a zombie giving me a small glancing hit if I opted to play pinball wizard with it. I would even say that vultures are slightly more dangerous for a gyro than any zombie for a motorbike. Getting into trouble because your fuel runs out in the wilderness can happen with a gyro as well.


    Getting to the loot in tier5 buildings by foot is as easy as building 25 wodden ladders.


  3. 38 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

    its been years, with releases between each patch far and few between. even now its been... half a year? more or less? with tiny patches in between fixing the odd bits and bobs or adding a few little things. (the thing i find more aggravating is outright removeing things. rather then refineing them) 


    ive seen pleanty of EA games come and go over the years. with small teams, or big. and none of them have been as lathargic as the fun pimps. now, in terms of EA,  there have been dickheads who cut and run when they got the cash, or failed attempts from devs who just bit off more then they could chew.  but they dont hide behind the title of EA forever. even empyrion had the dignity to drop the EA over there name and continue working on there title for time to come. that game in perticular is heavily flawed, but still has a sizeable fanbase for example. 


    But I hear Empyrion still has a lot of bugs. So how is it different? They just dropped the EA label but are obviously far from a really polished state.


    I have followed just  2 other EA games closely enough to see the progression in detail, Factorio and Slay the Spire. While Factorios development was an A++ effort in polishing, neither of those EA games seemed any faster than 7D2D when it came to new features. Fun fact: I remember that Factorios developers tried to overhaul fluid physics just like TFP and it got postponed indefinitely as well 😉.


    If you have good examples of more speedy developers with a lot less bugs, ok, please tells us a few. As a programmer myself I KNOW first hand how slow development of complex systems is. I may be impatient as well, but I understand that everything looks easier from the outside than it is.




    all im trying to say is, watching 7 days to die litteraly shamble accross the wasteland of gaming these years has been tiering. with the devs letting the arms drop off in the hope something better mutates in its place. the random gen issue above, again, i dont know if it could be simple to fix. but considering how two community efforts (kinggen and nitrogen) have been able to reliably have a good spawn rate for POIS it... does raise eyebrows. 


    either way, this is getting way off topic. XD sorry. i got my anser and ive gone with kinggen for the time being now that i figured how to use it. just wish the peeps round here were alot firmer on the fun pimps is all. 




    My opinion is that if players were protesting more on the forum TFP would not magically work faster (programming for example doesn't work that way, except if you accept to put up enough pressure to burn them out with lots of overtime and crunch). They just would reduce their time here in the forum.



  4. 3 minutes ago, Roland said:

    pfft…because everyone looks so different now…


    You haven't seen my pink survivor. Would have liked the pink to be even more visible for more eyesore, but oh well. And yes, it isn't ideal that much of the clothing, for example the shirts, aren't even visible. Which supports your point, but only slightly 😉


    3 minutes ago, Roland said:


    This is not an area I even care about. I play with three other people and I focus on the name floating above them rather than how their clothes look. I’m probably not the best one to really comment on this aspect of the game. I spend zero time customizing my character and I wear what I find regardless of how I looks. Based on the concept art it seems to me that the outfits will make us look better over all.  I accept thumbs down from all who enjoy the whole fashion part of the game and care about accessorizing 8 clothing slots. 


    I sometimes care for the looks when I can have some fun with it, creating really conspicuous toons. While 7D2d hasn't much to offer in that regard I fear it will be less after the change. But agreed, not an important feature.


  5. 31 minutes ago, mikeyscott said:

    All I would rather hear that from them then somebody saying it for them as they are the company and that’s who I asked to get back in contact with me about this thank you anyway for your comments but that’s what I asked


    I am answering because I don't expect them to have time to answer you and everyone else asking the same question again and again. They are very busy developing a game and they don't want to use hours to explain the same situation again and again. They explained the situation already in the blog post linked in the console section and the situation is still the same. There is nothing new to report and all they could say to this and similar questions that pop up every week is the same: "Read the blog post, it explains the situation".


    If a thousand people had the same question, a sane person would try to answer them all at once instead of giving an individual answer to each of them. This is why there is just a blog post


    They appointed Roland to communicate with us players. Would it help you if Roland answered you?  And probably told you to read the blog post?



  6. 40 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

    i didnt mean to be so brash, just tierd of people hand waveing problems with the game away. consistently. 


    this community is way too forgiving of the devs. dont get me wrong, love the game. but... god dam. 


    anyway, sorry for my aggressive tone. 


    I for example am very forgiving, even for forum standards 😉. But I tend to base my forgiveness on the size of the developer. TFP is not a one-man shop, sure, but neither is it a big developer where you can expect zero bugs. Oh wait...... 😁


    Lets not forget this game is still in Early Access. It is your own decision to play an unfinished game in ALPHA state. Some other games misuse the EA process for some easy promotion and show up with a practically finished game, but that is not how EA was meant to be used.


    And this is not to be confused with a service game where each new version is just an upgrade with new features to make everyone stick to the game. Alphas are just polished enough so they don't have real showstoppers. That is a concession to us players, normally alphas behind closed development are surely in much worse condition.





  7. 11 minutes ago, Roland said:


    The four pieces of each outfit are meant to look good together and will definitely look more snazzy than what we have now. Snaz is definitely one of the objectives of the change.


    They may look good together, but with the sets almost every player will look the same. And even the non-confomists will have much less variation.


    Finally a good use for the thumbs down button 😁


  8. 10 minutes ago, mikeyscott said:

    I understand that but now they’ve got all the right back to themselves perhaps they are able to do it I’ll just wonder if they would do it so a lot of us can play all the normal and new stuff instead of waiting for number 20 to come out which they are releasing on 20 and consul from what I’ve heard through some of the streams in the meantime they should be able to play with the electronics into the soft but the old rubbish version


    Alpha20 will not be released on console, not even on the new generation consoles. TFP has no experience with console development and publishing, this is why they made the deal with Telltale in the first place.


    And that is their plan for the future too, to make a deal with a company who handles all the console stuff. But they will wait with that deal until the PC version is finished. Because they don't want to risk the same borked situation with different versions on PC and console happening again.


  9. 8 minutes ago, mikeyscott said:

    I think they should consider the consul players as well as they’re they’ve got it out on console as it is all they need to do is update the game instead of leaving the consul players hanging for the same initial first update they had and it’s not been an update since


    If it were easy, TFP would have done it and done it a long time ago.


    Updating the old game on console is NOT easy. Some people even think it is almost impossible. Because the current PC game needs a lot more system resources and performance than the old version that is on console.


  10. 3 hours ago, theFlu said:

    How to get the correct answer on the internet?

    1. Post the wrong one

    2. Someone will challenge you

    3. Then you get to have a dance party with 3 rad Arlenes. After said dance party, my pole stopped working after about 300 stunning performances, with an awesome spray of .. some blue stuff. Leaving the health of said fence pole at 49/200, regardless how many times said Arlenes tried to encourage it to proper function.


    So, my 1/1 test in 19.5 b60 would suggest that the limit is 50, just not inclusive.


    Strange, isn't it? In xml the blade trap has a line

    <property name="BrokenPercentage" value="0.25"/>


    And this seems to be exactly the line that does the magic with blade traps. No other electrical device has that line. But the blade trap also has a similar line with "BreakingPercentage" at "0.5". Which leads me to the new theory that these two lines are just about the visible graphics and actually the real magical magic is happening ALL in c# code and is not exposed to xml at all


    That could even mean ALL electrical devices stop at 25% HP, turrets and maybe even electrical doors


    Thank you for the empirical study by the way


  11. 15 hours ago, theFlu said:

    That visual is indicating that the fence post has stopped working, and is intended.

    I seem to remember my friend running into that issue in our multiplayer. I don't think I've seen it myself, but it sounds like a bug. You should be able to repair the posts normally (I think they take multiple materials at once; can't remember exactly right now, but whatever the post is made of.)


    95 sounds high, iirc the stopping point is at 50/200.


    I assumed as well that they would stop like blade traps at 25% of their health. But then I checked xml and it seems they don't have a stopping point like blade traps.



  12. 34 minutes ago, Ruvicken said:

    Look, I just want to know what these errors mean so I can bug test this easier. This just confuses me as to what any of it means, simply. What is the error code trying to tell me aside from something not working right?

    As far as I can decipher from the picture it seems the game tried to read a chunk (i.e. an area of the game world) but tried to read past the length of that file. This probably means there are corrupted pointers in that data file pointing to areas outside the file or simply that the writing of the file was cut short and there is only a part of the file left.


    Theoretically you could write a special chunk editor tool that understands chunk files and can read them with lots of error-correction (in the case of pointer errors) and repair that chunk somehow. As I don't know the data structure I can't really judge how difficult that is, but would guess that you would be occupied for a few weeks at least.


    The alternative is to find the chunk that is corrupted and delete it.


  13. 19 minutes ago, WhiteLotus said:

    Which is BS , no update post since 2 years ago . 


    Do you think a text needs to be a week old to be true? Is the constitution of your country BS because it was written decades or even centuries ago? Is your physics textbook from school BS because it was probably written years ago?



  14. 22 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    That's the most "generic" <insert argument here> comment I've ever read! Congrats! :lol:

    I'll up. Why make any design choice about anything anyway... there'll always be people pro and people versus whatever you choose... :blah: :decision:



    Yes, very generic. But I continue with more specific arguments. Which can't be said for the also very generic post I'm replying to


  15. 18 hours ago, ayprofessor said:

    Perhaps we could get a "drop item" button, like there is in counter strike. For example, if you are carrying a pistol and you run out of bullets, you could drop it with a button press and then attack with your punches (or knuckles wraps in this case).


    There already IS a drop item button in the game. Mostly it is a source of frustration because you may hit it accidentally in the heat of battle and then stand there without a weapon.


    Seriously, your punches are too weak to count as a weapon, your best bet in a no-ammo situation would be to run away and get more bullets or use the melee weapon you normally have in another slot anyway. Even if TFP made the change and enabled knuckles in the free slot your own perked melee weapon would almost always be the better weapon to use.


    One of the most popular and most often cited videos from Madmole had him drop his bow middle in a horde night.


  16. You already gave an example for when litenetlib needs to be disabled on a server. So I don't think it is surprising that it can be done. The straightforward way would be a setting to enable one or the other protocol, no question about that.


    My assumption is that those are the only two protocols available. Usually config files list every option available and programmers don't have a problem with config files having "impossible" settings, i.e. settings that would not work at all, like disabling ALL network protocols in a headless server.


    Anyway, you could simply test it with a headless server, disable both settings and see if it even opens a port or is accessible. I'm pretty sure this will be the case.


  17. Most small mods (especially if they are called modlets) are just xml changes which is very safe and easy to install (no code from unknown sources and no change to the installed game files). Just create a folder "Mods" in the installation folder of your game and extract the mod (usually a zipfile) into that folder.


    Don't forget that the Mods folder will not change when updating the game, so it is your responsibility to also remove it when it potentially becomes incompatible with a new version of the game.


    If the Mod has a readme file, read it (obviously). If it says that you need to install anything to some other location outside the Mods folder then it is a more complicated mod and usually overwrites some files in the game. Then updating to a new version of the game usually means you must remove the mod, make sure everything works vanilla and then reinstall a new version of the mod. It also might mean you have to trust the mod creator.


  18. 12 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    That's cold. I wrote 5 lines. I'm not the only one around here that honours nickname or title lol. Allow me to make it shorter just for you:


    Doors? no problem design-wise. Doors lowish hp. Opening doors bia stone axe-breaking takes the same time as lockpicking, both perked or not. Why break? because door knobs or shortcuts. Same with lockpicking or not. Design unchanged.


    There is no time difference between breaking a door and lockpicking one (if it were enabled). The difference is in the "look and feel". If a player perked into a perk called "lockpicking chests and doors" that would be an officially sanctioned way to do POIs. And since you can get into the loot room way faster with it people would complain that it is overpowered and make questing too easy and destroys the fun. Similar "use it at your own discretion, but we don't recommend using it in a normal game" exceptions exist for creative menue and debug mode.


    TFP: "Hey, if you don't wan to destroy your fun, don't go throught the doors!".

    Players: "Then why did you give me a specific perk for that in the first place?"

    TFP: "...., ah well, ah, don't know, Blake_ told us to"


  19. 9 hours ago, FYTR2925 said:

    So, For a while now i have been having issues logging into and server in the game. IT would normally take me several tries before I could get in due to errors. Now it has gotten to the point to where it gets stuck on Creating Character screen and wont let me past. Any ideas as to why?



    Please read the pinned thread in this forum section and follow its advice on how to post a log file.


    Also please post more information: Are you trying to connect to the same server or have you tried a few different? Do you have problems in single player too? Does the server use mods?

  20. 4 hours ago, 7daystodierocks said:

    then i guess its time to revamp the zombies :D

    Don't think so. Any redesign would face the same problem, a section of players always wouldn't like it, for this or that reason. There is a group of people on the forum who complain the game is too hard and a group of people who complain the game is too easy. Seems that makes it a good balance.


    Technical reason why basic zombies should be able to penetrate steel:

    Because the game spawns them even in end game. That is good for variety (otherwise you would only see glowies making combat very uniform and repetitive).

    But if those basic zombies then could not penetrate steel or even concrete then you would have the perfect easy mode strategy built into the horde night: Kill only glowies and ferals until only basic zombies are left. And then let them hit ineffectively on steel blocks and just wait. Even if you don't do this what would be the use of them even spawning if they don't represent any danger at all? This is not a pony farm simulator, this is supposed to be a horror game!


    So this change would not be good from a game design perspective, even if a few players may actually want that. And reality is broken in so many ways in this game (for gameplay reasons) that one more or less will not make a dent.



  21. The game already hits zombies with an empty fist when you leave the slot empty (that is probably what Sylen means with "gloves"!?). Which could be said as using no slot, but actually you still need a slot, just an empty one. 


    And that is the extent of what you could expect from such a change I think, i.e. if you leave a slot open and a knuckle is in your hand armor slot then the knuckle would be used instead of a fist.


    That would mean no real advantage and many people new to the game would need an explanation how to use them


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