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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I get disappointed when I die as well. But when I'm in the middle of trying to solve the critical injuries that I have and do it legitimately, I become even more disappointed if I die and then suddenly all the objectives I was working towards immediately got erased.
  2. Maybe the choice could be given at the respawn screen instead of at the top menu. Players could choose to Continue the Struggle or Start Refreshed. That way if they felt they were in an inescapable loop they could choose the Start Refreshed option which would be what we have right now. Continue the Struggle would just maintain all stats you had at the time of unconsciousness so you wouldn't have to try and figure out which debuffs might be too punishing. It would be the player's choice to keep trying to recover or give up.
  3. Always recommended but perhaps not necessary. You just have to try and see if continuing your game results in annoying glitches or not.
  4. Wellness was a spam eating minigame which incentivized unnatural eating habits to crank up the wellness as fast as possible. It is much better now that it increases with player level over time. Wellness was also used a suicide currency that people were more than willing to spend in order to gain the benefits of dying. I'd be happy to have wellness back if they didn't make it so that it was directly increased by eating and if they removed the benefits of dying so that there was no need to spend wellness to die. I guess no bedroll spawning would solve the benefit of using death to teleport....hmmmm
  5. That's easily testable simply by not putting down a bedroll. I never run to get my backpack anymore because my standard setting is destroy all on death. I like it very much as a death penalty because it clears out all my best gear and forces me to downgrade to other things and make do until I can recover. I also always cancel the starter quest. Until recently it meant I could go quite awhile before finding a trader but now it seems we spawn close by quite often so it isn't much of a search. Next time I log in I'll remove my bedroll and see what I think about random spawning as a death penalty.
  6. The mechanic skill is there for those who don't go the same route as you. Or for you whenever you mod out traders. :)
  7. The first line proves my point that people who don't like to replant don't like farming as a feature. FYI, manual replanting isn't the linchpin that turns farming in this game into a farming sim.....by a long shot. As to your point about dying to erase debuffs and regain food, water, and health.... I am with you 10000% and I've been voicing my opinion that at the least there needs to be an option to turn on persistent status after respawn for those who don't want death in a survival game to be the cure-all for everything we are trying to survive against. Does ANYONE really care about the XP delay to the next level? I get that it can't be the default setting because new players would get into a death spiral they could not recover from. An option, though, would be nice. My top three options wishlist: Zombie Spawn Slider Persistent Status After Respawn HUD visibility
  8. If you only ever used acid for wheels then you should be fine. Bicycle can be chosen as a reward package after finishing the Tier 1 quests. So just save the acid for wheels for the better vehicles later in the game.
  9. Are you talking about making enough money to purchase one that was available on the first day or are you talking about the Tier 1 Quest completion package? If the former, the bike isn't always available to be purchased and if the latter, I can only assume that you must be playing with a modified day length and not playing the default 60 minute daylength. The Tier 1 completion reward comes at the end of 10 Tier 1 quests completed and most people aren't going to speed run the game to the degree that they get all ten quests completed on day one, Trader balancing is ongoing and there was definitely some adjustments for A20 and there will be more in the future--but probably not enough to counteract someone choosing to cram 10 quests in a day. Maybe the solution is simply to have the trader state that there are no more jobs available after 2-3 have been done in a single day. I do agree that too valuable loot is too commonly obtained too soon. It should still be possible but it should be very very rare-- at least in the Forest biome. If someone wants to venture into a tougher biome for a better chance at better loot that should be possible.
  10. Now glue crafting isn't good enough either compared to other component crafting recipes?
  11. How about a ban on ALL dead horse beating....
  12. Back in the day zombies would chase deer through the big cornfields and you’d see stalks of corn flying. It was awesome!
  13. lol... So TFP can't get farming right despite a team of people brainstorming, playing, experimenting, tuning it in, discussing it more, and then settling upon the current design but you can get it right just from a read of the patch notes and some explanation? How about a bit more trust for the team and maybe entertain the possibility that you might actually need to play with it first and see what the results are. Personally, the only thing I think needs to be added @madmole is some xp award for planting each seed as was suggested to bring it in line with the other game actions we do that earn xp. Well, that's a lie. I would also like to have to provide a water source nearby a la minecraft and I think zombies and animals should (once again) be able to collide and break crops so that if you don't protect them well you will have to replant. But then, I like planting...
  14. Now we're talking some righteous tedium!
  15. I still think it will. But even if it doesn't-- increasing the number and frequency of respawn is the easiest edits there are. Sure, its not ideal for those who refuse to go there but it is extremely easy to change those settings for anyone who really cares to do it.
  16. I submit that those who find planting seeds annoying and tedious are not really into farming in the first place. Returning the action of planting to people who enjoy the farming aspect of the game is definitely a step forward. Personally, I'm unhappy about any game actions that are changed to be automated. It is really too bad that the world terrain does not support the hoeing action any longer. That was a loss. I think that farming should be designed to be fun for the people who find it fun. It shouldn't be marginalized as an automated feature just to satisfy those who are annoyed by it and find it tedious. I hoed AND replanted seeds for thousands of hours of gameplay before it was changed to auto-replant and crafted planter boxes and when it changed I wasn't giddy for my release from the bondage of farming. Planting really is no more tedious than harvesting and actually more interesting if you are trying to organize and group plants together. Should harvesting be automated as well for those of you who are crying "TEDIOUS!"? The chance of not getting viable seeds fits with the setting. This isn't farming in civilized times under the best of conditions. This is farming in the wake of nuclear bombs affecting the soil so it makes sense that plants are going to struggle and some won't produce a seed that germinates. There are more seeds in loot than there used to be so even if the worst happens and you lose your farm, you can get it back after some looting and scavenging. As for fears of losing those precious few Super Corn seeds that are super rare to be found, Super Corn is not a necessity. It is not something that any unperked farmer wannabe should be able to be guaranteed to have thrive for them. If you want to farm Super Corn then you should learn how to farm better so that you'll be assured of a productive farm. By removing the automation they are making farming more appealing to the people who actually care about farming. Replanting by hand is no more or less tedious than any other action in the game and the fact that you find it tedious is evidence that you are actually the type of person for whom farming means nothing. So in reality, the game is currently (once again) more tailored to those who actually care about farming as a feature in the game. So I agree with you that the people who care less about farming should be the ones who have to mod it. Joel has mentioned a number of times that this game isn't a farming game and that he, himself, doesn't play it to farm. I never expected for farming to recover any of its old depth for its own sake. Even if he didn't change it for the reason of making farming more immersive and more action oriented instead of just an automated food dispenser, I'm glad it happened and we recovered a bit of what has been lost over the years. Too bad it is "instead of" food spoilage- but I'll take wins when they come and I'm glad farming with more active participation is back. Now....what about water and fertilizer....?
  17. This almost always means you have A19 data interfering with your A20 game. Use the clean tool to remove all previous maps and saves.
  18. I agree and we will have to see what they ultimately do. I doubt they will increase zombies, however, until they've added bandits and see where things are. If they load up the zombies now and then have to dial them back to fit bandits in then people will scream that TFP takes away every time they add. Better to mod in greater numbers for now until they've added all entities they are going to add and then they can experiment with raising levels of zombies and testing performance and making that tough decision of what minimum specs they will support. My mom always kicked me off my Colecovision after an hour to go play outside. It's a real thing.
  19. I've had both experiences. There are times I just can't get the buried supplies dug up because I am constantly being interrupted by zombies but there have been other times where everyone must be at the zombie convention
  20. AFAIK that is now just a percent chance of happening if you fail your stealth check when crossing the line. It was discussed and planned as a change to them always automatically waking up. So since A20 just came out and you probably are still low level it is going to be common for you to fail that stealth check. Now it could be that it hasn't been implemented yet either but the plan is there at the very least.
  21. Just to be clear for the conspiracy theorists out there, I edited out a part of someone's post that was crude and insulting while leaving the gist of their post the same. I did not edit the original estimate I gave for when A20 would be released in order to rewrite history and world domination.
  22. I hope by fix you mean you placed a few more snakes in strategic places...lol
  23. We did not just lose the existing feature of being able to place snow blocks in another biome and have them stay snow. That has been the case since A17 when they switched to microsplat terrain. This terrain has many benefits that help make the game playable and solve many problems that the old terrain couldn't handle. It was deemed worth it even at the expense of farming in its original form. So in A17 farming changed because terrain generation changed. The issue you raise hasn't been on the list to fix since then because there is no fix. It is simply the way the world works and the way it has worked for the past couple of years. If the technology changes in the future and it isn't too difficult to apply those changes to 7 Days to Die then things might change. But for now it isn't even categorized as a bug. The terrain is actually working as expected and the new cities are not the culprit (although if the terrain change hadn't been made back in A17 we probably wouldn't ever get what we have now..)
  24. That link hiefire posted is what you want.
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