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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Updated the NPCs, bandits and traders to all require a new dependency on a modlet called Patch_Entity, which will fix the error caused when an entity (or player when he respawns, probably) has a bleeding buff on it when it dies. That new modlet should be found with my vanilla modlets on the launcher or in that repo


    Also updated the bandits to new SDX movement code so they should move better.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Thank you! I downloaded them all through Mod launcher. Does it automatically download the update when it's available or will I have to download the mods again manually?


    I updated the versions of all 3 mods, so click on update to get the latest version of all 3 and get that new dependancy

  2. Xyth, I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here, but I'm posting it here just in case it has something to do with this particular mod. So I installed all of them: Bandits, Wandering traders and this NPCs mod. I encountered BanditArcher but it was killed by a zombie in the snow biome and just when that happened, console showed up with this message:


    I'll do some testing to confirm...Thanks


    Bug confirmed. Apparently a vanilla bug that Khaine found a work around for. I will write the xpath patch and upload later today.

  3. Bandits and wandering traders are compatible with this mod. Bandits should attack npcs on sight. Npcs may attack on sight but will attack back if attacked. Same with the traders, but the traders will shoot bandits on sight. Traders and bandits do not use factions but attack based on entity class. I might change that at some point.

  4. Sphereii's SDX code modlets are very flexible and powerful. In testing we only scratched the surface of what's possible. He documented each class which shows how they are used. My NPCs are just samples we used in testing with xml that seems to provide a stable NPC. For example, move the Maslow task before the patrol task and the NPC will often fail to patrol because hes worried about his next meal. So its best to read Sphereiis documentation before changing things.

  5. You can just use the defaults as that's what we used during testing. If you only want them to drink beer you wouls make that change in xml. The jars not stacking is an artifact of cow things and will be fixed hopefully today.

  6. NPCs DMT Mod


    This is a mod that introduces dynamic NPC characters into the game by expanding on the CreaturePack Humans. These NPCs require some of Sphereii's DMT scripts, and these dependencies will be enforced upon loading this mod with the mod launcher. Many issues probably exist and we need help testing to make these NPCs work better.
    This mod adds many new NPCs to the game. Unlike previous NPCs, these can be hired then issued orders to stay, follow, and guard (patrol eat, drink, and looting POIs for you are  being reworked, or abandoned). All this is configured in XML. Once hired, you cannot kill them, nor can another hireling or allies in your party hurt them. This blocks friendly fire issues. Non hired NPCs are fair game. They are currently set to spawn in the friendly animal spawn group, but you can change that in xml. 
    You set the patrol route by using invisible patrol blocks.  Likely that will need a video to explain. 
    In xml you can set what the NPCs eat and drink, what they use for a toilet and what they defecate (if you turn that on), whats their home block, what they use for a bed, food containers, etc. Take a look at the xml and read the comments. The NPCs are an adaptation of the animals used for another mod, so if you want NPCs to breed and lay eggs, well, that could happen with the right xml. Just don't ask me to help you with that 🙂
    The NPC mod is found in the DMT section of the mod launcher or in my repo here:
    A18 version is here:
    This is an DMT mod so it must be compiled with DMT, or loaded by the mod launcher. This mod has several dependencies that must be compiled with this mod for it to work properly. These are:
    <dependency>SphereII NPC Dialog Windows</dependency>
    Find those dependency mods here:
    A18 version is here
    Known Issues
    This mod has not had much A19 testing and has so much code we expect you to find issues.
    No training guide. Sphereii posted details on each new script that contains lots of info on your xml options. But if your confused, feel free to ask questions here. Well, except questions about egg laying....
    First, thanks to SphereII for creating all the new AI tasks and scripts that make these NPCs possible.
    Thanks to DarkStarDragon for joining in this project and adding his own NPCs to this mod.
    And a shout out to Mumpfy who edited the base meshes and retextured several of these new entities.


  7. No diet version. No planned work on this mod anytime soon, if ever. You will eventually find many of the features of Starvation in other large mods like Darkness Falls and Ravenhurst now that there is a lot of new code available to the modders that didn't exist back in A16.

  8. I don't know if RavenH might change things (it shouldn't) but the Theater Screen is configured in Unity to read files from a fixed directory path, specifically for video00 it is:




    So if your seeing a video, it has to be coming from that directory.

  9. I think when I made the radios I increased it to 12. I can move that over to one or more of the video modlets. Risk is folks adding too many large videos and eating up their RAM.

  10. The issue is the size of the video files. Each of those mods load the same video files as they are just placeholder videos. The intention is that the host will replace those with new .mp4 files. In your case Id start with just one mod, then see if that loads. Then change the .mp4 files to one of your liking. if that works, you might try adding a second mod. Its unlikely all 4 will run on a server at once unless you have lots of memory. One the billboard, try the basic one that doesn't use video.

  11. Hi


    Does only the Billboard have the option to play Videos from Urls ?

    Do you plan to make Tvs or Theater Screens with Url support too?

    Are thinks like Youtube and Twitch etc possible? Iguess only Videos without Captures and such are working?





    That's the only one I added that to. The problem is the URL has to be hardcoded in Unity onto the model. Might be a way to make that read in by xml but then that would be an sdx mod.

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