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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Just a wild guess on my part, could it possibly have something to do with the coding that makes them put their weapon away every so often?


    Unlikely, that's just an animation sequence in unity. I tested by spawning the ammonpc outside of the range that triggers that "IsBusy" bool that triggers the animation and it still bugs out. The wandering Traders also have that feature and do not bug out the player like the NPCs do. Yet Unity wise they are almost identical entities.

  2. I saw the hand issue in A17.1 before. Had nothing to do with custom entities but was a vehicle issue. Notice the hands are stuck in the "holding steering wheel" position.


    Tried to reproduce this and cannot. Are you using a custom vehicle mod?

  3. If they were identical files, then the error is correct. That's why I made each a unique version. Not sure how they could become identical as I have not updated my files in a long time. I will do some testing when I have a chance to confirm the pushed files didnt get corrupted.

  4. Check all other mods to see if contains that bundle. The Bandits, NPCs and traders all have separate ammo files so they don't conflict. Perhaps you have some leftover files from a previous build or another mod that uses my ammo files.

  5. Besides the Maslow NRE your getting, I see this as well:


    Looks like that file might be loaded twice.



    • 2019-05-17T11:40:52 8053.080 ERR Loading AssetBundle "d:/Hry/7D2D/Alpha17/My_Mods/Game3/7DaysToDie_Data/../Mods\Xyth Wandering Traders/Resources/XythAmmo.unity3d" failed![/color]
    • 2019-05-17T11:40:53 8053.766 INF Entity 3365 killed by 2746.[/color]
    • The AssetBundle 'XythAmmo.unity3d' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.



    After update to 17.3 i can't compile.

    How do you think we can resolve that problem?


    Don't compile the Hals DLL fixes if your compiling with DMT.

  7. All true, but both Sphereii and I started at near zero almost 2 years ago, with no understanding of the game design or modding. yet here we are. I taught myself xml, then Unity, with no background in programming or either of those. Sphereii knows how to code in C#, but had no knowledge of how the game worked. Thousands of modding hours later, we have some clue now how to mod. So pick a day and start experimenting!

  8. My output_log is "output_log_2019-05-12_18-50-53"


    So what I did yesterday was open steam library, right click on 7 days to die, uninstall it, reinstall it and it still didn't work. I'm not very good at installing mods manually (I tried, but I can never manage to make them work, that's why I use 7D2D mod launcher), so...is there any other way so that a useless guy like me can manage to upload everything without having to do it manually (and therefore doing it wrong)? :p


    I had similar issues upgrading to build 10 on my dedi. Its now working on my A17.2 Build 8 save though. On the client side I used the mod launcher's "Complete Delete" option to start fresh (note: my dedi save file is in a separate directory so wasn't deleted). Then I set Steam to latest experimental version, and let that update the game files, validating after to confirm. Next I used the launcher to install a new copy of the mod. I then deleted my dedi install (not the save directory) and reloaded the 17.3 dedi, then manually copied the DR dedi files over the vanilla dedi ones.


    Seems save game compatible after playing a few hours on it.

  9. The "mystery" healing on the NPCs comes from the XML base effects setting of: <passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_set" value="1.2"/> and not from the Entity Patch which is just to fix the bleeding NRE.

  10. I'm traveling on business so will not be modding until later this week. You should let Sphereii know what you have found as he develops the code behind these NPCs.

  11. Hi Xyth I found the modlets on the launcher. How do I know which ones I can use without them conflicting with each other?


    I can only verify that all my mods and SphereII's mods are compatible. Since he and I use Xpath, our mods should be compatible with all other xpath mods. Overhauls are a crap shoot, as some are sdx and others use a custom DLL so there is no way of knowing until you try it.

  12. The SphereBot NPCs are also the same rigging but may have different xml. I didnt do a lot of testing on the SyXbots so the xml might not be perfect.

  13. I know the baker, farmer, nurse and ammo NPC all look different, but they are all really the same in Unity and xml. Only some animations are different. The xml is almost identical except for the hand item xml. So your hunting snipe if your looking for bugs related to different NPCs.


    Life decreasing is something I saw when the NPCs had the wounded buff. The wounded buff happens if they stay at 25% water for too long, which happened while patrolling, because Patrol AI task didn't release them to do the Maslow task (apparently). I thought Sphereii patched that. Perhaps they were wounded some other way. Currently they heal, but have no way to debuff wounded as they cant use bandages. We might need them to auto debuff somehow.

  14. That would be awesome. Also if we could just take some aspects of one overhaul and add it to another one or just use it in our favorite set of mods, that would be cool.


    That is a lot less likely :-)

  15. I know this is an odd question but...could we "pocket" them when we travel? I mean, you're hiring them until death, right? Why not make them something we can carry around and just drop on an instant? I say this because of that problem they have when, if you hire them and take off on any kind of vehicle, they can't keep up with you to help if you need them on a mission.


    Just a thought.



    It would be as cool as having an auto-turret that you could drop on an instant with it's own mini-battery pack (hint hint) lol!


    Pocketing wont happen, as they are "humans" not tools. Rucky made a portable auto turret that might be more what your looking for.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Well, I don't know how that could be done, but on the other hand, wouldn't it distract our hired NPCs from the task we give them? I mean, it would be cool if wandering (non-hired) NPCs were able to go investigate the sounds of shooting, but in the same time, I wouldn't like hired NPCs go to do the same thing if I wanted them to stay with me or guard some specific spot.


    I left it off the NPCs because it does tend to distract them from other tasks. Balancing how quickly one task effects another task is tricky, so the fewer tasks the better.

  16. Xyth,


    I just had a perfect situation in which I went into Pass-N-Gas, I attacked a zombie, but I only had a stone axe and suddenly a nurse NPC came from behind and finished that zombie for me. Soon after that, I looted the room, found a shotgun, went to the second room / garage, door was open and even before I reached it, a zombie that was inside went straight to me. I shot him and suddenly I had two bandits on my back, BanditEve and BanditArcher who both attacked me. That was probably a random rare coincidence, but it was pretty intense and very cool and it made me think that maybe it would be cool if wandering traders, bandits and npcs had a chance to be attracted to the sounds like shooting and follow the source. That could create some interesting situations like this one.


    Sounds like fun :-) The bandits and wandering traders have the "ApproachSpot" vanilla AI task so they will investigate "heat" caused by noise. The NPCs do not have that task, but it could be added to their xml if you wanted.

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