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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Okay, is it just the sound or do some of their weapons have a "radius" effect when they impact? I've been in the small trailer parks and heard a shot go off, saw the exploding effect, then been blown right off the trailer's porch before the zombies could even get out the door. If it is, which code affects it?


    Effects what? The sound? The explosion? Did they hit a gas barrel or car? The xml that controls damage is in the items.xml. The sound used is the vanilla blunderbuss sound, the projectile only has a .25 block impact radius. There is no explosion beyond the particle effect which is a visual explosion effect.

  2. I'm confused. Does this mean that NPCs that can be hired already have the option to turn off friendly fire? If so, how do we use it?


    I was hit by my own follower though and that can be lethal sometimes, so if there is an option that would simply prevent our followers from killing us and maybe prevent us from killing them by accident, that would be awesome.


    No, at this point friendly fire in NPCs mean if you are their leader you and anyone in your party cant hurt them, and they can't hurt another NPC in your hire (and maybe in a party members hire, I forget if that made it in). But they can hit you with friendly fire. Not sure is Sphereii wants to add that aspect of friendly fire prevention in out not.

  3. The damage done by the traders, NPC, and Bandit weapons are adjustable in items.xml so dont feel you have to use my default values. Also, the bandits and traders do not yet use the NPC faction code so have no friendly fire restrictions yet. Once the NPC code is stable I will convert the traders and bandits to also use some of the NPC code.

  4. Did you guys ever figure out why they were wandering away from their guard spots and forgetting you hired them? Usually, it was between 40-60 minutes in real time.


    We have theories about CVars not being "sticky" but no fix yet.

  5. Harley's neat, but if she gets into your building (and the floor you're on) it feels like she's right in your ear and she's LOUD lol.


    She is that way to be annoying...working as intended :-)


    Found the bug related to the have any jobs dialog option. Its pointing to a test quest that doesn't exist in the aXUI_Dialog modlet, and Sphereii is aware of it now. Expect a patch to that file in the near future.

  6. Thanks to those of you helping to test and debug the code used on these NPC characters. To be clear, this mod is just a set of characters; the actual genius behind their behaviors is Sphereii's SDX modlets. The xml used in this modlet helps configure and use his code, but that xml has so far been stable for testing the code.


    To help the debugging process, it is helpful if you do not load other modlets unrelated to the NPCs, like weapon modlets, to reduce complexity. Traders and bandits are compatible. Once you get an error, consider stopping the game immediately and saving the log. That was the specific event is easy to locate.


    Thanks again for helping.

  7. Xyth,



    When i ask any NPC about a job:


    NullRefernceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (constantly in red)


    The only way to get out (of the loop) is to choose "nevermind" and then hit ESC several times until you get out of speaking to them.


    Oh, before i forget: One final problem. When you tell them to follow you for a "patrol" pattern. You just choose the option to have them follow you and, when you finish the patrol there's no real option to have them follow it or is it "wander around" and they follow the patrol pattern you set out?


    It seems like that should be a 2 part process, set the pattern, execute patrol. But i also mentioned they were wandering off their assigned guard spots and forgetting you hired them as well.


    I cant reproduce the dialog error, that might be you are missing one or more dialog sdx modlets or perhaps my build has something yours doesnt. Will keep looking for that one.


    Once you give the command to follow you to learn the route, walk that route then stop, and give the new command to "patrol your route". If you are not seeing that option, then again you have a dialog issue we need to find as it works for other testers and myself.

  8. I've hired NPC Baker, Harley, and Bill....out of all of them, Baker has been the only one to remain in my employ for any amount of time. The rest, randomly, just wander off and forget you paid them 1000 credits.


    Is their service meant to be time-limited or do they actually have reliability factors coded in? If it's a time factor, it's a REALLY short time factor for some of them or maybe it's a glitch in the code.





    I also get that pop-up command console when in the presence of some NPCs. I've got a screen shot but it won't take the upload for some reason.



    Been seeing a lot of this on the SEREVER side



    NPCBaker: Attack():

    NPCBaker: Attack!

    NPCBaker: Attack():

    NPCBaker: Attack!

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    Invalid Layer Index '1'


    The invalid layer warnings are not a problem and Sphereii has an incoming animationsdx fix to stop those from happening. The attack log entries are just for debugging and will be turned off eventually. All NPCs should be the same (same xml, same code) except the AmmoNPC has a ranged weapon tasks, so any differences your seeing in behavior is probably random.


    The "forgetting" might be related to a CVar resetting, will continue testing to find that.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Is Patch_Entity Install Possible by Mod Launcher?

    I can't use SDX Launcher:miserable:


    Yes, its a modlet in the mod launcher, its not SDX so its with all the regular modlets.

  9. Xyth,


    that red NRE showed up again, a while after hiring Bill the NPCAmmo and I hate to say that, but he seems to be stuck again, he's unable to follow me. :( Do you think it might have something to do with that red error message in the console? :(


    Also, I didn't spawn him this time, I just wanted to play and meet him randomly in the world. It's interesting because previously, when I spawned him two times using F6, this problem didn't happen. Also, I was on my way to the trader (initial quest) when I hired him, I hope this can help to isolate the bug.


    Here is the log. NRE should be a little bit before closing the game.


    Thanks for the log, it points to something in the MaslowSDX code or xml that's not quite aligned to maslow code. I have not been able to reproduce it yet though.

  10. Did you update all the code files and spawned a new NPC? There were lots of big changes today and you might have some older files. I just ran a series of tests on a new spawned AmmoNPC, both before and after hiring, and during patrol, wander and guard, killed zeds without error.


    I recommend you delete all the NPC files and dependencies and reload them.

  11. Doubtful on the traveling in vehicles. In this game, players kind of "wear" the vehicle, so i probably would be quite a bit of code to get an NPC to enter the vehicles. The follow command should do most of what you are looking for. The NPC should run to keep up with the player, but will not keep up with a very fast vehicle. I don't think we will be doing much more with the AI until A18, mostly just focusing on bug fixes to the existing AI. Sphereii and I have other projects we are spending time on, and are waiting to see what modders do with this NPC and Domesticated Animal framework.

  12. He updated it but might have forgotten to change the version number. Not sure what repo is current besides the production one listed in his SDX post and linked to the Launcher. Sphereii just updated the version number so it should say update in the launcher.

  13. Pushed version 1.2 that untangles the NPCs from the Blooms Animal husbandry mod, and from dependencies of that mod. Sphereii has development code to fix the failure to eat and drink on patrol that was causing the wounded buff that eventually lead to death. The update is in EntityAliveSDX so watch for an update for that modlet.

  14. That AI task change is intended as he is ranged and needed to help him hold his position. all could use guard instead of look though as they are similar tasks. I found the dying issue, they are failing to eat and drink while patroling. Sphereii is away and working on code changes. Adding some other edits to help them heal by themselves if hurt. They could not restore thier max HP once damage, just healed to the new lower amount.


    I'm testing another update that separates the NPCs from Blooms Animal stuff and its dependencies. Seems to be working as expected. Once thats complete and Sphereii updates the code to fix the NPC issues to date, I will look to convert the bandits and Wandering traders to use the NPC base class, and that will enable factions across all entities.

  15. Sounds like there is a buff running that causes them to lose health...assuming he had food and water....was he injured at all? If you want to help test... Comment out the Maslow task and remember the subsequent tasks so there are no number gaps.

  16. Xyth,


    couple of things:

    - When I talk to an NPC and ask them if they have any jobs, I get a red sea of error messages in console.


    - I hired Bill the NPCAmmo before finishing the initial quest chain and I was supposed to go to trader Joel and he wasn't in his usual standing place and the cash register next to him was missing as well. Is it because I hired Bill the NPCAmmo?


    - Is there any chance for me to turn off friendly fire between me and my hired companion? Bill the NPCAmmo has pretty strong weapon (which was kinda why I wanted to hire him), but when we were fighting zombies, his projectiles hit me and I almost died. I know this can happen in multiplayer too, but when I play online, I usually play PVE in coop mode and we disable the damage caused by friends.


    - I just noticed that there is no option in the dialogue to ask Bill the NPCAmmo to help me loot the place. Is it still something that should be there?


    - Also, just a suggestion, it would be nice if we could use shift + left mouse button in the inventory of NPCs.


    - Before I forget, I was thinking that maybe NPC companions could share XP when they kill the enemy like real human friends? Would that be possible?


    Other than that, this is an awesome mod for sure! I love it!


    Glad you like it. We don't change the default traders so that is strange and may not be related to the mod. The NPC hitting you with friendly fire is known, but perhaps we can change that in the future. The dialog option for looting is disabled in xml, as its buggy, but you could turn it back on. I have not seen the dialog error either, but will do more testing. Logs would help.

  17. Hey if you're open to ideas: I was wondering how hard it would be, when driving something, to replace the belt inventory with an KPH/MPH gauge with fuel / damage level included in the area? Now i've seen mods that make the belt disappear when riding so i know it can be wiped temporarily.


    Also, would i be possible (and this is a pretty big project) to randomly spawn "survivor" camps in the map that could contact you, after you discover them, when they're under assault?


    First one could be done by someone who likes to play with the user interface. Have to ponder the second one. Spawning is no problem, its the "event" that would need coding.

  18. Do they show up, on the map, like the bandits do and how rare are they by default? I've gotta get the server running, by this afternoon, for the Friday LAN party. ;)


    You do see them occasionally at that setting....seemed about right but everyone likes this different.


    Pushed yet another update to all entity classes to remove all buffs from entities except the archer bandit

  19. Added a modlet called Patch_Entity that removes the error caused when entities die with a bleeding buff on them. It "should" also remove the bleeding effect left on the player on respawn, but that was not tested, just should be a nice side effect. That modlet is on my repo and in the mod launcher. I'm not adding it to the index yet until its used a while.

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