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Posts posted by xyth

  1. FYI, on DMT the last line is the erro message needed.  `C:\Users\Puppy\Downloads\DMT Mods\SphereII.ModsA19-master/0-SphereIICore/Scripts\EAI\EAIApproachAndFollowTargetSDX.cs(283,35): error CS1501: No overload for method 'CalcIfUnreachablePos' takes 1 arguments`  


    My guess is your SphereiiCore version is not updated.

  2. If I had more time I would drag all the sounds into an editor and add additional quiet time at the end of each clip so there would  be a built in delay between calls.  A quicker solution is to reduce the range of the sounds so fewer birds are in range at any given time.  I can drop the range from 150M to some smaller value, 100M or even less.   

  3. Thanks for the kind words.


    Food and water usage is disabled unless the "Maslow" feature is turned on.  However, we havent touched that code since A17 so its likely to have issues.


    Some work was dont on the NPC pathing for WinterWeen, and if that works it will be ported over into the public SphereII core that drives these NPCs behavior.  


    I will look at the AK firerate once WW is shipped.

  4. Pushed a 19.2 update to the Human and animal NPCs to enable more NPC characters.  Some humans have less than ideal weapon rotations, and while I'm working on the WW project I don't have time to fiddle with those so if they bother you greatly feel free to remove those from entitygroups.xml

  5. 19 hours ago, danielspoa said:

    I dont know how much of an issue it is. Im worried for performance and for losing that aspect of survival if u have a bunch of mercenaries around (I dont know how many u can have, I just tested if u could get more than one :P)

    My idea was to limit to 1 per player, specially for dedi server. Whats ur opinion on it? :)

    My problem with that is for folks who want several NPCs to guard their bases.   We have considered requiring periodic payments rather than a single payment.  Also, in the vision we wanted most NPCs only to hirable if you did quests that would get them faction aligned with you and thus they liked you enough to work for you.  There is only SphereII and I working on the system, with some graphics help from Mumfpy and in the past, some additional characters for others, but to date no one has helped write the quest xml required.  Just not enough time for us to do everything already enabled in the system, but we are always happy to get new xml to add.

  6. Pushed 19.2 update to the animals.   Birds have 2 sounds systems now.  A constant single clip attached to the character in Unity that has a range of 150 blocks and a logarithmic distance rolloff.  The old system with additional sounds will only be heard when near the character as before, such as when it attacks or flys close.   Consolidated sounds into fewer bundles.  Fix Alcatraz size issue.


    Also pushed a minor update for the Humans to mostly standardize some xml.

  7. i'm not understanding.  Walktype 7 doesn't have the weapon animations.  I see in your video hes walking backwards but firing using an idle animation.  Could be related to idles being looping anims.  There is also no reload anim on that walktype, and that might be involved.   If this is to add back burst firing, I can look at that once the WinterWeen Project is released.


  8. There are two places where random walkstypes are introduced.  In the sphereiicore blocks.xml there is a property of randomwalks set to true.  In the effectspacks, there are also randomwalks in the xml.   Both "should" only effect zombies.  Each human weapontype requires a matching walktype.  You cannot use any other walktypes on ranged characters, but you can on melee.

  9. I just finished updating the NPC mod for the Winterproject.  I added the soldiers and whisperers, and a few others, but some still have weapon positioning issues to resolve, but thats only cosmetic so can wait.  I will push an update in the next few days.


  10. The more demand for something the further up the backlog it goes 🙂 .  I really should release mini projects for each thing like the radios, CCTVs, etc so folks can have fun with those.  Working on new fun things always gets top of the backlog though. 🐵



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