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Posts posted by xyth

  1. If you load the NPCHumans pack, it disables all "humans" that load in the CreaturepackHumans mod.  If you cant hire any character, it means you don't have faction with those characters.  You can only hire friendly ones.  Unfriendly ones are basically bandits or neutral to you.  If you want all to be friendly, edit the entityclasses.xml and change faction to whiteriver


  2. Interesting.  They are identical except for the model except for a few properties.   One is: <property name="IsChunkObserver" value="true"/> Try removing that from the animals.  another is <property name="IsEntityAnimal" value="true"/>  try setting that to false or removing it entirely.   My guess would be the second one is the issue.

  3. It might require a bit of code.  Spherells DMT core mod has what he calls "soft hands" where if the player doesnt wear gloves he takes damage punching things.  Id guess a similar approach would be possible on zeds.  You could try making a buff on the zombies that use the trigger onSelfPrimaryActionRayHit to determine if the zed hit a character or a block and then if true have the buff damage the zombie.  



  4. You have answered your own question, its just a math problem.  Per that same documentation:


    This is how the gamestage of a PARTY is calculated:
    The gamestage of all (up to) 6 players is calculated.
    The players are sorted by gamestage.

    The highest GS number is multiplied by "startingWeight".
    This then loops down the list and "startingWeight" is multiplied by "diminishingReturns" every time.

    Players with GS 120, 30, 60, 91, 5, 80.
    startingWeight= 1.7, diminishingReturns=0.5

    So we get
    120 * 1.70 = 204
     91 *  .85 =  77
     80 *  .42 =  34
     60 *  .21 =  13
     30 *  .82 =  24
      5 *  .11 =   1
    ... or a total party GS of 353



    So substitute 300 for each of the upto 6 players and that is your max number AFAIK.  If you chnaged the starting weight and/or the diminishing returns, you would get a different max value.



  5. No other files are needed.  You likely did not setup DMT properly.  You might want to ask for DMT help in that forum.  There is nothing wrong with this mod, or SphereII's Core.  Make sure your using version of the core.

  6. Where are you two getting the files?  My local copys of the mods you loaded are fine.  Maybe the nexus or repo copies are bad.  I pushed a new copy of all 5 files you loaded to my repo, so resync with the launcher once that syncs up, or download directly from my repo and let me know if it fixes it.  Your copy isn't loading the zombie bundles for some reason.


  7. This NPC mod has lots of new code that must be compiled either by the mod launcher, or by DMT.  I recommend you use the modlauncher to load these mods.  Otherwise just use the characterpack versions that dont use code.  The A20 version will not require either method, it will work just by dropping the mod into the Mods folder then.

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