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Posts posted by xyth

  1. It wont break instantly unless you keep pressing the spacebar until it does.  Lightly press the space bar and observe the wiggle, you can see if its going to break.  This is part of the fun.  Simply mashing and holding the spacebar will always break the pick if its in the wrong position.  Press and replace the spacebar to have a fine touch to evaluate the current position.


    I'm happy that someone actually tried the mod and provided some feedback.  A lot of work went into making this minigame possible, and I see at least one of the big mods has added their own version of the locks (no credit given as far as I know, but that's modding).  Thanks for the input.

  2. The fantasy mod was released as part of the WinterWeen project and never released as a solo mod and was never tested outside of WW.  The release version is  <Version value="" />  so no idea how you got that other version.  You can remove that entity from spawning if you think its that one.  Let me now if you confirm its that one.  

  3. I think the latest version of the Core toggled off advanced lockpicking by default, which is why its not working.  I will push a patch to toggle that back on but for now edit the blocks.xml file in the Core

    and set this property from :  <property name="AdvancedLocks" value="false" />  to <property name="AdvancedLocks" value="true" />

  4. On 1/3/2021 at 10:19 AM, konik said:

    Is Clay soil  in small amount ?



    it is available around the base of POIs, and deep under the snow in some places.

  5. 12 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

    I had brought to spheres attention some issues we had with trying to implement lockpicking and was wondering if this version fixed those issues.

    Primarily storages that were locked among groups couldnt be accessed via lock code and had tp be lock picked, and doors and safes no longer relock when quests reset a poi they remain unlocked.

    Any fixes would be implemented in Sphereii's core modlet.  This locks mod is nothing more than models adapted to react to that code.

  6. Locks.thumb.png.b34f543f859b76f81116203847ab8007.png


    Turn EAC Off when using this mod!


    Like the title says, SphereII and I missed the Skyrim style lockpicking mini game so we introduced it into the WinterWeen mod.  It was well received, so I'm releasing a modlet of the locks that work with the lockpicking code added to SphereII's Core.  This mod requires 0-SCore, so use the mod launcher and add that core and this locks mod.  The launcher with do the rest.  

    The difficulty of the locks is configurable in the core, but it set to offer a challenge but not be impossible for folks that didn't master lockpicking in Skyrim.  To pick a lock, press "E" on any locked door or chest.  A lock will appear, and you must guess the position of the top lockpick by moving it with the arrow keys or mouse.  Once you think you have the position, press the spacebar to turn the lock.  The locks are tied into the perk system and the inventory system, so you will need lockpicks in your inventory.  Each perk level into lockpicking make it less likely you will break a pick, and reduced the time between attempts.  However, we randomized lock difficulty so any one can be really hard or almost too easy.


    This mode contain some purchased assets and code, so while you may use or include this mod in you game or overhaul, you cannot make edits to the models or code without purchasing your own copy of the assets from the Unity store.   It's cheap though 🙂


    If this mod is popular we may add additional features in A21.  Please let me know if its too hard or too easy for you.


    Installation:   0-SCore mod is REQUIRED, as it has the code for the locks to work.


    Locks modlet: https://github.com/7D2D/A21Mods/blob/main/Locks.zip


    Sphereii's Score is here: https://gitlab.com/sphereii/SphereII-Mods/-/tree/master/0-SCore


    Thanks to Mumpfy for adding the branding to the lock textures!





  7. Thanks for the feedback.  I watched were you said you were in the center of storm but that was fog I think and not a storm.  The storm or tornado must have been below you.  the storm is a vulture and the tornado is a rabbit type creature.   The birds we reworked several times, but my hearing is poor in high frequency range so i'm a really bad judge of volume on tweeting things.


    As far as the advertising, your right, that was an old screenshot of the early days of the pack.  Since there likely wont be a creaturepack in A20, but rather a few smaller packs by different authors, I will just leave it alone for now.


  8. If there is a character in the bloodmoon spawner with a class other than this: <property name="Class" value="EntityZombie"/> then it likely will blow up on bloodmoons like your seeing.  The class must extend from the EntityEnemy class, so zombies, zombieanimals etc are fine.  Bandits, survivors, etc are not.  The Core has code edits to allow additional classes to spawn, but im not sure those changes were pushed to the public version of the core.


    Some mods like War3z all in one add the zombie all group to the bloodmoon spawner.  That will definitely blow up the bloodmoon.

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