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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Unfortunately, for vanilla compatibility we only have vanilla AITasks to work with.  Since the ranged code Im using was written back before A16 and not updated since, it has a lot of limitations.  So the ranged task only interrupts the approach and attack task, so they will get up into melee range.  The NPC modlet which is the DMT version adds new AI functions and the characters attempt to maintain a ranged distance.


    If you discover better values for the weapon spreads, please let me know and I will add those to weapons/ammo xml.

  2. 4 hours ago, durgah said:

    Thanks for working and maintaining this mod.  It has changed the whole way I play the game and it added much needed creature variety that the core game (IMO) is missing at the moment.  It definitely has led to more play time.



    Thanks.  I wish I had more time to customize each character, but the intention was for folks to take these characters and xml mod them to suit.  There is quite a bit of variety in the pack, but if something is missing just let me know and I can probably add it.

  3. On the weapons and the ammo there are these properties:


                    <passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesVertical" operation="base_set" value="x.x"/> 
                    <passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesHorizontal" operation="base_set" value="x.x"/> 


    Higher values cause more random spread of the bullets, which will tend to result in misses with greater distance.  I think the Gun values might be the first to adjust.  I noticed in vanilla these values are sometimes on the guns or on the ammo, or on both, so I put the values on all but didnt test extensively.  They are pretty accurate as is right now so increasing the values might help.

  4. You can add this to fix Joel for now: <property name="LookAtAngle" value="0"/> 


    All NPC regardless of faction should use the same templates and therefore have this:  <effect_group name="SelfMedicate Effects">

  5. If your getting lots of spam warnings when some characters are set on fire, please load the 2-CharacterEffects pack which has the fix for that.  It also contains random walktypes for all zombies, and enables humans to become infected.  Also will be testing the method of turning some quest zombies back to humans.  

  6. I have not updated the NPC Human pack yet.  The characters in the human pack could be added.  Guppy never did Humans that could spawn weapons, so those would all need rebuilding.

  7. Its driven by tags.  The bandit class and survivor class will NRE if they enter the protected trader zone.  So both need to either be killed or knocked down, preventing them from approaching.  NPC characters have the tag "npc" and dont have either the bandit or survivor xml tag.  Since they use custom code, that NRE was fixed with new code.   This may be fixed in A20, we requested the fix and im optimistic it will be fixed.

  8. 19 minutes ago, MysticNynja said:

    Wanted it to be a twitch stream or something like that.  I didn't get the idea until you stated it in your video explaining the URL billboard.  If its too crazy for me to do or whatever I can just stick with the MP4 video.  

    I have some problems with that too with skipping audio, and video not showing up.  Is there a maximum resolution for video or bitrate for audio when getting a file?

    The component in Unity will only stream .mp4 files, so you would need some method to convert whatever format twitch streams in to .mp4


    As far as the video format, look at the ones provided.  There was a post discussing it as well above but here is the recommendations:


    First, big thanks very much for this mod! This is really great!


    Second, you can play a full long movie but you must encode it well! I do this & I don't have any problem to load it:

    - 640x400 (16/10)

    - x264 (H264 baseline profile level 3.0) 512kbits it's enought for best encode speed/quality because it's not like we really want to see a movie

    - aac 128 kbits & must reduce the volume by -50% because in game the video's audio volume it's not scale with the game's audio volume who are very low (I play many other game & my sound volume is set to +/-33% but when I play 7DTD, I must up to +/-66%)

    - 23.976 fps

    - & the more important thing for a long movie, the option FastStart must be actived, that can be help... I'm not a expert but what I read & understand, it's like a loading of a picture in progressive or not... If we don't set the video to load progressive, the full video will be load in memory who that can explain bug/lag for a long movie...


    Third, a little thing to place the TheaterScreen, it's better with this:

    <property name="ModelOffset" value="0.5,0.5,0"/>


    Fourth, when I active it (any block), all video can be read but I don't know why sometime the picture of the video don't want to show up but the song is here...


  9. Trader bug?  You mean the intentional death AOE?  If thats a problem you can instead have them take a dirt nap for a while.   Basicly we could change the AOE to buff the bandits with the death infection and survivors with a knockdown.  If your using NPCs rather than humans, this should have an effect unless I coded it wrong.  


    <!--  Prevent bandits class characters from getting near trader POIs    -->

            <buff name="buffTraderTrigger" hidden="true">
                    <stack_type value="replace"/>
                    <update_rate value="1"/>
                        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="selfAOE" range="50" buff="buffInfection04" target_tags="bandit,survivor"/>
            <buff name="buffTraderRagdollNPC" hidden="true" icon="ui_game_symbol_medical"> <!-- Not used, but funny to watch  -->
                <stack_type value="ignore"/>
                <duration value="3"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="Ragdoll" duration="3" target_tags="bandit,survivor"/>

    15 hours ago, CrainBramp said:

    Just wanted to say thanks for your maintenance of the pack and all your work on this: you've been a rockstar. Although it hasn't become a popular mod, this has been in almost every stream and Let's Play I've done since it came out, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Thanks for the kind words.  I know we have a few supporters and you have no idea how much that helps keep this going.  

  10. A19 uses Linear rather than Gamma lighting.  Those shiny ones used a spec shader so it really noticeable.

    Pushed a minor update to the CP humans and effects packs.  There was a TFP bug where buffs that set animator values do not always set before the animator is initialized.  This caused human characters to sometimes walk like zombies when not infected.  Implemented a workaround.

  11. The fix for zombie animation after reloging seems to be setting the chunk observer property in the entityclasses.xml npcmeleetemplate to true.  I will edit that and push tomorrow but you can manually edit that for now.

  12. This mod was an attempt at a community project.  As such, vision and quality differs depending on the modder.  In A19 we have very few active contributors, and most are submissions from A18 that I have to rebuild as I dont have the .unityproject files.  I work fulltime so I dont have the luxury of excess time for creating indexes or figuring out what could be improved.  I probably have over 500 hours invested to date in just these packs.  I doubt I will spend much more time on them as the overall interest in them and interest in participating in a community project is minimal.  Perhaps it's because the zombie pack became more of a quantity over quality effort?  I lean towards quality over quantity and actually only contributed a couple of zombies to the pack.  I can remove or rebuild some of them based on feedback but I wont spend time guessing which those are.

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