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Posts posted by xyth

  1. 9 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    On the flags we place on the ground could we add our own flags if we wanted to?


    Yes.  You need to make the new flag textures then add them in Unity and reexport.  There are old videos on how to do that.

  2. There are several known bugs in the A19 NPCs, but we froze development on those a while ago while we work on a new version.  We were hitting the wall on extending zombieAI to be used by humans, so we punted and not going to use zombie AI in A20 version.  TLDR: It is what it is until a20.  


  3. On 3/28/2021 at 5:38 AM, nickuk01 said:

    Would I be correct in assuming that the zombies in this pack do not catch fire for some reason? Hit some several times with my lit torch and no fire. Hit vanilla normal zombie couple times and will always catch alight?

    They should all catch fire.  Some need a different particle included in the effectspack.  I should move that to the main zombiepack I guess. Which zombie isn't catching fire?

  4. The mods do not change any rights, so Im not sure what going on.


    On 3/19/2021 at 3:50 PM, Minakie said:

    Just to report that I'm having the exact same issue.

    Up until today, I was using the animals-humans-zombies-effects combo just fine (all installed manually). Then I decided to add the NPC features on top of those. I installed Mod Launcher just for this and used it to get NPC animals/humans, factions and the dependencies.

    And yet, when I launch the game using mod launcher, I'm getting a series of red errors.

    Without a link yo your log files its impossible to know what went wrong.

  5. 8 hours ago, Yukio said:

    Greetings to all. I have a problem installing the mod, I hope some of you know about some solution. Maybe it's some stupid mistake that I didn't notice. In general, I installed everything I need, but an error appears in the launcher. Literally: "The process cannot access the file ........... since this file is being used by another process." Error code "1". And I don't know what to do about it. When you start a normal game after compilation, when loading, the console opens itself, showing all the processes with possible errors



    You are loading the animal and mech NPC packs without also loading the creaturepack animals and mechs.


  6. 10 hours ago, MandyCMoore said:

    I have a quick question. On my single player world the NPCs do fine when I hire them, but on my server they don't stay hired. We have to rehire them every time we log back in. Anyone have any suggestions for a fix? Thanks!

    That bug has been reported but seem intermittent.  Its a code issue we have to resolve apparently.

  7. 22 hours ago, yujiansquall said:

    I got another bug maybe,when I reload the game my npc act like a zombie. why(´;︵;`)

    He likely got infected and is turning into a zombie.  There is a cure for that which is a rare drop.  That is in the effectspack if you loaded that.


  8. 4 hours ago, seven said:

    Thanks, that fixed the monitor placement. I didn't notice any improvement in FPS but that's ok. I suppose those range and angle settings are baked into the unity assets and can't be exposed in the xml so we could change them? I did enable advanced rotation so I can put the monitors on the ceiling. That way I can just quick look up, and it saves precious wall space. It didn't seem to cause any problems.

    Yea, the camera properties are set in Unity.  I may take another look and reduce the cameras fps load as a variant camera for those who need it.  Maybe a low rez version.

  9. Pushed new version.  Fixed large monito placement offset.  TFP changed multidim orientation.  Fixed invalid layer index warning.  Slowed panning significantly so you can sneak past cameras.  Maybe some improvement in FPS hit but it is significantly worst in 19.3.   Without reducing range and angle of resolution on the cameras, I'm not sure I can do more.  TFP changed something.  Unity always has issues with video components across release versions so hopefully the A20 Unity version will help.

  10. 23 hours ago, seven said:

    Great work on this mod, but does this have problems with the latest alphas? I've noticed two issues.


    When I place a large monitor, the visual representation is shifted to the right a half block. So, if you have something placed next to it, part of the screen is hidden. The small monitor is fine.


    Earlier in the thread you say that there is a small fps drop with each camera. I run with mostly high or ultra settings at 1440 and without cameras I get about 100 fps in my test area. Adding 4 cameras this drops down to low 50s. I have a gtx 1080 and i5-8600k locked at 4.6ghz and they are averaging 65% and 40% load respectively so they are not struggling.


    With 2 cameras fps is in the 70s which is ok, and if the large monitors were displayed correctly it will work for what I want.


    And one question, is the difference between large and small cameras just displayed size?

    The only difference is the model.  One is large and old school, the smaller is newer design.  I will take a look at the FPS issue.  I did extensive testing in A19 early builds and it was minimal FPS impact.  perhaps something changed in recent builds.

  11. Sphereii and I both are occupied with other things but plan to get back to working on the NPCs.  If there is a better xml order, please let me know and I will push that change.

  12. It wont break instantly unless you keep pressing the spacebar until it does.  Lightly press the space bar and observe the wiggle, you can see if its going to break.  This is part of the fun.  Simply mashing and holding the spacebar will always break the pick if its in the wrong position.  Press and replace the spacebar to have a fine touch to evaluate the current position.


    I'm happy that someone actually tried the mod and provided some feedback.  A lot of work went into making this minigame possible, and I see at least one of the big mods has added their own version of the locks (no credit given as far as I know, but that's modding).  Thanks for the input.

  13. The fantasy mod was released as part of the WinterWeen project and never released as a solo mod and was never tested outside of WW.  The release version is  <Version value="" />  so no idea how you got that other version.  You can remove that entity from spawning if you think its that one.  Let me now if you confirm its that one.  

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