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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Traders?  None of the humans characters are traders yet as those were difficult to remove from game if they bugged out because they were invulnerable.


    Pushed another 25 or so custom zombies made by Guppy.  Also included are about 8 additional zombies by Guppy with large bundlesize (over 40 megs per zombie) and these are commented out in both entityclasses.xml and Items.xml, and not listed in entitygroups.xml.  If you have the VRam, and want to use those too, feel free to uncomment them and add them to groups.

  2. Are you using the A19 version?  The sound rolls off with distance and didnt seem too quiet to me.  The volume has to be edited in Unity, or on your .mp4 file.  Just crank up the volume by recoding that .mp4 until its how you like it.

  3. Please be aware if you load a Drone modlet by Gyancher2 on Nexus, it will break the creaturepacks badly, as he just copy/pasted my xml and copied several of my unity3d resource files and duplicate loads those.  He made no attempt at compatibility in any file, so I suggest you avoid that modlet.


    Updated terms of use in hopes folks will use these pack assets more responsibly.

  4. First, this mod does what it does without any added code so it maintains full vanilla compatibility.  Much of what you are asking for would require new code.


    You can set each camera to pan by wiring it (add a wire then remove the wire) then pressing E to active the panning of that camera.


    On labeling, I guess you could add a player made sign near each one.  The screen 0-3 will display one camera or all 4 (cams 0-3) bepending on your choice after pressing the E key until it is on the camera/cameras  you want then press E once more to lock it there.



    From Steam or Launcher 

    From  .exe  
    %AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log

    From dedicated through startdedicated.bat 

    From Executable
    <homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log

    From start scripts or Steam

    From server with management scripts


  6. I would need to see your logs.  Sounds like the meshes are not loading.  


    I just pushed a new version of all the packs with a hack to force preloading, so no more lag on the first spawn of each model.  One exception, the Hornet, which will lag hard on first spawn, but i will work on him later.

  7. I will take a look.  Screen ratio?  I doubt i did more than eyeball the ratio to around 16:9 or 10.  These all had a sound bug in A18, so I didnt mess with them since back in early a17.  Likely time to do a update pass on them for a19.


    So i checked and on the theaterscreen, the rendering area is 8:4.5 (16.9, wow, i actually bothered to get that right back then)  The black bars are actually not the rendering area but a black backdrop I added behind that which is 8:5 ratio (cant recall why, i think it was to fit the overall screen between blocks)

  8. Every character has a two archers, bow and xbow.  There just isn't that old archer gal I made for A16.  She was due for retirement.


    The vault folks are by DarkStardragon, and hes busy so those will be delayed.  The other contributors all have the a19 project so new characters will trickle in as we get cloder to Stable.  


    What is include are my test characters.  They work much better than the A18 versions, but need testing and likely xml optimization.

  9. Pushed a fix for the occasional particle rendering on zero mesh warning when fire particles are applied to a mesh.   The fix is in the 2-Character effects modlet for testing.  The particle I made as a replacement isnt perfect but good enough for now in case TFP makes theirs more compatible.  


    A new Tag named "cp" for characterpack is used to switch between the 2 particles depending on the target.  It was added to all CP characters.


    NPC sleeper bug was found and the fix will be in the next update of Sphereiis core.


  10. Pushed a fix for the occasional particle rendering on zero mesh warning when fire particles are applied to a mesh.   The fix is in the 2-Character effects modlet for testing.  The particle I made as a replacement isnt perfect but good enough for now in case TFP makes theirs more compatible.  


    A new Tag named "cp" for characterpack is used to switch between the 2 particles depending on the target.  It was added to all CP characters.

  11. Great tips.  Glad you are enjoying the modlet.  I did not research to optimize as you did so its value information for anyone using this.  Yes, in Handbreak (might be called something else in a diff program) check the web optimized box to start faster.


    I will check on the last issue, not sure I understand the problem completely but i didn't test this modlet much once I sorted the Unity issues with sound.

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