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Posts posted by xyth

  1. 12 hours ago, corona9800 said:

    no issues XYTH the mode works great in the zombie pack only issue in the animal pack is i never see the birds im about 100 hours in a new play through havent seen nothing flying.

    I can increase the spawnrate on the birds.  I plan on doing another polish pass soon.

    11 hours ago, Dre said:

    @xyth Nice mod. Thank you. Really appreciate all the hard work. (running it on my server/game).  A19 stable (all the ones that you had as a19 ready a few days ago). 

    Thanks.  Glad you like it.

  2. Perhaps it has something to do with the number of mods your running?  If you interested in finding a solution, since your the only one at this point seeing the issue, maybe remove all mods but those in the CP's and retest.  Then add mods in one by one and retest.   I know that's time consuming, but there is no way for us to fix something we cant repo.

  3. So far you are the only one mentioning that happened.  I have never seen it, but i do see vanilla zombies doing it, so its likely not a mod related bug.  Just bad luck.  The rehiring bug was patched, need confirmation that works consistently.

  4. There were no changes since the initial A19 stable release 4 days ago.  That version underwent some testing but so far no bug reports I can act on.   I have a huge update that I'm working on, but I won't plan to release it until i know the current version is verified stable.

  5. Yup, working as intended.  Highly experimental but seems stable.  I have the reverse process working too but there is no quest yet for testing.


    The NPCs if hit by a zombie can become infected.  Right now they turn really fast into zombies, like in a minute, but thats configurable.  I will change it to longer once someone besides me tests it for bugs.  "Humanpack ones also turn but wont attack the player since factions dont work in vanilla yet.




  6. Pushed update for B177.  Reduced ammo damage to stop crits for 1 shoting players.  Reduced spawning 3x as those previous values were for testing.  Added NPC animals for testing.  Various tweaks.

  7. The 7DaystoDie ModLauncher is the easiest way to download,install and run DMT modlets.  You can also use the DMT tool itsself to compile the modlets manually, but that is more difficult.  Just load the individual mods folders in the Github Repos Master Branch, don't load all the files found in the master branch.

  8. That's not enough information to help you.  We will need to see your player log.


    Are you using the mod launcher to load these mods as they are DMT mods so need to be compiled first.




    From Steam or Launcher

    <gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__<DATETIME >.txt


    From .exe

    %AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log 


    From dedicated through startdedicated.bat




    From Executable

    <homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log 


    From start scripts or Steam



    From server with management scripts





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