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Posts posted by JCrook1028

  1. 9 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    The only justification for using it being for cases where you get stuck seems odd since you wont always have it on hand

    Idk about you but I and most players do indeed always have a jar of water etc on hand that I can drink and then scrap into glass. That makes it the absolute perfect item to use an a stuck and get out suicide option. I'm not saying I've used it as such, just saying if they decided to have such a thing that glass is the perfect fit for it.

  2. 14 hours ago, InterDan said:

    No, I'd rather play a game with better loot tables so I don't have to spend all my time searching for tree stumps. This is an *alpha*, that means the devs look for feedback and make changes to improve it. It's an alpha of a *game*, that means it should be *fun*. Hence this thread.

    Yep, make everything easy to find so nothing has any consequences! No thank you.

  3. 16 hours ago, InterDan said:

    It's called 7 Days to Die, not 7 Days to @%$# Around In The Forest. Any time spent grinding for honey is a) not fun and b) takes away from time preparing for horde night, which you desperately need.

    So you'd rather "@%$#" around in the forest AFTER getting infected than before. Ok, your choice. Just realize that fact, it IS a choice YOU made.


    ps. it doesn't take any special trips to the forest, simply keep your eyes open while naturally walking around.

  4. 9 hours ago, InterDan said:

    Next time I got an infection, I spent all night searching through the woods around my starting town for honey.

    So you went thru an infection once, then when you started anew you didn't immediately make finding honey a priority? You waited until you got infected again to go looking for it? Self inflicted suffering seems to me...

  5. 6 hours ago, BarryTGash said:


    They'll learn and then they won't be brand new any more so any complications or consequences specifically avoided for a brand new player's benefit shouldn't really interfere with the gaming experience of everyone else. I've said before, paraphrasing: bring new players up to speed, don't lower the speed limit for everyone else especially considering new players vs existing players is probably around the 5-8% mark (real rough estimation, TFP probably have a better grasp on this).


    If brand new players really need more hand-holding then maybe the tutorial quest needs revamping and/or preferably, a tutorial map be created that guides that player through their first encounters with zombies and their mechanics.


    So you don't want the "speed limit" lowered but yet you want an easy mode Day 1 light source added?

  6. 20 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Just to clarify: there are no singleplayer worlds anymore. This is the case since... I think since A11 or 12.
    So that is why I said dedicated only.

    That change came in A19 iirc. Sure wasn't A12 by a long shot. Do you just make this stuff up because you think it sounds good?

  7. 19 hours ago, gurutar said:

    he chem station is such a core work station that every survivor wants to have, it shouldn't be limited by such harsh RNG.

    That's exact;y why it SHOULD be limited. You want the highest level workstation easy to obtain? I sure don't.

  8. 19 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:
    On 1/20/2022 at 10:43 AM, Viktoriusiii said:

    Sure those are only the dedicated ones, but still. I think 3% is a bit low.


    LITERALLY the next sentence could have told you that I don't assume that.

    Nope, you're still not counting the majority of players that do not use servers at all, dedicated or not.

  9. 2 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Also... where does this 3% thing come from? The servers I see are basicially 50/50 PvP and PvE.

    So you assume that a large percentage if players are playing on servers at all? You assume wrong.

  10. 1 hour ago, Orclover said:


    Seems about right, although we are well past a month in our wasteland area and still have not seen zomdogs or zombears respawn.  Weird that zed respawn is tied to loot respawn.  We turned off loot respawn to not make it easy but the zeds going away made it even easier.  Wish it was a separate setting.

    Sleeper respawn is tied to loot respawn. Biome respawn is not.

  11. 21 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    lever gun-  are rly hard to keep clean that's why bolt action guns are better- so i suggest to change ak47 into m16 and lever gun into m1 carbine

    So you want to change the lever gun because it is too hard to clean, then you want to change the Ak into a M-16? So exactly the opposite? You're not even consistent within your own desires yet want them to conform to your vision? My 2cents is learn to mod, it's the only way you'll EVER get all you want from the game.

  12. 10 hours ago, Perspective out of focus said:

    Zombies are a car rushing straight without a driver - this is a blind thirst for killing all living things

    Zombies in a game, or movie, or book are exactly and only what the artist making said thing decides they are. YOU do not define them. THEY do.

  13. 22 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Don't get me wrong, I know stone crushing is a thing, and tumbling solids into powders as well. The way it is in the game though, I doubt reality has had that much influence to it ... :)

    Yea, you aren't gonna  make sand in a cement mixer. The tolerances just are not even close to being fine enough for that. If they were it wouldn't work for making concrete very well either.

  14. 12 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Are you replying to Orc about your quote from Orc and blaming him for not reading his own post, or did I confuse something at some point?

    Lol I didn't even look at the name but if he (and apparantly this is the case) doesn't even remember what he said he was eating then YES, I am. He said he was eating 3 stacks a day then when I confront him abut it he then says it was only 1 stack and a half?

  15. 19 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    They were - just someone from TFP they works bad.  So in theory they could works similiar to minecraft'mobs


    You do not decide what is finished. The people making the game do. I'll repeat for you. bandits were never finished. Period. Fact. End of story.

  16. 7 hours ago, Ghostlight said:


     Well there are 3 of us on my server, so we need 6 wheels for initial transport (3 bikes or minibikes) and 5 Acid and a Beaker for a Chem station. You'd normally expect all those things well before day 13.

    you can get bicycles for free for finishing tier one quest line... no acid/wheels needed.

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