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Everything posted by Gamida

  1. Yeah, those little ones are nice when they are beating up other zombies, but they suck when they turn their attention to me
  2. I wonder about those convicts and the one other little zombie that runs. The both seem to latch onto you and never give up. It's kill them or keep running. And I have yet to get one piece of loot from the convict. I should at least get the file he used to escape
  3. Gamida

    Server Tools

    I stand corrected...the server had allocs, servertools and coppis installed
  4. Gamida

    Server Tools

    I think there is. In game with servertools running if you open console you should be able to type help and get a list of all commands. There is probably one like giveplayerxp or something similar...you may have to scroll and read.
  5. Hey, don't "horn" in on my post. That's just "udder" rudeness.
  6. Pretty sure I heard you have to kill the cow first then milk it..sort of like harvesting meat from animals.
  7. Which version are you using? I think latest version fixed a glitch with deserts in an earlier version.
  8. If you spawned a dynamic trader he will disappear on game restart, if he was spawned static then you may be crap out of luck. Longer explanation here, https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?66978-Traders&p=687304&viewfull=1#post687304
  9. I left youtube at default size and as you moused over the horse reins my brain translated the words differently. I was wondering what recipes needed horse ♥♥♥♥♥... yeah you know what those hearts spell...
  10. I should have asked earlier, are you trying to remove the buff from yourself or another player?
  11. in dashboard in the console...I was in game and tried it on myself and didn't hear anything and I had been trying it on different players and no one mentioned anything ( I used the zombiedog ones sense, roaming and attack) which should have gotten a rise out of at least one of them. Once I was in game and used console they worked fine. Oh, and I used entity# for players as it seemed to work on myself. I may have tried names too but can't recall now.
  12. Hey...we never said you could retire!!!! lol, enjoy it. Sad for us but good for you. Another heartfelt thanks for past help though. Now, where's this Subquake....."Hey you, c'mere....I got this problem see. When I push this button and look at................"
  13. hey dust, how's it going. I am proud I haven't had to bother you in a long time lol (fingers crossed)
  14. gup I am wondering if they just mean the server is not showing in the list as it hasn't for a long time? If that is so they just need to add the ip and port and join that way like we have to do. ah crap, they are talking about their own server running your mod aren't they... * waves hand* These are not the posts you are looking for...
  15. For clay info check here... https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?83830-Medieval-Mod-(SDX)&p=816141&viewfull=1#post816141
  16. Yeah a list would be wonderful and as each mod would probably have different ones added it could be a pain to keep up. Maybe a list of vanilla ones would be a start though. Thanks for that info. Also I recently found out about the playsound command and tormented one of the other admins. I was awful lol. I couldn't play sounds from CSMM for some reason and had to be in the game to do it. Would have been nice as would have made it harder for him to suspect it was me if I didn't have to be in game lol.
  17. buffs, like items have to have exact spelling....I think it is typed as sprainedLeg...with leg capitalized. Unless you just never capitalized it in the post but did in your command. On related note, has anyone made a list of things in game such as a list of items, buffs, blocks, etc with the way they have to be spelled to be used in commands.
  18. you can get your ores out beforehand, just takes some fuel and time.
  19. Wonderful news. And I can see the conundrum about the time, having to balance how far back to keep with available space especially if the server is very popular. Am sure you will get it straightened out. I am also sure it will be a great admin tool.
  20. you forgot the last part...
  21. Does that mean live or would we be able to track a players movements say for last 24-48 game hours. That would be really useful when we need to see who has "borrowed" some players stuff.
  22. Guppy, you never came back. I got scared and logged out.... Not really but those dogs are brutal. I realized that early game once they are on my ass I can't outrun them. I am not going to say much about my gameplay as don't want any spoilers for other but will let you know other sorts of feedback. See ya on again soon I hope. Oh real reason I logged is lately my damn back has been acting up and after so long sitting I have to get up. Yeah that's it....
  23. Have seen 1 and 2. 3: I saw a woman by a sort of cart just outside house I am staying in. When you get to her you can press e to talk. She seems to be a merchant, but not sure if she is considered the trader as I haven't been around much yet. Am looking forward to seeing others on when I am so we can compare recipes..........and I just realized how girly that made me sound....thanks guppy
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