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  1. Unlike up to a21, in v1.0 armor skills do not increase magazine size. In v1.0, the more you increase your PER, STR, FRT, AGI, and INT, the more armor magazines you can get. It's written in the crafting skill section, but it's a sudden change so it's not surprising you don't notice.
  2. My first language is Japanese, so I'm not very good at accurately throwing and getting the nuances of English Rather than the crafting cost, I think the problem is that armor magazines are easier to get just by increasing STR and FRT even without armor skills, and legendary parts are too easy to get.
  3. In single-player (difficulty: Insane), I go around the mailboxes without doing quests, pick up car magazines from the car to expand my range of movement, and then look around the mailboxes (and the bookshelves that are within reach as soon as I enter). Since the progression plan is highly repeatable, there is no big deviation in the play. I can make almost any T3 gun by the 7th day, so the progress speed is fast. In multiplayer, even if I try to explore, other players have already opened all the mailboxes, so I cannot take the plan mentioned above. On the other hand, since the difficulty is set low, below warrior level in most cases, the fastest progress is to focus on increasing LS and enter the wilderness early. After raising adventurer skill and purchasing a T2 weapon, make the highest level armor I can make at that time and go to the wilderness as soon as possible, exploring while overhunting dire wolves and zombie bears. I will automatically collect all types of weapons.
  4. If we're talking about vanilla, I would never buy it at the current price. It's too expensive. Armor magazines are easier to get just by increasing your attributes, so you can make good armor even if you don't want to.
  5. Overhaul mods always come up in these kinds of discussions, but I think it's probably not the balance of the mod that's important. Some mods build on old systems, and the fact that they can look fresh against new versions shouldn't be underestimated. I also create overhaul mods (although since Japanese is my first language, they're only popular among Japanese speakers). My mods remove magazines from the game, so the more magazines become commonplace in the vanilla game and in many overhaul mods, the more the "absence of magazines" is cited as a reason for their high ratings. My conclusion is that vanilla makes big changes every time to keep things from getting boring, so they get replaced with new elements before the balance is adjusted.
  6. I generally don't deal with the screamer issue in advance. The spawn trigger is so low that it's uncontrollable, and the spawn rate itself is so low that their spawning is essentially random. If I'm on a quest and a horde of screamers appears that I can't control, I give up and leave. If they come to my house and I can't control them, I give up and go exploring. Often when I leave and come back they're gone.
  7. If you follow the optimal solution, it's too easy, otherwise it's extremely difficult. In v1.0, the quest rewards were also nerfed, making it even more difficult for beginners (there is no room for beginners to realize that if you increase TS with adventurer skills, you can buy good weapons. The TS that corresponds to the amount of increase and the variety is a secret parameter). Aside from that, this game has very high defensive power for players, so the difficulty level does not actually go up or down that much depending on the difficulty setting. In v1.0, you can make good armor quickly, so this tendency became even stronger. When you actually die, you die because you are overwhelmed by the number of enemies or because of overlapping debuffs, so the enemy's attack power is not a very important parameter.
  8. Yes, I totally agree with this idea as I too have had the same trouble.
  9. In a21, crafting was still the fastest way to get access to T3 weapons, but the specifications for magazine appearance rates were not well known to the general player, and many players first obtained T3 equipment as a reward from traders. In other words, the magazine system was very confusing for many beginner players (and even some veteran players). All the players I taught about it said the same thing: "I never thought that taking the Master Chef skill would make it harder to get gun magazines!" Therefore, since the safety net for obtaining weapons from traders has been weakened in 1.0, I think it will be more difficult for beginners who do not yet understand the specifications of magazines than in a21. For me, the fun of looting was already gone in a21, so there is not much difference, for better or worse.
  10. In fact, because the initial value of an attribute is 1 point, the appearance rate of an armor magazine is six times higher than others even when you have not acquired any skills. I prefer to play by solely focusing on raising a single gun skill, but even then the progress made with the armor magazine wins. This update is focused on armor, so yeah, that's how it goes.Wow.
  11. I kept thinking about situations in this game where you'd want to revert to the previously held item, but I couldn't think of anything. There are also three items that can be immediately selected with a hotkey. On the other hand, situations where you can be saved by being able to select the most recently used item, which is "one item" and "varies," are rare cases, and I think it would be difficult to incorporate it as an action that takes precedence over a hotkey and is incorporated into in-game actions. For that reason, even if the action to revert to the most recently used item is to remain on controllers, it should be an optional rather than a main action.
  12. The locking feature only recently became officially available in vanilla, and before that I would group the items I needed at the bottom. With the system that lets you lock any number of items from the top, items are placed in order from the empty slots at the top, so there was the issue that slots that had already been used up would be filled with unnecessary items and locked in. Still, playing with the locking feature was more efficient, so I had to get used to it, but it's very helpful that you can now set any lock slot you want. This is a good update.
  13. I can understand Slingblade's point of view very well. I want to respect it. However, if you say "players who try to play efficiently must be in the minority," I won't have anything to say, so I'll keep quiet from here on out.
  14. It doesn't make much sense to bring up an issue that can be dealt with somehow as an issue here. The members who answer questions on this forum are generally veterans and are used to dealing with problems. They're fine with a game where a random dire wolf appears at a POI (you can just give up on the quest and run away). So someone says, "If you don't like it, install a mod." (I can deal with the current zombie dog placement without any problems even on the highest difficulty level, but I don't think that makes it a good placement.)
  15. I'm a speed player who built an M60 by day 7 on Insane with 60 minutes per day, and upgraded my armor to quality 5, so I'm essentially disqualified from this discussion. You have the freedom and right to hold out hope that there's still an update left. And, The discussion will likely go something like this: sales figures are up, so vanilla definitely made the right changes, there's a problem with the way you play, if you don't like it, get a mod.
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