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Mister Forgash

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Everything posted by Mister Forgash

  1. Daaaamn, new Demo looking bloody gorgeous- in a horrifying sort of way. Seconded. Though I have doubts that it would be implemented. - And then like 30 seconds later I thought how awesome it would be if Bandits [/Players!?] could get smoke grenades to obscure themselves from non-animal/zombie hostiles. .. Another thing I don't think would make it in, but sounds cool in concept.
  2. Have we been watching the same games getting released? These last few years in particular. I know I'm leading with the low-hanging fruit here, but there was this lil old game called Diablo 4 that dropped.. not all that long ago. Made by some real famous place- I trust they threw more money and people at it than it needed. It released hilariously unfinished. I dare say the market is knee-deep with games that are rushed out of alpha [I didn't play it, but I think Starfield? (one of those space games) was another one] And granted I think it's dumb when games release and it's slapping-your-face-obvious that it needed another half-year to cook. I give TFP a partial excuse on this one because the way everything lines up, It's very believable the "1.0" tag is there just to get the console version shipping. We don't know how much time and money and good faith is tied up in that deal, and just getting it out there might be worth more than the drama of a launch that misses the mark. Maybe the information was vague because since the announcement was only a few days ago and it was only few-minutes video and a split screen to give us a peek From about the time Civ4 launched, I've seen day1 DLCs almost normalize. I don't like it as a practice. Particularly when it's game elements [Like factions, maps, items ,etc] that they had ready for release, but put behind another pay wall. Cosmetics are a different story though. [ULTRA Joel skin!?] - Anyhow, the situation changes farther when you put some time between release date and the first DLC drop. I certainly wouldn't call DLC 6 months later as 'Off the bat' .. I just think it's too early to be mad about it- but there's a certain nuance to DLC, i'll know it when I see it, and if it's like '$10 to make your game feel complete' I'll grab my pitchfork then.
  3. In particular, I find calling it a 'price hike' to be poor framing. Everyone one of us has known all along that buying at Early access, we got an unfinished game at an unfinished game price. We got the hot deal because more or less, we were beta testers that got the devs enough capital to really take this project to the distance. We all bought in knowing a day would be coming where they start charging 'it's a done game' prices. Well- now they've chosen it. As for DLC- We've been in an age where companies drop 1.0 alongside day 1 DLC, I think just about all of us have seen that now- It's tacky. I agree. But 6 months in- it depends what we're seeing. If it's just cosmetics, then I really don't think that's something worth getting your goodies in a twist about. If they're going to do an expansion, I think that's great- as long as they fulfil their goals [BANDITS] before they go saying, 'For another $15 you can have 7D2D+' .. On a tangential thought, it just occurred to me something along the lines of, it's been said: If TFP were hypothetically working on another title, it could be negatively viewed to tell us too much about 'New and Shiny' before the first game is even released... So if there is a game that may-or-may-not exist maybe there will be some official details dropping in the future. 🤞 That exactly! - Maybe make a few gunshots trigger from the event location to get your attention then you run over to check it out and it's a gorefest. The possibilities of the unknown.
  4. Super stoked to hear about the big push to 1.0! It's been a long time coming, and though I've loved playing a new alpha pretty much every year. I know that 1.0 is a big deal.. I'm a bit worried about the backlash there will be that bandits are not making it in 1.0, I'm expecting that to ruffle a lot of feathers.-- Someone[Too lazy to go back and check] mentioned a page back or so that this seems kinda rushed and sudden, possibly in relation to the console drop- Sounds believable. Very mixed feelings. I hope the launch goes well, I feel like the game may kinda need that as there's going to be a bunch of people going 'You promised!' but more profane. .. W/e I'm still stoked for that unstable branch. .. And 1.1, 1.2... I trust you, Pimps I know you all wont be done with the game until it feels done. Event system: If it's the same as was talked about before[2-ish yrs ago?], think something akin to the way Skyrim is able to throw bandit, a trader, a couple wolves chasing a deer, etc ahead of you, just beyond detection- it makes the world feel more alive. I imagine the 7d2d events might be something like.. A pack of wolves! .. 2 zombies and a wolf fighting, a bandit gang just chilling somewhere cracking zombie heads as a hoard rolls through- But with all the things the twitch integration can do- I bet there will be way more possibilities than just 'spawn some stuff'.
  5. I'm not super-hyped for bandits either, but I'll withhold judgement, 'till I'm playing against them.. I see some concerns about disabling them, but as some have said, there's an option to turn off zombies in our zombie game, it would be no surprise to me if we can turn off bandits in the zombie game as well. .. talks of bandits randomly popping up got me thinking, and before long, I was on this tangent of thought- Once bandits are implemented, any likelihood of us getting new "bandit clear" quests? -That would (in my theory) take a preexisting T1-4 PoI, and when you hit the exclamation point, load in bandits (in lesser numbers) instead of zombies? Sorta like infestation uses the same PoIs, but an alternate set of spawn ins.
  6. The game is intended to represent Arizona, so I can understand why a swamp biome doesn't make the final cut- but that said, as someone that lives in the wetlands- Knobby cypress knees, tangle-y vegetation, and 'gators.. All of this would be so very welcome in an apocalyptic nightmare. (...Maybe as a DLC.)
  7. I know a lot of the people here have logged a lot more time than me- but personally I wish I've bought more games that start to get old after the first 400 hours played. 7 Days to die is up there with Simcity 4, Mount and Blade, Skyrim, and WoW as far as games that have taken hundreds of hours of my life. Good job, Pimps. Make more stuff, take my money.
  8. I'm fairly hyped for bandits, was pretty bummed when I heard it's unlikely they'll make it into 22.. in part because I was under some kind of impression that it was expected for a bit they'd make it into 21, until they were pushed back just 1 more patch. .. But it is, what it is. Though frustrating, I trust they'll be in a pretty good spot when they get here, and I know those who have been focusing their efforts into bringing the bandits to us are probably pretty disappointed as well. We've waited this long, what's longer?
  9. I'm not hating the dew collector. I am enjoying the removal of jars.. but from an immersion perspective, I wish it played out like this: It's easy find/make my 100s of jars, which I turn into 100s of murky water.. except that now- it becomes a costly and potentially dangerous process of getting water you can drink, or purifying it from that.. runoff you scooped from a ditch, or what you salvaged from the toilets last loot run. ..But this isn't really a complaint, water management is satisfactory and I really hope I didn't buy 7 Days to Stay Hydrated.
  10. It's not a secret any more that behind the scenes, TFP have another project they've been allocating resources towards. Seeing as the Early Access model worked so well for 7D2D and they're so familiar with it, I imagine if TFP are hard up for money (and probably even if they aren't), they'll show us what else they've been up to when the time is right and give us a new reason to give them our money.
  11. Though I don't think it's that intrusive, I also think it's perfectly reasonable to have an option to remove the indicator from the UI.. It's probably on somebody's to-do list right now, but I bet it's low priority.
  12. This first look on alternate zombie colorations is something I've been hopeful for for a long time! I'm sure they want the emphisis that all this is experimental, but oh man would I be stoked if it's looking ready by 22.X One of my bigger criticisms has been how same-y it gets when you get a room full of [In particular]business men, or some of the other more common Z's, so I think this'll be a pleasant improvement to PoIs, wandering hordes, and Bloodmoons. TY Fun Pimps, I love you and I'm sorry for everything I ever complained about! -Until I have something new to complain about! 😁
  13. Glad to see this is getting looked into, I noticed this a few times in a few places, I'm guessing it has something to do with some kind of trigger not happening if you take a quest with Restore Power functionality as anything other than restore power.. Good luck with that! .. I did notice it in the (T3?) Booze and Bullets? I think- Two places right next to each other, 1 was a bar. .. Just glad this thread was here, filling out a bug report looked intimidating.
  14. In that specific case, quest rewards. I think both could use more toning down, but I'd look through the quest rewards first.
  15. I usually think your takes are spot on, but I'm going to disagree here. I think this argument sounds really close to that made with certain horde base designs that took advantage of blocks zombies wouldn't cross/break to stay safe through the night, and then people would say 'I'm just playing the game the way I want, why is that a problem to you?' The way I see it, it's just plain balance. The trader in this iteration is very strong. I think it's too strong. There may even be enough people agreeing to give credence to this claim. Gaming with my friends, it's day... 12? he's perception build, lucky looter maxed, no int., vanilla settings except 75% loot 125%XP We'd gotten him a Q2 iron spear early in the week- as we're working through our T3 quests with the trader and do turn ins, he gets a level 5 steel spear as a quest reward. .. From T2Q2 to T3Q5 and again, he's not even spec'd into traders, nor were we that deep in the trader quests. I don't think it's on the player to say 'I don't want -that-' much of an upgrade, it's on the development to make sure player progression is smoothed.
  16. It's not that I inherently disagree with things like this- Even if they don't have any other new zombie types, [Which it wouldn't really -surprise- me if they give us 1/2 more before gold, not that I'd gamble on it] I think there'd be lot of benefit on getting 1-3 clothing-color variants on the 'regular everyday zombified person' enemies. I think the businessman suffers the most, where some PoIs you'll encounter what feels like more than a dozen identical suits in the same battle, and if they could make an otherwise identical blue suit/grey suit zombie, I think it would feel really good- but I don't know what this costs in employee time and computer assets to tell TFP how to do their job. - Still, I will continue to give feedback as a consumer in hopes they can find a relatively cheap solution to break up, just a little bit more of the clone-wars feeling when there's half a dozen identical zeds on screen. - Bandits, I think we all trust will be here soon. I know some people are very excited. I'm less enthused, and will know how I feel after my first several encounters. - PoIs, we're always getting more of- I have no doubt it'll feel like we have plenty when they're done... Shoot, I was in some place last night and there was this gloriously grisly scene where a forklift was ran through a wall and pinned some poor guy to the wall- It was hardcore!- Props, Poi designers! - More NPCs, I'm keeping the expectations low here, but I like to think they might put 1-2 extra NPCs in the trader compounds. They wont do much of anything, but with trader/faction rep they might offer healing/ammo/services/more quest-location options for that day - Transparency, I don't know which games you follow, but it seems to me most developers stay pretty tightlipped. I think this community has had it pretty good with Prime and Faatal, Roland dropping hints, and even the Big Mole himself speaking his mind. - Tier 4/5, I'd looove something beyond steel. At the current rate, it wouldn't be balanced. We'd need stronger/tougher zombies. Or/also stone, iron, steel would need re-rebalanced. It's on the wish-list for sure. My gut tells me it wont happen, and I'm okay with that. .. Thank you Modding community. ❤️ - Watergate, I don't miss the always needing to drop glass jars. - Redesigns, I know some people hate them, but I'm part of the forever alpha crowd. The game only feels a little incomplete to me, every year there's changes and new content dropping (or right around the corner) to make it a different experience, it keeps me coming back. 7 Days to Die might overtake Mount and Blade: Viking Conquest as my 'if you had one game to last you until the end of time'. We as consumers are always going to want more. More for less if we can get it, but it looks to me like TFP want to check off all the boxers they agreed to deliver on and drop the gold stamp. Even if it's ultimately not everything all of us want, I think it's a damn-fine game, and I think a lot of lessens were learned and a lot of money was earned, and when they decide to show us what's up coming up next, we better hold onto to our seats, it's going to be a wild ride.
  17. I'm not really behind the addition of heat to dew collectors, but if we're going there, I think we should add it player vehicles too. My butt was recently dragging in that 4x4 and the zombies should be drawn to that stink, if they're drawn to the gentle pitter patter dew dripping into cups on the rooftop. .. This is definitely my reasoning, and it not because I want to open a used motorcycle lot that always has crowds of zombies checking out my insane prices.
  18. I'm inclined to agree Dogspawns in T1 either shouldn't be there, or should be in a position that gives the player ample time to recognize the threat and figure out what to do- just since these are what newer players will likely be exposed to, and turning a corner to find a dog eye level with the tender bits is a miserable way to learn to be afraid.
  19. No Parachute, just remember to buy your Oh-shiz drops.
  20. I don't care for stealth builds in any game, It's not my jam. .. One of the dudes on my 3 person team enjoys stealth. I don't think that it's so much a problem that this kind of mechanic[highlighted in the video above] exists, but: that you can count on it with certainty. If the behavior where they spawn in moving on the player was governed by dice roll against the player's stealth, I think that would be more engaging. All this said -though I can't attest to it first-hand because I don't play stealth- My friend says, and I've seen other forum posters say, and Meganoth might agree in theory, [Though this may not apply in nightmare speed] A very fast retreat, sneaky[lucky?] retreat allows you to lose them and go back to attacking from stealth.
  21. So, maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but... The dev's aren't in a position to determine what an exploit is ... And you are? .. And yes, the stacking ore for a huge XP boost is broken, but at least it only works a couple of times.. You could re-use the same 3-block hole every horde night of the play-through as long as you put a single frame on top after you crawled in. ... Mmmhmm, sounds legit.
  22. Prefacing this, I have 0 expectation that TFP will make any changes aside from tweaks on their skill system at this point, but as long as we're talking dreams.. I want to voice that I also think that a hybrid system would be ideal for a player like me, but I don't know if that would be good for the overall player base. The idealized vision I have, which may have holes in it, I'm not a designer, it's not fully fleshed out- would have perks gated behind 3 factors; Level: [I would limit the player's ability to push straight to their end-build perk/s and 'encourage' them to spread points around a little while they wait.] Knowledge(Of Related Tree): [Effectively, magazines - Something that represents your character had to read things to come up with the idea to improve] LBD [However much doing that needs to be done to make you improve would need playing around with, but the idea is with other factors also determining your ability to progress, you wouldn't feel compelled to spam craft axes when you only need to make 5 to hit next tier, but you still need to read 10 Tools Today mags.] .. I know LBD is cursed, but there's something that feels good when you've punched your 200th zombie, you see your skill tick, and you're just like, "YEAH! - I'm a Martial -Effing- Artist! RAAHH!"
  23. Well, like you said, there's the randomness to it- which in it's current state, I don't think is that bad- I remember when you would feel paralyzed for weeks if you couldn't find a forge schematic, I think this was bad randomness. Yes, the magazines are random, but it's weighted in such a way that you shouldn't have to worry about not having a forge by day 20+, I'd go so far as to propose that it's a good kind of random if it feels obtainable in between 5 and 10 days, depending on how lucky you are, how you target PoIs, what perks you took, your time management, ability to keep your character healthy enough to stay out hunting for those mags. How that's different from the other styles? .. Well LBD is predictable- but grindy, and I'd say it's more punishing if you change your mid way through progression and start pushing for a new playstyle And LBP is even more predictable, but faster, and puts the most control over progression into the direct control of the player.
  24. My favorite part of LBD is also it's greatest downfall, which is why I do not support it as the vanilla option. Character investment. It feels really cool when you hit those mile stones of.. Athletics 20, or Fisticuffs 40, or whatever. Eventually, one day you're at 100 And it feels great, but it took you all play-through to do that. Then you find some sweet new piece of loot and you want to try it out- Heck, maybe you want to know how it'll do if you revolve your build around it. .. Now you're going to have to grind for another eternity! D= - But with the learn by perks, you sip a forgettin' elixir and get right to trying it out- and I -don't- think that's bad design, just less hardcore. The hardcore audience is generally not the target, and that's okay!- we're the ones passionate enough to mod things to better suit ourselves anyhow.
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