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Mister Forgash

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Everything posted by Mister Forgash

  1. I'd really like if they allowed us to craft Q6 Stone and Iron tools/weapons.. ..Maybe on Steel, make it require some kind of expensive 'Grandpas creativity elixir' or whatever- and even then have the chance to have crap stats so that every time you find or craft a costly Q6, there's that moment of anticipation when you look through the stats and you hope it's not a dud.
  2. You just don't get it, Roland. It shouldn't be on the modders to tailor the game to individual play styles, The Devs should be making the game we want. All of us want. A game that's newbie friendly, but stays fresh for the 5,000-hour vet! A toggle progression system for those who like LBR, LBD, or my personal favorite, Learn by Bananas. Understandably I can't reveal too much, but it is BANANAS to say the least! Also, it needs to deliver on Bandits, Behemoths, and Ziplines- Yesterday. Thank you. (I hope people can still take jokes!)
  3. I don't see how option B helps anything- reading magazines doesn't increase your chances of finding more of them as far as I'm aware? .. Now, still a little wasteful, but less so- you aren't doing it already, you might have to ask one of the looters to invest 1 or 2 points into advanced engineering for the boost on those Forge Ahead mags - Luckily, if they already enjoy questing, they may have already sank some points into intellect tree- so hopefully it'll align with their build.
  4. Yes, there is nothing extreme about a two player team unless... 🤦‍♂️ With so much loot being found in PoI - loot that you really need in the early game: Food, water, medical supplies, cooking pots, ect. it's going to be a very difficult playthrough, and yes, it is an extremist playstyle. I don't see it as that much different from loading up Final Fantasy 1, killing off 3 of the 4 starting team members and playing a solo blackbelt build. It'll take 5x as long and yes, you would have to reload, probably multiple times, every time you're up against enemies that could give you debilitating status effects. Some players enjoy that kind of thing, putting restrictions on themselves for the sake of fun or challenge. In this game, it sounds about as fun to me as shooting myself in the foot. I have no desire to play your challenge, but it sounds like it's something you do regularly. Let all of us know in what ways it's better and worse with this Alpha- Tell us how different it is now from where you normally end up on day 7. Let us know in what ways you had to change up your tactics or if you're just doing all the same things that worked before. With the way things have changed, I think all of us will have to make changes too- but some more than others.
  5. Can you imagine this in Co-op? You throw some tools together for your buddy and head out to do a PoI, before you know it, teammate is asking you to come home and repair their tools. I'm thinking loot/trader stage just needs to be nerfed to achieve the similar result of not having gear much better than what you can craft.
  6. Really enjoying A21 so far, here's some initial impressions. - Love the new art assets, the way the doors break, and the zombie jibs. - Trader is feeling really, really strong. I hope nerfs are considered, I think they'd be warranted. - Spawn by backpack needs some work- my friend fell through the world several times and respawned on barbed wire another time, I get that the respawning on traps may not be so easy, but hopefully the falling through the world part can be figured out. - another friend critiques the game needs to do a better job warning you you're about to leave your quest zone and fail. - It might be because I was playing with friends all evening, but progression was feeling like it should be slowed down a bit more - Are there more hazards on T1 PoIs? I feel like I ended up in more spikes and barbedwire than usual. - Has bleed chance been increased? - It sure feels like it, but maybe that's because I'd been in steel armor in A20 for so long. .. Either way, I like it, It was terrorfying and it had me keeping bandages on my hotbar and scrapping clothing because I was afraid I would bleed out on my next sloppy fight, this ties in with. - Spear feels really strong early game. Being able to stay at range is so powerful, and the damage on it is good as well- Got myself into a couple dumb, bad fights with it and I survived when honestly, I don't think I should have. I'm not specced into them, it's just very very strong from the baseline, like the club. .. Are the leather knucklewraps and bone knife this satisfying to use early on? .. Thank you for all the work you've put into bringing this to us, Pimps. I can tell it will once again bring many dozens of hours of enjoyment!
  7. I don't want to say your concern isn't invalid, but I don't think it'll be as bad as you're making it out to be. There are many RPGs throughout time where sub-optimal builds are still entertaining, but yes, they come with their own challenges. And people do it because of that challenge, they do it for the memes, or they do it just because it tickles them right. But I think there needs to be some kind of self-awareness when you're playing an extremist style that you are going to feel that the game wasn't balanced around it. All that said, in the early game, I imagine your looters wont be too terribly far from base, maybe one unlucky farmer/miner/builder/lumberjack can take a few minutes to visit the looter's drop chest for magazines- I feel like, even if communication is very basic, even if the looter is a huge jerk that just reads every thing- they can announce when they hit a new crafting tier and put new tools in the drop chest for someone to deliver. Please let us know how it's working and how the team adapts over the next few days, or if it's an utter poostorm.
  8. From what I've seen, Chunk reset is defaulted to off. If you turn it on, you have a choice on how many days you must be away from the chunk before it resets. Pretty sure you can use 1 land claim block to protect 1 base [In this case, probably your main base], 1 bed roll for another- everything else you would have to visit before the chunk reset is scheduled to trigger- if you're turning it on.
  9. Wooo! I had a strong feeling when it was said last week they were down to one MustFixer. Mega-stoked... Now when's A22 coming? .. Relax, it's a joke! (Well like.. mostly..)
  10. This to me reads very similarly to, "Yes, definitely next weekend." .. I get it, I'm putting words in your mouth and I want to go on the record of I don't officially suggest anyone to adopt my line of thinking.. (But unofficially..) Very excited that it's so close to being ready for the public after so much time. .. Is anyone else eager to fight a bloodmoon horde with the new dismemberment?
  11. There we go. That is my favorite explanation of where the jars went.
  12. 1: All the time, yes it's obnoxious, I don't know what's going on in the background, but it really does feel like it's giving you so many of the same locations, I know they've added a new quest, and made the changes to many PoIs so that there are more available as quest locations- Hopefully this'll help chase that same gas station from being in your quest locations 5-6 days a week. Otherwise, I'd agree that another look is needed to shuffle up what we get. 2: I've never noticed, really. Just the other day I just hit up a trader's vending the machine, then out in a PoI [First time I visited] found one stocked with a big list of goodies I'm certain the trader's didn't carry. You specify the first time is where you're encountering the problem- Could it be you're just finding most of them at lower gamestage and- assuming gamestage even plays a factor, you might have smaller lists? Otherwise I think it's just how the probabilities are weighted- Like I see boiled water and red tea common, skull crushers and canned foods moderately, healthbars and sugarbutts seem kinda rare. 3: I can't comment on LAN connections (Would that really change it??), but I was gaming with my buddies the other evening just through internet connection, and the weather effects have been dark, cloudy, hazy, or whatever else they're supposed to do.
  13. Obviously any extreme is possible, but 30-ish big ones isn't sounding terrible- dare I think that a June 3rd weekend is plausible? [I probably shouldn't, but I'm going to.]
  14. I would like to weigh in on this with my observations. Prefaced that everyone's experience is a little different and we don't yet know the entirety of values tweaked in A21. I play solo, but I also play with 2 of my friends. When I play with my dudes, the typical day, especially in the first couple days, 2 of us run around and the other stays out and chops wood. He farms straight until an hour or two from dark, then begins building, from scratch. Where he was a little behind the first night, he's far ahead of us by morning. Soon he makes cobble stone his mission. What I'm getting at is this. In terms of raw experience gain- undertaking a building project is the fastest way to get there. Personally, I believe it could use a 5-10%(?) nerf due to how eschew it is in terms of time invested to XP ratio, even if you have to spend large chunks of that time obtaining resources. - But that might really make the "They're going to ruin building! There's absolute no reason to build any more, EVER" crowd think they're being targeted. ... C'mon guys, you know you're digging/chopping XP to plaster it to your walls, right? Is that not reason enough
  15. I'm largely in agreement with this- there's a few more things I'd really love to see, but if the feature/s just isn't projected to have the impact desired compared to the time that would be needed to be put in- That's where mods come in and it seems the Pimps have done a fantastic job in keeping their game accessible for those that feel savvy enough to experiment. I think it's a safe bet there will be tweaks, new ideas, or a phat megapatch or two of content post gold, and as much as I look forward to what the finished product of what 7D2D might be, I'm even more curious to see what the result will be with the lessons learned, the staff already in place, and the start up funds already available when TFP is ready to give us a taste of their next product.
  16. My apologizes if I missed the last word on it, but for a while there were talks of 'wandering sleepers' or something like that. Is that still being tinkered with, or was it thrown on the chopping block? .. I bet a couple wanderers would be very fitting in an infested PoI.
  17. I just wanted to add one too- .. For me, it doesn't really fit thematically that there'd be a zombie competent enough to wield a weapon, so I propose- The "rebar-zombie" The victim of a cruel accident, or perhaps the duke's bandits, this zombie has been run through with a few pieces of rebar - Probably in the arms, giving them increased range and damage [Maybe bleed chance].. If the designer saw through to put some bars through their chest also, perhaps there'd be a chance they get a no-animation required [lesser?]attack, just to suggest you were struck by a piece of metal even without the zombie trying.
  18. I think it's very important for all of us to remember that we are definitely only getting 1 character model per gender, so if you don't like being a busty attractive women that'll win the heart of many droolin' guys, or a totally ripped chad that can sharpen a machete on his abs, well then you're just out of luck. Don't know what to tell you. It'll be bad though, because now that we've seen the two playable characters, we can rest assured, player art team will be going on vacation and wiping their hands of this mess, they did their job, done. .. But being real for just a second, I bet there will likely be a -few- options for your character's body type, and all these people mortified by the female's bust will probably never select her model, nor play with friends that do.
  19. .. The more I think about it, the more I realize how wrong I've been. I'm not happy about the new character models for A22. For a little bit, I believed I would be, but now this recent discussion has opened my eyes that the ripped male model threatens my body positivity. We need to remove body fat from the female's chest and add it to the male's mid-section and everything will be fixed!
  20. First I want to say Thank you Madmole for your presence on the forum. Though we hear you're watching here, to see your input makes it real. I understand that the point of making the game better is to drive sales and there is diminishing returns putting money into things that are not likely to make that money back. You've already said more on the topic that I ever expected to see, and that's awesome. I agree that more zombie variation isn't a priority- I just want to pose the argument- especially as more attention is put into the other aspects of the game, the rather limited amount of variation, at least to me, doesn't feel finished. Yes, I trust bandits will change that dramatically, but even so, It just feels not-good when you have many exact replica zombies on the screen at once. [Businessman in towers, anyone?] As a know-nothing moron on everything more technical than, 'Oh, this is fun!', having a few extra outfits sounds like it wouldn't be a terrible waste of manhours chasing a goal that will always end in: We want more.. .. All this said, just the hope that this may be revisited before gold leaves me more optimistic. .. Now this sounds like a ludicrous amount of work! Biomes.. yeah, I can see why you'ld see different zombs in a desert as compared to out in the snow- but every mission, every POI? Woah!- That sounds nutty! How much time would go into POI/mission specific zombies when there are literally hundreds of POIs? That is freakin' awesome, and further gives me faith that if you can accomplish 4 additional outfits for a zombie type, the art/zombie team could produce 2-3 outfits across the spectrum. Oh how I dream.
  21. Nothing wrong with women having more tasteful clothing options. Lets hope that steel armor covers everything to your satisfaction. .. if you're not a man, you shouldn't get to have an opinion over how butthurt we do or do not feel.
  22. If sharks are really being considered, I would, love, love, love(hate) if instead of sharks, it were the freakin' living dinosaurs we currently know as alligators. Neither would be considered native to Arizona, but aside from being able to follow onto land, I just find alligators to instill a much more intense sensation of utter pants-wettening terror. 🤞
  23. I thought the whole thing with the water and the raft was, prior to Alpha 21, water has been in an unfinished state. They didn't want to put the time into getting the raft where they want it because they knew what coding has gone into it would likely need to be started over as soon as they got water behaving as they want it. So now, water's getting that overhaul, is it finished- Maybe? They might need to make more adjustments. Suffice to say, though, once/now it is working in a way the developers are satisfied with, I expect we'll be seeing more being done with it in the future. For sure? Hah, no. ..But if _I_ were the one handling every thing, I'd wait 'till the water was in a 'good' place functionally before I started really doing more with it, and because of this I suspect we may yet see some interesting things come about. .. Not as interesting as that partially-flooded city idea a couple pages back, that would be awesome- But I don't see it happening short of a custom[Player?]-made map.
  24. Note about the child zombies: In some places, killing zombie children is seen as too close to killing non-zombie children and because of laws 'n stuff, the short of it is, they'd be unable to sell their game in those markets. As much as there may be like... many dozens of people that want some kid zombs, If the Pimps had to pull their game from.. Germany or somewhere, It just isn't worth it from a business standpoint.
  25. While I'm more in the camp of giving preexisting zombies an alternate outfit(/coloration scheme/whatever) or two as compared to padding the roaster with a couple new zombie types entirely, I understand what you're getting at. Either way, there's going to be a lot of repetition with enemies. Sadly, as someone without a lot of technical knowledge, and being the felloq on the outside looking in, it just '-obviously- should be so simple!' to give us all the zombies we could ever want.. And then you realize we're stuck within the confines of the framework that has been designed. I do not envy the Pimps with the choices they must make as the game draws nearer to gold- Us fans are ravenous, and each and everyone one of us knows exactly what the game needs, even when we're wrong. .. After Steve gets a blue shirt variant, maybe we can give Matt 1 skeleton gore pile. ❤️
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