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Mister Forgash

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Everything posted by Mister Forgash

  1. Yes. Thank you for starting work on the issues with getting around in water prior to the creation of this thread. Excellent work indeed, Pimps. .. Although maybe buried supplies/airdrops can be tinkered with to avoid bodies of water, next time someone's playing near that section of the code. [Never even knew this was a thing]
  2. I totally get wanting to have the game run the best as it can on your big rig- but as part of the potato crew, I sure hope they work on optimizations that everyone can benefit from first, rather than making making us poor folks/cheapskates feel pushed toward getting a new CPU..
  3. I also, would really love to see something like this implemented as long as it wasn't -that- punishing. An incentive to have a varied diet as opposed to living off boiled meat for the first XXX timeframe. That said, I'm thinking Dev time, at least for now, is much better off being invested elsewhere.. and maybe food will be re-balanced through loot scarcity to be in a slightly more challenging spot [Though that does nothing to incentivize a complex/balanced diet].. but Maaaaan do I hope it gets another pass before gold. .. Worst case, I know we have passionate, brilliant, hardworking mod writers out there that can make it a more in-depth experience -maybe there's a few that already have, I haven't started experimenting yet. It easy to stand here on the sidelines and want 'More - More - More!' but I know every time we ask for more, we're getting less somewhere else... gotta pick your battles.
  4. Earlier in the thread Roland gave a a breakdown of how it was balanced .. around a week and a half ago. Be mindful that things are constantly being changed- but as it was, the weighted bonus was not very much. You have an X% chance to loot any given magazine depending on the loot container [That's important, it sounds like it's the main thing influencing what you find] and with the perks you've specced into get like a 20-30% increase on top of that for what you want, resulting in somewhat more, but sometimes, it doesn't even feel noticable.
  5. I have to disagree, Matt. Strictly business TFP, as a company is incentivized to sell as many copies as possible. I don't have any issues with them doing what they can to make sales.. and I think it's really a wonderfully great thing that they've made 7D2D as easily modable as it is. To make a comparison. I enjoyed Skyrim, but it doesn't offer everything I wanted in a game - in fact, it lacked a lot. Thanks to the large modding community - Which is also thanks in part to selling many copies, I was able to get the gaming experience I wanted from it. [With like 150+mods in at my last playthrough] I got harder survial aspects, harsher weather, death penalties, diseases, ect. I know all these were added because of the fans, and I'm eternally grateful for those that put hundreds of hours of their life into improving the game.. but I also felt my Bethesda deserved some of that credit for having their game designed in a way people could make it happen. [Until that last DLC which was basically - Pay us for all this fan made content. That was some bull@%$#.]
  6. Actually, what we need to do is make the house yellow and use switches. - And I know I'm right because I an acquaintance of mine is an architect. ;D
  7. Also, hopefully on topic for A21 discussion: I remember last year durring an A20 stream, it was mentioned that they'd been looking into something like.. potentially using jiggle-tech to give zombies that would otherwise be the same a little more variance amongst themselves.. Think we could get a Confirmed no/More details later?
  8. The general rule is- when the part Before the decimal changes, you'll need to start a new world. Example: A19.0 > A20.0 > A21.0 If the number after the decimal changes you'll less likely need to reset the world -but that's not always the case. Example: A20.1 > A20.2 > A20.3
  9. Half-way right. We start new characters from scratch.. in worlds that also have been restarted from scratch. - Large, brand new Alphas will utterly trash all old progress. The changes made are too much to use any old saves with - BUT! 2 things worth noting- first, when A21 first hits, it will be an opt-in experimental alpha so.. it wont be the default, but many of us will probably opt it because it's the shiny new thing. Second. After A21 is fully released, we can downgrade back to A20 and continue with your old world until you're ready. Edit- Curses! 1 minute too slow!
  10. I'm not saying the concern isn't valid. But until we're experiencing it, I feel like it's a little early to be calling out doom and gloom. We all know Madmole likes to build, I can't imagine he's going to punish the builders that much.. I forget if he's a fan of mining.. Either way, though, I'm not really convinced of anything until experimental drops. - That'll tell us how the balance skews. All that said, there's sub-optimal choices in every game, particularly RPGs and people make it work all the time. - I highly doubt it's as punishing as you suggest. I'm keeping my pitchfork on standby until then and letting it rest for now. For those who choose to play with altered difficulty settings: Insane zombies, always run, etc. I think a certain amount of min/maxing to to be expected.. We'll see what normies can get away with.
  11. Greetings one and all. This is long, long overdo, I've been frequenting these forums since A16, and have read thousands of pages of Dev dairy since that time .. it's kinda funny to feel a little like I know so many of you when you don't know me. Where to begin.. Oh yes. So I've been watching streamers play since A15, and I have several hundred hours in myself and I've twisted the arm of a few friends to buy the game as well I like to think my opinion is as valid as anyone else's, but with such strong opinions here... All that aside, here are my takes on some of the upcoming and more commonly discussed game systems: - Learn by looting - is a victim of poor branding.- If we called it Learn by reading I can't help but feel like there wouldn't be as nearly as many people getting their tenderbits in a twist. Like all changes, It's hard to know exactly how it will play out without trying it ourselves. I think it'll be great in Singleplayer and I think it'll be not-bad in multiplayer as long as you're working as a team with your friends. If your friends are dicks, you've probably already had problems with teamwork in the past. Unless you have a self-imposed rule wherein you can only use gear that was player crafted, I expect the setbacks you encounter will be minor- but the benefit of smoother progression will be enjoyed .. No more - "I went 3 weeks before finding the forge recipe! Q_Q" - Nor will you feel forced to spec into it when this is the luck you have. - Water Jar gate - I just think this is going to feel weird after the first 1-2 hours of dealing with It I'm pretty sure the vast majority of players wont think of it again, leaving only the most anal of the playerbase to have issues. [I think] I would have liked a different solution to this balance conundrum, but I understand this was done for the sake of balance, and I'm going to be real- I haven't gone (really)thirsty since my first 2 hours of overall playtime- Yes, in 7D2D in general, not like the first hour of seperate playthroughs, water has been freakin' easy-peasy. - Farming / Living off the Land - I would have strongly preferred that instead of getting seeds back on harvest, there was instead a chance the crop just went back to seedling stage on harvest, saving time on replanting. Outside of that, It just seems to me there's a bunch of people that want to have large functioning farms without investing the ONE FREAKING PERK POINT to make it statistically viable. Hopefully they can find a way, no matter how soulcrushing to go without a point in Rule 1: Cardio for another level or something. Bloody tragic. Otherwise plant the seeds you find and stop crafting them. - Perks - This is the spicy one. I see the benefit in another redesign but I certainly am not pushing for it. I really think there's 100 different takes to have on this. If it were my choice, I'd push for a hybridized system like Beelzebub mentioned- Learn by Reading, Improve by doing. Books/mags give your character the ideas [Unlocking schematics, perks], engaging in activities gets your character proficient enough to spend points in said perks. You spent a lot of time running around and now your athletics is level 15? Congratulations you're eligible to drop a point in XYZ improving your sprinting in some vague way! .. Got you hand to hand skill to 20? If you're going to stick with it, you should invest in the boost to punching damage.. You going to drag your ass on cacti until you're a boss at taking damage? .. I don't have a solution for this kind of stupid behavior, that's why I acknowledge the flaws in my argument. Josh, Beelz, play nice. Snowdog, keep your pants on. Please, we beg of you. Roland, if you move my first post, I'll be mega-sad. ;( -- Looking forward to being part of the discussion, sorry for the wall of text!
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