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Everything posted by pahbi

  1. The fast crop growth at https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-craft-magazines-fast-plant-growth-less-wasteland-rubble-and-more-updated-for-10/ should work. I don't recall changing anything on that mod for the longest time.
  2. If you don't mind using mods, I have a modlet that lets you craft all the books and magazines. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-a21-modlets-craft-water-from-snow-or-buckets-fast-plant-growth-less-wasteland-rubble-and-more-updated-for-10/
  3. I had hoped 1.0 would at least have the story elements.
  4. ooooo I didn't even notice that. Thanks for catching that, I'll get to it tonight or tomorrow.
  5. Make your base on a tall building, and make a long winding set of stairs that path into your crafting area. Line the stairs with wood spikes. Then make a non spike shortcut for you to enter the base that zombies can't path through. Early game to mid game, screamers will path up the stairs with spikes and usually die before they reach the top.
  6. I played a few hours on the release version. As best as I can tell, all the mods work.
  7. Added mod to remove heat generated by gun fire, should reduce or remove getting screamers during quests.
  8. Its 1 glue and 7 cloth per duct tape right? Either way its a ridiculous amount, but para glider is a cool idea!
  9. Yeah, I'm gonna do that right now, I can't find anything to actually remove the limit at this point. There is a setting that allows you to change the daily limit from 3 to 8 or unlimited. I wonder if a modlet can make a vitamin that sets the players configuration to unlimited? Though I guess that would only work for solo players. Server admins will need to set the quest limit at the server level I guess. The default value for this should have been unlimited, its stupid to think people playing solo games would want a quest limit in an open world sandbox game.
  10. Yeah, I had the same bug. I'm guessing the debuff is just a indicator for some in game variable that we don't have access to. I exited the game, and set the 24 hour cycle to 10 minutes and waited for 4am to roll around, and everything started working as normal, so at least there is no permanent damage. I need to either figure out how to really remove the daily quest limit or just remove the modlet, otherwise its going to be confusing.
  11. Considering 90 duct tape is 9 bottles of glue and 63 pieces of cloth, its hard to see how the drone would even get off the ground. If the goal is to add difficulty to crafting a T6 drone, I'd say add silver or gold to the recipe or just bump up the number of robotic parts. 90 tape? Maybe if your making a flying spaghetti monster. lol
  12. Sure In the meantime, I modded vitamins so that they cure the daily quest limit debuff.
  13. I don't want to have to many ingredients, I'll replace the paper with coal.
  14. Added less wasteland rubble modlet. Greatly reduces cinderblock and ironbeam debris in wasteland, making the biome much more drivable. This only works with newly created maps, however. Enjoy I apologize for the confusion. All modlets seem to work with 1.0. The only modlet that 1.0 really broke was the craft quality 6 modlet, and I removed that from the repo. I *believe* all of the modlets except craft magazines and books and craft signs would work with A21. I will go and revisit the front page and the repo and see if there is someway to make things more clear.
  15. You could try asking over on the mods section of the forums, maybe someone can figure out a mod that also returns the legendary parts, assuming you don't mind using mods in your game.
  16. Just in time for the holiday, added american flagpole to the workbench. https://github.com/pahbi/7DTD_Modlets/blob/main/addFlagpole.zip
  17. Updated lessRain to add burnt forest, and also tweaked the numbers a little. Seems like I'm seeing more rain, maybe its just bad RNG, its hard to tell at this point.
  18. Updated modlet to craft books and schematics Updated modlet to craft food and signs I crafted a few items and they seem to work. Please let me know if there is trouble Thanks, - Pahbi
  19. Updated to V1.0 to test the modlets. Most loaded and seemed to work, but I need to play more to test them out. I have indicated on the main list which modlets had problems.
  20. I really haven't been playing, but i noticed a new patch dropped so loaded the latest experimental and tried out the mods. From just a quick browse, everything seemed to work (no warnings) except for the startPickaxe.zip mod. I really didn't see a reason why it shouldn't work, but was able to tweak it slightly and verify it works. If its not working for you, download the latest version from the github link and try it out, it should work.
  21. Just a quick note, I haven't been playing much, so I just now noticed the alpha 21.2 update I loaded the update and didn't see any modlet warning messages. As far as I can tell, the modlets still work just fine.
  22. If you don't mind using mods, there are some modlets that let you boil snow into water, or will allow you to fill buckets with water and then boil that for water. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-a21-modlets-craft-water-from-snow-or-buckets-fast-plant-growth-no-heat-dew-collector-and-more/
  23. Here is the link to the modlet if you want to try it out https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-a21-modlets-craft-water-from-snow-or-buckets-fast-plant-growth-no-heat-dew-collector-and-more/
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