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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Yeah, not gonna make 5 jars with that much wood ofc. Once i have stacks to smelt i usually have a 3 block wide moat around my base filled with spikes. So heat doesn´t bother me, the screamers usually all die in the spikes unless i want them to see me. That´s for SP only though. In MP we are a bit more carefull with heat.
  2. It´s funny though. They look at you all the time running towards you and shortly before they reach you they take a sharp turn and attack a tree or lamp post instead still looking at you. Can´t blame them, with a rotten brain you might think those are better targets to get some flesh.
  3. @OneManStanding The question is why? Once i can smelt whole stacks, i don´t care if i waste burning material tbh.
  4. It still baffles me that i have never seen anyone calling the red haired zombie woman Lois (Familiy Guy). It´s all there, the same clothes in the same colour, the hair colour, even the shoe. If they gave here the same hairstyle they would propably get sued.... The burnt one is Ashley for us. Business man is Kevin and Hazmat is Rubber man.
  5. I am pretty sure there was or is an orphanage POI in the files. From somewhere around A14 or A15. Never made it to the game but someone made a custom POI out of it, think i saw it in compopack. But yeah, kids will never happen in vanilla. Age of Oblivion mod has the scout girl.
  6. It´s actually still better looking than the new iron armor. That thing is a true abomination. I just saw the new motorcycle on a picture. But the first thing i saw was the ugly iron armor. Says a lot... Also i think we all want to use the nerd armor. At least for crafting.
  7. It´s the windows. Beeing able to see trough means the game renders the things inside aswell. Especially if sky scrapers are around that ofc causes problems. This should get better in A22 with windows becoming opaque if you are not near them. Zombies outside of hordes and screamer parties are not a problem for performance as already said. There is a max of 8 per chunk.
  8. If you play the intended way, aka heavy looting and questing, you get more than enough water in SP with 100% and 60mins. Really only need a dew collector if you do explosive arrows/bolts and frag rockets. And due to the magazines most people do that. I wouldn´t be surprised if there is quite some people not using them as you need to go looting anyways for magazines. In MP Coop things are different though. At least for 4-5 people you need a ton of collectors. At least if you don´t want to turn coop into everyone looting for themselves and i don´t play coop to be for myself after all.
  9. Nice. Also the minibike looks like the only one you could actually use. I am rather amused about the nerd armor and the amount of insecure people saying they will never wear it. 😛
  10. Pretty sure that´s a bug where you can hit invisible barriers. While this didn´t happen on our last two playtroughs on a rented server at all, i had this happening in SP. I7 13700K, 32GB Ram, RX6600XT, SSD. Also there is way more zombies getting stuck in the ground or walls than in A20. On the same machine/server.
  11. @Riamus There is a TFP website, no info on there either. Also it is a 7 days to die game. Very related to this game. I just don´t get what is so hard about spreading the info on all your platforms. It´s like 15mins and that´s a very generous estimation. Pretty much everyone i know in person who plays games has 7 days, 11 people including me. And we all want to play Bloodmoons. All of us are 30+ up to 55, but the general crowd will be way younger on average, that´s true. @Arez Well, if the game is well done, people will at least try it. DBD isn´t struggling in terms of players, but it´s running quite a while now and i don´t know what´s still left to cover, they have all the major horror IP`s already. A fresh game in a new setting with new mechanics, like building could be a very welcome change. If they get the promotion done right. The DBD crowd is younger, so you need influencers, preferably DBD streamers to play the game as soon as it releases or shortly before.
  12. @Matt115 Friday the 13th is dead because of legal issues about copyrights between Cunningham and Miller. Nothing regarding the game, but as long as the case was (or still is, no clue) going they weren´t allowed to release anything new for it, before it wasn´t settled who has the copyright for the original movie script. And i am pretty sure they will follow the usual business models for such games. So there will be DLC´s for sure imo. Making such a game as a one off, would be a wasted opportunity to make money. Not that i usually buy such DLC´s, i played DBD for quite some time without them and never bought one.
  13. There is still the other game they are working on. So there is still hope for you. Also i think this is a nice idea. And those games can be very intense with a group of friends. We had some really intense matches in Friday the 13th, including a few times where the wife/husband or partner who were not playing came to check on several of us if everything is ok.
  14. @Roland Yep, the problem with the difference between players can´t be solved completly, but they could at least try to keep it as low as possible. But making it even easier to min/max and rush trough isn´t the right decision as this makes it more likely that the gap gets bigger, way faster than before. The current changes actually encourage people to do so. Ahh yeah. The genre mix. Ofc it is a mix. But it´s not called the looting trading horde game or the mining horde leveling game. It´s called 7 Days to die, the survival horde crafting game. So the focus should be on those things. Everything else is basically false advertising. Not exactly but it´s too late for me to properly express that in english. False labeling? I don´t know. A less severe form of false advertising. Something that is illegal for many products. At least here. I mean the survival is nearly gone already, temperature doesn´t really effect you, weather has no role at all, food is everywhere and even water is still an all you can drink buffet if played as a loot shooter (there i said it again). Crafting isn´t necessary for many things. Basically only horde belongs there anymore. @Crater Creator It´s also not fun on public servers when your direct neighbour has a higher gamestage and draws in tougher zombie spawns. And you can´t always choose your neighbour or if you have one or not. Who wants to move just because a min/maxer deceided to live near you? Nobody.
  15. @Roland I wasn´t talking about PvP. This game has public servers and this matters in PvE aswell. I don´t think i really need to explain to you why and tbh i won´t be bothered if you claim otherwise. Also as you always say, we can´t only look at the game with the eyes of an veteran with thousands of hours. There is enough people who do have a time crunch. You should sometimes join a public server or watch some content creators that are new to the game. Anyways, it doesn´t matter how we call it, a crafting survival game shouldn´t have a heavy emphasis on looting. Especially not in early game. That´s actually something for late game imo. If you play the game like intended, with questing and looting, you only need to craft for building, repair kits and such. Crafting first aid? Nope. Crafting ammo? Nope. Infestation caches. Weapons? Nope, unless you play spear or baton. Armor? Nope, not necessary either. That´s not what you would expect from a crafting game, unless you like false labels. The essentials things don´t need to be crafted. That´s a huge fault. And only nerfing rewards won´t be enough to change that with a loot room in every building.
  16. Again, TFP posted this on their twitter and facebook. Gave an intview where they announced it. And it is their game as it is a 7 days game, it´s their idea, their universe. They hired Illogika for this. There is no announcement from Illogika to be found. Only from TFP. Edit: Illogica did an announcment. In french only and only on FB.
  17. TFP did anniounce it. But as i said only on social media. The interview where GNS got the info was also with TFP and not with Illogika.
  18. Why is there no announcment on here, steam, the 7 days or TFP homepage about the new game in the 7 days Universe? 7 days to die Bloodmoons. It´s been a week, as i found out just now, that this info got out on social media. How hard can it be doing this on the other platforms? Not even an hour of work. These days a lot of people stop using social media, especially Twitter, and seriously only old people (wich includes me, i am old, but i don´t use it anymore) still use facebook. I only know about this because of a youtube video from Guns, Nerds and Steel. For those who don´t know yet, it will be a 4v1 arcade style game, a bit similar to dead by daylight, 4 survivors vs 1 hivemind that can control bots. Will include crafting and building aswell. Also no, that´s not the other game they work on that will be made in UE5. They work on 2 new games, but we don´t have any info on the other one yet. I should add that this is done by another studio, Illogika, before people start crying about how they should finish 7 days to die first. TFP supports them with only a small team.
  19. @Roland It´s like @meilodasreh said. You can´t survive without heavy looting anymore, at least not early on as you would simply die from thirst. No one says looting should be gone and no one said there is no other activities. And ofc people will talk about new changes. Do you expect us to praise the fact we can level up and kill things everytime we criticize something? It´s just too much right now. Also crafting? Yeah. Even if you don´t rush trough quests you get a lot of stuff as rewards, never crafted a single armor piece in A21. Or any kind of machine gun, bow or knife, found all that looting and as rewards. And you kinda have to do quests or heavy looting to get water filters, you simply don´t get enough money without heavy looting for the filters and beeing under time pressure people will ofc do quests. To make it really bad, there is RNG involved in skills. Especially if someone likes to level out his points. The current system also gives a huge advantage to people who min/max. Wich is a problem in a MP focused game. So yes, it´s all about looting. Go watch any content creator and see that most of them do nothing else. Go to public servers and see people rushing trough quests because that´s how you can prepare the best for the hordes.
  20. Gotta ditch that part about bandits in POI´s, it wasn´t in that video. I read or heard that somwhere though. I think. I didn´t get enough sleep lately...
  21. It seems that they will only appear in POI´s. At least that what i heard in a YT video from Guns, Nerds and Steel at TwitchCon who interviewed them. Can´t find anything from TFP about it though, he didn´t show the interview. Would be interesting as i was told the amount of zombies needs to stay low so bandits don´t put to much stress on the hardware. Ditch that. See post below. Kinda makes sense seeing the limited hardware that consoles have though.
  22. PS 5 uses a Zen2 CPU with RNDA2 and 16GB Ram. Similar to the Ryzen 4000 i guess. Looking at the release date it could be 5000 series aswell. What the PS6 will have is impossible to say now. We may have a complete new CPU architecture by then. At least Intel should have something, looking at the generational "increase" for Intel´s 14th Gen at least Intel should come up with something. Also not sure how much the X3D Cache can do for future AMD CPU´s. Going with a 7800XT wasn´t a bad decision. I would say to be a bit future proof you should have 10GB for FHD, 12GB for 1440p and as much as you can get for 4K. I would have bought one too, but my old 1070 gave up last year when the GPU prices were still high af and i got a RX6600XT. Could get a RX7800XT for the same now. For now not a problem as i am playing on 1080p, but there is already games that need the full 8GB of VRAM.
  23. Thx, i was trying to add a POI name all the time.
  24. We do play a map with a lot of custom POI´s and the traders simply don´t give out some POI´s as a quest. And yes they are quest POI´s we had them in earlier playtroughs in A21 and it´s also the ShotgunMessiah Factory that we don´t get so it´s not only Custom POI´s. I know how to give my self things like the starter quests or treasure maps with the givequest command, but i can´t figure out how to do that with clear quests.
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